01/17/2015 09:11 PM (UTC)
If Mileena isn't in, I'll be pretty pissed they chose the less-interesting ninja chick.
01/17/2015 09:26 PM (UTC)
I'll eat my hat if Mileena isn't in this game, either as part of the main roster or as DLC. She's definitely one of the key players in Outworld's civil war and she's got a pretty huge following. Hell, she was the poster girl for Deception and MK9 to a degree.

The real question, I think, is how she'll be in...not if. I think she's a prime candidate to be sold separately to make a profit. She would sell big time, and NRS knows it. I had previously thought they'd use Kitana and the other characters that died in MK9 for this, but they may use Mileena instead. I mean, Goro is a part of the Outworld civil war also, and he's DLC.

Jade....ehhh, maybe. NRS could just as easily create a place for her in the story as they could leave her out entirely. It would be very easy to make three variations of her, though. As a die-hard Jade fan, I'm not getting my hopes up.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

01/17/2015 09:42 PM (UTC)
I bet money both of them won't be in MK:X.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/18/2015 01:03 AM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:
I'll eat my hat if Mileena isn't in this game, either as part of the main roster or as DLC. She's definitely one of the key players in Outworld's civil war and she's got a pretty huge following. Hell, she was the poster girl for Deception and MK9 to a degree.

The real question, I think, is how she'll be in...not if. I think she's a prime candidate to be sold separately to make a profit. She would sell big time, and NRS knows it. I had previously thought they'd use Kitana and the other characters that died in MK9 for this, but they may use Mileena instead. I mean, Goro is a part of the Outworld civil war also, and he's DLC.

Jade....ehhh, maybe. NRS could just as easily create a place for her in the story as they could leave her out entirely. It would be very easy to make three variations of her, though. As a die-hard Jade fan, I'm not getting my hopes up.

Mileena would definitely sell as DLC. I can already tell you that if she is DLC(which I highly doubt, she's definitely in the initial roster imo) then she's automatically going to be the best sold character of the lot. Hell, I think she'd even outsell other DLC candidates like Sonya, Shang Tsung ect like nobody business. She might even top the guess character depending on who it is.

I agree with what another poster said- Mileena and Kitana are literally the female versions of Scorpion and Sub-Zero, they're constant staples that I can't see ever being completely gone.
01/18/2015 02:04 AM (UTC)
Kitana and Mileena only have been in one game each separately, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happens in MKX again. Of course that is not what I'm hoping for.

If Mileena doesn't make the main roster, she will be a high selling point for DLC. She will certainly surpass all of MK9's, DLC's.
01/18/2015 02:25 AM (UTC)
I do definitely think they'll hold back some names for the DLC this time...

With 9, they basically put every headliner in the series on the default roster, and the DLC choices were kind of just fan service. Giving us our last UMK3 Ninja w/ Rain. Giving us a modern fan favorite with Kenshi. And giving us a new *Wink and a Nod* Fan Rumor character w/ Skarlet.

With Injustice however... they had a whole universe of DC to fit in, so obviously not everyone could make the cut, but with the DLC, they seemed to be trying to hit the highest notes that got overlooked on the main roster, and please the fans. I am not a DC comics fan. I don't like much of it beyond Batman. But I was actually very impressed by the DLC lineup, because from what little I do know of DC... they seemed to be trying to fill the gaps and put in the best characters that couldn't -quite- make the cut on the default lineup. (Matter of opinion of course, but that's mine.)

I think MKX will be much like Injustice... but more for us MK folks.

I could easily see characters who are classic, but don't quite fit into the new vision for MKX being big selling points for DLC. Sonya, Cage, Jax, Baraka... it pains me to say it, since she's my favorite, but Mileena.

I don't think Cage and Sonya belong on the roster if Cassie is in, truth told. She needs room to grow outside her parents. But her parents would both make excellent DLC choices (and we all know how much game developers like to sneak in on-disc DLC, so they could even have new working models in the story, but not be playable without paying extra... *Shrug*)

BUT there is still more than enough room for anyone to be introduced. People saying, "Mileena has zero chance. It's 3 months away and we've heard nothing" are full of it. Boon and co. always keep tight lipped on roster reveals. This is nothing new, and there are still loads of spots left. I think virtually anyone from MKI or MKII still has a reasonably large chance, and lots of names from MKIII and MK4 do too.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/18/2015 04:51 AM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
I do definitely think they'll hold back some names for the DLC this time...

With 9, they basically put every headliner in the series on the default roster, and the DLC choices were kind of just fan service. Giving us our last UMK3 Ninja w/ Rain. Giving us a modern fan favorite with Kenshi. And giving us a new *Wink and a Nod* Fan Rumor character w/ Skarlet.

With Injustice however... they had a whole universe of DC to fit in, so obviously not everyone could make the cut, but with the DLC, they seemed to be trying to hit the highest notes that got overlooked on the main roster, and please the fans. I am not a DC comics fan. I don't like much of it beyond Batman. But I was actually very impressed by the DLC lineup, because from what little I do know of DC... they seemed to be trying to fill the gaps and put in the best characters that couldn't -quite- make the cut on the default lineup. (Matter of opinion of course, but that's mine.)

I think MKX will be much like Injustice... but more for us MK folks.

I could easily see characters who are classic, but don't quite fit into the new vision for MKX being big selling points for DLC. Sonya, Cage, Jax, Baraka... it pains me to say it, since she's my favorite, but Mileena.

I don't think Cage and Sonya belong on the roster if Cassie is in, truth told. She needs room to grow outside her parents. But her parents would both make excellent DLC choices (and we all know how much game developers like to sneak in on-disc DLC, so they could even have new working models in the story, but not be playable without paying extra... *Shrug*)

BUT there is still more than enough room for anyone to be introduced. People saying, "Mileena has zero chance. It's 3 months away and we've heard nothing" are full of it. Boon and co. always keep tight lipped on roster reveals. This is nothing new, and there are still loads of spots left. I think virtually anyone from MKI or MKII still has a reasonably large chance, and lots of names from MKIII and MK4 do too.

Exactly. majority of the roster is STILL shrouded in mystery regardless of there being 3 months left so that's just plain silly for people to use that as "proof" that Mileena won't be in. Just because she was heavily used as the face of promotion for MKD and MK9 doesn't mean she would have to be for MKX. Look at Kano, he was one of the last characters to be revealed for MK9 and one of the very first to be revealed for MKX. People weren't expecting Kitana or Kung-Lao to be revealed at least not now and definitely not together. There's just so many curveballs being thrown our way that it's idiotic to declare someone's absence all based on the promotion of past games. "Oh Mileena was one of the first characters revealed for MKD and MK9 so she must not be in MKX, dur hur!!!111"
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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01/18/2015 04:59 AM (UTC)
Good points about The benefit of NRS to put MIleena as DLC,

BUT if they do, I think it's bullshit. There's no reason for her to be DLC since she is still alive at the end of the prior game and there's just no point in killing her off in between games. Why not have just killed her in mk9 if that's the case?

If she isn't killed before then, then she should be in the main roster.

01/18/2015 01:13 PM (UTC)
To all the people saying that Jade has a bigger chance than Mileena...let me remind you Kittelsen's interview where he said Mileena is still around and up to no good.

Jade has absolutely zero chance to appear imo. Mileena is a show in. She has story relevance, she is one of the most popular characters in MK and she was the poster girl for the last two games. It's not me fanboying but I would honestly be surprised if she doesnt make it.
01/18/2015 01:48 PM (UTC)
I think mileena has a good chance of making the main roster probably about 60-70%. If she doesn't make it I'm 100% sure she will be DLC as she has a decent fan base.

Sindel and Jade I don't expect to see in the main roster. I guess both will be seen somehow in story mode when the dead characters are revived but I expect to see Sindel mostly in the comics. I don't think she has the story or fanbase to warrant a return sadly. Jade could be DLC if they decided to followup on her MK9 ending.

Tanya its 50/50 I think. Given that she made an unexpected return in MKD and was one of the few MK4 characters to return, this gives her some hope. She has developed a following over the years which it will be interesting to see if NTS address. The thing with her is that she was introduced in MK4 as a way for Shinnok to invade Edenia.....given that Edenia wasn't freed in MK9s storyline, will she be needed now? How will she fit in exactly. Will she be just another evil henchman like in MK4 and MKD? To be honest I'd rather she be left out than just another random evil filler. I am slightly intrigued to see what they'd do with her though.
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

01/18/2015 02:08 PM (UTC)
Not sure why people are stressing over the inclusion of characters like Mileena, Reptile, and Ermac. They will ALL be in the game.

Mileena survived MK9 which increases her chances by default and I can assure you they won't simply kill her off in the comics. She always played a major role with Kitana in the picture which is another reason for her probable inclusion. Need more assurance? She was tournament viable and certain pro players such as Rio used her as his main in the EVO finals several times. She was also among the top 10 most used characters in MK9.

Jade's chances of returning though? Not so much. Killed off, no real relevance to the story other than Kitana's assistant, wasn't used in tournaments, and not as popular as Kitana and Mileena I'd say. And I am perfectly fine with that cause I for one don't want MK9 2.0. I do see her becoming DLC though
01/18/2015 02:39 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Jade has absolutely zero chance to appear imo. Mileena is a show in. She has story relevance, she is one of the most popular characters in MK and she was the poster girl for the last two games. It's not me fanboying but I would honestly be surprised if she doesnt make it.

I wouldn't say zero chances.

Jade's chances are low, but not low enough to rule her out. Her story is heavily linked to Kitana's and we don't know what happened to her after the Netherrealm War. She could be alive somewhere, it's impossible to say right now.

But Mileena is in the game for sure.
01/18/2015 02:58 PM (UTC)
I would say Mileena is pretty much a lock in. Also, she was NEVER a DLC, and always as one of the mainstream. I will be really surpriced if the heavy fan favorite like Mileena doesn't make it. She is a sure bet as an initial, original roster.
01/18/2015 03:16 PM (UTC)

I hope we get a Tanya comeback. There's a lot of hype around her and I hope NRS is aware of it. It will also be interesting to see how Kitana got out of serving Quan Chi. They hinted at something between them in her reveal trailer.

01/18/2015 04:34 PM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
Just my speculation....

I think that Mileena has the best chance of returning. Clearly she's going to play a big role in the civil war in Outworld, and since we didn't get a big Kitana/Mileena rivalry in MK9, I think this would be a great place to re-establish this in a new way. Plus, she's one of the more popular female characters.

Tanya is the second most likely to return. I don't think that Nether Realm would simply ignore the 3D era entirely, and aside from Keshi, Quan Chi and Shinnok, she's the most likely to return.

Sindel is an interesting character. I'd really like to see her return and have to face the quilt of killing many of Earth Realm's best warriors, AND her own daughter. I think her design and movesets would be really interesting to see this time around, but I just don't know if I see Nether Realm pushing her through to this game.

Jade probably has the least chance of being involved. She's simply the least developed, least relevant, and least popular aside from Tanya. I just think she's the most forgettable, and I don't see her making a grand return. Maybe as DLC?

Since when is Jade less popular than Sindel? Sindel is like at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to MK1-3 characters with Stryker, Rain and Sheeva.
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