wouldn't be cool if they took unreal championship 2 a step closer? jax vs. malcom! gorge vs. kano! katana vs. laren! hey, maybe even let a few guys from the gird in it.
the story could be that the dragon king had partly suceeded and the unreal universe has merged with outrealm..Liandri corp. desides to hold a surpirze tornament..however..fujin, knowing that somebody within the corpation holds the madallion that can devide and conet the realms, summoned earth's and outworld's greatest fighters..they must do battle inside this compation in order to flush out the holder of the dragon king's device.
areas would be the living forrest, sho-khan's fortress and other classic spots..as well as favorite unreal maps.
combat would be like uneal chapionship..but with endings for each team, the teams would be "lin kui", "black dragon", "speisal forces", "white loutis" and so on..likewise, teams like "thunder clash" and "juggernuat" would be there as well.
what do you think?