06/26/2014 11:43 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Slightly unrelated, but I'd really like for the Announcer to say more in MKX. He never seemed to do much "commentating" in MK9. This is one of the things that bring the most hype in the new Killer Instinct, and I know MK could do it even better!

I agree the announcer should be more inclusive, but not like the guy from KI. The guy is just yelling all the time and it's annoying. MKX should have the announcer say things like "Superb", "Excellent", "Well Done", and laugh when someone hits 10% health. And maybe say some new things too.
WeaponTheory Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
That's the thing, though, it DOES fit the game, unlike your terrible choice for a stylized font. This is not colorful MK 9, dude. This game is, literally and figuratively, DARKER than the last MK, and it should make use of a more mature font befitting of its atmosphere.

I'm sure I'm talking to a brick wall, but fuck it, I'll go for one last attempt to talking sense into you and anyone else who sadly agrees with you.

"That's the thing, though, it DOES fit the game, unlike your terrible choice for a stylized font."

No, it doesn't and I'll explain why shortly.
As for "my terrible choice"? It's already in a game! I can see you barely touched MK9 because this isn't some picture of a font I created. And I'm not saying to reuse the fucking thing, I'm simply pointing the difference between creativity done between MK9 and MKX. And to straight up say that a plain text is better than something that took time to create, is fucking crazy.
And here's why:

There is nothing creative about it at all. Every Mortal Kombat game had its own stylized fonts, while this one is the laziest one ever. I open up a Microsoft program that features fonts because I thought I was just bullshitting myself when I previously said "anybody with Microsoft Word can type onto a picture", and found the following in six seconds just randomly selecting any thing in the scroll.

- Sylfaen

Then for the hell of it, I went to search for a little more.

- Gentium Basic
- Palantino Linotype

Go compare it yourself. If you still think this lazy shit is perfect, then you are easy to amuse and entertain.

Oh and I love the following:

"This game is, literally and figuratively, DARKER than the last MK, and it should make use of a more mature font befitting of its atmosphere"

Yeah, let's slap Times New Roman font and call it a day, shows how fucking serious we are!

No, seriously, even Times New Roman also almost borderlines the resemblance. Whoever is going to rip text out of MKX for the Warehouse, it's going to take no effort whatsoever when already existing fonts are available. Hate on the MK9 Fatality Splash all you want, I really don't care, I'm simply saying they could had put effort on that Fatality part in this game and not cheapen the fuck out of it.

Oh and calling MK9 colorful? Exaggerate much? Especially what everyone is bragging about this game's visuals is the same thing people said about MK9's development. You're talking like MKX is a HUGE step. Just stop kidding yourself. It's just a slight update to the same engine used in "Injustice", which people said that game visually looks "darker" than MK9. You're acting like they're using Unreal Engine 4 for this game. I know this game has "advance" tech to pull off some new creative fatalities, but again, you're exaggerating the whole "omg it's Darker!!!".

Just a bunch of crap that doesn't refute any of my points and opts instead to spew bullshit about "creativity". Also, if you can't see how this game is darker than the previous MK in both those fronts, then you're either stubborn, or visually impaired.
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06/26/2014 04:07 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I agree the announcer should be more inclusive, but not like the guy from KI.
I actually really love that for some reason. He just so excited about the fight lol.

KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
MKX should have the announcer say things like "Superb", "Excellent", "Well Done", and laugh when someone hits 10% health. And maybe say some new things too.
Definitely bring all that back. Perhaps a "You suck!" too.
06/27/2014 05:29 PM (UTC)
I would like the narrator from MK3 to return.
06/28/2014 02:21 AM (UTC)
I think the word "dark" is a bit vague. This game is inarguably more serious and somber in tone than its predecessor, and that applies to the presentation and UI, which the fonts and lettering are part of.

MK9 certainly skewed cartoony and over the top, which is approproate for a remake of the classic trilogy, but this game is finally getting to move forward and try new things. NRS hasn't been able to break brand new ground in MK for three games. Now is the time when they actually ARE getting to be creative. We have NEVER seen an MK with a presentation like this. To follow the same tropes already established would actually hinder creativity.

Let's see what NRS is trying to do here. I'm interested in seeing where they are going with this game.
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