What Cassies role should be with Sonya back
posted09/28/2014 12:19 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Since Sonya is apparently confirmed, what do you think should be, or will be, Cassie's role in the story? It's pretty obvious that some people had this really simplistic scenario of Cassie taking over as the blonde military gal, even following in her mother's footsteps of chasing Kano. But Sonya's return will probably throw a wrench in those plans, heh heh.

But as for the possibilities, a few come to mind.

1) The aforementioned scenario will actually happen, however, Sonya will still get a chapter of her own, before being eventually killed like Kung Lao in MK9 prior to the invasion, all of that prior to Cassie growing up. A much better way of making Cassie her successor, as she wouldn't be cheaply killed in some cutscene like Motaro. But even if she succeeds Sonya, that doesn't mean she should be stuck fighting her mother's battle against Kano. Cassie should kill Kano, then truly become her own character, with her own goals and foes, instead of Sonya 2.0.

2) Cassie will be her own woman, with a story that isn't limited to succeeding her parents, or even have anything to do with that. Sonya will still be active even as an older woman, and might even get two chapters, one as her currently young self, the other as her older self. And for all we know, Cassie could even come in conflict with one, or both of her parents.

3) Some idea I've read from a few posters, that essentially casts Sonya in the role of Bi-Han, and Cassie in Kuai Liang's. In short, Noobizing Sonya. If I ever prayed for something not to happen, this would be the time. Unless it was the other way around.

Even if Cassie turns out to be little more than a replacement for Sonya, I'm glad that that isn't set in stone yet. That I can still hope for something a little more interesting. And with Sonya and Johnny back, we can already see Cassie fight them, so there's definitely that, at least.
I think Sonya and Johnny are pretty much confirmed, but we just don't know how. Maybe there'll be cameos in the Story Mode, or even playable.

A lot of people are saying that they'll be a waste of character slot, so them coming as DLC characters wouldn't be a bad thing... also if they were from the original roster I think it would be nice too... Boon already confirmed that the roster will be like 30+ so I think a lot of classic characters are still going to show up.

For the role, I dunno nothing 'bout Sonya, but if Johnny is in the game he could be like his Ending in MK9, like having control of his abilities more than ever. That would distinguish his moves from Cassie's and they were be totally different characters.

Oh, and Boon also said about this thing of doing fatalities on their relatives, he said that he didn't even think about it but he didn't care anymore. So he practically confirmed about Sonya and Cage (tho they're will be more relatives of old characters)
09/20/2014 05:29 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Since Sonya is apparently confirmed, what do you think should be, or will be, Cassie's role in the story?

The game will flash back and forth between the present (right after MK9), and MULTIPLE points in the future (5 years later, 10 yrs later, etc., the furthest being Cassie's time period 25 years later)

That's a lot of time periods for one character to appear in and the other not, whether Sonya is dead or pregnant or Cassie is would be not born yet or still a small child or whatever.
09/20/2014 06:02 PM (UTC)
Sonya back? Confirmed? I suppose you mean in story mode. Its presumptuous to say that she's confirmed playable.

Either way, I hope she's the big bad. Basically how Superman was in Injustice. She can be all cyborged out and crazy. Most interesting Sonya ever.
09/20/2014 07:04 PM (UTC)
All I can think about after reading your post:


Why haven't I added this word to my dictionary?
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Sonya back? Confirmed? I suppose you mean in story mode. Its presumptuous to say that she's confirmed playable.

Either way, I hope she's the big bad. Basically how Superman was in Injustice. She can be all cyborged out and crazy. Most interesting Sonya ever.

Uh, saying that she'll only be in story mode is just as presumptuous.
09/20/2014 10:46 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Sonya back? Confirmed? I suppose you mean in story mode. Its presumptuous to say that she's confirmed playable.

Either way, I hope she's the big bad. Basically how Superman was in Injustice. She can be all cyborged out and crazy. Most interesting Sonya ever.

Uh, saying that she'll only be in story mode is just as presumptuous.

Not really, no. She will certainly be in story mode. That HAS been confirmed, I believe. Her inclusion in the roster is what has not been confirmed. Saying something is confirmed that is unconfirmed is presumptuous.

If I had to guess, I'd say she will be similar to Martian Manhunter in Injustice. Seen in game, but not playable till DLC. I'd still like to see crazy cyborg Sonya, though.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/20/2014 11:31 PM (UTC)
OR...or, she will be looking to prove herself against the toughest competition in the world to promote her new movie, "Ninja Mime 5: Look Who's Miming Now".

Kano killed Sonya you see.
09/20/2014 11:40 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Sonya back? Confirmed? I suppose you mean in story mode. Its presumptuous to say that she's confirmed playable.

Either way, I hope she's the big bad. Basically how Superman was in Injustice. She can be all cyborged out and crazy. Most interesting Sonya ever.

This has to be the most outlandish thing I've ever read on this forum so far.
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09/21/2014 02:28 AM (UTC)
Why would they go through the trouble of making Sonya for story mode at different ages with different variations (confirmed) and not have her in arcade/online mode? That makes no sense. It would be a waste of their time and resources.
MikeyRu Wrote:
Why would they go through the trouble of making Sonya for story mode at different ages with different variations (confirmed) and not have her in arcade/online mode? That makes no sense. It would be a waste of their time and resources.

Exactly. Thank you!
09/21/2014 09:42 AM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
Why would they go through the trouble of making Sonya for story mode at different ages with different variations (confirmed) and not have her in arcade/online mode? That makes no sense. It would be a waste of their time and resources.

Legit question, was this confirmed, the different variations part?? Am I behind the times? I thought it was just vague rumors from a German magazine or something? I'd love to know what her variations are!

Even if the variations are still rumors though you bring up a good point. Sonya is FOR SURE gonna be in story mode, nobody doubts that with the way MK9 ended and the introduction of Cassie. Why would they make a model/design for her in story mode and not have her as a playable character?? Did MK9 have ANY just for show characters other than Motaro and Shinnok, who were barely seen at all? I think you might be on to something here MikeyRu. Although she could get killed off near the intro I suppose, that is also a possibility. NRS does love them some shock value in their openings.
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09/21/2014 10:26 AM (UTC)
The German mag said that ED BOON said she (along with Johnny and Liu) had variations like the other characters, and they were attached to different ages.
09/25/2014 11:30 AM (UTC)
Perhaps it is pretty evident that Cassie has now taken Sonya's duty by pursuing a new generation of underworld mercenaries, for some cause.
09/25/2014 02:37 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
The German mag said that ED BOON said she (along with Johnny and Liu) had variations like the other characters, and they were attached to different ages.

Which is cool and all, but it makes me wonder about Kano. He's mortal and apparently ages normally, but he's the same age in all of his variations.

Kano confirmed dying in story mode? lol tongue
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09/25/2014 03:01 PM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
The German mag said that ED BOON said she (along with Johnny and Liu) had variations like the other characters, and they were attached to different ages.

Which is cool and all, but it makes me wonder about Kano. He's mortal and apparently ages normally, but he's the same age in all of his variations.

Kano confirmed dying in story mode? lol tongue

Actually we don't know that, the different ages being tied to variations was theory by the magazine a not a statement from Boon...He does mention them playing diffrently tho...

But then, he mentioned recently how they went against alternate costumes tied to variations to leave the choice to the player...

So we'll just have to wait and see.
09/25/2014 03:11 PM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
The German mag said that ED BOON said she (along with Johnny and Liu) had variations like the other characters, and they were attached to different ages.

Which is cool and all, but it makes me wonder about Kano. He's mortal and apparently ages normally, but he's the same age in all of his variations.

Kano confirmed dying in story mode? lol tongue

You might be onto something. This is a big what if, but here me out.

What if you can choose variations separately from age, kind of like an alternate costume. Kind of like if you choose Cutthroat Kano, but at an older or younger age. He would still have the green chest piece and eye, just older or younger.

I think that we can all agree that this is a rather early build of the game. What if this is one of the things that have yet to be implemented. It's a possibility that showing an older Kano, or any other character, could possibly give us a glimpse into story mode, which they don't want to do yet.

Just a thought.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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09/25/2014 06:47 PM (UTC)
Wish cassie would be a 'rebellious' daughter who tells mama blade to 'go fuck herself'
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09/25/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
Wasn't he frozen? I don't remember. If he was frozen, I'm guessing he got thawed out some time in the future or something.
09/25/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Wish cassie would be a 'rebellious' daughter who tells mama blade to 'go fuck herself'

She probably is
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

09/26/2014 03:04 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
Wish cassie would be a 'rebellious' daughter who tells mama blade to 'go fuck herself'

She probably is

if she's in the special forces just like blade, i doubt it
09/26/2014 04:25 PM (UTC)
I classed Kira, Kobra etc as part of the new breed of criminal, but they are disused. If half of the MK roster are departed, i would prefer it if a majority of the rest were inactive for now.
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09/26/2014 05:55 PM (UTC)
They should be lesbian lovers so we might add incest to the list. Everyone loves The Lannisters, so why not? And Sonya's been a brunette only once.
09/27/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
Cassie has a military background, but, as you can see her clothing, she is working with the police force. This has been stated a while back in an interview.
09/27/2014 02:16 PM (UTC)
Well, if the Kano vs Cassie intro thread is to be believed, there isn't much of a personal connection between those two after all. I hope it's true, because it'd be another nail in the coffin of the expected replacement story some have in mind for Cassie.

Based on that intro, I came up with a new theory: what if Kano dies before Cassie gets old enough to join the action? Meaning they'll never interact during the story mode (hence why their interactions are so impersonal). Sonya could still get killed, but maybe not by Kano. Whatever happens, a toast to Cassie's independence as a character. And I don't even drink alcohol.
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