07/30/2014 07:47 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Ashrah was such a fun reveal with all the "female Raiden" hype. Her, Havik, and Hotaru are the only characters from Deception that I hope are significant in MKX.

That same hype is also what killed Ashrah's chance at popularity flat, because a LOT of people were disappointed that she was instead essentially a retool of Sareena when the game finally came out (whom had appeared directly prior in Tournament Edition but did not return).

Give Ashrah a brand new outfit that doesn't resemble Raiden's at all and she'll be well received.
07/30/2014 09:06 PM (UTC)
"This arguement doesn't justify anything. "Vampires don't fit on MK".... Really?.."

A) I feel like her design was terrible IMO
B) I feel like the game she came from was terrible IMO.
C) NRS is creative so i'd like to see more characters from new races like the one D'vorah came from.
D) As a whole she just feels tacky and boring to me like Ashra, Mavado, Cobra, Sheeva...ect..
E) Finally, and most important if be pissed if she got in the game over Fujin, Reiko, Havik, Tanya, and Kenshi.
07/30/2014 11:00 PM (UTC)
I'd take Nitara and or Ashrah over Kenshi anyday!
07/30/2014 11:11 PM (UTC)
I've never liked either of these characters, but I think the ideas that are being presented for a revamped Ashrah sound pretty cool. Her original story was never terrible, it was primarily her execution.

Unfortunately my gripe with Nitara lies with the vampires and werewolves FAD. Not interested in the least. We see enough of that everywhere else, and clearly Nitara was Midway's attempt at jumping on the bandwagon. No thanks. Why do people think that because Mortal Kombat's assortment of creatures extends for being such as Sheeva/Reptile/Drahmin that we have to have vampires too?

Want an exciting race/creature/monster? Ask NRS to bring Motaro back, that's something we don't see often.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/30/2014 11:56 PM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
Want an exciting race/creature/monster? Ask NRS to bring Motaro back, that's something we don't see often.

I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote the idea off early to throw us off track. I know he died in MK9 but I've got a feeling he'll be present in some form.

Wanderer Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Ashrah was such a fun reveal with all the "female Raiden" hype. Her, Havik, and Hotaru are the only characters from Deception that I hope are significant in MKX.

That same hype is also what killed Ashrah's chance at popularity flat, because a LOT of people were disappointed that she was instead essentially a retool of Sareena when the game finally came out (whom had appeared directly prior in Tournament Edition but did not return).

Give Ashrah a brand new outfit that doesn't resemble Raiden's at all and she'll be well received.

I never understood the correlation. Just because of a hat? Well I can only speak for myself but I came around to Ashrah before I did Sareena. Mainly because I didn't play the Tournament Edition and I sucked at MKM.

But yes, a redesign would do her a bit of good. I always thought she looked too "heavenly" to be a demon anyways.
07/31/2014 12:35 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
moneyguy Wrote:
Want an exciting race/creature/monster? Ask NRS to bring Motaro back, that's something we don't see often.

I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote the idea off early to throw us off track. I know he died in MK9 but I've got a feeling he'll be present in some form.

A possibility is that Motaro may be Torr. As of right now, Torr is dubbed as an Ogre/Oni. He could also be from the Shokan race. Not all Shokan's have four arms.

Everything will play out in Storymode. From finding out who this Sub-Zero is, who Torr is and so forth.

I'm going to say Torr will end up being either Motaro or Shao Kahn. Torr does wear that burlap sack for a reason, to hide his true identity.
07/31/2014 01:03 AM (UTC)
Lucifer in Mortal Kombat is just another God Guardian as Raiden.

About Me
07/31/2014 11:49 AM (UTC)
Heavy-Rain Wrote:
"This arguement doesn't justify anything. "Vampires don't fit on MK".... Really?.."

A) I feel like her design was terrible IMO
B) I feel like the game she came from was terrible IMO.
C) NRS is creative so i'd like to see more characters from new races like the one D'vorah came from.
D) As a whole she just feels tacky and boring to me like Ashra, Mavado, Cobra, Sheeva...ect..
E) Finally, and most important if be pissed if she got in the game over Fujin, Reiko, Havik, Tanya, and Kenshi.

So... Just because you don't like a character, they should never return?...

07/31/2014 02:46 PM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Ashrah was such a fun reveal with all the "female Raiden" hype. Her, Havik, and Hotaru are the only characters from Deception that I hope are significant in MKX.

That same hype is also what killed Ashrah's chance at popularity flat, because a LOT of people were disappointed that she was instead essentially a retool of Sareena when the game finally came out (whom had appeared directly prior in Tournament Edition but did not return).

Give Ashrah a brand new outfit that doesn't resemble Raiden's at all and she'll be well received.

So basically, you're saying that Ashrah was rejected by the fans, because she was (considered) a Sareena rip-off, instead of a Raiden one? Who said individuality really is a must among MK fans?

Maybe people could learn that just because some characters look similar, doesn't mean they're automathically connected, or should be. But but but, why give her a design so similar to Raiden's if she's got nothing to do with him, you may ask? Oh, I don't know, maybe you could ask all those beloved ninjas, most of them unconnected, storywise. Or Khameleon, who's not at all linked to any of the other three female ninjas, but who has all of their moves and even a hybridized version of their designs (and some fans who actually want Khameleon to remain this way).

Ashrah can get a new outfit, but there's nothing wrong with her primary MKD one. She looks different enough from Raiden. And let's say she was connected to Raiden. What story would the fans have wanted for her? For her to be Raiden's own Sakura, perhaps?
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