posted06/18/2009 06:54 PM (UTC)by
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05/28/2009 12:29 AM (UTC)
I just read about the Bid Warner Bros. has placed on Midway, and that got me to thinking. I would make the assumption that this answer is floating around somewhere but...

If this panned out, and Warner Bros. DID succusfully own the Mortal Kombat Title, would that mean censorship? Due to Warner being a fairly 'family' oriented company, I would think censorship would take place in the games, meaning NO BLOOD, NO FATALITIES, and worst of all, NO 'GET THE F*CK OVA HERE', which would make me a little sad. Mortal Kombat has been at the top of my list for years in fighting games, and overall games. To see a childhood memory destroyed like that would kill me.

So what are your takes? Assuming Warner Bros. DID buy MK, how would you react? Do you think they would censor it? Any changes? Opinions are greatly welcomed.

-BTW, Just joined, LOVE the site. I can tell I'll be spending time here.
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

05/28/2009 03:41 AM (UTC)
Every1 keeps cryin 4 a change, so really I think as long as they put the Umk3 like chars in there ermac smoke jade mileena / then tanya khameleon reptile and them in the game,it will feel like a mk game. The different color ninjas is what really made me like mk, not really the fatalities or blood, in part 2 anyway, i did like it 4 fatalities in part1. If they were added to dc ppl wouldn't hav been so mad, it jus feels more like mk with them in. Mk3 was ok cuz it was different from part 2 and 1, but it felt much better when they added the ninjas in umk3. So I think they can get away with less blood as long as the gamepla is fun and hyper as i stated in my post and they dont leave out the fun NINJAS. But really i understand y mk vs wasnt so perfect, it was really only a new rebuild 4 mk in the new graphical world(PS3-360) so it takes time 2 decide what will work, but once they build their system its always easy to improve from there, remember a game has 2b released b4 a certain time.

also, they might not hav enough time to add everything. Which in this generation is were the Downloadable content comes in after the game is released. Just like mkda was a new start from mk4 to the next gen system(ps2 ), they had to start over agin which takes time, but once they have their content and in game system they can easily add on to it, an example of this would be how mkd turned out to b one of the best newly made 3d games as far as fatalities and kombos goes, then they furthered it with mka, which also would hav been a perfect trilogy like game if they had added all the fatalities and kombos from previous games, and if the kak had options to use any move 4 any char that was in it, cuz i rather make my own kitana like she was in mk2 or umk3 or trilogy, cuz i hate that white string they added to her hair in mk vs. I would hav rathered they left that white string out her hair. It could hav looked the way it do now but just without that string or hair tie or whatever it is.

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05/28/2009 04:20 AM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Every1 keeps cryin 4 a change, so really I think as long as they put the Umk3 like chars in there ermac smoke jade mileena / then tanya khameleon reptile and them in the game,it will feel like a mk game. The different color ninjas is what really made me like mk, not really the fatalities or blood, in part 2 anyway, i did like it 4 fatalities in part1. If they were added to dc ppl wouldn't hav been so mad, it jus feels more like mk with them in. Mk3 was ok cuz it was different from part 2 and 1, but it felt much better when they added the ninjas in umk3. So I think they can get away with less blood as long as the gamepla is fun and hyper as i stated in my post and they dont leave out the fun NINJAS. But really i understand y mk vs wasnt so perfect, it was really only a new rebuild 4 mk in the new graphical world(PS3-360) so it takes time 2 decide what will work, but once they build their system its always easy to improve from there, remember a game has 2b released b4 a certain time.

Would it be too much to ask to speak in English?
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

05/28/2009 04:23 AM (UTC)
Mk vs felt like mk2 but really was like mk1 refreshed, so now since they hav the mk content it will be easy to tweak the gamepla and over all game to speed it up. Since that is, i think mk vs dc 2 will be a smash hit, cuz now they have their ingame system from mk vs. so like i said jus tweak it and make it more fun as well as add tons more chars and fatalities, mayb 5 for each char. I still think mk can get away with havin less blood cuz an example would be how onlin ppl always put the blood on low or turn it off anyway 4 the lagg. Please add brutalities like in trilogy but the punches and kiks should look more detailed 10x's more than the N64 trilogy chars punches and kiks, oh yeah add clapping, talkin(shao kahn or boss),endurance, dark like kombat, pits, deathtraps, stage fatalities, stage weather like rain, snow, pink skies, sunny skies, dark kombat, day, night , morning. If Armageddon can hold all that content 4 a ps2 system, imagine what a true mk game can hold on the new gen systems, POWERFUL
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

05/28/2009 04:31 AM (UTC)
it is english, learn how to read in tite spaces, as i stated b4 if ur not dum, u should be able to see words and letters so try agin hater or put on ur damn glasses, ur always the 1, even with others u always got something smart 2 say and im sick of it.
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05/28/2009 05:52 AM (UTC)
^ Two double posts in one thread, wow.

Mortal Kombat is not going to be censored if its picked up my Waner Bros. They do plenty of violent movies and video games. The only noticeable change you will see in a new MK game is the WB logo in place of the Midway one.
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"There is no knowledge that is not power."

05/28/2009 06:17 AM (UTC)
Nodxalt Wrote:
I just read about the Bid Warner Bros. has placed on Midway, and that got me to thinking. I would make the assumption that this answer is floating around somewhere but...

If this panned out, and Warner Bros. DID succusfully own the Mortal Kombat Title, would that mean censorship? Due to Warner being a fairly 'family' oriented company, I would think censorship would take place in the games, meaning NO BLOOD, NO FATALITIES, and worst of all, NO 'GET THE F*CK OVA HERE', which would make me a little sad. Mortal Kombat has been at the top of my list for years in fighting games, and overall games. To see a childhood memory destroyed like that would kill me.

So what are your takes? Assuming Warner Bros. DID buy MK, how would you react? Do you think they would censor it? Any changes? Opinions are greatly welcomed.

-BTW, Just joined, LOVE the site. I can tell I'll be spending time here.

Ohs nos!!!1!! Teh Warna Bruthaz iz gunna tekes away da Fataliteez!1

Seriously, man, get a grip.
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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05/28/2009 02:12 PM (UTC)
Nodxalt Wrote:

Don't worry so much about that man. MKvsDC was censored because of the inclusion of the DC allstars. They will not be apart of Mortal Kombat for every game, for the rest of eternity, if WB finalizes. That was just exclusive to that one game.

Warner Bros Interactive (the video game aspect of WB) has produced M rated games before in "Condemned 2, FEAR 2, and Watchmen: End is Nigh".

Nodxalt Wrote:
-BTW, Just joined, LOVE the site. I can tell I'll be spending time here.

Welcome and enjoy!
05/28/2009 11:04 PM (UTC)
I really doubt that a new company that takes over will censor a game that's been making people happy about killing humans for about 17 years.

If anything, this will give the MK team better opportunity to FINALLY make a good MK game since... the last time people bragged more about how the game rocked rather than bitched about it.

Also, I feel that they could FINALLY have enough time to make everything solid. Honestly, if there's a user here who actually talked to one of the designers online or something and they replied back saying that Armageddon was unfinished because there was not enough time, then this should really help a lot. I'm tired of playin unfinished games. Really, and it's not just me who's tired of them either.
05/29/2009 01:07 AM (UTC)
Really TrueNoob? REALLY?

The lack of fatalities is not my concern. The topic was mainly,
'How would you feel if MK was censored for good?'

I just felt that MK wouldn't have the charm everybody came to love if it was 'toned down'.

Thanks for the warm welcome.
05/29/2009 01:23 AM (UTC)
MK really does suck w/ out fatalities. I could live w/ it but it blows w/ out them
About Me

"There is no knowledge that is not power."

05/30/2009 03:15 PM (UTC)
Nodxalt Wrote:
Really TrueNoob? REALLY?

The lack of fatalities is not my concern. The topic was mainly,
'How would you feel if MK was censored for good?'


I just felt that MK wouldn't have the charm everybody came to love if it was 'toned down'.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

LOL, sorry just had to get that snarkiness out of my system. Nothing personal, really.

Really, I don't think MK being toned down is anything to worry about. What MK needs is to be refined. Right now it's just crude and immature, despite anything the ESRB slaps on the box about it being "Mature."

MK just needs a new direction from some cabable talent. Right now it's just languishing in the gutter, hoping that copious ammounts of blood (poorly rendered blood, I might add) and Saturday morning cartoon antics will still continue to reel in the kiddies and the braindead.

What MK needs is someone to come in and give it a slick, professional makeover like JJ Abrams did for the Star Trek franchise.

That's my two cents.


I dont think WB will censor MK, MK is all about uncensored fighting, and when hen censor it, MK lost its meaning(and most if not all it's fans!), and WB knows that.
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