Thoughts on Fox?
posted02/25/2015 12:17 AM (UTC)by
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02/24/2015 05:12 AM (UTC)
So in the comics, who do you think took control of Fox? There is something Kotal Kahn says later on about blood, but I don't think it was him. Personally I think Fox might end up being Havik, which I've based on pure conjecture. His face is gone, he's taken over by an evil force, and no one stays dead in MK for very long. What do you guys think?
Also, apologies is this has been brought up already, I'm a total Noob here.
02/24/2015 05:41 AM (UTC)
Definitely not Kotal at this point. We know it's a demon from another realm that was allowed into this war because of a barrier broken during the Netherrealm War. Chaosrealm or Orderrealm could fit in with this, since we never knew how they were able to come here in the last timeline(I think?).

Wouldn't it be kind of against the ideals of chaos to control other people? Unless Havik has been revamped.

Hotaru is hardly a demon, and I doubt he could possess people.

It could be Onaga if he was banished to a far off realm after his death. Or could just end up being a new character.
02/24/2015 06:17 AM (UTC)
He was boring, then he was possessed and then he died.

Thus endeth my thoughts on the character.

(PS. I also think it was Havik)
02/24/2015 07:47 AM (UTC)
I don't think it was Havik. Fox says there was a connection between the dagger and Quan Chi. In Noob's MK9 ending, he makes an alliance with Havik to destroy Quan Chi's forces, so even if it's not canon, I don't think there would be much sympathy between them.

Havik wants to spread chaos for the sake of it, Quan Chi wants power and control, so while both characters are manipulative, Havik would consider Quan Chi an enemy of chaos given how much he hungers for control over things.

Quan Chi also has the power to control other people, either as revenant or by trance and removing the free will of anyone probably goes against Havik's point of view.
02/24/2015 09:48 AM (UTC)
Don't care much for fox but I definately think that the demon who possessed him is Havik or has something to do with Havik and chaos realm. When I saw fox's mutilated face I immediately thought he looked like Havik then with the mention of causing chaos it was like a bright neon light pointing towards Havik!!!
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02/24/2015 10:08 AM (UTC)
I think the whole point of Fox and the demon was just a way to kickstart the whole Kamidogu business. So, yeah, I don't think Havik has anything to do with all this.
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02/24/2015 10:50 AM (UTC)
Havik could not have been behind Fox, as controlling another man is OPPOSITE everything Havik believes in.

02/24/2015 03:30 PM (UTC)
But would he be against controlling somebody for a short time even if he knew it would lead to chaos? If he truly is all about chaos, and he knew temporarily controlling somebody could lead to more chaos, I don't think he would have a problem with doing such a thing as long as it would help him get what he wants (Chaos)

Anyway im not sure who I think it is, Havik would be my first guess, but im still unsure.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/24/2015 03:32 PM (UTC)
I actually found Fox very entertaining even before he was possessed. I hope he somehow makes it in despite being currently dead. MK can use some more dark twisted shit like that.
02/24/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Havik could not have been behind Fox, as controlling another man is OPPOSITE everything Havik believes in.

But from what we have seen in Deception the Chaosrealm usually runs on a sort of Bizzaro logic so wouldn't that mean he believes in absolute control? O.o DUN DUN DUUUUN!!!

Though that kind of adds up seeing how he will go to all lengths to control and maintain disorder across the realms.
02/24/2015 04:16 PM (UTC)
I really hope Fox is in to become Scorpion's new archrival. Just because he cuts his face off, doesn't mean he's being possessed by Havik, that's really a narrow minded way to look at things.
02/24/2015 05:08 PM (UTC)
I would say Drahmin, he found his way into Chaosrealm.
02/24/2015 05:21 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Havik could not have been behind Fox, as controlling another man is OPPOSITE everything Havik believes in.

02/24/2015 05:32 PM (UTC)
As I already said on this matter in another thread...

(99% copy/pasted...)

First off, saying Havik wouldn't do anything is acting as if Havik isn't a fictional character. His means and motives are subject to whatever the writers choose they are, ultimately. And it certainly wouldn't be the first time a character in this or any other franchise did something that was arguably out of their established character (and I stress the word arguably) because it suited the new direction the overall story was going in.

That said, to say it's out of his character to control and/or manipulate others is BS anyway imo, because he clearly told Kabal a whole bunch of crap to do after saving his life, things Kabal's character before that point would arguably not do. Havik was evidently convincing enough to Kabal to sway him back to "evil" recruit him as a semi-devotee to chaos himself, and make him think reforming the Black Dragon (whom he hated) was now a good idea. I won't argue he forced him to do any of it, but he clearly didn't have any qualms giving Kabal a push toward chaos which Kabal would arguably never have otherwise had. Which is much the same push I'd argue the demon is trying to give Scorpion now.


Trying to apply any kind of "standard" to Havik's methods and motives is a fool's endeavor from the start because the ONE thing we know about him is that NOTHING is beyond him as long as the outcome results in more chaos. Which this absolutely does. We know he has no problem aligning himself with anyone or doing anything just to stir the pot a little more.

If something about Havik in this game doesn't line up with something about Havik in the last game, who's to say that's not just who Havik is?

And this Demon DIDN'T even flat out posses Fox, it just presented itself as an urging voice in he and Scorpion's heads, which I'd argue is completely in line with Havik's methods. Evidently Fox was far more susceptible, as he slaughtered a whole clan, wheras Scorpion saw through the ruse and snuffed it out.

But even if the demon did "control" Fox, to think that Havik wouldn't posses one guy, and urge him toward violence that could mean enraging a vengeance demon and sending him on a rampage across the realms is... ridiculous imo. I absolutely think he'd be fine with manipulating one unremarkable soul as a means of sowing discord amongst countless more (arguably more important ones). As long as the end is chaos, the means would always be justified to Havik.

All the comic book stuff, combined with the fact that civil war is one of the central plot points of MKX, combine with the fact that the Kamidogu are now seemingly daggers and seem to be a significant as-yet-unexplored plot point (to which this Demon is attached), combined with the fact that we've already seen invasions from Chaosrealm mentioned in the Challenge Towers (which suggests... there will be modeled art assets in-game from Chaosrealm), combined with the fact that Boon has already stated the big bad in this game is a "fun" returning character... are all the reasons I think Havik will ultimately be revealed as the master manipulator in this game. And his motive will be nothing more than wanting to cause a complete crapstorm. As is Havik.

Could I be wrong? Sure! There are loads of possibilities. But this is the one that makes my own spider-sense tingle. And I think the idea that it couldn't happen because it's supposedly out of character for Havik to be a master-manipulator is ridiculous. ALL he does is manipulate EVERYTHING TOWARD CHAOS.

It's right there in his Deception bio: "My kind worships entropy. We wander the realms sowing disorder." Thus endeth explanation of his motives.

To say Havik WOULDN'T do anything is to believe Havik has control over himself. Havik can and will ultimately do whatever Havik feels he could/should/would or must do.
02/24/2015 05:46 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
As I already said on this matter in another thread...

(99% copy/pasted...)

First off, saying Havik wouldn't do anything is acting as if Havik isn't a fictional character. His means and motives are subject to whatever the writers choose they are, ultimately. And it certainly wouldn't be the first time a character in this or any other franchise did something that was arguably out of their established character (and I stress the word arguably) because it suited the new direction the overall story was going in.

That said, to say it's out of his character to control and/or manipulate others is BS anyway imo, because he clearly told Kabal a whole bunch of crap to do after saving his life, things Kabal's character before that point would arguably not do. Havik was evidently convincing enough to Kabal to sway him back to "evil" recruit him as a semi-devotee to chaos himself, and make him think reforming the Black Dragon (whom he hated) was now a good idea. I won't argue he forced him to do any of it, but he clearly didn't have any qualms giving Kabal a push toward chaos which Kabal would arguably never have otherwise had. Which is much the same push I'd argue the demon is trying to give Scorpion now.


Trying to apply any kind of "standard" to Havik's methods and motives is a fool's endeavor from the start because the ONE thing we know about him is that NOTHING is beyond him as long as the outcome results in more chaos. Which this absolutely does. We know he has no problem aligning himself with anyone or doing anything just to stir the pot a little more.

If something about Havik in this game doesn't line up with something about Havik in the last game, who's to say that's not just who Havik is?

And this Demon DIDN'T even flat out posses Fox, it just presented itself as an urging voice in he and Scorpion's heads, which I'd argue is completely in line with Havik's methods. Evidently Fox was far more susceptible, as he slaughtered a whole clan, wheras Scorpion saw through the ruse and snuffed it out.

But even if the demon did "control" Fox, to think that Havik wouldn't posses one guy, and urge him toward violence that could mean enraging a vengeance demon and sending him on a rampage across the realms is... ridiculous imo. I absolutely think he'd be fine with manipulating one unremarkable soul as a means of sowing discord amongst countless more (arguably more important ones). As long as the end is chaos, the means would always be justified to Havik.

All the comic book stuff, combined with the fact that civil war is one of the central plot points of MKX, combine with the fact that the Kamidogu are now seemingly daggers and seem to be a significant as-yet-unexplored plot point (to which this Demon is attached), combined with the fact that we've already seen invasions from Chaosrealm mentioned in the Challenge Towers (which suggests... there will be modeled art assets in-game from Chaosrealm), combined with the fact that Boon has already stated the big bad in this game is a "fun" returning character... are all the reasons I think Havik will ultimately be revealed as the master manipulator in this game. And his motive will be nothing more than wanting to cause a complete crapstorm. As is Havik.

Could I be wrong? Sure! There are loads of possibilities. But this is the one that makes my own spider-sense tingle. And I think the idea that it couldn't happen because it's supposedly out of character for Havik to be a master-manipulator is ridiculous. ALL he does is manipulate EVERYTHING TOWARD CHAOS.

It's right there in his Deception bio: "My kind worships entropy. We wander the realms sowing disorder." Thus endeth explanation of his motives.

To say Havik WOULDN'T do anything is to believe Havik has control over himself. Havik can and will ultimately do whatever Havik feels he could/should/would or must do.

Has to be quoted. I can't let this be ignored.

I agree with you for the most part. I think people take Havik's chaotic stance way too literally. As you said, whatever causes chaos is not beyond him, whether it's showing up in a church naked and with one of eyes in his belly button, or yes, possessing someone and making them do unspeakable things.

I hope it was Havik who was possessing or manipulating Fox, because it'd be a wasted opportunity if it wasn't him.
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02/24/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
Correct my memory if it is off, but didn't the demon specifically mention something about Quan-Chi? I don't think it's him, but perhaps an affiliate.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/24/2015 08:04 PM (UTC)
dibula Wrote:
Correct my memory if it is off, but didn't the demon specifically mention something about Quan-Chi? I don't think it's him, but perhaps an affiliate.

Yeah he says something like "Quan Chi never told you about the power/curse of the dagger" or something along those lines.
02/24/2015 08:23 PM (UTC)
Sub Zero was talking in the comics like he was affected by the dagger when killing Scorpion's family in the past.Was it not Chi who did this to Hanzo disguised as Sub?Then Fox says something about Chi being connected to them?amakes me think it IS him.I know I rant too much on him sometimes,but just giving diff opinions.All this blood talk,could it be Skarlet?
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

02/24/2015 08:36 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
dibula Wrote:
Correct my memory if it is off, but didn't the demon specifically mention something about Quan-Chi? I don't think it's him, but perhaps an affiliate.

Yeah he says something like "Quan Chi never told you about the power/curse of the dagger" or something along those lines.

No. Fox says that "Raiden never told you about the dagger's power or its connection to Quan Chi".
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/24/2015 08:49 PM (UTC)
I actually hope Fox is a revamped take on Havik for the new timeline. Meaning "Havik" is essentially just a vehicle for a Chaos Demon/Entity, much like Parallax in the Green Lantern Comix.

Another thought is that this could be a totally new character. "Honor the Blood code" (Nice homage to MK1 Shawn!) and "The Flesh is a Lie" followed by Fox cutting off his own face, creates a lot of blood. I know this smells like SkarLet, but maybe there is a BLOOD God that is becoming way too powerful from all of these Intra-Realm Wars. Also, maybe KotaL Kahn is unknowingly fueling this god with all of these blood offerings as well. And hey, If there is a Blood God in the MKU, his name better be "Abacabb" (u know, from the Sega blood code. A,B,A,C,A,B,B)
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/24/2015 08:49 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
As I already said on this matter in another thread...

(99% copy/pasted...)

First off, saying Havik wouldn't do anything is acting as if Havik isn't a fictional character. His means and motives are subject to whatever the writers choose they are, ultimately. And it certainly wouldn't be the first time a character in this or any other franchise did something that was arguably out of their established character (and I stress the word arguably) because it suited the new direction the overall story was going in.

That said, to say it's out of his character to control and/or manipulate others is BS anyway imo, because he clearly told Kabal a whole bunch of crap to do after saving his life, things Kabal's character before that point would arguably not do. Havik was evidently convincing enough to Kabal to sway him back to "evil" recruit him as a semi-devotee to chaos himself, and make him think reforming the Black Dragon (whom he hated) was now a good idea. I won't argue he forced him to do any of it, but he clearly didn't have any qualms giving Kabal a push toward chaos which Kabal would arguably never have otherwise had. Which is much the same push I'd argue the demon is trying to give Scorpion now.


Trying to apply any kind of "standard" to Havik's methods and motives is a fool's endeavor from the start because the ONE thing we know about him is that NOTHING is beyond him as long as the outcome results in more chaos. Which this absolutely does. We know he has no problem aligning himself with anyone or doing anything just to stir the pot a little more.

If something about Havik in this game doesn't line up with something about Havik in the last game, who's to say that's not just who Havik is?

And this Demon DIDN'T even flat out posses Fox, it just presented itself as an urging voice in he and Scorpion's heads, which I'd argue is completely in line with Havik's methods. Evidently Fox was far more susceptible, as he slaughtered a whole clan, wheras Scorpion saw through the ruse and snuffed it out.

But even if the demon did "control" Fox, to think that Havik wouldn't posses one guy, and urge him toward violence that could mean enraging a vengeance demon and sending him on a rampage across the realms is... ridiculous imo. I absolutely think he'd be fine with manipulating one unremarkable soul as a means of sowing discord amongst countless more (arguably more important ones). As long as the end is chaos, the means would always be justified to Havik.

All the comic book stuff, combined with the fact that civil war is one of the central plot points of MKX, combine with the fact that the Kamidogu are now seemingly daggers and seem to be a significant as-yet-unexplored plot point (to which this Demon is attached), combined with the fact that we've already seen invasions from Chaosrealm mentioned in the Challenge Towers (which suggests... there will be modeled art assets in-game from Chaosrealm), combined with the fact that Boon has already stated the big bad in this game is a "fun" returning character... are all the reasons I think Havik will ultimately be revealed as the master manipulator in this game. And his motive will be nothing more than wanting to cause a complete crapstorm. As is Havik.

Could I be wrong? Sure! There are loads of possibilities. But this is the one that makes my own spider-sense tingle. And I think the idea that it couldn't happen because it's supposedly out of character for Havik to be a master-manipulator is ridiculous. ALL he does is manipulate EVERYTHING TOWARD CHAOS.

It's right there in his Deception bio: "My kind worships entropy. We wander the realms sowing disorder." Thus endeth explanation of his motives.

To say Havik WOULDN'T do anything is to believe Havik has control over himself. Havik can and will ultimately do whatever Havik feels he could/should/would or must do.

Well said
02/24/2015 08:53 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
I actually hope Fox is a revamped take on Havik for the new timeline. Meaning "Havik" is essentially just a vehicle for a Chaos Demon/Entity, much like Parallax in the Green Lantern Comix.

Another thought is that this could be a totally new character. "Honor the Blood code" (Nice homage to MK1 Shawn!) and "The Flesh is a Lie" followed by Fox cutting off his own face, creates a lot of blood. I know this smells like SkarLet, but maybe there is a BLOOD God that is becoming way too powerful from all of these Intra-Realm Wars. Also, maybe KotaL Kahn is unknowingly fueling this god with all of these blood offerings as well. And hey, If there is a Blood God in the MKU, his name better be "Abacabb" (u know, from the Sega blood code. A,B,A,C,A,B,B)

Ha ha ha
What the heck, sign me up for Abacabb the Blood God
02/24/2015 09:04 PM (UTC)
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
I would say Drahmin, he found his way into Chaosrealm.

I'm afraid you're giving my boy Drahmin WAY too much credit for such a feat. I mean Drahmin is a tormentor, so he would have no real reason to interfere with the living. He sole job, and enjoyment is to torture the damned in the Netherrealm and being BFFs with Moloch.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/24/2015 09:15 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:
I actually hope Fox is a revamped take on Havik for the new timeline. Meaning "Havik" is essentially just a vehicle for a Chaos Demon/Entity, much like Parallax in the Green Lantern Comix.

Another thought is that this could be a totally new character. "Honor the Blood code" (Nice homage to MK1 Shawn!) and "The Flesh is a Lie" followed by Fox cutting off his own face, creates a lot of blood. I know this smells like SkarLet, but maybe there is a BLOOD God that is becoming way too powerful from all of these Intra-Realm Wars. Also, maybe KotaL Kahn is unknowingly fueling this god with all of these blood offerings as well. And hey, If there is a Blood God in the MKU, his name better be "Abacabb" (u know, from the Sega blood code. A,B,A,C,A,B,B)

Ha ha ha
What the heck, sign me up for Abacabb the Blood God

Abacabb confirmed! LoL grin
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/24/2015 11:52 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
dibula Wrote:
Correct my memory if it is off, but didn't the demon specifically mention something about Quan-Chi? I don't think it's him, but perhaps an affiliate.

Yeah he says something like "Quan Chi never told you about the power/curse of the dagger" or something along those lines.

No. Fox says that "Raiden never told you about the dagger's power or its connection to Quan Chi".

Ah that's right. Regardless, Quan Chi is mentioned.
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