What are the odds of seeing Mileena or Jade as playable characters in MKX?
posted01/18/2015 04:34 PM (UTC)by
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08/16/2010 11:44 PM (UTC)

The reveal of Kitana was very unexpected. I did not think she was going to be playable in this game. They did an awesome job with her new look, for the most part. I still think Mileena has a pretty good chance of being playable. But Kitana's reveal gives some hope that Jade and even Sindel might be back as well. I think Mileena has a better chance of being playable than Jade and Sindel though. I think they will at least pop up in story mode or something, Kitana won't just leave them behind with Quan Chi. With the likelihood of seeing Mileena and Jade and Sindel increasing with Kitana's reveal, is there still room for Tanya? I was kinda hoping to see a Tanya comeback as well. I think we will see one maybe two more of these female characters as playable, maybe Mileena doesn't have the best chance. Who do you guys think will be back as playable?

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01/17/2015 02:53 PM (UTC)
Well, if we're talking about simply being in the story, than sure, anyone could be in. But if we're talking playable, per the thread title? I'd put it like this:

Tanya: 60%
Jade: 51%
Mileena: 40%
Sindel: 15%

Tanya has become a big fan favorite and her popularity seems to be growing almost daily. Still, There are only so many slots left for returning characters and rumors about Reptile, Ermac, Kenshi, Bo Rai Cho, Cage, Sonya, Liu Kang, Shinnok and others could leave her on the outside, but I tend to doubt it. My gut tells me she'll be in.

Jade had an MK9 ending that was very intriguing to most players. She still seems to have stuff to do and a story path to follow. That might not be enough to put her in MKX, but it gives NRS a road map for her where she's not simply "Kitana's buddy."

MIleena... I just don't see it in this game. I could EASILY be wrong. But while she's still alive, I just question the idea that NRS might drudge up the whole "MIleena's going to try and take over" idea again. They could always go in a different direction, but my something tells me that she sits for a game.

Sindel to me has a very small chance to make it. She played a huge role in MK9 and it's not one that a ton of fans really liked. But that aside, I just tend to think that because she played a large part in the last game, that she'll sit this one out like she did in MK4 and MKDA after being such a big part of MK3.
01/17/2015 03:03 PM (UTC)
Jade was a fave of mine since her playable debut in UMK3, her and that staff wink Sindel also became a fave since MK3 and I liked and enjoyed playing as Mileena, since her debut.

Now, I would like to see both, Sindel and Jade playable in MKX (on main roster), but I doubt they will be in (except for story-mode/DLC). My hopes are not high at this point.

Mileena is most-likely to make the initial roster, if any of the three.
01/17/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
Mileena has so much storyline potential so hopefully she'll be in.

I would love to see Jade and her staff weapon return with all the variation possibilities smile
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

01/17/2015 03:08 PM (UTC)
I think minimal for the most part.

Tanya seems the most plausible to me since I think story wise she makes the most sense. She had an in game model in MK9 and if from I read from other posters only just missed out being in the game as DLC.

I do not think the all the characters that died by Sindel at the end of MK9 will be playable in in MKX and such I do not think at all that Jade or Sindel will be playable. I think Kitana and Kung Lao came back because of how popular they are and I do not think Sindel and Jade are anywhere near Kitana or Kung Lao.

Mileena is an anomoly to me. Mileena was used heavily in the marketing of Deception and MK9 but has been seven months since the game has been announced and only three months till release and she is nowhere to be seen.
01/17/2015 03:25 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Mileena is an anomoly to me. Mileena was used heavily in the marketing of Deception and MKX but has been seven months since the game has been announced and only three months till release and she is nowhere to be seen.

Don't speak too soon. They took this long to reveal Kitana, so Mileena can be around the corner.

Mileena may not be in the boot hint and may be a surprise reveal (a la Kung Lao).

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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

01/17/2015 03:46 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Mileena is an anomoly to me. Mileena was used heavily in the marketing of Deception and MKX but has been seven months since the game has been announced and only three months till release and she is nowhere to be seen.

Don't speak too soon. They took this long to reveal Kitana, so Mileena can be around the corner.

Mileena may not be in the boot hint and may be a surprise reveal (a la Kung Lao).

Meaningless sentiment since with that kind of logic any character can be around the corner and widening the pool of chracters to come back lessens the chances of Mileena coming back.

Some characters have been alluded to be playable in MKX such as Johnny Cage from Adam Urbano in an interview and in a German magazine Johnny Cage, Sonya and Liu Kang were mentioned. From what I have known there has been no indication of Mileena bein playable in MKX.

Token faith plays no part in calculating odds, only reason and logic.
01/17/2015 04:05 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Mileena is an anomoly to me. Mileena was used heavily in the marketing of Deception and MKX but has been seven months since the game has been announced and only three months till release and she is nowhere to be seen.

Don't speak too soon. They took this long to reveal Kitana, so Mileena can be around the corner.

Mileena may not be in the boot hint and may be a surprise reveal (a la Kung Lao).

Meaningless sentiment since with that kind of logic any character can be around the corner and widening the pool of chracters to come back lessens the chances of Mileena coming back.

Some characters have been alluded to be playable in MKX such as Johnny Cage from Adam Urbano in an interview and in a German magazine Johnny Cage, Sonya and Liu Kang were mentioned. From what I have known there has been no indication of Mileena bein playable in MKX.

Token faith plays no part in calculating odds, only reason and logic.

I honestly cant see Johnny, Sonya and Liu Kang all being playable maybe 1. I think Tanya and Mileena are shoe ins. I dont really see Jade and Sindel making the main roster but i could definitely see them being DLC. Which i hope since they are some of ny favorite characters.
01/17/2015 04:11 PM (UTC)
Sindel - 0%
Jade - 10%
Tanya - 30%
Mileena - 90%
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01/17/2015 04:36 PM (UTC)
Kitana honestly shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Tournament favorite, casual favorite, most used female on MK9, well known to fans of other fighting games and the general public, she was always going to be in this game.

Mileena's chances are pretty good with what we know right now. Kotal apparently succeeds in taking over Outworld at some point so even though she was alive at the end of MK9 she might not be five years from then. Still kitana and Mileena go together something like Scorpion and Subby so I still think her chances are legitimately high. Not quite as high as Kitana but still high.

Jade is a prime example of someone NRS would use as DLC. That kind of middling popularity where they can get away with not having them in the roster but people will still pay for them. The only thing is her story has always revolved around Kitana and Edenia and the latter doesn't exist and the former seems to have something totally different going on so I wonder what they'd have her do story wise. Although if she's DLC she might not need a story but with Injustice they seemed to move away from that.

Sindel has no chance. I don't think she's popular enough to be DLC and she's definitely not popular enough to make the roster proper. She was also one of the least used characters across all platforms and had an awkward style. They couldn't quite make her work. She went out in a blaze of glory though.

Tanya is interesting because she is a bit of a cult favorite and she was the only MK4 character outside of Quan Chi to come back before MKA. She might have a good chance. Maybe better than Mileena for this particular game. Depends.on how much MK4 we're actually going to get.
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01/17/2015 05:04 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Kitana honestly shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Tournament favorite, casual favorite, most used female on MK9, well known to fans of other fighting games and the general public, she was always going to be in this game.

Mileena's chances are pretty good with what we know right now. Kotal apparently succeeds in taking over Outworld at some point so even though she was alive at the end of MK9 she might not be five years from then. Still kitana and Mileena go together something like Scorpion and Subby so I still think her chances are legitimately high. Not quite as high as Kitana but still high.

Jade is a prime example of someone NRS would use as DLC. That kind of middling popularity where they can get away with not having them in the roster but people will still pay for them. The only thing is her story has always revolved around Kitana and Edenia and the latter doesn't exist and the former seems to have something totally different going on so I wonder what they'd have her do story wise. Although if she's DLC she might not need a story but with Injustice they seemed to move away from that.

Sindel has no chance. I don't think she's popular enough to be DLC and she's definitely not popular enough to make the roster proper. She was also one of the least used characters across all platforms and had an awkward style. They couldn't quite make her work. She went out in a blaze of glory though.

Tanya is interesting because she is a bit of a cult favorite and she was the only MK4 character outside of Quan Chi to come back before MKA. She might have a good chance. Maybe better than Mileena for this particular game. Depends.on how much MK4 we're actually going to get.

Have to agree with all of this. Mileena has a HUGE chance of coming back, I'd be surprised if she isn't in the initial roster- if not she's definitely amongst the first DLC. Tanya I think is the second with the highest chance of making it in or being DLC. She's been highly requested since MK9 DLC rumblings began.
01/17/2015 05:24 PM (UTC)
I actually prefer Mileena over Kitana any day. She is VERY fun to use. though her specials might LOOK like rather fragile, but her design and gameplay just suits my style. Maybe not as much as my girl Tanya, but, in the 2D days, she was right behind Scorpion as my 2nd best character. Though, Tanya, and Daegon have pulled her down to my 4th favorite spot, but still, she is a lot of fun, and I HOPE she returns, and since Kitana came back, the chances are looking good for her to return.
01/17/2015 05:49 PM (UTC)
Mileena actually got more promotion than Scorpion and Sub-Zero in MK9.

Mileena will make it. While all these females so far (Cassie, Ferra, and Kitana) have actually reasonable outfits, Mileena will be the only one to wear the scantily-clad outfits -- since that is what is kind of what she is known for. So adding Mileena will add that hint of raw sexuality the games usually have, since they won't be having all the female characters wearing thongs this time around.

Not to mention her story potential is quite high. NRS could give us the MKD Mileena that was smart and deceptive. They could have her shed her childish personality she had in MK9.

So, I'm pretty sure Mileena is a sure thing. Also, her fanbase is quite large like Kitana's.

And if we're going by Kung Lao's reveal, which it seems NRS added him mainly for the tournaments (we don't know anything about the story yet) since he was a popular character in tournaments for MK9, then Mileena has those reasons to be in the game as well seeing how popular she was in tourneys.
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01/17/2015 05:58 PM (UTC)
There was a time i thought Mileena was in for sure but im not positive noe but still think she will be.

Mileena has about 90% chance id say.

As for Jade or Sindel.... No.... I would like to see a much better Jade return but i dont think either have a great chance. Ya never know for certian though bur reaoly they sucked in mk9 and neither has that big of a fanbase like Mileena and Kitana do.

All in all id say Jade and Sindel have about 10% chance at most being in mkx.

As for Tanya since i saw her mentioned..... Id say 66% chance she will return.

Also ill add Sonya id say 33% chance.

Sheeva is like a 1% chance lol and all other females id say are 50/50....
01/17/2015 05:59 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Mileena is an anomoly to me. Mileena was used heavily in the marketing of Deception and MKX but has been seven months since the game has been announced and only three months till release and she is nowhere to be seen.

Don't speak too soon. They took this long to reveal Kitana, so Mileena can be around the corner.

Mileena may not be in the boot hint and may be a surprise reveal (a la Kung Lao).

Meaningless sentiment since with that kind of logic any character can be around the corner and widening the pool of chracters to come back lessens the chances of Mileena coming back.

Some characters have been alluded to be playable in MKX such as Johnny Cage from Adam Urbano in an interview and in a German magazine Johnny Cage, Sonya and Liu Kang were mentioned. From what I have known there has been no indication of Mileena bein playable in MKX.

Token faith plays no part in calculating odds, only reason and logic.

True, any character can be around the corner, but in this case I'm only referring to Mileena.

Was there anything alluded to Kung Lao prior to his unviel? No. As for Kitana, no one had any inclination as to it was her until the pic from twitter was lightened. Even though the unannounced character was heavily hinted at to be female, so it could have been any female.
01/17/2015 06:18 PM (UTC)
I don't even know anymore lol. Kitana and Kung Lao were the last people I expected so... Like that podcast said, they actually lived in mk9 so chances are slim lol. All of the dead ones have been confirmed.
01/17/2015 06:33 PM (UTC)
Honestly, Mileena has higher chances of being in than Jade.
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01/17/2015 06:53 PM (UTC)
Mileena is, actually, the most "cosplayable" girl in MK in any convention, more than Kitana. Once I said "Kitana has the history , but Mileena has the story". I think Kitana is a character extremely popular due her high fanbase prior MKDA. MK2 and UMK3 were the high points of KItana. MKDA has a great character development, but fans and MK community start to lose the fondness towards her. MKA, MKvsDCU and MK9 were like a slap in her face.
In other corner, MIleena was a secondary female until MKD. Indeed, in ten years, Mileena was the most used female to promote the game. Kitana has 0 games in her cv as femme-promote of MK; Mileena has two games. She was almost the face of MKD, with her cover for her own. In the last ten years, Mileena became one of the most popular faces of MK. Before, Kitana was the femme lead; now we can't say the same. Mileena is extremely popular, almost as Kitana (and, in some cases, more popular than her).

The dichotomy Mileena or KItana is false. Lot of fans love both chicks, a lot hate them too. Then fanboyism of "if she makes the cut, what happen to the other one" is pointless. I think both of her are gonna make the cut. Kitana chances were slimmest, she was dead... but well, that doesn't matter. Mileena chances are pretty pretty high, almost a fact at some points. Roumors about her reveal are continous since MKX reveal. Fans expect her to appear.

I think she deserve to be in MKX. For God's sake, she is the heir of Shao Kahn, almost a ligitimate empress!!

pd: Love Kitana's new look. Her presence is very pleasent and well deserved.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

01/17/2015 06:53 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Mileena is an anomoly to me. Mileena was used heavily in the marketing of Deception and MKX but has been seven months since the game has been announced and only three months till release and she is nowhere to be seen.

Don't speak too soon. They took this long to reveal Kitana, so Mileena can be around the corner.

Mileena may not be in the boot hint and may be a surprise reveal (a la Kung Lao).

Meaningless sentiment since with that kind of logic any character can be around the corner and widening the pool of chracters to come back lessens the chances of Mileena coming back.

Some characters have been alluded to be playable in MKX such as Johnny Cage from Adam Urbano in an interview and in a German magazine Johnny Cage, Sonya and Liu Kang were mentioned. From what I have known there has been no indication of Mileena bein playable in MKX.

Token faith plays no part in calculating odds, only reason and logic.

True, any character can be around the corner, but in this case I'm only referring to Mileena.

Was there anything alluded to Kung Lao prior to his unviel? No. As for Kitana, no one had any inclination as to it was her until the pic from twitter was lightened. Even though the unannounced character was heavily hinted at to be female, so it could have been any female.

Actually you are right. We do not know anything about the roster and NRS could surprise us. Let us all just take what we do know and throw it by the wayside. Instead let us just make arbitrary numbers/statemets based on how much we want certain characters back because that is the smart thing to do when to ascertain the odds of characters being in MKX.

Without further ado:
Mileena: 100% in MKX. Nothing been shown but she is just round the corner because reasons.
Jade: See Mileena.
Sindel: See Mileena.
Tanya: See Mileena

There you have it, ladies and gentleman. Case closed. Thread finished.

01/17/2015 07:24 PM (UTC)
Here are my thoughts:

-Mileena survived and has story relevance and potential; she probably has the highest chance.

-Tanya's inclusion is 50/50. She definitely has a place in the story, and she is most likely to be in out of the rest of the 3D era characters (except maybe Fujin).

-Since Kung Lao and Kitana were revealed, Jade's chances have gone up. Plus Jax was seen ALIVE in the comics so that pretty much says that all of the dead heroes were resurrected. I think her chances are about as good as Tanya's at this point, give or take a few percent.

-Now Sindel; I think they could do something awesome between her and Kitana in the story, but I don't see her in the game as playable... 10%
01/17/2015 07:26 PM (UTC)
There's no way Mileena isn't in this game. Her poster girl status alone should guarantee her. Toss in the fact she actually has story relevance in what appears to be a story focused on an Outworld Civil War, and I'd say she's a lock.

Jade on the other hand, still has a chance. Kung Lao opened the floodgates of dead characters being playable, so I can't count her out.
01/17/2015 07:41 PM (UTC)
I love Mileena, hope for her return. She was so good in MK9 and Deception. Never really cared for her before that though.
01/17/2015 08:47 PM (UTC)
Just my speculation....

I think that Mileena has the best chance of returning. Clearly she's going to play a big role in the civil war in Outworld, and since we didn't get a big Kitana/Mileena rivalry in MK9, I think this would be a great place to re-establish this in a new way. Plus, she's one of the more popular female characters.

Tanya is the second most likely to return. I don't think that Nether Realm would simply ignore the 3D era entirely, and aside from Keshi, Quan Chi and Shinnok, she's the most likely to return.

Sindel is an interesting character. I'd really like to see her return and have to face the quilt of killing many of Earth Realm's best warriors, AND her own daughter. I think her design and movesets would be really interesting to see this time around, but I just don't know if I see Nether Realm pushing her through to this game.

Jade probably has the least chance of being involved. She's simply the least developed, least relevant, and least popular aside from Tanya. I just think she's the most forgettable, and I don't see her making a grand return. Maybe as DLC?
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01/17/2015 08:52 PM (UTC)
I thought Mileena had a higher chance of returning than Kitana, so at this point I don't know what to expect, Jade and Mileena are bound to Kitana's story so it's likely we will see them in one way or another.
01/17/2015 08:56 PM (UTC)
Mileena is in, she has a new attire in the comics.

About jade and sindel?

All the heroes will be saved and revived, but some of them will choose to live a normal life (Stryker), others will have backstage roles like helping the edenian resistance (jade, sindel, tanya betrayer).
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