Timed Deadly Arenas
posted02/20/2010 11:16 PM (UTC)by
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06/08/2004 10:46 AM (UTC)
I was thinking about Arenas where you would have a certain amount of time to kill or both of you would be killed e.g,

Walls/ceiling slowly closing in on you squashing both fighters.
Spikes closing in on you impaling both fighters.
Fighting in a glass cube when the outside is filling with acid and after a certain amount of time the glass breaks and melts you both.
Fighting on a raft as sharks/crocodiles get closer and munch you when time's up.
Fighting at the bottom of a volcano with lava pouring down which will melt you when time is up.
Fighting in the Dead Pool as the surface you are standing on dissolves ending up with both fighters falling into the acid.
Fighting on a beach with a huge tidal wave hurtling towards you eventually drowning both fighters.

Kinda like the Falling Cliffs of MKD but would defo end in death if someone isnt dead by the end of the time limit.
This would build up tension and force fighters to fight instead of crouching and blocking.

Also another idea was fighting whilst dodging stuff that would take damage
for example,

Having to jump or duck when rotating spikes/fireballs/falling pillars are about to hit you.

There could be an off/on option for people to just wanna fight.

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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

01/31/2010 05:27 PM (UTC)
I think that's actually a pretty cool idea! It would definitely force players to fight fast, and really try to use combos and all of that to finish the fight. It would be awesome to see this!
01/31/2010 05:43 PM (UTC)
That would be a good mode to have if you get tired of the same old fighting. I wouldn't want it on ranked matches though.
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01/31/2010 06:58 PM (UTC)
Kool idea man.I like it a lot.It should be done,but as a kombat mode.
01/31/2010 09:17 PM (UTC)
Nah. I wouldn't want it in random Arcade matches, anyway
02/01/2010 09:01 AM (UTC)
i like this idea but it would be interesting to see as an actual arena. it would be like fighting in an actual deathtrap...the thing is with such an arena if the time runs out and there is no winner yet does the trap get both players? maybe use the idea of a fatality and make an escapality? like a compacting room arena for example...how would you execute such a concept? btw i posted the url to this thread in my arenas,themes and locations thread if your interested in arena ideas and stuff take a look.
02/01/2010 05:20 PM (UTC)
i like the idea but i wouldn't want to see many of the them. maybe 2-3 to start off with and if the fans enjoy it add few more. maybe have a few secrets on one of these type of levels.

like don't touch the acid. unlocks new character.
knock your opponet into the lava under 10 sec. unlocks another attire.
you and the cpu die both at the sametime 5 times. unlocks a new arena.

it could be fresh to have your idea happen but also have hidden rewards if achievements are met. it be a surprise. maybe have these type of arena's show up ever 2-3 characters in arcade mode or story mode.
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

02/01/2010 06:05 PM (UTC)
Brillant ideas, i posted some ideas that were similar to the fallin cliffs arena. Like both fighters fight in a warehouse or an building. When the chars punch or kik and miss the hit, because the char sidestepped they could break the supports holding the building up, throughout the stages( This is pretty much complete stage interaction, that i think mk is missing and needs, to make the gameplay more fun) but after so many supports get broken, the building or stage collaspe on both players if that stage doesnt hav an escape, like a window or door.(in this case, whoever had the least damage taken during the fight wins). However if the stage did hav an escape route, maybe it would flash onscreen quickly how 2 escape, plus only 1 char could escape in time. Also if they added HELPLESS to the game- Like durin the fight ur char limps for gettin his leg kicked or punched so many times, he automatically wouldn't be able to escape, and he or she probably was winning the fight,or depending on who fought poorly
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

02/01/2010 07:26 PM (UTC)
also, I think each character should have their own stage. This way depending on how the char is designed , their stage would be designed jus like that, to suit the characters needs. Like shang stage could be intendant for chars to have no escape, so theres no windows or doors. Then with stage interaction, his abilities could reflect what the things in the stage does to the opponent. These ideas are what a true mk game this day in age needs. Jus for suspense, i think they need to take out powerbars, and jus use different body emotions and look- Like if ur loosing too much blood, ur char gets tired faster, and may start to look PALE, for loosing too much blood by gettin beat up too much during the fight. ALL of your ideas were great
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02/01/2010 08:19 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal suggested, I'm also in favor of each character having their own themed arena, but it would have to be within the context of the overall theme of the game.

In other words, if the game is a tournament that takes place on an island, then having a Sektor arena with a lot of metal, lasers and futuristic stuff would look just plain stupid.

As far as the original posters idea about the timed death traps, I'd be VERY cool with this idea in certain instances.

For example:

As a theme match, like a mirror match. Call it an Escape Match or a Survival Match.

You can toggle that aspect on or off.

You have definitive knowledge of when the arena will be destroyed. In other words, a 30 second counter at the top of the screen.

I also think that this could be a mode in and of itself. Maybe you even get the option to speed up the action a little bit, which would also add to the frenetic pace of such a match.

I wouldn't want to see these pop up in the middle of arcade mode though. I definitely think that it would need to have its' own recognizeable place.

As for the dodging things idea, I'm not in favor of anything that interrupts the match flow, so no thanks. Sure, you could have an arena that's about to be destroyed, broken parts of it flying around the arena or crashing to the ground around you, the ground shaking etc... But do NOT have any of that interfere with my actual ability to pull off a move or combo. I'm not a fan of that at all.

Oh, and here are two ideas for those types of arenas:

Lung Hai Falls: It's similar to the original posters idea of having an arena in the water, but it would be very choppy water, with woods in the background, at night, and the arena would gather speed throughout the match until it goes over the side of an enormous waterfall.

When the defeated character(s) crash to the water below, they look up just in time to see the enormous arena fall on top of them. After that, blood in the water.

The Burning Pagota: I've always dug the idea of having an arena that's on fire and heading towards a collapse. It would be an ornate pagota with several levels. You could knock your opponent up a level and continue doing so all the way until you're fighting on the roof, or you could fall through the floor for a few levels. You would need to watch the ground for wood turning black, as that part would be soft enough to fall through.

I'm thinking of something slightly similar to the arena that cage fought Scorpion in for the first Mortal Kombat movie only not quite so hellish.
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02/02/2010 12:51 AM (UTC)
Thanks for the feedback everyone, I'm loving all your ideas.
so basically its like the Saw movies? Kill or be killed in a certain amount of time
02/20/2010 09:54 PM (UTC)
They'd work in some kind of mission mode. Similar to Soul Calibur's.
02/20/2010 11:16 PM (UTC)
This seems like a great idea. But, this shouldn't be in a normal arcade mode. This should be a mode called "Time Attack." I could see this. Great idea! Keep up the good work!
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