Timeline of the Next Generation of MK
posted12/22/2006 12:52 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/23/2004 01:55 AM (UTC)
Since this is going to be considered the next generation of Mortal Kombat I thought about some ideas that can make this new generation have some mystery to it, and as a player you would have to beat the game with every character to have the events of the aftermath of Armageddon be reavealed to you by encountering the classic characters.

I would have the events of this next Mortal Kombat take place 500 years after the events of Armaggedon. The Mortal Kombat tournament would be re-established for a greater cause to prevent the outbreak and balance the powers to make sure the one being does not awaken, the tournament would be fought by represenatives of each realm. Earthrealm, Outworld, Edenia, Netherealm, and other realms. Only afew characters from that time would live to see the next generation. Even if some of the mortal characters survived the major battle at the end of Armaggedon they would have been long dead from old age. Characters like Cage, Sonya, Jax, Stryker, Kung Lao, and Sub-Zero would be long dead, however in Kung Lao's and Sub-Zero's situation he would have a descendant to represent him in Mortal Kombat.

I feel that only a limited amount of classic characters should return in Armageddon.

These characters would all be hidden characters that you have to fight in arcade mode and are only obtainable after you defeat them in Mortal Kombat.

1. Scorpion (Would have his undead clan plauge the land and have fear over his undead ninja warriors, Scorpion in this game would be a bad guy but for his own cause. He would still be a neutral character when it comes to the events however he will send a representative on behalf of his undead clan with more men from the clan to accompany him but not participate in the new mortal kombat tournament..) He would reaveal the fate of some of the characters such as Noob Saibot, Quan Chi, and other characters that were important to his story

2. Kitana (Would be the current Queen of Edenia who took over after the death of her mother Sindel. She would have her own warriors compete in the new Mortal Kombat tournament on behalf of Edenia, her pact with Earthrealm would no longer exist due to her diplomatic status. She would be a sad woman and she would obtain knowledge about what happened during Armaggedon as to what happened to characters such as Jade, Mileena, Sindel, Goro, and Liu Kang.

3. Sprit Liu Kang (Liu Kang would be a guide to Earthrealm warriors participating in the new mortal kombat in place of Raiden, he would have a deep connection with the Kung Lao character in the game and reveal knowledge of the past of the shaolin, and the mortal kombat tournament itself. Liu Kang would not be able to travel with his warriors outside of Earthrealm, that is untill you unlock him as a character in the flesh.

4. Fujin - Would be an elder god in this game after he helped Liu Kang deafeat Raiden during the events of Mortal Kombat Armaggedon. Fujin would be aware of some strange activity going on behind the scenes of the new tournament and would witness the tournament first hand and make sure nothing happens that will jeapordize the tournament.

5. Quan Chi - He would be the most secret character in this game, he lurks in the shadows and wishes to sabatoge the tournament for his own personal power. He is aware that some members that represent the same realm come from different sections from it, such as the Shokan and the Centaurs from Outworld, he would manipulate the participants in the tournament without revealing himself. He would also send some of his personal men to participate in the tournement who would not identify what realm they are from.

Sub-Zero would still be a blue masked ninja with ice powers, however he won't be the same Sub-Zero from the events of MK2-MK Armaggedon, instead this Sub-Zero would be the direct descendant of that Sub-Zero and would be a 10th generation clan leader for the second age of the Lin Kuei that was established by Sub-Zero during the time of Deadly Alliance. This Sub-Zero would be haunted by the original Scorpion who conastantly reminds him of his family's past.

Kung Lao would be a direct descendant of the Kung Lao that Liu Kang was friends with. However due to Liu Kang's death while being the Mortal Kombat champion, his soul for over 500 years cannot be laid to rest untill a new champion is declared. Liu Kang although a spirit is not able to participate in the tournament, so he lays his hopes into his Shaolin Brother's descendant and trains him. Liu Kang tells the warriors from Earthrealm the importance of Mortal Kombat and what it represents. And this Kung Lao looks up to him in many ways. This Kung Lao carries the hat his ancestor wore long ago and trained in using it as a weapon just as the older Kung Lao once had.

Every other character would be completley new.
12/10/2006 02:01 AM (UTC)
Not bad, but im tired of the new Sub Zeros. I'd rather a new ice ninja.
12/10/2006 03:51 AM (UTC)
macdaddy41 Wrote:
Not bad, but im tired of the new Sub Zeros. I'd rather a new ice ninja.

That would be worse.

The idea sounds cool though.
12/10/2006 09:05 PM (UTC)
I like the idea.

It gives a good reason as to why most of the current fighters aren’t there, but still keeps a link.

I vaguely remember a concept like this taking place in the x-men series. With only a few of them left in the future. It was pretty interesting.
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A7X kicks ass

12/11/2006 04:58 AM (UTC)
very good. i like it we should always have classic characters
12/22/2006 12:52 AM (UTC)
I feel that some of the characters should have connections and every single character in the game should be inter connected in some way to the plot. I want each character to play a role in each other's story.

For example the character Liu Kang in this timeline although is a spirit, can interact with the descendant of Kung Lao and bestow all of his hope upon the young warrior. Kung Lao is a pure soul like Liu Kang however he would have his own conflicts that he must deal with. For example, this Kung Lao would be shamed by the other monks who do not believe him to be the true descendant of Kung Lao due to his lack of skill compared to a warrior of such great strengths. This Kung Lao would believe that he can not live up to the expectations of the Shaolin ways and he would constantly be questioning his own personal morales along with the morales of his teachings.

I think it would be cool if this Kung Lao bonds with the Sub-Zero of that time. However, both will be hesitant to side with each other because Sub-Zero is of Lin Kuei and Kung Lao is of the shaolin. Sub-Zero does not trust outsiders, and Kung Lao's beliefs can not make himself ally with a clan of heartless killers, who although fight for the same cause can not see eye to eye on things. Throughout the course of the game I would like to see this Kung Lao and Sub-Zero slowly gain trust with each other and both question the teachings of their ancestors while they compete in the tournament to protect their realm.

As for Scorpion I think it would be really cool if he plays the role of the watcher in a similar way that Liu Kang plays. Scorpion would be kind of a boss character who does not participate in the tournament, instead he is to show the world the might of his undead clan by claiming victory over the Mortal Kombat tournament. Scorpion would send his best to participate in the tournament who would be brand new characters.Scorpion would recognize Sub-Zero and Scorpion would haunt him by reminding him of his anscestors. Scorpoin would constantly remind this Sub-Zero that long ago the man that took the same name as him created Scorpion to be the way he is. This Sub-Zero would be petrified of Scorpion who is believed to be a folk tale among the people of Earthrealm. Kung Lao would be involved with Scorpion a way due to his connection with Sub-Zero. And when Scorpion threatens Kung Lao, the spirit of Liu Kang arrives to set things straight. Meanwhile someone could be following Liu Kang, who gets involved in another plot and that would be the huge link between all the characters.

I really feel that after Mortal Kombat 2 the story just got sloppy because there was no longer a central role to the plot.

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