To the MODs: Any plans on interviewing Ed Boon anytime soon?
posted12/22/2005 07:03 PM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
I was just curious. There seems to be this lull now where MK:SM has come out and MK7 or Armageddon is still in the early stages of development. Given that Boon might not be too busy right now, I thought that maybe this would be a good time to pick his brain. If Ed does decide that he'd do a Q & A, I'd be curious about his answers to these questions:

1) What's going on with MK: Devastation? It's been in pre-production for almost a year now. Can we expect to see the third MK movie in 2006?

2) The first MK movie tied into the first game, while MK:Annihilation tied in with MK2 and 3. Has a script been decided upon? Will MK:Dev tie in with MK7 or somewhere earlier in the series like MK4 or 5?

3) You've stated that the next MK game will have the largest cast of characters of any MK game. Can you tell us whether this will be the next MK trilogy or is the next MK game going to be MK7?

4) Midway has registered a domain for Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, is this going to be the name of Mortal Kombat 7?

5) When can we expect to start seeing info on the next MK game? E3? Earlier?

6) Is there anything you can tell us about the next MK game? The hero? Will there be a new villain?

7) Has the systems been decided upon yet? Will the next MK game be only for next gen consoles?

8) MK: Deadly Alliance was a vast upgrade over previous MK games, and the first MK game to come out on PS2 and Xbox. Will we see another overhaul/reinvention of MK when the next game comes out on next gen systems?

9) MK:SM seems to be doing well sales-wise, any plans for a sequel?

10) What information can you confirm about the next MK game at this early stage? Any info we don't know yet?
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

12/22/2005 04:29 PM (UTC)
Great questions!!!!!!!!! But i just want to know if this a MKT2,if it is,i'll die happywink
12/22/2005 04:49 PM (UTC)
Don't ask the movie questions; Ed can't answer them. He has stated before that he has no creative control over the third movie or any information on it.

12/22/2005 07:03 PM (UTC)
Heres a question, ask them if there really is a Hornbuckle? lol
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