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01/31/2015 07:04 AM (UTC)
I'm all for decedent characters. That's why I hope Jacqui makes it in. I also don't want sonya and cage playable in this since cassie is here.

Also someone, on, here said Kung Lao is cousin to Liu Kang. I've played all games and honestly haven't heard of this can someonwe elaborate plz?
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01/31/2015 07:07 AM (UTC)
You forgot

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Shinnok being the father of both Shao Kahn & Raiden
01/31/2015 10:50 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
johnny_cage_win Wrote:
We only had three Earthrealm heroes survive MK9. I will be completely ticked if only one of them is playable. That would be throwing the story in the garbage. I love the MK story and really don't want it to be an afterthought when they do these games.

That's the other thing here. It seems completely idiotic to have Johnny and Sonya as the only two surviving alongside Raiden at the end only for neither of them to be playable in MKX.

Darling, Baraka and Sektor also survived the game, they aren't in MKX probably

Why only the boring goodguys who survive should come back? I don't see logic in that.

You are just like Ed Boon in MK9, where he only gave the good-dorks a storymode chapter and the badguys? They are just there to be beaten...

I really hope Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage AREN'T in mkx to prove a point that not only surviving bad-guys are left out of the game.

Because you know, Sheeva also surived, don't see her coming back in X, so why should Cage and SOnya? I hope MKX isn't only about the dorky heroes, but also about the villians.

I do hate the family-soap opera, this is MK not The Bold and the Beautiful, so the Cage-family is hopefully crushed by a death of Sonya, then Cage commits suicide out of loss. Cassie takes over their moves and their roles, DONE.
01/31/2015 11:03 AM (UTC)
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01/31/2015 11:20 AM (UTC)
I'm fine with Cassie and maybe someone else being a "descendant" or whatever but I think people took Ed too seriously when he said this game will have "The next generation of fighters". I don't think he meant "the next generation of fighters' families"....just the next generation in general.
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01/31/2015 11:46 AM (UTC)
Froid: Shinnok is not the father of Raiden and Shao Khan. That's not canon. I don't care what MK V DC say either that's not a canon game
01/31/2015 02:10 PM (UTC)
But Raiden, Shao Kahn and Lucifer are brothers :P
01/31/2015 02:30 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
johnny_cage_win Wrote:
We only had three Earthrealm heroes survive MK9. I will be completely ticked if only one of them is playable. That would be throwing the story in the garbage. I love the MK story and really don't want it to be an afterthought when they do these games.

That's the other thing here. It seems completely idiotic to have Johnny and Sonya as the only two surviving alongside Raiden at the end only for neither of them to be playable in MKX.

Darling, Baraka and Sektor also survived the game, they aren't in MKX probably

Why only the boring goodguys who survive should come back? I don't see logic in that.

You are just like Ed Boon in MK9, where he only gave the good-dorks a storymode chapter and the badguys? They are just there to be beaten...

I really hope Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage AREN'T in mkx to prove a point that not only surviving bad-guys are left out of the game.

Because you know, Sheeva also surived, don't see her coming back in X, so why should Cage and SOnya? I hope MKX isn't only about the dorky heroes, but also about the villians.

I do hate the family-soap opera, this is MK not The Bold and the Beautiful, so the Cage-family is hopefully crushed by a death of Sonya, then Cage commits suicide out of loss. Cassie takes over their moves and their roles, DONE.

I'm sorry say dear ...

But you will have go wait the next game(MK11) for that happen....

Because Sonya and Cage will be playable characters whether you wanted or not.

They have secured space in the game both on the main roster or DLC . ...

Wait and see .
01/31/2015 02:52 PM (UTC)
I just find it funny how we've had families in this series for a long and now it's a bothersome because there's been huge hints that both Sonya and Cage will be in this game alongside their daughter.

Like Sindel and her family had nothing going for them. "Oh, it's because they played differently." Well... so will the Cage family.

That's been the problem ever since, which I don't get.

If it's also a problem that the cast is starting to fill up with descendants of other combatants, why is that a problem to some? You know, I honestly don't mind if there's a handful of them. If it's to start off the next generation, fine by me. I'll welcome them and see how they're like.

The only one I don't want to see is Liu and Kitana having kids... that just needs to go away.
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01/31/2015 03:25 PM (UTC)
Families work well in Mortal Kombat as long as we're talking about highly powerful beings, thousands of years old, with skills beyond mortal imagining.
Kitana's family is important because it's the royal dinasty.

Argus' sons, Taven, Daegon and Rain are demigods, therefore it's normal for them to be among the most powerful in existence.

Cryomancers are special because they're able to control the element of water and freeze it.

It's believable that J. Cage, Sonya, Jax, Kenshi and Kung Lao were among the strongest warriors in Earthrealm at a certain point in time.

But from 7 billion people, the next generation of heroes is made up of their sons/daughters/nephews???

HUMAN families are implausible and meh
01/31/2015 03:40 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I just find it funny how we've had families in this series for a long and now it's a bothersome because there's been huge hints that both Sonya and Cage will be in this game alongside their daughter.

Like Sindel and her family had nothing going for them. "Oh, it's because they played differently." Well... so will the Cage family.

That's been the problem ever since, which I don't get.

If it's also a problem that the cast is starting to fill up with descendants of other combatants, why is that a problem to some? You know, I honestly don't mind if there's a handful of them. If it's to start off the next generation, fine by me. I'll welcome them and see how they're like.

The only one I don't want to see is Liu and Kitana having kids... that just needs to go away.

Sindel - Kitana = Nothing, really NOTHING alike, they don't even like each other in the games they are both in as Sindel is possessed, they are never in a game together when they are both good, except for that horrible Armageddon, but everyone is in that even Mokap.

In this game there are only 24 rooster spots (if we may believe the latest models) putting in Cage, Sonya and Cassie Cage would be insane, so many very different models will be replaced by boring, militairy bimbo's that play very alike but may have some different moves.

I'm sure cassie means buziness and that Sonya will bite the dust. Not sure about Cage tough.
01/31/2015 03:48 PM (UTC)
Sonya Will be in it. She is in the comics for mortal Kombat x

She is the only woman survivor in mk9.

She has to be in it. Or i Will call it total BS.
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01/31/2015 03:48 PM (UTC)
Passing the torch means replacing, not adding more playables from the same family line, you're going to have redundancy. I still believe Cassie was added to let one or both of her parents sit this one out, what's the point of references if you have what you're referencing in the same game?
01/31/2015 04:23 PM (UTC)
All good points.

This reminds me of last Sunday here on the boards when MKX #4 came out. There were a good amount of people who were so upset that the comic was going a little deeper into the characters family relationships.

"This is Mortal Kombat there is no room to hear about family problems."

Which in my opinion is crap. Would you rather hear the relationship Cassie has with her parents and maybe how it shapes her as a person? It gives you more meat to a character, a NEW character that needs more to go on besides just:

Sonya and Johnny's Daughter. Tough like mom. Cocky like Dad.

Am I saying I want a ton of descendant-type characters in this game? No.
But the ones that make it into the game need to be more than just a face on the select screen and a sentence in their bio on who they're related to.

01/31/2015 04:33 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
Sindel - Kitana = Nothing, really NOTHING alike, they don't even like each other in the games they are both in as Sindel is possessed, they are never in a game together when they are both good, except for that horrible Armageddon, but everyone is in that even Mokap.

What are you talking about? Just because Sindel's evil and possessed, doesn't mean her daughter hates her. Her daughter still loves her, even despite the fact that Sindel said seem incredibly hurtful things, as well as physically harmed her. Deep down, Kitana still loves her mother.

LordKotal Wrote:
In this game there are only 24 rooster spots (if we may believe the latest models) putting in Cage, Sonya and Cassie Cage would be insane, so many very different models will be replaced by boring, militairy bimbo's that play very alike but may have some different moves.

Except, everyone's been shown that they play completely different from one another, and I'm sure that if Sonya and Cassie were in the same game together, they would act nothing alike. Cassie doesn't even have anything remotely close to Sonya other than a few cartwheels and such... and Sonya didn't even get those till' way later.

And two characters out of a roster that still has an unconfirmed number of characters returning are military-like characters. Oh, such a pity that two military characters take up so much space when we've had a fair share of "ninjas" in one game. We've had three cyborgs in another. Two sorcerers in Deadly Alliance.

Gee, two military characters is a lot.
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01/31/2015 05:34 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
Sindel - Kitana = Nothing, really NOTHING alike, they don't even like each other in the games they are both in as Sindel is possessed, they are never in a game together when they are both good, except for that horrible Armageddon, but everyone is in that even Mokap.

What are you talking about? Just because Sindel's evil and possessed, doesn't mean her daughter hates her. Her daughter still loves her, even despite the fact that Sindel said seem incredibly hurtful things, as well as physically harmed her. Deep down, Kitana still loves her mother.

LordKotal Wrote:
In this game there are only 24 rooster spots (if we may believe the latest models) putting in Cage, Sonya and Cassie Cage would be insane, so many very different models will be replaced by boring, militairy bimbo's that play very alike but may have some different moves.

Except, everyone's been shown that they play completely different from one another, and I'm sure that if Sonya and Cassie were in the same game together, they would act nothing alike. Cassie doesn't even have anything remotely close to Sonya other than a few cartwheels and such... and Sonya didn't even get those till' way later.

And two characters out of a roster that still has an unconfirmed number of characters returning are military-like characters. Oh, such a pity that two military characters take up so much space when we've had a fair share of "ninjas" in one game. We've had three cyborgs in another. Two sorcerers in Deadly Alliance.

Gee, two military characters is a lot.

Yes, it is, specially given the limited character slots and how they seem to be going with the variety approach, comparing them to Scorp/Sub because they are both "ninjas" is ludicrous. Look, I get Blade and Cage fans want their favourites to be playable, but expecting the whole family to be in and play completely different from Cassie, with 3 variations each,seems really hard to believe.
01/31/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Yes, it is, specially given the limited character slots and how they seem to be going with the variety approach, comparing them to Scorp/Sub because they are both "ninjas" is ludicrous. Look, I get Blade and Cage fans want their favourites to be playable, but expecting the whole family to be in and play completely different from Cassie, with 3 variations each,seems really hard to believe.

No, it's not. Jax and Sonya never played similarly, and Cassie, while her moveset is "inspired" by her parents', she isn't a clone and doesn't borrow their moves.

Also, there's THIS quote from Boon:
"The aged heroes, according to Boon, will differ not only in appearance from their younger versions, but will also play differently, and will master moves" (something here like "used in the other incarnations").

Cassie's current moveset may be reminiscent (not even similar) of their parents' old movesets, but we don't know what they play like now. It's annoying, just like it's annoying seeing peopleassuming that Jacqui will replace Jax or play similar saying she'll be a "female Jax", when we have NO ideas what she would play like if she was to be playable. Just STOP and wait until we get actual gameplay.
02/01/2015 01:58 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
Sonya Will be in it. She is in the comics for mortal Kombat x

She is the only woman survivor in mk9.

She has to be in it. Or i Will call it total BS.

So Mileena, Sheeva and Skarlet aren't women?

I mean seriously?
02/01/2015 02:03 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
Sindel - Kitana = Nothing, really NOTHING alike, they don't even like each other in the games they are both in as Sindel is possessed, they are never in a game together when they are both good, except for that horrible Armageddon, but everyone is in that even Mokap.

What are you talking about? Just because Sindel's evil and possessed, doesn't mean her daughter hates her. Her daughter still loves her, even despite the fact that Sindel said seem incredibly hurtful things, as well as physically harmed her. Deep down, Kitana still loves her mother.

LordKotal Wrote:
In this game there are only 24 rooster spots (if we may believe the latest models) putting in Cage, Sonya and Cassie Cage would be insane, so many very different models will be replaced by boring, militairy bimbo's that play very alike but may have some different moves.

Except, everyone's been shown that they play completely different from one another, and I'm sure that if Sonya and Cassie were in the same game together, they would act nothing alike. Cassie doesn't even have anything remotely close to Sonya other than a few cartwheels and such... and Sonya didn't even get those till' way later.

And two characters out of a roster that still has an unconfirmed number of characters returning are military-like characters. Oh, such a pity that two military characters take up so much space when we've had a fair share of "ninjas" in one game. We've had three cyborgs in another. Two sorcerers in Deadly Alliance.

Gee, two military characters is a lot.

There will probably be only 23 characters in this game. The 24st character will be a GUEST character, mark my words, for me that guest character is a wasted spot.

Funny you mention the cyborgs, as this game probably trades a cyborg in for two blonde militairy women, that even share a couple of abilities and moves.

YOU may have peace with that, but many other people (with the right mindset) would HATE a wasted spot on Sonya + Cassie...

I'm sure less people would mind Johnny Cage + Cassie Cage though as they don't share any looks.

If the game had 30 playable characters (without counting DLC) then Sonya + cassie would be more reasonable, but Sonya fans should just suck on to Cassie and stop whining, at least their favorites got a child.
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Props to MINION
02/01/2015 02:16 PM (UTC)
@ LordKotal

they already showed the character select screen having at least 25 spots(and I'm sure there will be at least 26 now, if not more)

so i wouldn't be so sure of yourself, if i were you glasses
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02/01/2015 11:15 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
Yes, it is, specially given the limited character slots and how they seem to be going with the variety approach, comparing them to Scorp/Sub because they are both "ninjas" is ludicrous. Look, I get Blade and Cage fans want their favourites to be playable, but expecting the whole family to be in and play completely different from Cassie, with 3 variations each,seems really hard to believe.

No, it's not. Jax and Sonya never played similarly, and Cassie, while her moveset is "inspired" by her parents', she isn't a clone and doesn't borrow their moves.

Also, there's THIS quote from Boon:
"The aged heroes, according to Boon, will differ not only in appearance from their younger versions, but will also play differently, and will master moves" (something here like "used in the other incarnations").

Cassie's current moveset may be reminiscent (not even similar) of their parents' old movesets, but we don't know what they play like now. It's annoying, just like it's annoying seeing peopleassuming that Jacqui will replace Jax or play similar saying she'll be a "female Jax", when we have NO ideas what she would play like if she was to be playable. Just STOP and wait until we get actual gameplay.

Yes, it is, she's not a clone, but there's not point of being "reminiscent" of their parents if they are playable, it's only logical. And yeah, I bet Blade and Cage's fans will be delighted to see them playing completely different from what they did before, it won't happen, and this is all assuming they're both going to be playable, which I still believe is very unlikely from what I discussed before, so no, I wont stop speculating for as long as I want to, and neither should you.

And I haven't said anything nor care about Jacqui yet so don't even start. .
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