Watch this video about Unreal 3 Engine. This is why MK has the potential to be great.
posted01/24/2008 06:07 PM (UTC)by
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09/15/2003 03:46 AM (UTC)
Here it is.
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01/12/2008 08:27 PM (UTC)
We know of the potential. What we want to see, is the results.
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01/12/2008 09:55 PM (UTC)
Midway has demonstrated that they can actually make the Unreal Engine look bad judging by their past few games. Unreal can look AWESOME if it's used correctly...or it can look like Midway's Hour of Victory.

I hope they can push the engine hard.
01/12/2008 10:08 PM (UTC)
They've also demonstrated why Midway can make badass games with that, UNC and UN3 are awesome games.

Lookwise it's great and will easily be one of the better looking fighters out there, everything else is in question right now but we don't know anything yet so nobody should judge it yet.

Cool vid though
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01/12/2008 10:38 PM (UTC)
By the time the game gets released this engine will be halfway as effective as it was belled in. And halfway as appealing.

Meqons Karma engine is licensed for video games, and where the hell is this compared to the stuff Meqon has promised? And other stuff. You can pray that for MK8s sake the competition is full of hot air.

01/12/2008 10:51 PM (UTC)
I just hope the use it to it' full potential.
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01/12/2008 11:18 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
By the time the game gets released this engine will be halfway as effective as it was belled in. And halfway as appealing.

Meqons Karma engine is licensed for video games, and where the hell is this compared to the stuff Meqon has promised? And other stuff. You can pray that for MK8s sake the competition is full of hot air.

That is one of my concerns about this engine. Mainly though, it's "unique". Just about everything I've seen that comes from this new breed of graphics seem to share similarities. Bulky characters, alot of brown and grey coloring, lots of dirt flying aroound ect..

My questions consist of this:

1. "Art Direction"-- How do you (like The_Truth stated) "push" the engine to establish uniqueness from the resulting games of this engines predecessors, and still maintain this "dark and gritty" feel? I mean, what kind of objectives do you set if Re-invention is the goal?

2. "Mechanics" -- The biggest problem Mortal Kombat games have is mechanical. So after you get the look you want, what kinds of things do you change about your past that can be complimented by using this engine?

There's all sorts of existing animation techniques, and mechanical avenues to explore. We know a good amount about the other popular fighting games, and what they did//are doing. So, what could they do that wouldn't screw the gameplay up further, but keep them set apart from the others?

This keeping reinvention of Mortal Kombat in mind, they could fool around and make the gameplay TOO unique, JUST because they are using a new engine.

Somebody's gotta knows more about this than me.
01/13/2008 01:56 AM (UTC)
Like I said originally, it's kind of pointless to judge it a year before coming out...addressing Chromes post here but chances are especially on this site the same negative fans will hate it and the fans that love MK will like it and then you have the "general fighter fans" that can go either way....
01/13/2008 02:22 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Like I said originally, it's kind of pointless to judge it a year before coming out...addressing Chromes post here but chances are especially on this site the same negative fans will hate it and the fans that love MK will like it and then you have the "general fighter fans" that can go either way....

That's true, but here is the problem, there are people on this site who deep down inside despise MK, and hate everything about it. These are the people we want to get rid of.

They call us all kinds of names like fanboys. We don't have to take youre shit. If you hate MK, you shouldn't be on an MK site. But then again, you are never going to get them to come out and admit they hate MK.
01/13/2008 04:39 AM (UTC)
As of right now, Midway hasnt really been able to impress the audience with unreal technology, with the exception of Unreal Tournament 3, which is in fact developed by Epic games. To Chrome, Mequon is merely a physics engine from my understanding, but it is an advanced one.
01/13/2008 05:42 AM (UTC)
The Midway Team that made the MKSM is doing the TNA Impact!:


Making off...

If the "second team" can do this, I believe that the MKTeam will make something better, more spectacular (and dark).
I think the MK team can do a good job with the art, what worries me is the play mechanics design and implementation.
01/13/2008 05:01 PM (UTC)
Shinomune Wrote:
The Midway Team that made the MKSM is doing the TNA Impact!:


Making off...

If the "second team" can do this, I believe that the MKTeam will make something better, more spectacular (and dark).

They better, that game looks last gen, man...
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01/13/2008 05:50 PM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
As of right now, Midway hasnt really been able to impress the audience with unreal technology, with the exception of Unreal Tournament 3, which is in fact developed by Epic games. To Chrome, Mequon is merely a physics engine from my understanding, but it is an advanced one.

Thats the point, even if it is flashy it can still be crap if it will barely pull out more in terms of mechanics than the last 3 games engine..

Graphics are a bit irrelevant if you consioder that it will be useless in gameplay.
01/14/2008 12:30 AM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
As of right now, Midway hasnt really been able to impress the audience with unreal technology, with the exception of Unreal Tournament 3, which is in fact developed by Epic games. To Chrome, Mequon is merely a physics engine from my understanding, but it is an advanced one.

Yes, but midway has ownership since they bought over the UR Midway also makes UR games now along with Epic(the engine for UR, GOW, MK8 etc)

Outworld yeah I agree man, I don't see any point in coming to an MK site if you're going to rip it. There's constructive criticism and there's just flat out ignorant, stupidity...referring to the trolls on here that just say "MK sucks" constanty with nothing to back it up lol...nobody in this thread really, so far just about everyone has contributed to interesting points on both sides.

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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

01/24/2008 07:21 AM (UTC)
Stranglehold was pretty freakin awesome. that used the unreal engine if i'm not mistaken. so far they seem to be hit or miss. hits=unreal tournament 3 and stranglehold. miss=hour of victory and blacksite.

mk has 50/50 potential to go either way. lets hope the m.k. team can keep it in the hits category.
Motion Capture will hold them back. They should make the fighting the way DOA4 has it done.
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