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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/24/2015 10:34 PM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
NickScryer Wrote:
OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:
Ladder, and ONLY ladder, or Versus. NEVER a story. Not even going to TOUCH it. They better NOT have any unlockables in the story mode junk.


I've never met an MK fan who disliked the story, interesting.

I hope they have loads of story unlockables!! grin

I hope Tanya is only unlocked through the story, on hard mode, so that dick NEEDS to play the story.

Where in the hell does it state in the rule book that one has to enjoy the story? Newsflash, James Fucking Patterson, not everyone cares about the story, especially since it's been shit since Armageddon.

People enjoy different things. Some people enjoy Mortal Kombat for the fighting. I know it's an abomination but it's true.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/24/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:

Speak your mind yo, I don't take shit personally lol. You don't want story mode to exist because it's just a fighting game. I get it lol.

I am just old fashioned, and I miss the old Arcade days, that's all, if you know what I mean. You can call me arrogant, stubborn, childish or what have you, but I just Don't want any of these stories forcing NRS to rush on the real thing, the fighting game just to meet the release date deadline, and later give excuse such as 'Oh, we had something and something planned, but we ran out of time', balony. If you can't finish on time, spend less time thinking about story, and others, and focus more on the real, FIGHTING game. I just got sick and tired of their excuses. If you know what I mean.

Well, as a website owner, I have rethought, and yeah, I DID kinda over-reacted here. so, I deleted all my posts for this topic. I promise I won't post anything on story relating topics. I've made enough enemies today... I will Shut Up. I don't even post much on these boards anyway.

You have EVERY right to your opinion and you're not alone.
About Me
Props to MINION
01/24/2015 10:36 PM (UTC)
Neither, I'm going to go play online and get totally dominated
01/24/2015 11:00 PM (UTC)
Wow, the stupidity in this thread because one person wants to play only the ladder mode and people are bothered by that is fucking ridiculous, I am offended as a Mortal Kombat fan that there are people like this. Atrocious.

OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:

Deleted all my posts. Enough making enemies here. I will just not post anything to anything relates to stories. As many people already know how I feel about story in a fighting game.

If anyone is offended, I apologize. I don't really post that much here anyway...

I would like to apologize on behalf of all those who are deeply bothered by how you want to play a video game and the fact that apparently it's such a serious issue that it feels like their lives will also be affected by the way you want to play a game that you spent money on.

I am apologizing because of the stupidity people have with this, and not everyone here feels this way about how YOU want to play YOUR copy of the game.

I certainly don't, it's your game. You play whatever you want, however you want. And if people really have this big issue on what you want to do with your copy of the game... I have no words to describe how blatantly retarded that sounds.
01/24/2015 11:00 PM (UTC)
Ladder with Kano, then story mode after that.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/24/2015 11:01 PM (UTC)
It just rubs a lot of hardcore fans the wrong way that he says he doesn't care about the story at all, and even is anti-story to a certain extent. I know not everyone is the same but for many of us hardcore MK geeks, our primary love when it comes to this series is the characters and mythology. Don't get me wrong, YES it's a fighting game and gameplay does matter big time. It IS a game.

Some of us are just so invested in the characters & mythology that it is a little grating to hear story dismissed like it's completely stupid to care about these characters. I have been following these characters and MK mythology for 20 years, I grew up on it. If you're invested in the fighting aspect only and don't care much about story that is your opinion and you're entitled to it but it's just the WAY OnlyTanyaFan talks about the story that rubs people the wrong way, I think.

It's not that big of a deal though.

If you're reading this OnlyTanyaFan, I apologize for making you feel unwelcome.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/24/2015 11:03 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Wow, the stupidity in this thread because one person wants to play only the ladder mode and people are bothered by that is fucking ridiculous, I am offended as a Mortal Kombat fan that there are people like this. Atrocious.

OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:

Deleted all my posts. Enough making enemies here. I will just not post anything to anything relates to stories. As many people already know how I feel about story in a fighting game.

If anyone is offended, I apologize. I don't really post that much here anyway...

I would like to apologize on behalf of all those who are deeply bothered by how you want to play a video game and the fact that apparently it's such a serious issue that it feels like their lives will also be affected by the way you want to play a game that you spent money on.

I am apologizing because of the stupidity people have with this, and not everyone here feels this way about how YOU want to play YOUR copy of the game.

I shouldn't have been a dick to him and neither should have the others.
01/24/2015 11:07 PM (UTC)
Said it before and I'll say it again, right or wrong, everyone's entitled to their opinion. And they don't gotta give two fucks what other people think.
01/24/2015 11:42 PM (UTC)
Story first then ladder with every character.
01/24/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
Wow what happened in this thread while I was away? grin Deleted posts, people apologizing, people ranting...

All I said was I love unlocking things!! wink Check my trophy list. Bring on the MKX trophies!!
01/24/2015 11:56 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:

All I said was I love unlocking things!! wink Check my trophy list. Bring on the MKX trophies!!

Same here looking forward to that Achievement/Trophy list. Usually I like to get the online ones done first before anything else.
01/24/2015 11:59 PM (UTC)
Shadowfire Wrote:
Same here looking forward to that Achievement/Trophy list. Usually I like to get the do the online ones done first before anything else.

Good call. Let's hope there's no achievements/trophies like the two "My kung fu is..." again!! furious
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

01/25/2015 12:08 AM (UTC)
I play Ladder first every game one time just to see who the End Boss is. Then I move onto Story Mode.

I go random select
01/25/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)
Practice, living tower, arcade, story. *

* Subject to change upon other modes being revealed.
01/25/2015 12:35 AM (UTC)
The first thing I'm going to do... well first of all, we will all need to buy some Doritoos chips to eat, some festive foods like that.. to do a Mortal Kombat game release party. I am not even kidding LOL.

Then... I will see the amazing and flawless selekt screen.... and then.... I will faint, just from seeing that.... then... my hope is that I recover from the fainting lol, I don't know yet.
01/25/2015 12:44 AM (UTC)

I understand. I wasn't calling you anything or trying to bait you lol. I was just saying that the story mode has grown in fighting games in general. The game and mechanics should always come first I agree. I'm not here to "make enemies" or change opinions, I just want news and discussion lol.
About Me

Thanks for the sig MINION!

01/25/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
Practice mode. Im going to be staring at that character select screen for a good 3 minutes to just soak in the fact that the game is in my posession lol
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/25/2015 04:08 AM (UTC)
I'm sure I'll play the story mode out of morbid curiosity. Generally I like MK conceptually but the story is vastly overrated. I'll play through it basically just to get through it much like I did for MK9 and Injustice. Once I got through the story for those games I never went back mostly because I didn't care - I really don't expect MKX to blow my mind either. Then I'll hit up the ladder which is where I imagine spending most of my time.

So...technically story then ladder. Whatever gives me the most koins or whatever for the krypt (assuming the krypt comes back). I imagine ladder will be the quickest way to get the currency so...yeah.
01/25/2015 04:43 AM (UTC)
Deathmask71 Wrote:
Practice mode. Im going to be staring at that character select screen for a good 3 minutes to just soak in the fact that the game is in my posession lol

Lol I might do this as well....
01/25/2015 04:52 AM (UTC)
I always followed the story so.....tutorial first, then story, and finally ladder.

Might change if my fav characters makes it on the roster.
01/25/2015 04:58 AM (UTC)
Does anyone kinda do both? You play story for a bit, then stop and switch to ladder?

I did that during 2011. No particular reason, I just don't like playing one mode all the way through constantly.

It's like that with Destiny for me. I could sit here and rack up strange coins but then I'll become interested in PvPing.
01/25/2015 06:40 AM (UTC)
Story for sure. Then ladder. Then just playing online. But the interchangable ladder challenges will keep things more fresh this time around, so I'm looking forward to that too.
01/25/2015 08:47 AM (UTC)
Training/practice, THE KRYPT, online.

I'll get to the story eventually, maybe.
About Me


01/25/2015 11:30 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
The first thing I'm going to do... well first of all, we will all need to buy some Doritos chips to eat, some festive foods like that.. to do a Mortal Kombat game release party. I am not even kidding LOL.

YES!!! This is an awesome idea. I'll bring the beers.

RepTeezy Wrote:
Deathmask71 Wrote:
Practice mode. Im going to be staring at that character select screen for a good 3 minutes to just soak in the fact that the game is in my possession lol

Lol I might do this as well....

YES to this too.

HiddenCharacter Wrote:
Training/practice, THE KRYPT, online.
I'll get to the story eventually, maybe.

HAHA Who's going to be looking for Krypt monsters???

Tutorial/Practice, I'm going to break tradition and NOT start with the yellow or blue ninjas. Then story, or maybe challenge tower or whatever it will be in this game. Then after getting a handle on the characters and finding variations i like, go through ladder with all of them.

I am so hyped for this game now after reading these posts I'm literally bouncing up and down but it could have something to do with the big sugary cake i just ate...
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