04/20/2015 03:58 PM (UTC)
This is great. It's been a while since we've had a game with stuff you had to unlock and actually find because it wasn't DLC or obvious.
04/20/2015 04:01 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
What i have.

Revenant Jax. Obtained when Reaching lvl 7 with flawless victory. Just do kustom Kombat a bunch of times.

Revenant Sub-Zero. Obtained when completing tower test your might.

Revenant Liu Kang. Obtained when i got my 25th win with playervsplayer ranked match.

Dark emperess Kitana. Premier tower when you have to use Goro in the living towers section.

Dark emperor Liu Kang. Obtained in tower challenges and in stead of challenging Friends do new tower. Took me 7 times.

Kahnum Mileena. Obtained with Endless tower must win 15 or 20 times.

Revenant Kung Lao and Revenant Kitana. Don't have yet.
Hotshot Johnny also not yet.

Hope this helps everyone.

Did you play as Liu Kang on the Tower Challenges to unlock Dark Emperor Liu Kang?
04/20/2015 04:13 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
For any in here that didn't see my thread earlier, Hotshot Johnny is 10 Survivor KOTH matches in a row.

Do you mean successful matches, as in winning 10 KOTH Survivor matches in a row? or you just have to do 10 survivor KOTH matches in a row winning or losing doesn't matter?

I just got Emperor L.K. it's a sick look for him, I love it!

I only need:

Hotshot Johnny,
Rev. Kung Lao,
Rev. Liu Kang,
Rev. Kitana
04/20/2015 04:50 PM (UTC)
xTI2AV1Sx Wrote:
MerdynBlade Wrote:
What i have.

Revenant Jax. Obtained when Reaching lvl 7 with flawless victory. Just do kustom Kombat a bunch of times.

Revenant Sub-Zero. Obtained when completing tower test your might.

Revenant Liu Kang. Obtained when i got my 25th win with playervsplayer ranked match.

Dark emperess Kitana. Premier tower when you have to use Goro in the living towers section.

Dark emperor Liu Kang. Obtained in tower challenges and in stead of challenging Friends do new tower. Took me 7 times.

Kahnum Mileena. Obtained with Endless tower must win 15 or 20 times.

Revenant Kung Lao and Revenant Kitana. Don't have yet.
Hotshot Johnny also not yet.

Hope this helps everyone.

Did you play as Liu Kang on the Tower Challenges to unlock Dark Emperor Liu Kang?

No as Sonya. I guess it doesnt matter who you pick.
04/20/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
xTI2AV1Sx Wrote:
MerdynBlade Wrote:
What i have.

Revenant Jax. Obtained when Reaching lvl 7 with flawless victory. Just do kustom Kombat a bunch of times.

Revenant Sub-Zero. Obtained when completing tower test your might.

Revenant Liu Kang. Obtained when i got my 25th win with playervsplayer ranked match.

Dark emperess Kitana. Premier tower when you have to use Goro in the living towers section.

Dark emperor Liu Kang. Obtained in tower challenges and in stead of challenging Friends do new tower. Took me 7 times.

Kahnum Mileena. Obtained with Endless tower must win 15 or 20 times.

Revenant Kung Lao and Revenant Kitana. Don't have yet.
Hotshot Johnny also not yet.

Hope this helps everyone.

Did you play as Liu Kang on the Tower Challenges to unlock Dark Emperor Liu Kang?

No as Sonya. I guess it doesnt matter who you pick.

Awesome, thanks for the info!
04/21/2015 12:39 AM (UTC)
I think I know what unlocks revenant Kitana. Go into a full KOTH lobby, and give everyone 10 respect points. Do it for a while then check if you have the skin. You don't get a notification when you unlock her, but I strongly suspect the key to unlocking her is all about the amount of respect points you have given to others.
04/21/2015 01:07 AM (UTC)
I just did 7 Challenge Towers in a row and didn't unlock anything, doing New Tower every time. Are we sure that's how we unlock Revenant Liu Kang?
04/21/2015 01:26 AM (UTC)
i hope that sometime down the line they'll release a patch that'll let you unlock them in offline modes

04/21/2015 01:30 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
I just did 7 Challenge Towers in a row and didn't unlock anything, doing New Tower every time. Are we sure that's how we unlock Revenant Liu Kang?

Did you make sure to successfully do all the Dragon Challenges for at least one of the towers?
04/21/2015 01:37 AM (UTC)
BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
Garlador Wrote:
I just did 7 Challenge Towers in a row and didn't unlock anything, doing New Tower every time. Are we sure that's how we unlock Revenant Liu Kang?

Did you make sure to successfully do all the Dragon Challenges for at least one of the towers?

I thought I did. I know I missed a few (largely because the criteria was impossible, such as a modifier of "poison" and a Dragon Challenge of "get a flawless victory").

Do I have to redo it 7 more times?
04/21/2015 01:42 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
Garlador Wrote:
I just did 7 Challenge Towers in a row and didn't unlock anything, doing New Tower every time. Are we sure that's how we unlock Revenant Liu Kang?

Did you make sure to successfully do all the Dragon Challenges for at least one of the towers?

I thought I did. I know I missed a few (largely because the criteria was impossible, such as a modifier of "poison" and a Dragon Challenge of "get a flawless victory").

Do I have to redo it 7 more times?

I doubt it. I kept failing and getting only 4 out of 5 challenges. I was at it for hours. But then finally I committed to it, and played through the tower one final time, getting all the challenges, and that's when I unlocked him, so I think that might be the key. At least it worked for me, so give it a try. Maybe you'll get lucky and the challenges you get will be manageable.
04/21/2015 02:00 AM (UTC)
Help put fujin in mkx plus help spread the word! https://www.change.org/p/netherrealm-studio-fujin-for-mortal-kombat-x
04/21/2015 02:04 AM (UTC)
The only one I have a major problem with is Johnny tbh... that requirement just feels impossible for anyone who isn't highly skilled at fighting games.

The pve ones (online or offline) can all be done with patience.
The other online pvp ones can be done with patience (Even if it's 1 in 10, everyone gets a win now and then... so you can slowly churn them out.)
Jax can be easily cheesed with nothing more than a second controller.

But Johnny's just feels impossible to me as a semi-casual player. I was at it for hours and the best I could get was 2-3 wins. Even if in a room full of people w/ comparable skill level (Which is somewhat unlikely in and of itself, as there are usually 1 or 2 people clearly a cut above the rest of the room) fighting people who are you equals usually results in slow damage being chipped off from fight to fight, as people of equal skill typically dish out about as well as you give them. So it's virtually impossible not to get whittled down after a few rounds.

I mean the achievement basically requires you to be in a room full of people who are clearly a mile below your skill level, and just take advantage of that fact. The only way it seems to keep your health high enough to last 10 rounds is to dominate. Which is extremely unlikely if you're fighting players at the same skill level as yourself.

The achievement basically requires you to take advantage of people who aren't as good as you. Fine for top tier players I suppose, who have no problem pummeling the rest of us, but I think the majority of us aren't quite at that level... leaving us the only option of... setting up a cheese room and just trading wins.

I'd rather go out and earn it the right way, but I honestly don't feel I can. *Shrug*
04/21/2015 06:16 PM (UTC)
I unlocked Dark Empress Kitana by getting the "Tower Master" achievement for beating 10 towers.
04/21/2015 08:20 PM (UTC)
I now also unlocked

Revenant Kung Lao : 25 to 30 wins in King Of The Hill player match. I know not cool but to bad only way.

Revenant Kitana: get a friend and play a private survivor match on king of the Hill like 10 to 15 times. When done check your character skins. Kitana is added.
04/21/2015 08:22 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
I now also unlocked

Revenant Kung Lao : 25 to 30 wins in King Of The Hill player match. I know not cool but to bad only way.

Revenant Kitana: get a friend and play a private survivor match on king of the Hill like 10 to 15 times. When done check your character skins. Kitana is added.

I got revenant kitana by giving 100 respect points
04/21/2015 08:52 PM (UTC)
That is weird i gave a lot before i always give 10 and have been in 50 online matches.
Never unlocked it before until i did this.

But maybe for Some this is a way to
04/22/2015 04:27 AM (UTC)
Would it not be possible to start up some koth matches and invite people from here off the forums on their respective consoles? Get a list going and
Work together
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/22/2015 05:15 AM (UTC)
Juurrgg Wrote:
i hope that sometime down the line they'll release a patch that'll let you unlock them in offline modes

Agreed. Not everyone will, or even can (yo) play online.

I think Sub's is the only revenant skin I have thus far.
Shesgotclaws Wrote:
Would it not be possible to start up some koth matches and invite people from here off the forums on their respective consoles? Get a list going and
Work together

I'm on PS4, if people would want to get together to help others get the KoTH skin I'd be down. Also, to get the Jax skin is it only possible to get with a second controller to play Kustom Kombat?
04/22/2015 07:04 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Shesgotclaws Wrote:
Would it not be possible to start up some koth matches and invite people from here off the forums on their respective consoles? Get a list going and
Work together

I'm on PS4, if people would want to get together to help others get the KoTH skin I'd be down. Also, to get the Jax skin is it only possible to get with a second controller to play Kustom Kombat?

Well you can get Jax without it. But that Would take Some time to get your flawless lvl up.

I Would be down to but private matches don't work for kung Lao or hotshot Johnny.

I want hotshot Johnny but a 10 win streak on koth survivor is nearly impossible for me.
About Me

'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

04/22/2015 07:54 AM (UTC)
Hotshot Johnny is the one I'm struggling with :(

Try an be lucky by being in a room with one person and trying to get the 10 wins before someone else joins
MerdynBlade Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Shesgotclaws Wrote:
Would it not be possible to start up some koth matches and invite people from here off the forums on their respective consoles? Get a list going and
Work together

I'm on PS4, if people would want to get together to help others get the KoTH skin I'd be down. Also, to get the Jax skin is it only possible to get with a second controller to play Kustom Kombat?

Well you can get Jax without it. But that Would take Some time to get your flawless lvl up.

I Would be down to but private matches don't work for kung Lao or hotshot Johnny.

I want hotshot Johnny but a 10 win streak on koth survivor is nearly impossible for me.

Thanks for the info. I got my Flawless lvl up to 8 the other day when the daily's modifier was low health. I got like 12 or more in a row with Sub. Still no Jax though.
About Me

04/22/2015 09:16 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
MerdynBlade Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Shesgotclaws Wrote:
Would it not be possible to start up some koth matches and invite people from here off the forums on their respective consoles? Get a list going and
Work together

I'm on PS4, if people would want to get together to help others get the KoTH skin I'd be down. Also, to get the Jax skin is it only possible to get with a second controller to play Kustom Kombat?

Well you can get Jax without it. But that Would take Some time to get your flawless lvl up.

I Would be down to but private matches don't work for kung Lao or hotshot Johnny.

I want hotshot Johnny but a 10 win streak on koth survivor is nearly impossible for me.

Thanks for the info. I got my Flawless lvl up to 8 the other day when the daily's modifier was low health. I got like 12 or more in a row with Sub. Still no Jax though.

Revenant Jax is unlocked by having a 15 win streak in Kustom Kombat. I was originally told it was a 25 win streak but I unlocked Jax at 15 wins in a row.
04/22/2015 10:17 AM (UTC)
Ravenbez Wrote:
Hotshot Johnny is the one I'm struggling with :(

Try an be lucky by being in a room with one person and trying to get the 10 wins before someone else joins

Exactly same here i think i Will join a room and hope when everyone leaves i can invite friend from my friend list. Untill the room is full with Friends.
Anyone who is interested add me. KingRogueBlade. I Will invite one by one when there is room. And if you are online. Patience is needed for this i guess -,-
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