too many new characters?
posted01/20/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)by
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07/30/2014 06:17 AM (UTC)
I know it dont matter much cuz its far too late the roster is done im pretty sure.... But i gotta get it out... Just a lil rant....mk4 shoulda been a sign that they should of cut down how many new chars they introduced each game. 7 in mk4, 11 in mkda, 9 in mkd, thats counting in mkx we are looking at what sounds like 10+....sure i like to see new chars but thet shoulda limmited themselves to 4-6 max....the reason why us so they could have more returning favs that will appease fans while also not having to take as big as risk with new chars that might not pan out..... And lets face it.... They have a bad track record for new chars not panning out so its a lil worrysome.... Like Ferra/Torr... Honestly i highly doubt that char will be even moderatly popular in the long run.

K end rant/ smile
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01/17/2015 05:39 AM (UTC)
To each thier own, but I respectfully dissagree :)

Boon says that this Game will have more new characters then any past game, and I'm fine with it. We need new blood to mix with classic. Your right seems that there may be 12 or more depending on the final number of kombatants. Cassie Cage seems fun, D'Vorrah seems cool, Kotal khan is unique and Ferra/Torr I like them. It's different then MK ever had.

I liked some of the 3d cast and think they deserve more spots in the future games
01/17/2015 05:44 AM (UTC)
The new characters are baddass. Ferra Torr included.
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01/17/2015 05:45 AM (UTC)
Ferra/Torr looks awesome as shit.

So far, I'm assuming we have 8 newbies. I'm counting Kung Jin, Takeda, Salazar and Ro Tan Cho.

That's enough for me right there, but I'm hoping for 3-4 more. Jax was seen training some tough looking chick in the comic. I hope she's real.

And Jax better make the cut too lol
01/17/2015 05:53 AM (UTC)
I have to agree with L-BowShot, there are so many previously new characters that they have just dumped to be new that I am afraid this could happen again. So 4-6 would be fine for me, but any more is making a loss for
character development of 3D characters. Maybe with Mk9 they wanted to forget the majority of those and will treat these new ones better.
01/17/2015 06:01 AM (UTC)
I think 8 is a good number for new characters. I'd have 12-14 MK9 returnees with the remaining slots going to the MK4-Deception characters we haven't seen in years.
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01/17/2015 06:12 AM (UTC)
When it comes to new characters, I agree that quality > quantity.

10ish seems like could be too many. But, I do like the ones shown so far, so I'm optimistic about the remaining newbies.

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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/17/2015 06:16 AM (UTC)
They made it clear from the beginning that there would be a lot of new characters. I have no problem with 8-12 new characters. MK has always been about introducing a whole slate of new fighters in each game, unlike other franchises. The last few installments have gotten away from that because Armageddon was like Trilogy, a game compiling all of the characters in the franchise, then we had MKvsDC a versus game and MK9 which was a remake of MK1-3. This is the first regular installment of MK we have had since Deception, and I'm glad they have gone back to introducing a whole group of all new characters.

To each their own.
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01/17/2015 06:19 AM (UTC)
L-BowShot Wrote:
I know it dont matter much cuz its far the reason why us so they could have more returning favs that will appease fans while also not having to take as big as risk with new chars that might not pan out..... And lets face it.... They have a bad track record for new chars not panning out so its a lil worrysome.... Like Ferra/Torr... Honestly i highly doubt that char will be even moderatly popular in the long run.

K end rant/ smile

You raise some good points. If you have so many new characters, a bunch of them could just end up being one time throwaways. The MK team had a bad track record.

But I'm not sure what you mean about the whole "appeasing fans with returning characters" and not taking as big a risk. Do you mean classic characters? 3D era characters? Both?

Personally, the impression I get here is that many MK fans got their fill of nostalgia in MK9. Sure, we all recognize that some characters will be in regardless and we all have our favorites (*cough pointy teeth cough*), but if there was a time to try something new, to take risks, I'd say it's now.

No longer having to crap out unfinished games with half baked characters, they can now really concentrate on building a new generation of classics and I think they're off to a good start.

MK9 rebuilt the trust in the brand that the 3D era kinda chipped away at over time, and while I'd love to see what NRS could do with Fujin, Mavado, Drahmin, Kira etc with real time and resources, I have a feeling that they'd rather move fun a new direction and I'm mostly okay with that (though I fully expect a surprise or two!)

They can't live on nostalgia forever and they're probably not going to simply retread the 3D era by bringing back so many characters that would likely need a large amount of work. So you move forward.
01/17/2015 07:00 AM (UTC)
I'm expecting 8 or 9, which isn't a lot considering how much they harp on about a truck load of new characters.

They're shoving way too many classics into the game to still be able to fit in 12+ new characters in a roster size of 25-28, plus the lack of new characters revealed in the last seven months is suspect.

I don't even think Boon knows how many new characters have been created in for a single MK game before. MKDA had 11 new characters and Boon said Deception was the only MK game with more characters than MKX; Deception had only 9. Either Boon mis-spoke or he forgot that MKDA had so many new guys and MKX will have only 8 (less than Deception).
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Props to MINION
01/17/2015 07:14 AM (UTC)
L-BowShot Wrote:
I know it dont matter much cuz its far too late the roster is done im pretty sure.... But i gotta get it out... Just a lil rant....mk4 shoulda been a sign that they should of cut down how many new chars they introduced each game. 7 in mk4, 11 in mkda, 9 in mkd, thats counting in mkx we are looking at what sounds like 10+....sure i like to see new chars but thet shoulda limmited themselves to 4-6 max....the reason why us so they could have more returning favs that will appease fans while also not having to take as big as risk with new chars that might not pan out..... And lets face it.... They have a bad track record for new chars not panning out so its a lil worrysome.... Like Ferra/Torr... Honestly i highly doubt that char will be even moderatly popular in the long run.

K end rant/ smile

01/17/2015 08:13 AM (UTC)
I think we will have mkda cast for oldies and the rest is new. To be honest what i didn't like in the majority of the 3D era new caracters (hsu hao, darrious, kobra, kai, jarek, reiko, dairou, mavado) is that they were just a 'random guy' instead of being unique. Their design was extremely bland in my opinion. I also had the vibe that certain new caracters were basically wasted like in case of jarek who was just a different looking kano instead of a brand new interesting char. Out of the 4 we got i feel we are on the right track and i really hope the rest will be on par in terms of originality.
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01/17/2015 08:42 AM (UTC)
Here is the deal:

MK3 set the series on a track that for all intents and purposes went off the path with many of the fans. Sure, the idea itself that we could move the conept into the western world and use western comic book/movie archetypes as characters was not bad...

only the outcome. Limited by wardrobe, technical ability and possibilities, we got laughably cartoonish characters. Note how MK4 tried to immediately correct this mistake with the broody stuff...

only to fail even more, because ost of the characters in MK4 lacked nay characteristics that made them unique: Tanya/black Kitana, Reiko/Noob, Shao Kahn, mk3 Shang Tsung and Rain merged into one unholy quadrant...

MK3 and 4 did not bring in the results, so they needed to go back to the roots. Guess why Kenshi and co. are the better received characters, and why the MK3 cast got a resurgence of popularity after MKD? They made them less cartoony a la Sindel.

Also that retroactively MK3 and 4 gathered fans is not impossible. That is a pretty common phenomenon.

The biggest problem is, that after 11 games, the cast has grown old, as there was barely enough change in their roles or looks, save perhaps Sub-Zero.

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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/17/2015 09:05 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Here is the deal:

MK3 set the series on a track that for all intents and purposes went off the path with many of the fans. Sure, the idea itself that we could move the conept into the western world and use western comic book/movie archetypes as characters was not bad...

only the outcome. Limited by wardrobe, technical ability and possibilities, we got laughably cartoonish characters. Note how MK4 tried to immediately correct this mistake with the broody stuff...

only to fail even more, because ost of the characters in MK4 lacked nay characteristics that made them unique: Tanya/black Kitana, Reiko/Noob, Shao Kahn, mk3 Shang Tsung and Rain merged into one unholy quadrant...

MK3 and 4 did not bring in the results, so they needed to go back to the roots. Guess why Kenshi and co. are the better received characters, and why the MK3 cast got a resurgence of popularity after MKD? They made them less cartoony a la Sindel.

Also that retroactively MK3 and 4 gathered fans is not impossible. That is a pretty common phenomenon.

The biggest problem is, that after 11 games, the cast has grown old, as there was barely enough change in their roles or looks, save perhaps Sub-Zero.

Good analysis. Deception did a lot for kharacters like Ermac, Mileena and Sindel.
01/17/2015 09:27 AM (UTC)
Ed Boon il pretty ambigous when It comes about communications, especially during interviews. The way he speaks, It seems that he reveals and conceals at the same time, making one doubting of everything.

At this point Mkx could have the largest number of debuting characters including DLCs.
Don't forget that Skarlet, the only new character in mk9 was introduced as DLC.
01/17/2015 10:14 AM (UTC)
I doubt that 4 new characters is too many bro.
Simmer down.
01/17/2015 10:19 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Here is the deal:

MK3 set the series on a track that for all intents and purposes went off the path with many of the fans. Sure, the idea itself that we could move the conept into the western world and use western comic book/movie archetypes as characters was not bad...

only the outcome. Limited by wardrobe, technical ability and possibilities, we got laughably cartoonish characters. Note how MK4 tried to immediately correct this mistake with the broody stuff...

only to fail even more, because ost of the characters in MK4 lacked nay characteristics that made them unique: Tanya/black Kitana, Reiko/Noob, Shao Kahn, mk3 Shang Tsung and Rain merged into one unholy quadrant...

MK3 and 4 did not bring in the results, so they needed to go back to the roots. Guess why Kenshi and co. are the better received characters, and why the MK3 cast got a resurgence of popularity after MKD? They made them less cartoony a la Sindel.

Also that retroactively MK3 and 4 gathered fans is not impossible. That is a pretty common phenomenon.

The biggest problem is, that after 11 games, the cast has grown old, as there was barely enough change in their roles or looks, save perhaps Sub-Zero.

You're the only guy I know who has a problem with MK3. The characters and gameplay are great.
01/17/2015 10:25 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Here is the deal:

MK3 set the series on a track that for all intents and purposes went off the path with many of the fans. Sure, the idea itself that we could move the conept into the western world and use western comic book/movie archetypes as characters was not bad...

only the outcome. Limited by wardrobe, technical ability and possibilities, we got laughably cartoonish characters. Note how MK4 tried to immediately correct this mistake with the broody stuff...

only to fail even more, because ost of the characters in MK4 lacked nay characteristics that made them unique: Tanya/black Kitana, Reiko/Noob, Shao Kahn, mk3 Shang Tsung and Rain merged into one unholy quadrant...

MK3 and 4 did not bring in the results, so they needed to go back to the roots. Guess why Kenshi and co. are the better received characters, and why the MK3 cast got a resurgence of popularity after MKD? They made them less cartoony a la Sindel.

Also that retroactively MK3 and 4 gathered fans is not impossible. That is a pretty common phenomenon.

The biggest problem is, that after 11 games, the cast has grown old, as there was barely enough change in their roles or looks, save perhaps Sub-Zero.

Tanya didn't even look black, she looked Mexican if anything. Same with Jade, they're both Mexican.
01/17/2015 10:35 AM (UTC)
He is not the only one.

For me MK3 was a dissapointment, needless to say, I started my MK fandom with the original MK. MKII - I remembered I saw a preview of it in a gamer magazine, and I was hyped as fuck, as the only, stamp sized screenshot was of the char select screen, and me and my buds were all up our heels trying to analyze the who is who. We thought kung lao was a cowboy (we knew nothing about him, only his char select portrait) :D

MK3 was waited for in hype as well. First dissapointment: no ninjas, just a David Hasselhoff Sub zero. Cyborgs seemed cool. Then there were rumors of a "playable female goro", and the hype train started again, but then when we actually started playing the game it felt like... supreficial. It felt like something that is not done properly, it had no depth. The animations were terrible, compared to mk2, the stages were boring, and the fatalities were just preposterous in that game. It just felt like something in which no energy was invested. Just compare the torso rip style fatalities in mk2-to mk3. In mk3 it was just a diagonal cut of the sprite, with hands floating in the air. Plus almost all fatalities were explosions. lots of lack in creativity.

For me MK4 was an improvement, though MKDA was the game that brought back the hype - has been going ever since.
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01/17/2015 12:51 PM (UTC)
This isn't MK9, how many times do we have to go over this? The nostalgia trip is over.
01/17/2015 01:04 PM (UTC)
The only issue I have is that which I'm sure others share. I am sure many like myself are thinking "As long as my favourite is in". I am all for new characters as many creative ones they can think of but I need at least one of my favourites in. If not then heres hoping I find a new favourite.
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01/17/2015 01:49 PM (UTC)
If anything, I think they should have added MORE new characters. I gladly see characters of Kotal Kahn, Ferra/Torr, and D'Vorah's caliber replace the likes of Sonya, Jax, Liu Kang, Tanya, Cage, and pretty much every post-MK4 character any day
01/17/2015 02:08 PM (UTC)
The thing about the 3D era characters is they were rushed. These days NRS can take time to really work on these new characters, make them look cool, give them good gameplay, and likeable for people who play the game.

I 'm calling it now, D'Vorah is going to be a series staple from here on out.
01/17/2015 02:40 PM (UTC)
When it comes to MK, I've always cared more about the story rather than roster. Bringin back everyone from the dead lessens the impact of the story from MK9.

I say Third Strike this game, and let the rest of the cast be all new.
01/17/2015 02:42 PM (UTC)
You can never have too many new characters. As long as they are well fleshed out like the four we have, I say bring 'em on!
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