Thoughts on Johnny Cages and Sonya Blades story progression
posted07/18/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)by
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GT: Dimitri1033

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10/17/2005 06:59 PM (UTC)
I really feel like NRS has a chance to do some hardcore story development on both characters, if not at least one. I think this is their big chance to take Johnny Cage's usually goofy demeanor and turn him into something more gritty and serious. We've already sort of began to see the transition from the beginning of MK9 where he was in everyone's face, to the end where he was unsure of his abilities, and this could definitely continue into MKX.

Probably a quick burst of text, but this is all from a recent dream I had about the MKX story:

There's a bit of a cool-down stage between MK9 and MKX where nothing really happens, and Earth is allowed to recuperate some. This is when Cassie Cage is born.

Skip ahead a few years and the Netherrealm is attacking Earthrealm, and due to Earth's lack of defense's, the rest of the Earthrealm warriors are desperately searching for a new champion. Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade both go through trials where they attempt to take the mantle, but both are defeated. Both Johnny and Sonya are either scarred, disabled, or killed. I believe one of them needs to die, but the other has to stay alive to train and motivate Cassie, unless another Earthrealm warrior from the MK4-MKD era decides to train her. I could see Kai taking the mantle, but it wouldn't make sense considering Cassie has some of her parent's signature moves.

Skip ahead in the timeline, and Earthrealm is trying to train a young Cassie Cage to be the new champion. At first she is nervous and a horrible fighter, but over the course of the story she gains experience and becomes stronger than her father and mother.

In part of the dream I had, a weak, older, and battle-scarred Johnny Cage was being attacked by a tarkatan, and was about to be mauled, but Cassie picks up a bullet casing, and throws it hard enough to pierce the tarkatan's skull and kill it. Cassie looks at her hand and see that its glowing Johnny Cage's signature green.

I would be extremely happy if they do take a darker more serious route with Johnny, Sonya, and Cassie, and I pray that Cassie just doesn't pop out of the womb as some sunglasses wearing diva with a smart mouth. They have a real chance to make this serious and dark.
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07/15/2014 07:10 AM (UTC)
Family or melodrama is not the focus of Mortal Kombat, so unlikely.

And why the hell would you want to scar/kill one of them? Women in reffrigerators szndrome much? That is not good storytelling.
07/15/2014 07:17 AM (UTC)
Johnny doesn't need to go the serious route, I like him the way he is, though I can see him developing some kind of protective feelings over Cassie and Sonya.

My guess? Johnny will be playable because he is one of the heroes of the first Half of story mode (he can fight at least for the first 10-15 years). After that he can leave the spot to his daughter.

Sonya? Perhaps she will refuse to fight in order to take care of Cassie during her childhood. Personally Cassie and Sonya are too similar in appearance and moves. So I doubt that both will be playable without gimmicks like skins or DLCs.
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GT: Dimitri1033

07/15/2014 07:24 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Family or melodrama is not the focus of Mortal Kombat, so unlikely.

And why the hell would you want to scar/kill one of them? Women in reffrigerators szndrome much? That is not good storytelling.

Women in refrigerators is a bit far, I'm not saying that you need to do it to empower JC, but something is bound to happen to one of them. Chances are we're not going to have all 3 in the same game, and the way things are shaping, Sonya's spot looks like it will be taken by Cassie, if not both Sonya and Johnny.

As for keeping Johnny's demeanor the same, that would just be boring and repetitive. We've had the same rockstar for I don't know how many games.

This is all just speculation, daydreaming, and opinion, though. Just airing out my mind about it.
07/15/2014 08:05 AM (UTC)
Cassie plays far more like Stryker than she does either of her parents, and what moves of theirs she does have are all from Johnny (split nutpunch, some green kicks though they don't behave the same), in fact she doesn't really have anything of her mom's, so I don't know why people think Sonya's "spot" is taken and she has to be dead.
07/15/2014 08:14 AM (UTC)
ITT: Cassie's parents are DEAAADDD!!!!
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07/15/2014 08:43 AM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Family or melodrama is not the focus of Mortal Kombat, so unlikely.

And why the hell would you want to scar/kill one of them? Women in reffrigerators szndrome much? That is not good storytelling.

Women in refrigerators is a bit far, I'm not saying that you need to do it to empower JC, but something is bound to happen to one of them. Chances are we're not going to have all 3 in the same game, and the way things are shaping, Sonya's spot looks like it will be taken by Cassie, if not both Sonya and Johnny.

As for keeping Johnny's demeanor the same, that would just be boring and repetitive. We've had the same rockstar for I don't know how many games.

This is all just speculation, daydreaming, and opinion, though. Just airing out my mind about it.

Because only tragedy can enpower someone in such context? That is not only stupid, but a bit insulting. Women in refrigerators is exactly the kind of thing you are doing, it does not matter wether there is a refrigerator, the effect is matter.

About Me

GT: Dimitri1033

07/15/2014 11:06 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Family or melodrama is not the focus of Mortal Kombat, so unlikely.

And why the hell would you want to scar/kill one of them? Women in reffrigerators szndrome much? That is not good storytelling.

Women in refrigerators is a bit far, I'm not saying that you need to do it to empower JC, but something is bound to happen to one of them. Chances are we're not going to have all 3 in the same game, and the way things are shaping, Sonya's spot looks like it will be taken by Cassie, if not both Sonya and Johnny.

As for keeping Johnny's demeanor the same, that would just be boring and repetitive. We've had the same rockstar for I don't know how many games.

This is all just speculation, daydreaming, and opinion, though. Just airing out my mind about it.

Because only tragedy can enpower someone in such context? That is not only stupid, but a bit insulting. Women in refrigerators is exactly the kind of thing you are doing, it does not matter wether there is a refrigerator, the effect is matter.

Wow, stupid? Okay then, good thing I'm not a professional video game story writer.
07/15/2014 11:29 AM (UTC)
I'd like to see Johnny playable, but, Sonya will be killed off in story mode by Kano smile
07/15/2014 02:04 PM (UTC)
i think sonya will be killed off in opening sequence because I do not think she will be playable due to Cassie's inclusion. I do however see Johnny being a playable character, boon alluded to it. Cassie has some of Johnny's moves so in the 25 years of the story I see Johnny reaching his full potential power and his gameplay will be unlike any we have seen of him to date. He will basically be a new character with the same name.
07/15/2014 02:35 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Cassie plays far more like Stryker than she does either of her parents, and what moves of theirs she does have are all from Johnny (split nutpunch, some green kicks though they don't behave the same), in fact she doesn't really have anything of her mom's, so I don't know why people think Sonya's "spot" is taken and she has to be dead.

I think it's because people serverly lack observation skills, and because Cassie's blonde and all, so to them there's no way Sonya can be in too.

And killing off Sonya? Of course someone would suggest that the woman in a intergender couple be killed, and not the man. Yawn.
07/15/2014 02:53 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Cassie plays far more like Stryker than she does either of her parents, and what moves of theirs she does have are all from Johnny (split nutpunch, some green kicks though they don't behave the same), in fact she doesn't really have anything of her mom's, so I don't know why people think Sonya's "spot" is taken and she has to be dead.

I think it's because people serverly lack observation skills, and because Cassie's blonde and all, so to them there's no way Sonya can be in too.

And killing off Sonya? Of course someone would suggest that the woman in a intergender couple be killed, and not the man. Yawn.

Instead of "blaming" people of lacking observation skills, I'd inform myself.
If you paid enough attention you would know by now that Cassie has also the kiss specia move (the one that blinds you), cartwheel and vertical bicycle kicks.

And btw, she was described by Ed Boon himself as having moves from both her parents.

Honestly, the only thing that she takes from Stryker it's her gun special move. Comparing Cassie to Stryker, that's what I call lack of observation skills.

PS: Stryker uses a nightstick, Cassie a telescopic baton, which is different.
07/15/2014 02:53 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Cassie plays far more like Stryker than she does either of her parents, and what moves of theirs she does have are all from Johnny (split nutpunch, some green kicks though they don't behave the same), in fact she doesn't really have anything of her mom's, so I don't know why people think Sonya's "spot" is taken and she has to be dead.

I think it's because people serverly lack observation skills, and because Cassie's blonde and all, so to them there's no way Sonya can be in too.

And killing off Sonya? Of course someone would suggest that the woman in a intergender couple be killed, and not the man. Yawn.

I dont think people are making sexist observations. If Cassie was Sonya and Johnnys son then I would want Johnny to be replaced, It just makes more sense. And her fighting style is very much like her mothers, I dont see how that can't be observed.
07/15/2014 02:54 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Cassie plays far more like Stryker than she does either of her parents, and what moves of theirs she does have are all from Johnny (split nutpunch, some green kicks though they don't behave the same), in fact she doesn't really have anything of her mom's, so I don't know why people think Sonya's "spot" is taken and she has to be dead.

I think it's because people serverly lack observation skills, and because Cassie's blonde and all, so to them there's no way Sonya can be in too.

And killing off Sonya? Of course someone would suggest that the woman in a intergender couple be killed, and not the man. Yawn.

Not me!lol

If one of the two HAD to die then Johnny it is. He dodged that shit in MK9
07/15/2014 03:14 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Cassie plays far more like Stryker than she does either of her parents, and what moves of theirs she does have are all from Johnny (split nutpunch, some green kicks though they don't behave the same), in fact she doesn't really have anything of her mom's, so I don't know why people think Sonya's "spot" is taken and she has to be dead.

I think it's because people serverly lack observation skills, and because Cassie's blonde and all, so to them there's no way Sonya can be in too.

And killing off Sonya? Of course someone would suggest that the woman in a intergender couple be killed, and not the man. Yawn.

I dont think people are making sexist observations. If Cassie was Sonya and Johnnys son then I would want Johnny to be replaced, It just makes more sense. And her fighting style is very much like her mothers, I dont see how that can't be observed.

This is how I see it as well.

Cassie in, Sonya out. If they had a son...son in, Johnny out. Also, their son would of most likely inherited his moms last name...Blade.
07/15/2014 03:22 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Cassie plays far more like Stryker than she does either of her parents, and what moves of theirs she does have are all from Johnny (split nutpunch, some green kicks though they don't behave the same), in fact she doesn't really have anything of her mom's, so I don't know why people think Sonya's "spot" is taken and she has to be dead.

I think it's because people serverly lack observation skills, and because Cassie's blonde and all, so to them there's no way Sonya can be in too.

And killing off Sonya? Of course someone would suggest that the woman in a intergender couple be killed, and not the man. Yawn.

Instead of "blaming" people of lacking observation skills, I'd inform myself.
If you paid enough attention you would know by now that Cassie has also the kiss specia move (the one that blinds you), cartwheel and vertical bicycle kicks.

And btw, she was described by Ed Boon himself as having moves from both her parents.

Honestly, the only thing that she takes from Stryker it's her gun special move. Comparing Cassie to Stryker, that's what I call lack of observation skills.

PS: Stryker uses a nightstick, Cassie a telescopic baton, which is different.

But she doesn't have Sonya's leg grab, which is her mother's trademark move. Or the square wave punch. Or the ring projectiles. That's three moves Sonya can have for herself. Not to mention she can get new ones, too.

But anyway, let's not act as if no characters ever shared moves in any of the games. If Sonya couldn't return because of Cassie, then by that logic Ermac shouldn't have returned in MKD since Kenshi was also in that game. Yet I doubt many are saying these two shouldn't both return. Is it because they look and act different enough, or is it because two similar guys in the same game is just not considered that big a deal, while two blonde gals with some similarities is apparently overkill?

If Johnny had a son, then said son wouldn't have to look, sound and fight similarly to his dad, so as far as I'm concerned, both Johnny and his male offspring could appear in the same game.
Cassie Cage? Vertical bicycle kicks? What the hell is this guy talking about?
07/15/2014 03:36 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Cassie plays far more like Stryker than she does either of her parents, and what moves of theirs she does have are all from Johnny (split nutpunch, some green kicks though they don't behave the same), in fact she doesn't really have anything of her mom's, so I don't know why people think Sonya's "spot" is taken and she has to be dead.

I think it's because people serverly lack observation skills, and because Cassie's blonde and all, so to them there's no way Sonya can be in too.

And killing off Sonya? Of course someone would suggest that the woman in a intergender couple be killed, and not the man. Yawn.

Instead of "blaming" people of lacking observation skills, I'd inform myself.
If you paid enough attention you would know by now that Cassie has also the kiss specia move (the one that blinds you), cartwheel and vertical bicycle kicks.

And btw, she was described by Ed Boon himself as having moves from both her parents.

Honestly, the only thing that she takes from Stryker it's her gun special move. Comparing Cassie to Stryker, that's what I call lack of observation skills.

PS: Stryker uses a nightstick, Cassie a telescopic baton, which is different.

But she doesn't have Sonya's leg grab, which is her mother's trademark move. Or the square wave punch. Or the ring projectiles. That's three moves Sonya can have for herself. Not to mention she can get new ones, too.

But anyway, let's not act as if no characters ever shared moves in any of the games. If Sonya couldn't return because of Cassie, then by that logic Ermac shouldn't have returned in MKD since Kenshi was also in that game. Yet I doubt many are saying these two shouldn't both return. Is it because they look and act different enough, or is it because two similar guys in the same game is just not considered that big a deal, while two blonde gals with some similarities is apparently overkill?

If Johnny had a son, then said son wouldn't have to look, sound and fight similarly to his dad, so as far as I'm concerned, both Johnny and his male offspring could appear in the same game.

It would be possible for an offspring to be completely different to their parents whether it is a daughter or a son. However Boon said himself that cassie is a fusion of both parents with a little bit of her own flavor to make her unique. She wont inherit every single one of both her parents moves, and I dont think she should.

I personally think Sonya will be out and Johnny in because NRS has already been placing building blocks on Johnny finding his true potential power. So I think Johnny will be back but as a new powerful version of himself with new movesets. Sonya does not have this backdrop to her story, she has not been previously set up to grow.

And to address players harbouring the same moves: I don't see room for it in this game. With the amount of new character being made each returning character should be completely unique from one another. Kenshi and Ermac were different enough in MK9, I think NRS did a good job of differentiating them. Kenshi was more of a Ermac/Noob Fusion but all three were different, looked different and played different.
07/15/2014 03:45 PM (UTC)
I don't think its necessary for both of them to be in the game. Either one or the other would be fine for me. But since Cassie is going to be in the game i think Sonya is the unneeded IMO. Besides they can use one of their slots to bring in another old veteran character
07/15/2014 04:15 PM (UTC)
Best scene in the game would be.

Kitana gets ripped appart by Tanya and Mileena, Sonya gets distracted and while she moves toward the scene of carnage, she is attacked from behind by Kano who gives her a very very big smile infrond of Cassie. Then drama, drama, drama.

Cassie wants vengeance, Johnny Cage trains his daughter, daughter gets corrupted by Quan, and kills her own father.

This happens in storymode, so Sonya Bland, Kitty and Cage aren't playable.
07/15/2014 04:20 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Best scene in the game would be.

Kitana gets ripped appart by Tanya and Mileena, Sonya gets distracted and while she moves toward the scene of carnage, she is attacked from behind by Kano who gives her a very very big smile infrond of Cassie. Then drama, drama, drama.

Cassie wants vengeance, Johnny Cage trains his daughter, daughter gets corrupted by Quan, and kills her own father.

This happens in storymode, so Sonya Bland, Kitty and Cage aren't playable.

Kitana is already dead
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Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of a war drum

07/15/2014 05:02 PM (UTC)
I want them both in. The whole dead-parent-revenge/other-parent-training thing just sounds so cliched to me. So there are two female blondes. Really? REALLY? How many different palette swapped male and female ninjas have we had? Cmon meow, gotta be a better excuse than that for Sonya not to be in the game. As others said, Cassie hasn't even shown any of Sonya's moves.

I can definitely see Cage and Sonya fitting into the story in some capacity. They were two of the few champions who survived and now they're already getting written off by people just because they have a daughter? If anything, that should give them more of a reason to be in the game. Can you imagine a tagteam nut punch with Johnny and Cassie? Or the cool shit she could do with Sonya? Story wise and gameplay wise, there is so much potential there.

07/15/2014 05:07 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Cassie plays far more like Stryker than she does either of her parents, and what moves of theirs she does have are all from Johnny (split nutpunch, some green kicks though they don't behave the same), in fact she doesn't really have anything of her mom's, so I don't know why people think Sonya's "spot" is taken and she has to be dead.

I think it's because people serverly lack observation skills, and because Cassie's blonde and all, so to them there's no way Sonya can be in too.

And killing off Sonya? Of course someone would suggest that the woman in a intergender couple be killed, and not the man. Yawn.

Instead of "blaming" people of lacking observation skills, I'd inform myself.
If you paid enough attention you would know by now that Cassie has also the kiss specia move (the one that blinds you), cartwheel and vertical bicycle kicks.

And btw, she was described by Ed Boon himself as having moves from both her parents.

Honestly, the only thing that she takes from Stryker it's her gun special move. Comparing Cassie to Stryker, that's what I call lack of observation skills.

PS: Stryker uses a nightstick, Cassie a telescopic baton, which is different.

But she doesn't have Sonya's leg grab, which is her mother's trademark move. Or the square wave punch. Or the ring projectiles. That's three moves Sonya can have for herself. Not to mention she can get new ones, too.

But anyway, let's not act as if no characters ever shared moves in any of the games. If Sonya couldn't return because of Cassie, then by that logic Ermac shouldn't have returned in MKD since Kenshi was also in that game. Yet I doubt many are saying these two shouldn't both return. Is it because they look and act different enough, or is it because two similar guys in the same game is just not considered that big a deal, while two blonde gals with some similarities is apparently overkill?

I'm not counting Sonya out of the game, I 'm just saying that Cassie indeed has some of her moves. If they are trademarks or not I do not know, but not all of her moves were showed so far.

I am not even bother to answer to the guy doubting Cassie vertical bicycle kicks because they are Well documnted on the web and the first gameplay video.
07/15/2014 05:20 PM (UTC)
You said she has Sonya's Kiss though but she doesn't. IF you mean the fire move she has, that's not a kiss.
07/15/2014 05:26 PM (UTC)
~Nova Wrote:
I want them both in. The whole dead-parent-revenge/other-parent-training thing just sounds so cliched to me. So there are two female blondes. Really? REALLY? How many different palette swapped male and female ninjas have we had? Cmon meow, gotta be a better excuse than that for Sonya not to be in the game. As others said, Cassie hasn't even shown any of Sonya's moves.

I can definitely see Cage and Sonya fitting into the story in some capacity. They were two of the few champions who survived and now they're already getting written off by people just because they have a daughter? If anything, that should give them more of a reason to be in the game. Can you imagine a tagteam nut punch with Johnny and Cassie? Or the cool shit she could do with Sonya? Story wise and gameplay wise, there is so much potential there.

2 better reasons.

1: Sonya Bland is just a human female, just like Cassie Cage.
2: Sonya Bland looks a lot like Cassie, and we probably only get limited returned-characters from MK9. Wasting such as precious spot with Sonya Bland who looks a lot like her daughter would be really a waste in my opinion, mostly because there are so many more deserving characters.
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