04/13/2005 11:55 PM (UTC)
HDTran Wrote:
I do agree some innovative wakeups would be nice, but since there hasn't been a ground game in any 3d MK game, basics first I suppose. But different characters having different escape options on the ground would add a layer to character differences and depth. Say like Sub-Zero has a move where when he's on the ground, he freezes the ground he's laying on and slides back quickly. Stuff like that would be pretty cool.

That's an interesting idea HDTran. How about one for Noob Saibot in which he turns into a puddle of black ooze like Venom and moves back? How does that sound?
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04/14/2005 12:00 AM (UTC)
Wake-up games sound like a good idea and should be put in.
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04/14/2005 03:43 PM (UTC)
Yeah that does sound hella cool Sub7th. Of course they would have some balances to this. Like since Sub and Noob can move back on the ground quickly, they would lose the ability to come up with say like a rising mid attack or something or have worse versions of such.
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04/14/2005 08:28 PM (UTC)
Using his hookswords into the ground Kabal could get up faster than others, pulling himself backwards or sideways, sacrificing forward rolls for extra speed on backwards and sideways. (He'd have to sit up, hit hookswords into floor, then pull himself up infront of the opponent, too dangerous and slow)

A bit of variation in rolling could go a long way towards making characters individual when you start to notice characters having the same moves in different styles etc.
A wake up game has to be in. If they don't have the standard wake up game like from VF or Tekken, then at least have something like in SC2 where you can do while rising attacks as wake up attacks.
04/15/2005 02:44 AM (UTC)
Using his hookswords into the ground Kabal could get up faster others, pulling himself backwards or sideways, sacrificing forward rolls for extra speed on backwards and sideways. (He'd have to sit up, hit hookswords into floor, then pull himself up infront of the opponent, too dangerous and slow)

A bit of variation in rolling could go a long way towards making characters individual when you start to notice characters having the same moves in different styles etc.

I like that, that would add another layer that I don't really think any other game has had before.
04/15/2005 02:56 AM (UTC)
Wake ups yes.
As for the blocks, the are looking much better that previous games, though I still find it funny that you can block a sword and other weapons with your bare arms and hands. Blocking to weapons shold be more ducking and dodging movements without the character actually movie their feet to a new position (walking backward etc).
04/15/2005 04:42 PM (UTC)
Would love to have had a wake up game in MKD. That would really prevent a lot of infinites and pressuring from the opponent.
I'm for a wake up game, but something other than just "roll around on the ground and maybe kick or jump up". I would like to see a lot of different options for getting up..maybe backflip away, maybe kick while you are down, maybe a special move for each character (LOVE that idea Tran), or maybe they will just get up.
Perhaps a take-down move of their own when they are on the ground, ala Scorpions leg trip in MK2. A move that takes the attacker down to the ground if he/she gets too close and puts the attacker back in the dominating position.

Perhaps a wake up move that pulls out a weapon as the character springs up...example Raiden spinning his staff as he gets up, tripping the opponent from a distance.
Another option for staying on the ground would be the ability to shoot projectiles low or mid range..maybe at that level the projectiles could have a trip or stagger property. Sub, for example, could shoot a low powered, low range ice ball that would freeze the opponents legs for a short time. Scorpion could shoot his spear, hit the shins, pull, and yank the opponent off their feet.
Just some ideas.
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04/18/2005 11:40 PM (UTC)
Yeah, wakeup can do more than just balance the game and give players more freedom. It can actually add to the nature of MK. You've got Raiden who's a thunder god and yet during a match he just acts like a normal fighter with a lightning filter. Wakeup for him can really involve his powers a lot more than they are right now.
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