Tweaking: How the HD versions of MKI, II and UMK3 can be cosmetically improved over their original versions.
posted10/18/2010 02:00 AM (UTC)by
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04/18/2004 02:24 PM (UTC)
Apart from major stuff like added playable hidden characters and bosses, I've been trying to come up with additions or alterations that could have been made to correct what I perceive to be the few flaws or shortcomings the original games had.

With the game set to be released in just over a month, any changes they've made are likely in effect already. But nevertheless, here's what I'm really hoping to see:


-A stage selection option for versus mode would be really nice. Can't think of too many improvements the first game needs, really, but perhaps a "Fight Reptile" option could be accessible on the main menu after defeating him.
-Perhaps a 'throwing disabled' code entered in the same fashion as MKII - on the versus screen.


-As above, I'd really like to see a stage selection option.
-The secret character battle option I mentioned above would be handy too, for those who want to practice against Jade, Smoke and especially Noob (who'd want to win 50 rounds to fight him every time?).
-Not that we need them, but I think it'd be really neat if Noob Saibot sometimes popped up between rounds like Jade and Smoke did, to offer hints!

-Also, if we're going to see the classic versions of the old games included, as SSFIITHDR did with the original SSFIITurbo, I'd really, really appreciate it if the bugs found in ports of MKI and II were rectified - such as the music in MKI's Palace Gates background being nearly silent, and especially the START button in the MAT2/Shaolin Monks port of MKII being used to pause the game - that completely prevented the player from fighting Smoke in MKII, and pissed quite a few folks off.


Apart from the brilliant ideas that KornKombat posted in this TRMK thread, like porting from Wavenet (a separate thread which I've made), placing the Bank and red portal arenas back in, bringing back the MK3 picture endings and character bios, a few other things crossed my mind:

-MK3's story attract screens as well as older bios should absolutely be placed back into UMK3. If not for completion, then for those new to the older games, so that they really do receive the complete package.
-Eliminate the stage loop that occurs when someone gets knocked through a ceiling. Seriously, that was irritating.
Do not lock Human Smoke to the Scislac Busorez (blue portal) background when you're playing as him. Let the guy get out more. :(

-With the exception of Mileena, the hidden characters did not have a complete, rounded out set of finishers. The following were missing:

Ermac has no Friendship, Babality or Animality.

Classic Sub-Zero has no 2nd Fatalitiy, Friendship, Babality, or Animality. He's got a censored spine rip and pit finisher. I get that they were trying to make him more or less "just MKI Sub" (with an ice puddle move) but he just feels woefully incomplete compared to the rest of the cast.

Human Smoke has no 2nd Fatalitiy, Friendship, Babality, or Animality....and the only fatality he does have is Ermac's head uppercut, swiped from Johnny Cage.

The solution for all of these is simple: MK Trilogy imports. Therein, all above missing -alities were included (Not sure if Sub had an animality in the PSX version, though). Human Smoke in particular had a head-exploding teleport punch, an explosion fatality, and IIRC swiped Scorpion's Hell fatality for the N64 version - there's really no reason he should be stuck with one identical to Ermac's.

-Better-looking fatality effects and gore animations. By that I mean ideally we shouldn't be seeing the following:
-Five skulls, four legs and twelve ribcages whenever someone blows up
-People screaming after their heads are cut off - and again when their bodies are dismembered - see Kung Lao's triple-tiered hat fatality and Reptile's tongue fatality for evidence of this
-Standing decaptitated or skinned bodies (exceptions could be made for such as the above two fatalities, so that their animation can complete).
-Work around those hideous, hideous open-mouth fatality animations, which I'd rather never see again. Have Smoke just drop his bomb on them instead of into a gigantic O-mouth, have Kano pull the skeleton out of their back, etc.
-Uncensor Classic Sub's fatality. Let's see some dangling spine.

-(If I could get really choosy, I'd rather that Kabal's head inflation and Jax's giant stomp fatalities were replaced entirely - as silly and cartoony as MK3's finishers were, those two had to be some of the worst offenders. If I could make suggestions, I'd have Kabal go through repeated in-close combo hooksword animations in close range, speeding up until he does his win-pose, at which point they fall apart. Jax could easily pummel his enemy with missiles until they blow up.
-I'd consider Liu's arcade machine drop and Smoke's Armageddon fatality as candidates for replacement...but they always make me smile, so I tend to be lenient there. smile )

To sum, MK3's the cartoony one. I'd like to see as much a shift away from that as is possible. But if we must be silly...

-No ugly neon animalities please. Let's make our beasties look better - as silly as Reptile, Scorpion, Kitana, Jade and Mileena's animalities were, they were at least okay-looking. Never have I understood what possessed them to make all their initial MK3 choices glow (or why Cyrax was made into a land-swimming shark, but that's neither here nor there).
-A few of them could also do with being miniaturized. Sektor's bat doesn't need to be giant, and neither do Shang's cobra or Sonya's falcon, really.
-I also wouldn't object if a few of those Animalities were rotated around, either. Scorpion should be the scorpion. Why not give Classic Sub the penguin? Sheeva could be something else entirely. Stryker and Reptile should totally switch up, too...

Better AI. I can deal with MKII's silly "Jump back and let them follow" AI bug to an extent, but the UMK3 AI is some of the most reactive garbage in gaming history. When you're fighting the CPU, it's a chore, not a joy - abusing backward jump-kicks to make them throw projectiles which are then countered by teleport attacks is no way to play. it gets old really really fast, and really needs adjusting.

Let's hear your suggestions!
About Me

People say I'm strange, but that's ok because their brain smells like bacon. [XBL - DOKTOR ALUCARD]

10/09/2010 02:11 AM (UTC)
You got it all, man
good job!
10/09/2010 10:56 PM (UTC)
I think everything you listed is a list of must have's in the remake. This hopefully was a list they drew up early on in production for MKHD.

I am excited to see their new take on animalities though, because you figure if they're redrawing everything then the animalities should be no exception- and it would be very refreshing to have animal forms that aren't from the glimmering streets of Las Vegas.
10/09/2010 11:06 PM (UTC)
Yeah I definately think that the animation should be different when you or an oppnent d a backflip whilst attempting a punch or kick. I for one don't think it's fluid enough. And for some characters, it would be impossible. I would maybe like to see it where you strech a leg or extend an arm out first and then you get to do the backwards jump. Bear in mind this happens in all three of the first games.

Don't know if this has been mentioned but I would like to see much more accurate limb interpratation. For example if you chop someone in half, the upper arm would be gone but their hand would still be intact. Also when there is a fatality that involves another character exploding, there would be about six forearms and about three skulls and nine shins. I'm all for getting as much guts in as possible but this is just stupidly innaccurate. I am pointing a finger at MK 3 for these flaws. I think it was because it was the game with the biggest roster IDK it might have been kind of rushed.

The animalities should be changed, I agree with Shad, I didn't like the neon glow of the animals. Also a lot of the animations where the same when it come to the animals performing the actual fatality. Also a lot of them weren't even nearly gory enough. I would like to see more design in the animals as well. MAybe they could get them to morph in a different way as well, because they kinda morphed realy easily.

Babilites, Should be erased from all memory.

I would also like to see the ninjas get more sort of unique detail into their attires. This way it might make the characters more special to use rather than just thinking it is a pallette swap.

10/18/2010 02:00 AM (UTC)
Definately adjust the difficulty of UMK3, its just as bad as SSFII in psychic AI.
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