posted08/23/2009 05:11 PM (UTC)by
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

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12/04/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
I cant take it anymore , MK9 will be in the new technology era, so jus becaus some of the features failed in previous mk games dont mean they will still fail in mk9 duh! Plus they definitely know by now after mk vs dc what will work as well as what we want. MK9 will be the best. Its borin just to hav 1 or 2 costumes dammit, i want to see every costume ever made for all chars even new ones, shit this is onlin so we need variety so we wont get tired of seeing the same shit over agin online. Same goes 4 stages, if we had 34 or close stages on mka the newest mk better keep it that way. We got over 62 mk chars we dont need thousands more, jus simply keep close 2 all of them and giv them tons of new moves and new looks like tekken jus add few chars each game and adjust the gamepla more with each mk game. Costumes need 2b selectable at char select screen. So we can finally hav a perfect mk game save all the damn extra modes 4 its own disk, so mk9 disk should only hav test ur might-More brutal than mk vs dc.
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

08/19/2009 05:46 AM (UTC)
Only modes in MK9: Test ur might/sight-enhanced
1on1, 2on2, 3on3, versus, arcade, Endurance- when u kill chars i want 2 still see them lyin on ground as u fight the rest of the endurance characters. Endurance mode should be enhanced more. Weapons, completely destructable environments from ground up, we do hav the technology now. I want the CLAPPING back when u win a match & i want different sounds like toasty!, excellent laughing. Each char jus like tekken should hav their own unique style, with tons of moves/ kombos 4 that style.
A Better wake up system, a kak mode like tekken 6 or unlimited- Meaning u can use any moves for any char in the game 4 your kak unlike mka. Same type of fatalities as the regular chars something mka was also missing that pissed me off caus i like 2 make my own kitana or reptile with their actual moves, something mka also was missin & that really pissed me off. Bosses need fatalities. Story could be like: Shinnok found a way to merge all the relms together there4 continued ..
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

08/19/2009 06:16 AM (UTC)
Since Shinnok found a way to merge all the relms together each stage should hav a good &evil side 2 them like mkd good &evil stage but much more enhanced. The MK9 BASICS:
Strong sounding uppercut
Roundhouse kick
TAK&p= turn around kik&punch as well as jump in punch from umk3/mkt.
Friendship- to take away from how brutal this game will be plus 4 old time memories
Mutality- some char change to Animals & others do other things
stagelity- Stage fatality- all stages equipped with this
Pits to make up 4 all mks e.g. Pit,pit2, pit3, pit4, pit5, pit6, pit7,pit8, pit9 all these pits are actual stages out of the 34 stages, these pit stages replaced some of the konquest stages from mka
Deathtraps-more enhanced and equipped with a test ur might or sight. Video endings- no repeat endings like in mk4/mk4-Gold.
Truth is mkd was the best 3d mk as far as fatalities& kombos that konnect / even onlin all mkd kombos connected unlike mk vs dc which pissed me off.
Second disk- all extra modes/kontent
About Me

08/19/2009 08:57 AM (UTC)
Atavisms that are too little too late.
08/19/2009 02:13 PM (UTC)
It really has to take you three posts to actually get what you want us to know?
08/19/2009 05:21 PM (UTC)
lol opinions

Plus wall of text is made of wall.
08/19/2009 11:02 PM (UTC)
Hey man! That sounds great!... W..Wait no it doesn't...

Look a game like that would take years to make. Think man! Yeah we have the technology but now everything is in HD. And you want every one to have like twelve costumes right? That would be a waste of space. Along with all the levels... I mean we could use maybe like 15 and that's fine, maybe they could bring back some old ones, it would be cool.

Anyway dude, calm down, 'cause I want MK9 to come out in like 2010 not 2013.

About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

08/20/2009 02:36 AM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
i want. I want. i want.
Quit being Selfish, MK isn't for what you personally want.

Most of that crap you said is useless... like Clapping, every costume, KAK what would be the point? We could use that memory on something...i don't know... useful?

Some of the stuff you said just makes no sense... The Storyline was Crap, where would Shinnok get the power to Merge the realms? He has NEVER won a tournament....ever. And the power he got from Taven's armor would not be enough to give him that capability.


We haven't seen friendships for 5 games, i think it's a given that we wont be seeing them anytime soon
the same goes for this:
some char change to Animals & others do other things

Pits to make up 4 all mks e.g. Pit,pit2, pit3, pit4, pit5, pit6, pit7,pit8, pit9 all these pits are actual stages out of the 34 stages,

NO MORE PITS!!! 3 were enough, but 9?

???How would that work?
08/20/2009 06:16 PM (UTC)
08/20/2009 08:55 PM (UTC)
Grr, I have to open two tabs to write what I want to say...

Character's outfits:

Okay, first of all, I personally don't like alternate costumes... If they're going to do this, then their appearance should make sense. How does Sub-Zero go from looking like Shredder to his original ninja attire, how all the girls who are covered from head to toe in clothing has something completely opposite of what they were wearing.

They need to work out some things with their appearance. To me, I think one costume is fine, I don't mind alternate costumes, I just don't see the point if they butcher the appearance already.

We're not keeping all 62 characters. No, more than half of them needs to leave, pronto! I'm sorry, after Deadly Alliance, majority of the new characters they made up sucked completely. I mean, half of them aren't being given a second chance. I know Drahmin isn't, Darrius and Dairou... Kira, Kobra... No, they need to ditch almost half of the roster and make new ones.

Extra Features:
You're saying that they need their own disk? I don't think so. Personally, I hate the mini-games, despite the classic Test Your Might, That can stay.They don't need to add more mini-games to throw off the main purpose of Mortal Kombat.

Test Your Sight was stupid. It wasn't even challenging even in the hardest mode. 1 on 1, 2 on 2, 3 on 3... Meh, I can deal with that. Endurance, we don't need to see them ALL lying on the ground, that's gonna be so stupid where you're fighting over dead bodies... No, they can leave. Or what they can do is make it to where they stay for one match and when that person dies, they fade and the person that just got killed stays there.

Ehh, clapping? No, the sounds the game has right now are fine. I enjoy hearing Toasty, it's a funny sound. But more sound effects... what's the point about it? So you win a match and people clap for you? Ehh, that's dumb.

Characters shouldn't have their own style anymore. I liked the old games where it's just different buttons to press to make one combo. I'd prefer just one style for all the characters, just different buttons for the combos.

Wake up system?
Wake up system?

No, this feature HAS to leave. I'm sorry, I'm not giving this a second chance. It was stupid and MK doesn't need to fit in with all the other fighting games out there that has their own make your own character feature. No, this was stupid to begin with in the first place and I doubt it'll ever return in a future game.

Last time I checked, bosses do their fatalities. Don't know where you've been.

Okay, before anything is sad, you're story makes no sense whatsoever.

First off, how the heck did he merge the realms together? We honestly need another realm merging story? We just had that in the last game! What is the reason behind merging the realms?

And I'm asking you because you thought of it just to let you know and throwing this out there...

Why Shinnok? To me, I thought Shinnok was the dumbest character to replace Shang Tsung... Seriously, they should have really added Shang Tsung in MK4 because we really need another morphing character? Despite the fact that Shinnok doesn't actually morph into anyone but he can possess other character's moves? That's a cheap imitation to Tsung's character and being a huge fan of that character, I'm completely outraged that they would create such a player to replace Tsung.

We do not need Friendships to come back. I don't know what person actually enjoyed that feature, but I was bummed out when I saw this added to the series. That was a dumb feature and should never be brought back. Since they stopped with Trilogy, it hasn't made a comeback, therefore I'm safe to say what I just stated.

Brutalities... meh, never cared for them, but if they worked at it to where it's actually something to watch, then I could agree to have it stay.

Mutality? You mean Anamality? No, just no...

To be perfectly honest, and I'm sure you're going to throw this in my face... you're ideas were horrible for a next feature... Not to mention, everything you stated... you're asking MK to be similar into the direction of Tekken. MORTAL KOMBAT IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TO TEKKEN AND WILL NOT BECOME SIMILAR SO GET THAT THROUGH YOUR MIND.

Every time you have an idea, it's always from a source from Tekken. Tekken has a great create your character feature, Tekken has a great this and Tekken has a great that... What, you want it to suddenly turn into Mortal Tekken? Ha, not even if I'm able to fart out Tropical Skittles will that ever happen.

So, no, you're ideas are just horrible, really really horrible.
08/22/2009 12:22 AM (UTC)
I was going to say something really in depth and insightful but ICEBABY pretty much said it for me especially the really really horrible idea part as well. smilesmile
08/23/2009 02:48 AM (UTC)
okay, i will agree that the guy was listing some stuff that i really don't think would be good, BUT:
1. WTF? its just his opinion, its not like he's designing the next mortal kombat, why did you have to go and flame him like that, a simple "i disagree" would have been all you needed, not "I"M AN ANGRY HATER, AND I LIKE TO SHOUT OUT STUFF THAT I REALLY DON"T KNOW ABOUT TO TRY AND FEEL DOMINANT!!"
2. uhh, if you haven't noticed ALL of the music in mk since DA has been the very worst fighting game music ever. Its completely ambient, EXtremely boring, and is actually better to be turned all the way down, why not have know! GOOD MUSIC!? i mean every fighter, even low quality ones that no one ever heard of (like fighters destiny 2)have music that is atleast noticeable. So when you say that the sound is fine, please reconsider!
3.I really think that taking away alt. costumes would piss off FAR more ppl than ppl that it would just not matter too.
4. okay, apparently you don't like the KAK, but i mean like everyone that i knew that played MK:A thought it was the redeeming feature of the game, and personally i agree. Now a days there really is NO excuse for having a lack of customization options. and actually NO tekken never has and probably never will have char. creation. CUSTOMIZATION however, why yes, but they were only copying virtua fighter when they did that.
5. i do agree that the fighting system should DEFINITELY change, and having it revert back to MK3 style might be kinda cool(as trilogy is my fav.). but personally, I think that if it was to go back to that, than it might as well just be a 2d game once more ( imagine how cool digitized sprites could look nowadays!) . BUT if they want to be 3d again, then i agree with that other guy that they should be like tekken NOT in the way of actual being similar, but in they way of have a 3d fighting system that doesn't go -5 miles per hour, and not have a move list that takes you 10 sec. to memorize. Also, more emphasis on the high med and low system, would def. be nice, along with more emphasis on throws( like some char. with multiple ones, and possibly chain throws.)
6. okay yes i personally wouldn't mind if they threw away every char. that came after MK4,maybe even 3, but looking at fanart and wahtnot there are actually a large fanbase for the newer char. on the roster such as:ashrah, kenshi(can't blame 'em for that one) bo rai cho, frost, and sareena. so in doing that they might be pissing off a billion newcomer fans, which would make them make yet another "GOLD" or "ULTIMATE" version, and that really should be avoided. 60+ char. IS DEFO an assload of char. but it still might not be a good idea to throw them all out. ( a 2d game would easily accomplish 60+ char. all with a nice set of unique moves and what not on toady's tech.) but of course it would take a but load of time if they kept all of them regardless. So i'm prolly 60/40 for cutting down the roster.

geez, why do post long stuff? nobody reads it!
08/23/2009 05:11 PM (UTC)
zengu Wrote:
okay, i will agree that the guy was listing some stuff that i really don't think would be good, BUT:
1. WTF? its just his opinion, its not like he's designing the next mortal kombat, why did you have to go and flame him like that, a simple "i disagree" would have been all you needed, not "I"M AN ANGRY HATER, AND I LIKE TO SHOUT OUT STUFF THAT I REALLY DON"T KNOW ABOUT TO TRY AND FEEL DOMINANT!!"
2. uhh, if you haven't noticed ALL of the music in mk since DA has been the very worst fighting game music ever. Its completely ambient, EXtremely boring, and is actually better to be turned all the way down, why not have know! GOOD MUSIC!? i mean every fighter, even low quality ones that no one ever heard of (like fighters destiny 2)have music that is atleast noticeable. So when you say that the sound is fine, please reconsider!
3.I really think that taking away alt. costumes would piss off FAR more ppl than ppl that it would just not matter too.
4. okay, apparently you don't like the KAK, but i mean like everyone that i knew that played MK:A thought it was the redeeming feature of the game, and personally i agree. Now a days there really is NO excuse for having a lack of customization options. and actually NO tekken never has and probably never will have char. creation. CUSTOMIZATION however, why yes, but they were only copying virtua fighter when they did that.
5. i do agree that the fighting system should DEFINITELY change, and having it revert back to MK3 style might be kinda cool(as trilogy is my fav.). but personally, I think that if it was to go back to that, than it might as well just be a 2d game once more ( imagine how cool digitized sprites could look nowadays!) . BUT if they want to be 3d again, then i agree with that other guy that they should be like tekken NOT in the way of actual being similar, but in they way of have a 3d fighting system that doesn't go -5 miles per hour, and not have a move list that takes you 10 sec. to memorize. Also, more emphasis on the high med and low system, would def. be nice, along with more emphasis on throws( like some char. with multiple ones, and possibly chain throws.)
6. okay yes i personally wouldn't mind if they threw away every char. that came after MK4,maybe even 3, but looking at fanart and wahtnot there are actually a large fanbase for the newer char. on the roster such as:ashrah, kenshi(can't blame 'em for that one) bo rai cho, frost, and sareena. so in doing that they might be pissing off a billion newcomer fans, which would make them make yet another "GOLD" or "ULTIMATE" version, and that really should be avoided. 60+ char. IS DEFO an assload of char. but it still might not be a good idea to throw them all out. ( a 2d game would easily accomplish 60+ char. all with a nice set of unique moves and what not on toady's tech.) but of course it would take a but load of time if they kept all of them regardless. So i'm prolly 60/40 for cutting down the roster.

geez, why do post long stuff? nobody reads it!

Apparently this is going out to me, seeing how you're commenting on what I commented.

Um, yeah it's his opinions, but look around you. People posted their opinions too, I'm not the only one.

Secondly, that wasn't bashing. If it was bashing, I would have gotten more to an extreme to shut down his ideas. But I can tell that you're new here, his ideas that he has created before are not even good to begin with.

Lots of people hated KaK, yeah you enjoyed it, and that's good, but some people don't want to see it again, it's just not worth having that feature in the series if it wasn't created properly.

Taking away alternate costumes would piss people off? Hmm... since MK4 we were only given one costume. So basically up until then, we were satisfied.

And you just asked why do I post long stuff? Honey, look what you just wrote and tell me that again. You think that was murder? Ha, there's other users here who write more than I just did.

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