Vampires and Nightwolf... Animality? hmm
posted05/17/2010 07:27 PM (UTC)by
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04/22/2010 03:22 PM (UTC)
Raiden's MKDA ending hinted at the return of Onaga.
It also mentioned the "Vampire People" posing a threat against Earthrealm.

Well, Deception saw the rise of Onaga.
Armageddon saw nothing more than mash up of MK characters.

What do you think of the possibility of there ever being a vampire threat?
I'm not talking about Mortal Kombat: Humans vs Vampires.

Let me kind of explain what's been cooking on my brain these past few months of speculation:

Nitara: Carefuly manipulated Cyrax into retrieving the Orb which bound her home realm to Outworld. She smashes it and is transported to Vaeternus (sp?).

Nightwolf: The energy blast from Blaze's death infuses with Nightwolf's spirit allowing him to harness ancient secrets of his animality. This allows him to transform into a Werwolf to defeat his ancient enemies of Vampires. It's up to him to not only stop the Vampires from converting humans, but to control his own animality and not let the Lycan disease spread throughout Earthrealm.

A little far fetched, sure... I'll admit that. But I think it'd be cool to bring back Animality in a sense, but for Nightwolf (and maybe Nitara) only. Almost like a power-up move for him in the middle of a battle so that his attacks are stronger and faster. I guess this is a character specific version of RRRRRRRRAAAAGE But with a cool twist because you can see them transform during the fight.

I'm not saying Vampires should be the main threat and reason behind MK9's tournament, but a secondary conflict to add onto whatever main event brings about the "ninth" tournament
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
05/17/2010 06:09 PM (UTC)
Interesting idea, though it makes it sound like the Underworld and Twilight movies then with the whole vampire versus werewolf feud. That sort of thing I wouldn't want to see in MK as it's been done enough elsewhere. I like how things were going with Nitara's MKA storyline with the story revolving around the Datusha. Given her story, it seems the vampires want to be left in peace but this could be a false pretence.
I have mentioned before that I wouldn't midn seeing the vampires become a threat. My idea was that they'd start selecting certain warriors to run into vampires. These would be the more acomplished warriors so as to serve as fighters to help protect their realm. Or, they could do this to create an army to beginning invading other realms or even just to enact chaos around Outworld and take revenge on Shao Kahn. Heck, they could even just want to go and tear Outworld apart by smashing the rest of the Portal Spheres and freeing more relams which then gives us options for new realms and characters.
Your version of the Animaility as a power up reminds me of the Neijin in MKDA. I don't mind a power up as such but to see the player transform mid match would to some seem like a blatent copy of the Bloody Roar series. Again, that's something I would not want to see. I'm not sure if you mean Nightwolf would keep his wolf form and fight on as one. Either way, I would not want to see that happen in game. An idea would be just to bring back the Neijin perhaps, and as Nitara or Nightwolf perform it (and this would apply to Nightwolf more), we could see a shadow of his chi in the form of a wolf. It could emanate from his body and show that he's just focused his power.
05/17/2010 07:27 PM (UTC)
this idea sounds like a mash up of underworld and twilight thrown into an MK game lol. i don't like the power up idea at all. i rather Nightwolf be able to transform at least for a fatality/animality. i kind of like the idea of the vampires being a threat but if they are going to be a threat than why not make them a threat to more than just earthrealm? in anycase,this idea is not that bad but its not going to be anything close to MK9. MK9 will either follow MK:A more than likely...hopefully it wont be a reboot but that is possible too. maybe this idea can be something to ponder in the future.
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