What Are Your Expectations For MK8???
posted07/08/2007 09:43 PM (UTC)by
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04/03/2004 08:12 AM (UTC)
Alright, Deadly Alliance brought forth a new Mortal Kombat and it was awesome. We had high expectations for its sequel and Deception was generally satisfying. Then the sequel to that, Armageddon broke most of our hearts.

Curious... What expectations do you have for the upcoming installment?


-I expect the next game to focus more on gameplay, seeing as how Boon and the Team have been getting lots of flak for the broken and inferior gameplay of latest releases.

-I'm also expecting the game to have a boring roster. Few new characters have been good since MK4 and I doubt this one is gonna turn that around.

-I'm expecting it to have a much, much different atmosphere. I really think the atmosphere is going to change drastically for some reason. So far, we know its gonna be dirty and gritty, but including the new graphics, many new characters, and less humorous or perky approach this game is gonna take, I'm expecting a massive change in atmosphere, like a completely new one.

-I'm not expecting much in the special moves and finishers department. I think at first we'll be going "wow" from watching fatalities from the new engine, but I have a feeling they're gonna get boring quickly. I don't know, I'm really thinking gameplay is gonna be the top priority this time and so we'll lose a lot quality in other fields MK is great at. It's just a feeling I have.

-I'm expecting new innovative modes. Deception was the first to really bring new and impressive modes. I think MK8 will do something similar.

-And finally, I'm not expecting the game to be as flashy and instantly appealing/catchy as others have been.

Overall, I'm expecting MK8 to be very different and less exciting than previous games. I think it's safe to say that it'll be better than Armageddon though. Then again, MKA was worth our money thanks to all the amazing characters and KAKs. I don't know what MK8 will have besides a promising better gameplay system, which might be fun except with flavorless characters and other losses of quality on top of it, I think.

I'm not expecting much. I guess I'm being pessimistic about this.
07/06/2007 05:03 AM (UTC)
Hmm, it seems like you are not expecting much of anything.

Here is what I think: Scorpion and Subzero are the only ones back from previous games, and there shall be 15 new characters to the mix. The special moves department will be awesome as there will be a whole host of new characters with special powers.

Interestingly enough, there will be some FMV movies in my opinion, detailing in great specification what excactly happens to each character, and the possibilities would then open up for the to continue their storylines in the next game

I am also expecting a high quality adventure konquest game, through which you can play for several long hours.

07/06/2007 05:28 AM (UTC)
Oh yeah, I'm also expecting FMV movies too. Forget to state that.
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07/06/2007 07:25 AM (UTC)
Kinda glad you made this thread cuz I was coming over here to make something similar myself.

So, here's a few starter expectations for Mk8:

1. Like you said, I also expect significant game-play changes. The thing with me here though, is that I expect the game-play to perform like Mk1-T, but when you play it, feel like a more tempered MkDa-A. That's about the level of "weird" I expect. It should be refreshing though, if I'm anywhere near correct about this.

2. For Graphics, I expect at least Mk2 quality, and for good reason too. They're still selling those games.



At minimal, that in detail.

3. Contrary to the 20-25 character roster I'd like to see, I expect them to go relatively small this time. Like Mk1...I think they'll give us 10-15 characters.
And you know what? I expect Raiden to be there. I just think he's that relevant to Mk.

4. I also expect Arenas to be more "alive"....more, inter-laced with the actual fight that's going on. Not to coo berate death traps or breaking into other part of the arena, but more involved in the actual fight. For instance, if you are knocked up against a wall, a picture might fall on you or something. Then, maybe you can use that object to help yo win the match. This kind of intuitiveness

5. Vastly better online play. It's where people are going once they figure out the game...this has to get better in order to sell the game.

6. I have to admit I like KAKharacter. And since this is so, I can only speculate that general Mk buyers like this part as well. So I expect it to be in this next game.....If not Mk8, certainly Mk9.

7. I absolutely expect all content to actually be relevant to the story of the game, or to the build of characters. Kak or "official", it's really irritating to have all this great potential, and no way to exhaust or exploit any of it....

8. Finally, I expect them to get a hell of a lot more inventive with this game. Fatalities, and the different options during the game are to name a couple. Secret characters are not to be "Unlockable", we should actually have to "find" the secret. Use more real life methods like scavenger hunts, or "where's Waldo" methods of finding a hidden article or character.

There's more...I'll just stop there for now..
07/06/2007 07:50 AM (UTC)
I just want online to be much more playable. MKA was shitty because of its tremendous lag. Midway could possibly find a new server instead of crappy GameSpy.
07/06/2007 12:39 PM (UTC)
Hmm. Well, I would love to see a better engine and gameplay. Not to mention, I want the MK team to get serious and stop with the jokes. I would like to see different stories for some characters, instead of the same old stuff for some characters.
07/06/2007 03:05 PM (UTC)
Like QS(TB), I feel pretty pessimistic myself. I'm glad that Boon and co. are trying to bring in a lot of newness for this next game, which is great. However, given the way the gameplay was still horrible despite talking to mastermalone, I'm skeptical of how the gameplay will turn out, even if it were to be given a strong focus. The reason why I'm saying this is because of their fear of making things too similar to other fighting games. The truth is that they can still make their gameplay good and make it distinct from other fighters. I think the problem lies within some people who don't have much know-how.

We'll probably be seeing a darker, grittier game, with better graphics, which is great. For the roster, I don't know...We know there'll be at least Sub-Zero, Scorpion and most likely Raiden. I hope they can put in some more quality characters, such as the quality of characters like Havik and Nitara.

I'm not expecting a whole lot, and I think I'm just going to wait and see just what they are planning.
07/06/2007 05:45 PM (UTC)
If they’re doing what they’ve reported, at least it shows they have a direction in mind, darker and more realistic like the originals.

I normally give people the benefit of the doubt, even if they’ve failed in the past.

I just hope it's nothing like MKA, MKA almost killed my interest in the series completely, even being on this website gives me a bad aftertaste.
07/06/2007 10:56 PM (UTC)

well said 7th..

i believe they will make improvements but they will take something that is good and destroy it.. however, nothing and i mean nothing could be worse than mka..even if jesus christ himself attempted to kreate a worse fighter he would just shake his head and say, "i'm sorry, i cannot fathom a way to come up with a worse fighter than mka."

07/07/2007 12:22 AM (UTC)
< The programmers(Boon) said that mk:8 would have a dark tone to it. < I expect that, and not so much the goofy theme audios that was in mk:D & mk:A.

< I expect that new fusion form of Noob & Sub-Zero, as mentioned in Noob's mk:A ending.
< Then a new roster of fighters, with atleast three new ninjas'.
07/07/2007 03:05 AM (UTC)
titanwarrior Wrote:
even if jesus christ himself attempted to kreate a worse fighter he would just shake his head and say, "i'm sorry, i cannot fathom a way to come up with a worse fighter than mka."


MKA is definitely shit, but I personally think it's better than MK4. At least MK4 attempted to do what a new game should: surpass its predecessor in every aspect. MKA wasn't really a new game, it was just a Trilogy 2, except for the storyline which is new.

And I agree with Ravage. At least Midway has a direction for MK8. That'll promise some quality at least.

Also people, I suggest you don't jump to conclusions when news of MK8 starts pouring out. MKA sounded brilliant to just about everyone and look at what it turned out to be. MK8 could very well turn out the same.
07/07/2007 03:06 AM (UTC)
Predator, I'm actually expecting those types of graphics too.
07/07/2007 03:43 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
titanwarrior Wrote:
even if jesus christ himself attempted to kreate a worse fighter he would just shake his head and say, "i'm sorry, i cannot fathom a way to come up with a worse fighter than mka."


MKA is definitely shit, but I personally think it's better than MK4. At least MK4 attempted to do what a new game should: surpass its predecessor in every aspect. MKA wasn't really a new game, it was just a Trilogy 2, except for the storyline which is new.

And I agree with Ravage. At least Midway has a direction for MK8. That'll promise some quality at least.

Also people, I suggest you don't jump to conclusions when news of MK8 starts pouring out. MKA sounded brilliant to just about everyone and look at what it turned out to be. MK8 could very well turn out the same.

That's the thing. I think that these MK games sound great on paper, but when they are executed, it's done very poorly. I'm just wondering where the hell they get their testers from as they don't seem to know what the fuck they're doing. If they did, these MK games wouldn't have as many major glitches as they do, especially in MKD and MKA.
07/08/2007 09:43 PM (UTC)
my expectations for mk8 are kinda bleak, I mean we gotta face it mka sucked more than a gay vampire, and I honestly dont know if the mk team is competent enough to make mk8 good or even half way decent, but being the fool I am i'm still going to hold out some sort of hope.
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