Thoughts on Chapter 21? *Spoilers*
posted05/27/2015 04:55 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/10/2014 10:17 PM (UTC)
To those who have read the latest chapter, what are thoughts on it?
Funny thing is usually by the end of each chapter it shows what Havik is up to with Reiko, and once it hit page 34 or so I was like "awww :( no Havik" only for him to appear allied with the man himself Shujinko! Wtf?

You think Scorpion will agree with Havik that Raiden is a threat with the Kamidogu, or will he kill Havik for possessing Fox.

ALSO this just sprung to mind. The Seidan characters are underrepresented like heck in the comic, if Raiden comes to power through the daggers, you think the Orderrealm gurus like Hotaru would side with him? Since Raiden seems more inclined to Order rather than Chaos?
I'm surprised that Kotal can speech his way into having the surviving Shokan Army and KINTARO into becoming his allies.

I resigned myself to the fact that Kintaro would die by Kotal's hand. Woo-hoo at that not happening.

And LOL at Havik's disguise? and Classic Shujinko being decieved again.

Ermac being on Mileena's side is the absolute weirdest. He personally fought in the Rebellion in sight of Mileena (who has the new mouth now and nobody bothers to give an explanation for this)
05/24/2015 02:03 PM (UTC)
I absolutely loved it.

Ermac being confused and unable to read Havik's motives was a nice touch.

Kano was the biggest asshole ever taking about Cassie.

Mileena is starting to see everything fall apart around her.

Tarkata? What's wrong with Tarkatans? I know it was also that way in the game and I prefer Tarkatans. Most pointless change.

Shujinko being deceived again. Guy can't catch a break. Hope they will mention Onaga eventually.

So it's setting up for a massive war where it all begin. I'm excited.
05/24/2015 02:12 PM (UTC)
Lol the last panel with the look on Scorpion's face when he sees Havik.
05/24/2015 02:15 PM (UTC)
Wait, is Ermac working for Mileena or Kotal? Because when Kotal turned against her Ermac turned too.

For a moment there I throught that Kintaro was finished, thank god that didn't happen, also, where is Sheeva?

Glad to see that Shujinko is with Havik, that makes his chances of be killed going up, I hope Raiden kills him for good.

We should get a mega confrontation in the Island, Kotal vs Mileena with Sonya, Johnny and Raiden vs Havik, Shujinko, Skarlet and Reiko. No ideia with who Scorpion will side.
Sheeva's whereabouts are unknown since that female Shokan is confirmed to not be her. It'd be awesome if she shows up in her Red and Gold armor someday.
05/24/2015 02:22 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
Wait, is Ermac working for Mileena or Kotal? Because when Kotal turned against her Ermac turned too.

For a moment there I throught that Kintaro was finished, thank god that didn't happen, also, where is Sheeva?

Glad to see that Shujinko is with Havik, that makes his chances of be killed going up, I hope Raiden kills him for good.

We should get a mega confrontation in the Island, Kotal vs Mileena with Sonya, Johnny and Raiden vs Havik, Shujinko, Skarlet and Reiko. No ideia with who Scorpion will side.

Probably beating the shit out of Havik XD

Nice to see Shujinko the fool again. We should have Gilbert Gottfried state his opinion about the situation XD
05/24/2015 03:01 PM (UTC)
It's been said many times by many people, me included, and I'm saying it again:

The comic book's story is better than the games.

That said, inconsistencies like Mileena's Mouth and Ermac's exact time of defection, I assume, can be chalked up to the fact that the comic book was developed alongside the game... so the details ended up a little... fudged.

Kotal is also blue in the past, and Cassie also has her beta haircut, from before they gave her the Miley Cyrus doo. There's also the costuming of characters like Rain and Fujin, who don't have their new looks.

You can tell they were obviously basing some aspects of this comic off early concepts and information, but they seem to be trying to smooth it out w/ time.

Focus on the broad strokes, ignore the incorrect details, imo.
05/24/2015 03:15 PM (UTC)
Here's a few things worth of note

The description of the chapters 22 and 24 says that Scorpion will be fighting Havik, meaning Scorpion is with Raiden.

Havik is wearing the skin of somebody but I'm not sure who.

Also, Erron Black has new friends in Kotal's dungeon, which he's been in since chapter 12 I think sad
05/24/2015 04:33 PM (UTC)
I don't think Scorpion is with or without Raiden. He's always mostly been neutral. He will fight Havik because Havik had his second clan killed. Not to help Raiden. Kittlesen said on Twitter that Havik's face is an art mistake he's trying to get fixed and that Ermac working for Mileena again is on purpose and will be explained.
05/24/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
It's been said many times by many people, me included, and I'm saying it again:

The comic book's story is better than the games.

That said, inconsistencies like Mileena's Mouth and Ermac's exact time of defection, I assume, can be chalked up to the fact that the comic book was developed alongside the game... so the details ended up a little... fudged.

Kotal is also blue in the past, and Cassie also has her beta haircut, from before they gave her the Miley Cyrus doo. There's also the costuming of characters like Rain and Fujin, who don't have their new looks.

You can tell they were obviously basing some aspects of this comic off early concepts and information, but they seem to be trying to smooth it out w/ time.

Focus on the broad strokes, ignore the incorrect details, imo.

Don't forget Kenshi as well.
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05/24/2015 05:43 PM (UTC)
First come, first serve people. It's not easy for Kittelsen to just pop one out on demand.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Translation: Hop off the man's dick.
Thanks for the translation cuz I don't know what the hell you were trying to get at there
05/24/2015 08:40 PM (UTC)
In the games I like both mouths but in the Comic the old mouth is WAY better than the new one.

Like some said, don't focus on the small details, like costumes and Mileena's mouth. However Ermac being still working for Mileena is a huge oversight.

05/24/2015 09:16 PM (UTC)
DAEGON1 Wrote:
In the games I like both mouths but in the Comic the old mouth is WAY better than the new one.

Like some said, don't focus on the small details, like costumes and Mileena's mouth. However Ermac being still working for Mileena is a huge oversight.

Its not, remember that the comics are still taking place some time before the events in the game, Mileena died not too long after that point. Cassie and Jacqui are still fairly young because they just got abducted after their fight with Frost.
05/24/2015 09:35 PM (UTC)
Kittlesen's tweets allude to this being a plot point, not a glaring oversight. I'm sure we'll find out whatever the hell Ermac is up to in an upcoming issue.
05/24/2015 10:32 PM (UTC)
Omg this issue was so good.

Mileena knows that Reiko is against her now!

I think it is pretty cool Kintaro is getting some time to shine. He is one of the most underused characters.

Sonya shot Tremor. That makes me happy.

I was actually really excited to see Shujinko again. This time he is being tricked by Havik, which I think is a great twist. I wouldnt mind Shujinko returning someday.

Lol at Scorpion saying his match against Liu Kang wasnt a traditional match.

I have some questions thoughÂa

Where is Tanya?

Why is Tasia back in her old outfit?

Why is Ermac still with Mileena?
05/24/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
So Shujinko is MK's dumb guy now? He was dumb before, but this really takes the cake.

Looking forward to Scorpion whooping that ass.

Why is Skarlet with the Black Dragon when they are taken to the dungeon? Unless I'm seeing things.

Erron Black is STILL in the doghouse? Fucking hell.

Rain being badly burned makes me happy.

Let's get to Shang's fucking island already.
05/25/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
In the games I like both mouths but in the Comic the old mouth is WAY better than the new one.

Like some said, don't focus on the small details, like costumes and Mileena's mouth. However Ermac being still working for Mileena is a huge oversight.

Its not, remember that the comics are still taking place some time before the events in the game, Mileena died not too long after that point. Cassie and Jacqui are still fairly young because they just got abducted after their fight with Frost.

Yeah, but 2 chapters ago D'Vorah reminisces about joining Kotal, and that's when Ermac turned against Mileena as well.

However the other guy said it is a plot point, so, if it is then I apologize for jumping the gun.
05/25/2015 03:30 PM (UTC)
Lol Shujinko must be straight up slow. Who in their right mind would trust somebody that looks like that, oh and his name is Havik lol yep im sure he has the best of intentions lol dumbass.

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05/25/2015 06:15 PM (UTC)
DAEGON1 Wrote:
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
In the games I like both mouths but in the Comic the old mouth is WAY better than the new one.

Like some said, don't focus on the small details, like costumes and Mileena's mouth. However Ermac being still working for Mileena is a huge oversight.

Its not, remember that the comics are still taking place some time before the events in the game, Mileena died not too long after that point. Cassie and Jacqui are still fairly young because they just got abducted after their fight with Frost.

Yeah, but 2 chapters ago D'Vorah reminisces about joining Kotal, and that's when Ermac turned against Mileena as well.

However the other guy said it is a plot point, so, if it is then I apologize for jumping the gun.

If you think about it, one of the souls inside Ermac (King Jerrod) is Mileena's BIOLOGICAL father! grin He must care a little for Mileena.

Either she was randomly executing people or doing some other sort of genocide that made Ermac side with the usurpers, or he's straight up misleading Kotal Kahn (even in-game, though it was never stated).

An enemy in Kotal Kahn's proximity for MK11 would be great
05/26/2015 01:10 AM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
In the games I like both mouths but in the Comic the old mouth is WAY better than the new one.

Like some said, don't focus on the small details, like costumes and Mileena's mouth. However Ermac being still working for Mileena is a huge oversight.

Its not, remember that the comics are still taking place some time before the events in the game, Mileena died not too long after that point. Cassie and Jacqui are still fairly young because they just got abducted after their fight with Frost.

Yeah, but 2 chapters ago D'Vorah reminisces about joining Kotal, and that's when Ermac turned against Mileena as well.

However the other guy said it is a plot point, so, if it is then I apologize for jumping the gun.

If you think about it, one of the souls inside Ermac (King Jerrod) is Mileena's BIOLOGICAL father! grin He must care a little for Mileena.

Either she was randomly executing people or doing some other sort of genocide that made Ermac side with the usurpers, or he's straight up misleading Kotal Kahn (even in-game, though it was never stated).

An enemy in Kotal Kahn's proximity for MK11 would be great

Uh... No. Mileena is a construct, she doesn't have a biological father. Did you mean Kitana's?
05/26/2015 01:20 AM (UTC)
IIRC Mileena is a Kitana clone that was more or less made my splicing Kitana's DNA with Tarkatan DNA, so depending on your perspective he could be considered her father in a way, or at least a relative via blood/DNA relation.

In my opinion, that doesn't make him her father, to me it takes more than being related by blood to be father/mother/brother/sister etc. but that's a discussion for a different thread I suppose lol

Anyway she seems to consider Shao Kahn her father, so that's pretty much what I roll with.
05/26/2015 03:34 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
IIRC Mileena is a Kitana clone that was more or less made my splicing Kitana's DNA with Tarkatan DNA, so depending on your perspective he could be considered her father in a way, or at least a relative via blood/DNA relation.

In my opinion, that doesn't make him her father, to me it takes more than being related by blood to be father/mother/brother/sister etc. but that's a discussion for a different thread I suppose lol

Anyway she seems to consider Shao Kahn her father, so that's pretty much what I roll with.

Yeah, pretty much.
05/26/2015 03:58 AM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
If you think about it, one of the souls inside Ermac (King Jerrod) is Mileena's BIOLOGICAL father!

You can't be serious. Mileena doesn't have a biological father as she is a clone.
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