Two part-question
posted12/24/2013 03:09 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
Just to avoid creating two posts...

From a gamer's perspective, the obvious three ways to continue the franchise are either,

a) A direct sequel to MK2011 that leads into the MK4/DA/Deception area that ultimately leads to Armageddon

b) Ignore the events of MKA and do a post-apocalyptic MK with new characters and maybe a handful of originals

c) Total reboot and revamp the most iconic characters with new looks and/or slightly shifted backstories

Also, how do you feel about fighting styles? Personally, I'd rather each character's fighting style be decided by their personality type. A Tarkatan is much more savage and unpredictable compared to a Cyborg, who should be more precise and accurate with their attacks.
12/13/2013 01:32 PM (UTC)
i'd like the next game to be a sequel to MK 2011. There's so many characters that were thrown away who had great story potential. They can be the new characters instead of just forgetting about them and create totally different ones. Itd be interesting to see how MK4, MKDA, & MKD will play out due to the different outcomes from MK1 thru MK3.

And i agree that the fighting styles should match the characters personality. It just makes sense lol.
12/13/2013 02:37 PM (UTC)
I'd like them to continue on with the events of Mortal Kombat 4, but of course having it be different from the original. It obviously will since Liu Kang won't be the main star, but still. I could see this story and a post-apocalyptic one be tie in together since there could be a way to have the undead army be useful for the villains.
12/13/2013 08:59 PM (UTC)
The next game is most definitely gonna be a direct sequel to MK2011. To reboot the entire series again or go running off in a completely different direction would be, for a lack of a more eloquent word, stupid.

However, what I do hope they decide to do is slow things down in terms of the story. I understand why they tried to tell the story of MK1 - MK3 in one go. It could really be seen as the "Shao Kahn Arc." But trying to cram three games worth of story and character development in one go, while throwing in a few curve balls to keep it fresh, is likely what made it the mess it was. Mind you I was still satisfied with the story, but can recognize it had a good number of problems.

So I'd to see the next game focus exclusively on Shinnok's Conquest and how it will play out with the altered events. They could still find a way to bring in a few characters from the later games to help fill out the roster and set up future events (Havik, Hotaro, etc.) Take more time to flesh out character motivations and plot development. Then add a little stinger at the end hint towards either DA or the Dragon King. Personally I would crush those two together, if not ignore most of DA all together.

Anyways fighting styles, yes the characters' personality and design should be reflected in their fighting style. It be weird to see Kitana using a grappling style.
12/24/2013 03:09 PM (UTC)
Option A.

At this point a total revamp is not in the cards cause they already did that. Adding new characters I am open too but only a couple.

That being said, they shouldn't keep going back all the way through the story we already all know. Yes they can make a direct sequel that can go through MK4 and maybe MKDA but there is no need to revisit Deception and Armageddon again. Dragon king doesn't need to return and neither does Taven and Daegon. Cause if they keep moving forward it would just tell us the same story we already seen.

I think once they finish the next game, they will need to do something big for MK11.
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