What are your top 5 (or 10!) favorite variations so far?
posted04/04/2015 01:32 AM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
Well, we still have yet to see Goro, Jax, Jacqui, the DLC and whoever the hidden character may be, but we're still pretty damn close to the end of the hype road so I'm curious to see which character variations stuck out to you and if you'd like to tell me why, that'd be great too!

Here are mine:

10. Shinnok - Imposter: I love move stealing. Also a Shang Tsung fan.

9. Scorpion - Hellfire: just feels like a fun, fully realized version of him.

8. Kitana - Mournful: Love the Jade / Kirana combo. Wish there were more.

7. Kenshi - Kenjutsu: Awesome. Reminds me of Mitsurugi from SC.

6. Sonya - Covert Ops: I'm a sucker for counters. Also love the stance moves.

5. Takeda - Lasher: Great distance plus lots of style and flash.

4. Mileena - Ravenous: The bites, the throw combos... Awesome variation.

3. Kung Jin - Bojutsu: Love the staff combos. Feels like a potential main.

2. Erron Black - Outlaw: Using a Tarkatan arm? Sold. Bleed option returns!

1. Kano - Commando: Great looking counter and throw style. Can't wait for it.
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04/03/2015 06:51 AM (UTC)
So far...

All 3 of Shinnoks.
All 3 of Errons.
All 3 of Takedas.

Reserving these spots for Goro and Tremor.
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04/03/2015 09:05 AM (UTC)
No particular order:

Ermac - Mystic
Erron Black - Outlaw
Mileena - Ethereal
Sub-Zero - Grandmaster
Kotal Kahn - Blood God
Top 5 :
5 ) Kano - commando
4 ) Quan Chi - warlock
3) Kenshi - balanced
2) D' Vorah - venomous
1) Kitana - Assassin
04/03/2015 10:39 AM (UTC)
1) kenshi: kenjutsu
2) takeda: lasher and shirai ryu
3) johnny cage (mime might my be my JC main): stunt double
4) quan chi: warlock
5) erron black: all 3
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04/03/2015 10:55 AM (UTC)
- Grandmaster (Sub-Zero)
- Ninjutsu (Scorpion)
- Blood God (Kotal Kahn)
- Displacer (Raiden)
- Cryomancer (Sub-Zero)
04/03/2015 01:51 PM (UTC)
Top 5 I want to get good with in no order:

Black - gunslinger
Kenshi - kenjutsu
Sub - grandmaster or unbreakable
Cage - a list
Raiden - thunder god
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04/03/2015 02:44 PM (UTC)
1. Scorpion-Hellfire
2. Sub-Zero-Grandmaster
3. Noob Saibot.. Oops he's not in.. Raiden-Displacer
4. Reptile- Noxious (Ik not much different across all 3 but he's in my top 5 sooo)
5. Kenshi-Kenjutsu
6. Shinnok-Necromancer
7. Johnny Cage- Fistcuffs
8. Kotal Kahn-Blood God
9. Liu Kang- Dragons Fire
10. Quan Chi- Warlock

Honorable mentions:

04/03/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)
I'm surprised more people aren't going with the Marksman variation for Erron Black. Seems to have the most potential for setups, mixups and combo traps.

1) Erron Black - Marksman
2) Kenshi - Possessed
3) Sub-Zero - Grandmaster
4) Ermac - Mystic
5) Kung Jin - Ancestral
most characters have at least 1 interesting variant.
04/03/2015 07:16 PM (UTC)
1.Takeda: Ronin, gonna love rushing in and using those swords, then trapping them
Erron; Gunslinger: he looks like a lot of fun, and playing a cowboy just for the dramatics
3.Kenshi: Kenjutsu; Main in MKDA, definetely loving his tele-toss
4; Sub-Zero: Unbreakable: No big reason, just my favorite way he uses the iceand ability to block projectiles
5; Takeda; Lasher: gonna love knocking people out of the air for Lulz
6; Takeda (Know who im gonna main yet?) Shirai Ryu
7; Cassie: Hollywood
8; Erron; Marksman
9; Kitana: Assassin
10; Kenshi: Balance
04/03/2015 07:46 PM (UTC)
Kenshi - Kenjutsu (looks amazing, Kenshi has really impressed me)
Kung Jin - Bojutsu (loving the bo staff combos)
Kitana - Royal Storm
Takeda - Shirai Ryu
Shinnok - Necromancer
04/03/2015 07:56 PM (UTC)
1- Sonya Covert Ops (an upgraded MK9 Sonya)
2- Kano Comando (same as above)
3- Kano Cut Throat
4- Kano Cybernetic (not as strong as the two above but I loved the eye laser)
5- Quan Chi Sorcerer (I love his new design, feels menacing)
6- Sonya Demolition (closest thing to Cyrax in the game)
7- Sub Zero Grandmaster (love the Ice Clones)
8- Scorpion Ninjustsu (seems noob friendly but it's his fastest variation)
9- Sonya Special Forces ( I could think of better things than the drone but it could still be usefull)
10- Kung Jin Ancestral (it's his best variations and I like his personality)
04/03/2015 08:13 PM (UTC)
Kitana - all three variations.
Takeda - all three variations.
Kung Lao - Tempest
Cassie - Hollywood
Kano - Cybernetic
Kung Jin - Bojutsu
Scorpion - Ninjutsu
Kenshi - Kenjutsu
Kotal Kahn - War God?! (the one with the weapon that can be used as a projectile)
Ferra/Torr - Vicious
D'Vorah - all three variations.
Johnny Cage - Fistcuffs
Bo Rai Cho - Ascetic
Sub-Zero - Cryomancer
Raiden - thorn between Thunder God and Displacer
Reptile - Noxious
Liu Kang - Dragon Fire
Goro - Kuatan
Mileena - Piercing
Ermac - Mystic
Erron Black - the one with Baraka's mutilated arm
Sonya - Covert Ops
Kano - Cybernetic laserssssssss!
Li Mei - Dragon King's Housewife
04/04/2015 01:13 AM (UTC)
In case anyone is having trouble remembering all the variations. I didnt include Shinnok cuz i couldnt see all the descriptions for his variations because they used him practice mode in the Kast.
In no particular order.

1. Balanced: Gains the ability to project images of himself to attack
2. Possessed: Gains the ability to summon Demons from his broken blade
3. Kenjutsu: Gains Telekinetic Push, Slam, and Toss

1. Lasher: Gains attacks utilizing Charged Energy Whips
2. Shirai Ryu: Gains Shirai Ryu inspired attacks, such as Quick Phase
3. Ronin: Gains unique attacks utilizing Dual Pulse Blades

1. Cutthroat: Gains damaging knife attacks and power up move
2. Cybernetic: Gains multiple Eye Laser and grenade attacks
3. Commando: Gains the Choke Grab, Power Slam, and High/Low Parry

Kotal Khan:
1. Blood God: Summons Crystal, Obsidian and Blood Totems
2. War God: Gains crushing Macuahuitl based attacks
3. Sun God: Gains God Choke Command Grab and Soul Burn

1. Covert Ops: Gains Garrote Parry and Military Stance
2. Special Forces: Can call in a Special Forces Drone for additional attacks
3. Demolition: Gains various Explosive and Disruptor Grenades

1. Royal Storm: Gains Fan-Nado, Bounce Back, and Square Boost
2. Assassin: Gains Assassin Strike, Princess Parry, and Sharpen
3. Mournful: Gains unique Special Attacks utilizing Jade's Glaive and Staff

Johnny Cage:
1. Fisticuffs: Gains Fist Bump, Flashy Kombos, and Normal Attacks
2. Stunt Double: Gains the ability to create Stunt Double Mimics
3. A-List: Can charge Normal and Special Attacks for increased damage

Liu Kang:
1. Flame Fist: Gains Dragon Parry, Windmill Punch, and Shaolin Flame
2. Dualist: Can switch between Light and Dark forms to heal or harm
3. Dragon's Fire: Gains Empowered Dragon Fireballs and Flying Kick

1. Piercing: Gains unique attacks utilizing her Sai
2. Ravenous: Gains High/Low Pounce and additional biting attacks
3. Ethereal: Gains the ability to Teleport foward, backwards,Âa or in place

Erron Black:
1. Marksman: Gains unique Special Attacks utilizing a Long Rifle
2. Outlaw: Gains unique attacks utilizing a salvaged Tarkatan Arm Blade
3. Gunslinger: Gains Standoff Stance and multiple trick shots with revolvers

1. Ruthless: Gains the Pain And Gain ability to increase Torr's damage
2. Lackey: An enhanced Torr fights solo as Ferra watches from the sidelines
3. Vicious: Gains the Boss Toss and Gut Ripper

1. Brood Mother: Gains the Krawler and Bug Blast
2. Venomous: Gains Bug Burst and Ovipositor based attacks poison opponent
3. Swarm Queen: Gains Vortex Swarm and Wasp Grenade

1. Mystic: Gains an improved Tele-Lift and the Tele-Choke
2. Master of Souls: Gains Soul Ball and the ability to Vanish to avoid damage
3. Spectral: Gains the ability to Fly and unique attacks from the air

1. Master of Storms: Gains the ability to place Static Traps
2. Thunder God: Gains additional hits to electrical attacks and Enhanced Lightning
3. Displacer: Gains the use of Teleport and Sparkport

1. Grandmaster: Gains an Ice Klone that can be thrown or used as a shield
2. Cryomancer: Gains the ability to create Ice Weapons
3. Unbreakable: Gains defensive Frozen Aura and Barrier of Frost

1. Inferno: Gains the ability to summon a Demonic Minion
2. Hellfire: Gains the Fire Ball, Hell Fire, and Flame Aura
3. Ninjutsu: Gains unique attacks utilizing Dual Swords

Kung Jin:
1. Shaolin: Gains Chakram based Normal and Special Attacks
2. Bojutsu: Gains unique Staff based Special Attacks
3. Ancestral: Gains the ability to empower arrows with ancestral spirits

Kung Lao:
1. Tempest: Gains an Orbiting Hat Shield for offense and defense
2. Buzz Saw: Gains multiple Hat Grinder Special Attacks
3. Hat Trick: Gains the ability to place Hat Trap that can be recalled

Cassie Cage:
1. Brawler: Gains Take Down, Air Power Slam, and Bow Breaker
2. Hollywood: Gains stylish Air Akimbo Gunshots and Nut Kracker
3. Spec Ops: Gains various Air Strikes and The American Way

1. Deceptive: Gains various stages of Invisibility
2. Nimble: Gains the ability to increase speed and slow the opponent
3. Noxious: Gains a persistent Noxious Cloud that inflicts unlockable damage

Quan Chi:
1. Warlock: Gains the ability to summon portals to attack from all angles
2. Summoner: Gains the ability to summon a Netherrealm Bat to attack
3. Sorcerer: Gains magical fields that augment self or cripple opponent
04/04/2015 01:32 AM (UTC)

Oh yeah, that's really lame that they gave Shinnok some of Shang Tsung's signature moves.

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