wat fatlity 2 make?
Mortal Kombat X
Pages: 1
wat fatlity 2 make?
posted05/30/2005 11:53 PM (UTC)by

Member Since
05/21/2005 08:15 PM (UTC)
if u could make up a fatality for mk wat would it be?

About Me
Thanks redman for the sig!
Siduu... dude, seriously. Stop trying to look cool. Rapes aren't good things.. ever. And this thread is going to be closed. Hopefully soon. As it's in the wrong forum.

ErmackDaddy Wrote:
Siduu... dude, seriously. Stop trying to look cool. Rapes aren't good things.. ever. And this thread is going to be closed. Hopefully soon. As it's in the wrong forum.
Siduu... dude, seriously. Stop trying to look cool. Rapes aren't good things.. ever. And this thread is going to be closed. Hopefully soon. As it's in the wrong forum.
I agree. That was far from funny Siduu.
As for a new Fatality, I don't think there should be any. Faatlities just need to be changed for the better and stop being the same repetitive things over and over. MKD was full of decapitations and body splits. MKDA was mainly decapitations. We need a wider variety of Fatalities that involve other limbs and even character powers, abilities, accessories, weapons and some sheer brutality and creativity.
I agree, they should think wider. A good idea would be to make a Fatality for every weapon in a level and each characters. Some Separate fatalities without weapons. It would also be really cool to have Tag like Tekken tag, and you are able to do a "Double Team Fatality" with your partner, so both people do a fatality combo together on one guy.
Also it would be extremely cool if you are able to injure/tear/break/slash/burn/freeze/melt specific body parts so it makes it harder to control and play with your character during that fight. Also maybe have some tearing clothing, I would like to see the clothes get dirty, bloody, and torn.
Also it would be extremely cool if you are able to injure/tear/break/slash/burn/freeze/melt specific body parts so it makes it harder to control and play with your character during that fight. Also maybe have some tearing clothing, I would like to see the clothes get dirty, bloody, and torn.
i think it wuld be funny if they had spazoutality b-cuz i spaz out alot 4 no reason and i think it wuld be hilarious. i'm thinkin of 1 now scorpion get out his spear and makin them come to him and then he wuld get his sword out and start goin nuts and cuttin him up by spazin out.
Those would make good weapon brutalities. If scorpion uses the spear to bring them close, and pulls out his sword and starts cutting the opponent up like crazy and it's nothing but feet and the whole floor is covered with slashed and severed body parts.
Siduu101 Wrote:
A rapeality will be awesome.
*man & woman*
A rapeality will be awesome.
*man & woman*
How about bestiality, *Siduu and his dog(or his mom)*
Siduu101 Wrote:
A rapeality will be awesome.
*man & woman*
You are a douche, stop trying so hard to be funny, it either makes you look like a moron or an ass.A rapeality will be awesome.
*man & woman*

how is it in the wrong forum and y do u want it 2 close soon?
i wus thinkin of a rapeality 2. so wut if gettin raped is bad everything in mk is a tragedy when u r fightin.
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