Unexpected opponents
posted03/25/2012 02:11 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Here is an idea I came up with last night.

I was thinking that in a future MK game, during intros (if they're kept) in single player, the following things could sometimes happen

One possibility is that your opponents would suddenly be killed by another character, or more, and you'd end up fighting him/her/them instead. Basically, imagine you're just expecting to fight Quan Chi, but either he gets killed and you find yourself in a endurance fight against two or three opponents instead or, Quan Chi doesn't die but receives assistance from other characters, still leaving you in a endurance fight. If the game had more than one sub-boss again, the unexpected opponent(s) could be the one(s) you're not going to fight before the final boss.

What I'm suggesting could happen in absolutely any fights, even the first. Bosses would be the exception and not get killed in their intros.

Another possibility is that your character would be attacked during his/her intro, and you'd have to fend off the assault. Let's say you're playing as Baraka, and you see a hell hole open up in front of him. Scorpion would unsurprisingly come out of his hole, and Baraka could just greet him with his blades. Sometimes however, Scorpion will be smarter than that and fool you by opening one hellhole, and then popping out from behind. He could even mess with you by opening countless hellholes. When he'd come out of one, you'd need great reflexes to fend off his attacks.

Just something I thought up to keep the game excitingly challenging.
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03/24/2012 04:19 PM (UTC)
This seems interesting. I like it.smile
03/25/2012 01:40 AM (UTC)
I have some trouble imagining a mode where my opponent would be killed before the fight often in MK since every time a character died in this franchise, he was dead until next game at least.

Deaths coming out of nowhere and at any time? They are already pretty sad in the storymode when it's a character i like so, the fatalities are enough as deaths during the fights imo.
03/25/2012 02:11 PM (UTC)
A few more things.

When Quan Chi cheats by summoning help, if his ally(ies) happens to be good guys, they could have that zombified look the heroes had when Raiden fought them, just for the sake of detail. As for other villains, it'd depend on what kind of relationship they have with with Quan Chi. If they're bitter enemies, or have no connection to him, their designs would also be zombified, but if they're his allies, then they'd remain themselves. And to bring further attention to detail, if an ally of Quan Chi was someone you beat and killed in a previous fight, the defeated opponent will be a zombie.

Shang Tsung, if he returned and wasn't a sub-boss (nor the final boss) this time around, should always be an unexpected opponent. His MK9 intro could be used to achieve that effect. Let's say you're about to fight Jade. You'd see her walking slowly, behaving in a manner that is unlike her, followed by Tsung morphing back into his true self, claiming your soul to be his. In order for this idea to be effective though, Tsung would have to be a challenging opponent, one many players dread fighting. Because if not, it might be a relief for players to find out they're going to fight him instead of a difficult opponent he was pretending to be at the beginning of the fight.

As for sub-bosses again. If there are at least three different sub-bosses, you could find youself fighting both of the unplanned ones in a endurance fight at any time during the ladder/arcade mode. And when Quan Chi summons help, said help could be one or both of the unplanned sub-bosses.

To conclude this post, I'd suggest bringing back the limited credits from the old games. After all, if you only had one shot left to beat the arcade mode, it would make sudden attacks on your character during his/her intro even more scary.
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