What are your hopes for Story Mode?
posted02/06/2015 11:32 AM (UTC)by
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06/07/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
Personally, I'm hoping,

* Story is a little darker and more serious than MK9. The tone of the comic so far is pretty awesome - something along these lines.
* Less arbitrary fights being inter-cut in the story, perhaps more mini-games and challenges (like the MK9 tower) instead.
* And a HEAP of cameo's from the 3D era and characters who don't quite make the playable roster. All will make me very happy.

What you hoping for?
02/06/2015 01:22 AM (UTC)
- Netherealm War happens and we get to actually see it.
- More dynamic story telling.
- Less deaths for deaths sake. Make them mean something and when they go out, make it meaningful and not cheap (by cheap, see Sindel massacre)
- Dense with mythology
- Cameos
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Props to MINION
02/06/2015 01:27 AM (UTC)
Long story mode, the longer the better

Long cutscenes would be nice too

obviously a well told story

maybe random fun matches that are unique and arn't just normal fighting

o and Liu reigning supreme as he should glasses
02/06/2015 01:28 AM (UTC)
I want to play as some villains in the story this time.
02/06/2015 01:30 AM (UTC)
A much more dark and serious tone like one posted before me pointed out. Also, I hope for a much more non-linear plot. I know I might be asking a lot but I was hoping they don't try to have us go through every good guy just so the story can progress. Instead, the story jumps back and forth between timelines and we get to play whoever we choose depending on who's available during that part of the story. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hope that the story doesn't rely on having to have the fighters progress it.
02/06/2015 01:37 AM (UTC)
+ To see the Netherrealm War actually fleshed out and not just glossed over.

+ For each character in the roster to play a meaningful part. No punching bags/filler characters. Give everyone their own agenda/purpose.

That's pretty much it.
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02/06/2015 01:45 AM (UTC)
A long story is good and I want there to be more heroes to live this time.wink
02/06/2015 02:04 AM (UTC)
I want an extra long story with a hole bunch of cameos and meaningful deaths.
02/06/2015 02:04 AM (UTC)
Less disputes to lead to all out brutal fist fights.

We all know Raiden didn't slug it out with Sonya and was likely passively knocked down by her when she was expecting to have to fight her way out of Goros lair.

Or that Jax and Johnny or Johnny and Sonya didn't, you get the point right?

I just don't want to have custscenes to justify a fight I want real story and actual custscenes and for the scenes that do lead up to the fights to actually be believable.

Instead of
Guy 1: Hey bro I'm warning you stop talkin bout my mom!

Guy 2: Bro, I'm just asking if you think she wears thongs

Guy1: That's it! *brutal grueling fight!*

Next scene
Guy2: Damn bro you punched me in the nose.
02/06/2015 02:18 AM (UTC)
Don't want it to be meh like MK9's was.
Longer story-mode (it will be with the 25 year span).
Hoping baddies get chapters.
Raiden dies wink
Fatalities (they said there will be some).
Finding out who Sub-Zero is (if not literally spoiled)

Not really hoping for this, but it was mentioned that we might get to find out Torr's true identity. I'd rather them not do such a thing.

Guess that is it grin
02/06/2015 02:26 AM (UTC)
02/06/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
I'd love a longer story mode with more cutscenes than MK9 had and every character on the playable roster to have a chapter. Three fights per character again.

Another thing I'd love (but doubt will happen) is to fight some lackeys when going through the various chapters. Say you're doing Scorpions chapter; you fight a Lin Kuei recruit in the first match, perhaps a Lin Kuei general in the next, and finally Sub-Zero to end the chapter. It would get rid of the main characters becoming punching bags like Reptile and Sheeva were in MK9. And if some of the lackeys gain a following, they could be added on later as DLC if there's enough demand.

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02/06/2015 03:12 AM (UTC)
Very few, since I expected dramatic events like characters' deaths to be treated with more respect, weight and significance to the plot since the reboot and that hope went down the drain very fast.

I do hope the Baddies to receive more character development this time, no more one dimensional dumb, cookie-cutter villains.

That they use the character costumes and other elements to reflect the changes they suffer along the story and that individual character actions during the main story mode somehow tie in with their individual endings.

That character relationships are better explored. For example; how Takeda and Scorpion's relationship grows and evolves during the story. Raiden and Fujin's and so on, MK9 best portrayed relationship and evolution was Raiden/Liu Kang. So they definitely can do it.
02/06/2015 03:18 AM (UTC)
RyanSeabass Wrote:
I'd love a longer story mode with more cutscenes than MK9 had and every character on the playable roster to have a chapter. Three fights per character again.

Another thing I'd love (but doubt will happen) is to fight some lackeys when going through the various chapters. Say you're doing Scorpions chapter; you fight a Lin Kuei recruit in the first match, perhaps a Lin Kuei general in the next, and finally Sub-Zero to end the chapter. It would get rid of the main characters becoming punching bags like Reptile and Sheeva were in MK9. And if some of the lackeys gain a following, they could be added on later as DLC if there's enough demand.

Oh I am soooo for this!

If they had used one of those generic grey ninjas as the first opponent in the tournament instead of things just suddenly starting up and Reptile jumping in the ring to fight Johnny.

Then things wouldn't have seemed so half assed and it would have likely felt less like Mortal Kombat abridged, and it wouldn't have made actual characters like Baraka and Goro seem so weak and expendable. Why couldn't we have fought some masked guards?
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02/06/2015 03:53 AM (UTC)
Story mode sucks big balls, but if it's mixed with konquest that would be awesome :)
02/06/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
im hoping it shows as much love as the comic does. i havent seen anything to tell me otherwise.
02/06/2015 04:14 AM (UTC)
I think what they could do in order to not make the main characters look weak is literally add an alt costume to main characters. Label these characters as black dragon lackey or something.

Like if you are playing as cassie and the main buildup of the chapter is making it to Kano then have an alt of Kano that doesn't look like Kano at all and have us play this alt at an easy level, then buildup to a medium level, then to a high level, then finally we face actual Kano on expert. Something to that effect would work IMO.

It would also keep story relevancy so as to Kano's underlings because maybe they have some of his tech to fight, but they are not experts in using it as he is. Hell, the inclusion of the variation system could also allow us to fight an alt in different variations.

I know it sounds confusing, but hopefully somebody understands what I'm getting at.
02/06/2015 04:21 AM (UTC)
I just want every character to matter.

In the last game, half of the villains were just grunts that were ultimately just there to prevent you from progressing. Baraka, Sheeva, Reptile, Kintaro, Goro...they were just there.

This time around, I just hope that these type of characters get fleshed out, and actually have some sort of significance.
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02/06/2015 04:39 AM (UTC)
- Netherrealm War accounting for the first 25-30% of the story with Shinnok and QC as the main focus

- All characters playable regardless of allignment

- Dead characters in story of MKX staying dead in MKXI

- No more revenge Scorpion but much more Hanzo Hasashi

- Darker, meaning bloodied characters during fights (stay bloodied after fights), serious injuries like certain characters loosing eye(s)/arm(s)/hand(s) and what not, and gruesome deaths (unlike MK9)

- Shao Kahn's return (through Ermac, though weakened and no boss status. Does something unexpected like allying himself with Earthrealm under certain conditions for purposes of his own)

- An (open) ending that will make everyone go WHAAAAT??? in a good way

- Skippable cutscenes after beating story

02/06/2015 05:09 AM (UTC)
For the Story Mode I am hoping that we get to see character development between each of the characters as the story progresses. To tell a compelling story for MKX I hope to have a core set of characters to serve as the protagonists of the story and follow their journey throughout the course of the game.

The Netherealm War seems like it is too good to pass up, If the story is not told in a linear fashion then I hope that we play the Netherealm war in flashbacks so that all the loose ends are tied up when we encounter old school characters in the present chronology of the story. For example, if Sonya Blade is not included in the present timeline we find out what happens to her in a flashback scene with the player in control of Kano.

I hope the villains have their side of the story told too. Not all the villains in Mortal Kombat are one dimensional like Baraka and Reptile, I hope to see what motivates the bad guys in Mortal Kombat and how they interact with each other when they're not engaged in mortal combat against the good guys.

I think in Storymode it would be really cool that before a stage we are able to select which character we wish to play as. Super Smash Bros. Brawl gave us the option to choose which character we wished to play as at the end of a cut scene, I feel that would be neat to have in Mortal Kombat as well.

The live stream that revealed Ermac mentioned that the next stream that the developers host will touch on the story and give us some juicy details. I'm looking forward for when that is released.
02/06/2015 05:32 AM (UTC)
Ermac actually has something to do this time around, and the story mode isn't so damn one-sided (focusing on just the heroes) and plot hole-ridden as it was in MK9.
That's it, really.
02/06/2015 06:12 AM (UTC)
I want someone to cry. I don't care who.
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02/06/2015 07:21 AM (UTC)
After MK9, I've learned that perhaps it's best not to have any hopes.

Hope is killing me. My dream is to become hopeless.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

02/06/2015 07:33 AM (UTC)
Get to pick Good or Evil and have to possibly endings
02/06/2015 10:13 AM (UTC)
When you choose story mode you get the character select screen and get to play a 20 minute self contained chapter of that character and they all interweave into a bigger overarching story.

Hopes don't have to be realistic.
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