Too Much Negativity So Lets Play a Game - Redesign For MKX Inclusion
posted04/06/2015 10:52 AM (UTC)by
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Member Since
03/12/2004 02:25 PM (UTC)
There's too much negativity going on the past few days on this board, so let's play a game for those who like to be creative. Say the decision was given to fans for MKX DLC choices going to a vote and we had everyone to pick from who was not already in the roster. That goes for Trilogy folks who didn't make the cut, Mythologies characters, 3D characters, spin-off characters and rumored characters. Don't leave me looking like a jackass, I know there are tons of creative people on these boards lol. I'll start off;

Bo Rai Cho
Looks: Same as he looks in the clip we've seen from Shaolin trailer; still overweight but not as exaggerated.

Stance: Drunken stance, always swaying back and forth but his facial features show timid concentration, what you'd expect of a master martial artist.

Variations: Wu Shi, Jojutsu, Sumo

Standard Specials
- Belly Bash
- Liquor Slip (Replaces Puke Puddle. Bo' spills liquor onto the arena floor causing opponent to slip if walked into, opening them to attacks)
- Drunken Fist (A quick 4-hit attack to the face and neck)

Wu Shi Specials
- Monkey Flips (Flip kicks)
- Sliding Kick (Slides into opponent from mid range)
- Assit Flip (Bo Rai Cho jumps and wraps legs around opponents neck and flips them into the ground)

Jojutsu Specials
- Tripped Up (Uses Jojutsu to trip opponent then smashes it into their face)
- Bone Breaker (Shoves the end of the Jojutsu into the opponent knee and face in quick succession)
- Head Case (Slaps the Jojutsu against opponents face, spinning them around)

Sumo Specials
- Earthquake (Stomps on the ground, shaking the arena)
- Kubinage (Headlock toss)
- Tackle (Bo tackle's the opponents and gets in a few successful jabs)

- Bo Rai Cho lifts opponent into the air over his head and slams then down onto his knee, causing back bones to break. Drops opponent to floor.
- Bo Rai Cho lifts his opponents body off the surface, pulling them into the air and throwing them down onto their head, causing neck to shatter, oppenent laying on back
- Bo Rai Cho finally belly flops onto the opponent and we see some ribs break

- Bo Rai Cho pours out his remaining liquor onto opponent, lights a match and sets them on fire. We get to see them burn to a crisp in glorious HD, hysterically screaming all the way.
- Bo Rai Cho shoves Jojutsu into opponents eye-socket, lifts them into the over, over himself and back into the ground on the other side, caving their head in
About Me

Words do not win wars. That is a tragedy.

04/03/2015 10:24 PM (UTC)
An interesting idea, and one I think I'll have to think about for a while.

In the meantime, I'll just throw up this quick, off the top of my head idea for shiz and giggles.


Crazy Cat Lady
Lonely Widow
Something else I can't think of right now :P

Crazy Cat Lady - Sends out cat pets (real or illusions) to deal damage. This variation would about distance damage and keeping distance between herself and her enemy. Visual distinction would be that there is a cat on her shoulder.

1- Cat Attack. Throw a cat that latches onto and claws and bites at the opponents face, causing them to stumble backwards a few steps while leaving them open to attack.

2- Ankle Biter. Sends forth a cat that latches onto or attacks an opponents ankles. This would anchor the opponent for a second or two.

3- Flying Kitty. Tosses a cat into the air to prevent jump in attacks.

4- Feline Frenzy. A stampede of cats rush at the opponent, some simply dash past, others dash through the target's legs, while others scratch, claw, bite and jump at the target. This is a push back attack.

5- Cat Scratch. A very minor attack where the cat on Blanche's shoulder reaches out and swipes at the face of the opponent.

Fatality 1. A pair of cats leap up and claw out the opponent's eyes, then run off with them.

Fatality2. Blanche calls for Muffin, anohter of her pet cats. But Muffin is a huge ass tiger thing like the one in the marketplace. Muffin appears from behind the opponent, tears them apart, then feasts on the remaining torso.
04/03/2015 10:54 PM (UTC)

Havik The Cleric of Chaos (Redesign) by Antichrist2005 on DeviantArt

It was a quick rough

Havik Character Select Portrait Primary and Alt ro by Antichrist2005 on DeviantArt
Another rough I just whipped up

Stance: Eccentric dancer. Very expressive, always standing on the tips of his toes and on one foot while the other is brought up in the air. Leaning back while outstretching his arms and contorting his hands. Think a more animated and extreme version of a parody of Jack Sparrow minus the drunk swaying.
Here is a very quick example I drew up
MK Havik form veeery rough by Antichrist2005 on DeviantArt
(Yes Chrome I know I am awful you don’t have to chime in a tear me one)

Standard Specials:
-Face Scraper: it’s a grapple move. He jumps up on to the opponent and wraps his legs around their waste and begins clawing at their face with the object protruding from his hands such as rebar, rusty spikes, razor wire ect.
-Reverse Wheel Barrow: Snaps himself back grabbing hold of his ankles spinning in the air, hits the ground and does pretty much a ground Kano ball but it will toss the opponent into the air and can act as a boomerang move if it’s enhanced and hit the opponent while they are in the air.
-Spinal Adjustment: His signature Deception move where he impossibly spins his entire torso around and smacks his opponent with his arms. Enhanced he pretty much acts like a helicopter blade.
-Graceful Madman: It’s Darrius’s spin kick move. How I envision Havik is him having this very off putting graceful movement to him so the move makes much much more sense to me for him to have it instead of Darrius who was just an assortment of ill conceived special moves.
-Hand Toss: Havik's right hand is...pretty much prosthetic, yet he can still fully use his fingers even though they are attached to nothing. Realm of chaos people deal with it.
So Haviks hand detaches at the wrist and is pretty much spike riddled orb.
He quickly flings his arm out smashing it into his opponents head. Of course he actually has to gather it once he does this.

Variations: Okay, I’m not going to lie here. I still don’t get variations so I’m just gonna...skip this....

X-ray: grabs hold of opponents shoulders kicks in and shatters both their knee caps causing their legs to fold in bringing them to their knees to which he then leans on their shoulders bending them completely backwards, folding them in two and obliterating their mid spinal disks.

Fatality ”Loving Touch”: breaks opponents arm and then rips it off at the break. He then goes to eat the flesh away from the jagged broken bone and spits the flesh in the mortified opponents face.

Laughs, then, once the flesh is eaten away stabs the opponent in the chest skewering their heart and using old MK logic here goes to remove the severed arm now acting as a spear from the chest in doing so ripping their heart out of their chest along with it.

With the heart now on the end of the bone as if it were an olive on a tooth pick, Havik then in a comforting matter caresses the cheek of the opponent and hold the back of their head preventing them from falling back and the goes to devour the heart in front of them. Once he has had his fill he then lets them fall over limp. And then goes to strike some sort of elegant pose

Fatality 2 “Speak up!”
Acts as though he is trying to communicate with the daze opponent getting closer and closer to them holding his hand to his...well where his ears would be (he’s ripped them off) saying “What’s that? I can’t hear you! Speak clearer! Let me try and help” He says finally up close to the opponent.

He then runs his fingers over their lips...face or whatever and then goes to rip their lower jaw off.

The opponent frantically grabbing at their face in agony screaming through blood gushing from what was their mouth. Havik then goes “Nope didn’t help” throws the jaw away “hm maybe this will clear things for you” goes to grab their tongue and starts pulling at it.

Ripping down their throat he keeps pulling as is blood gushing out all over the opponent and ground Havik seemingly clueless as he has his back to them now pulling on the tongue over his shoulder. The tongue snaps to Haviks surprise he then turns and the opponent falls over either dead or in shock from the massive MASSIVE blood loss.
About Me

Words do not win wars. That is a tragedy.

04/05/2015 05:18 AM (UTC)
No one else?
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

04/05/2015 05:20 AM (UTC)
I actually came up with some ideas for Li Mei in an older thread. I'll find it and repost them on another day. Don't feel like typing them up on my iPad haha.
04/05/2015 07:14 AM (UTC)
I appreciate the effort but this is probably just going to rub more salt into the haters'.. no one wants to talk about what THEY wanted in the game when clearly it ain't happening
04/05/2015 07:17 AM (UTC)
that's what you think
About Me

04/05/2015 09:15 AM (UTC)
JokerHavik is such an obvious idea..... not feeling it. Neither are good representatives of chaos.
04/05/2015 11:47 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
JokerHavik is such an obvious idea..... not feeling it. Neither are good representatives of chaos.

Just curious where you are getting the Joker from? Is it how I drew his nose? Because I'll be honest that wasn't how I meant it to turn out but like I said with the drawing it was rough and I'm still green with the pad drawing. Normaly it is supposed to be very long and straight and his face it supposed to be longer.

Or is it the extreme glasgow smile? The only reason i went that route is I wanted to kind of remind people, Havik isn't undead, His face is self inflicted so the skin can grows back and when it does he'll find new means to bring unbalance too it it's symmetry.

Also I came up with this design back in 2008 so I mean yeah the Joker was in mind because well duh but other than that that's it.

Or it because I had him laugh here and there?

And Chrome if you do reply I don't need an essay on why I'm an idiot just sum it up in a few sentences okay man.

About Me

Words do not win wars. That is a tragedy.

04/06/2015 03:34 AM (UTC)
I think the style of the art can be a detractor for some. I'm not a fan of Havoc either way, but I think the eccentric dancer thing probably pushes him out of what most people would think of him.

I'd be interested in seeing people take a serious pass at the more joke characters like Meat and Mokap to see what they came up with.

Or see if people could make the likes of Jarek, Kira and Kobra be something worthwhile rather than the poor rip offs they've always been.

I must get off my butt and get back to thinking up something more for Blanche to add to my previous post.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

04/06/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
Alright! Actually tracked down that old were my ideas for Li Mei from about a month ago or so...

Li Mei - known for impossible flexibility and acrobatics along with her "sparkler" energy attacks.

Basic Specials: Sparkler, Fists of Fury, Kartwheel Kick

V1: Contortionist
Li Mei gains a variety of flexibility related specials. Special move set is enhanced with counter moves and command dodges where she uses her unusual range of motion to punish attackers. Much more defense oriented.

V2: Sparkler
Li Mei focuses more on using her sparkler energy for attacking. All melee specials gain the sparkle effect ala Deception. Gains a low and high version of basic sparkler projectile. Li Mei can generate a "forceball" like orb of sparkler energy that creates a blinding flash; no damage or effect on block but a successful hit causes slight damage and leaves opponent in stunned state. Projectile/zoning variation.

V3: Protector
Li Mei turns into a much more rush down attacker. Gains her Klock Kick pop-up special; long range, evades projectiles, extremely punishable on block. Gains a slight boost to overall movement speed.
04/06/2015 10:52 AM (UTC)
Snowcat Wrote:
I think the style of the art can be a detractor for some. I'm not a fan of Havoc either way, but I think the eccentric dancer thing probably pushes him out of what most people would think of him.

I'd be interested in seeing people take a serious pass at the more joke characters like Meat and Mokap to see what they came up with.

Or see if people could make the likes of Jarek, Kira and Kobra be something worthwhile rather than the poor rip offs they've always been.

I must get off my butt and get back to thinking up something more for Blanche to add to my previous post.

Challenge accepted! I actually already had something cooking for Mokap and Kira.
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