Things that should be in the next MK Game
posted10/12/2009 08:39 PM (UTC)by
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09/23/2009 04:59 AM (UTC)
1. Few returning characters- honestly as long as they have a few of the ninjas and other important ones like raiden, lui kang im happy.

2. More Depth in Fighting- I hope they make it similar to Street Fighter 4, since it seems the next one is supposed to be 2d. Each character should have a variety of moves and special moves. MK games never really expanded a fighters move list while most other fighting games have.

3. Shorten the cast- Theres so many characters in MK games. Not saying its a bad thing. Its just there normally isn't enough depth for the characters move list and sometimes the fighters share a lot of moves.

Any things any one else wish were changed?
09/23/2009 12:14 PM (UTC)
Where oh where did it say it was going to be in 2D?
09/23/2009 02:39 PM (UTC)
It said on gamefaqs that the next mk game (MK 9) was in 2d graphics. My guess is they are doing something like sf4... hopefully
09/23/2009 02:46 PM (UTC)
Got a link to prove it?
09/23/2009 04:58 PM (UTC)
It says its developed and published by Midway.
09/23/2009 05:14 PM (UTC)
Problem with that, is it's being published by Midway. Midway was bought out by Warner Brothers, so technically Warner Brothers would be the publisher... either they made a simple mistake with the publisher's name (which I don't think anyone would mistake WB as the owner now) or this was a misleading post, because I've researched several Google topics about MK9, and nowhere it says this game is going to be a 2D.

All they claimed so far was:

It's going back to it's original roots

it's going to be gory and "shocking"

Dan Forden will continue to compose the music

That's basically what I've found out about this next game. So I don't know, I'm very skeptical about this post you gave us.
09/23/2009 09:16 PM (UTC)
No need to be skeptical, I was looking at a MK@ faq online and I came acrossed MK9 in development. I looked and it said 2d. Anyways are there are any other things that you would like added to MK9?
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

09/23/2009 10:22 PM (UTC)
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
No need to be skeptical, I was looking at a MK@ faq online

Faq online? I just looked it up, and the only "Faq Online." site i found has nothing to do with MK(or gaming):

Google Search for "Faq Online."
09/23/2009 10:24 PM (UTC)
Jironobou Wrote:
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
No need to be skeptical, I was looking at a MK@ faq online

Faq online? I just looked it up, and the only "Faq Online." site i found has nothing to do with MK(or gaming):

Google Search for "Faq Online."

"faQ Online
Welcome to faQ Online, live peer mentoring about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender questions and queries."
lol WTF
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

09/23/2009 11:42 PM (UTC)
DrZoidberg Wrote:
Jironobou Wrote:
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
No need to be skeptical, I was looking at a MK@ faq online

Faq online? I just looked it up, and the only "Faq Online." site i found has nothing to do with MK(or gaming):

Google Search for "Faq Online."

"faQ Online
Welcome to faQ Online, live peer mentoring about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender questions and queries."
lol WTF

Exactly...What does MK have to do with this?
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09/24/2009 01:45 PM (UTC)
If you don't want to use the link that the guy provided. The website is And that's a Q, not a G. GAMEFAQS. If you put in "Mortal Kombat 9" in the search bar at the top, it'll show up for PS3 and Xbox 360. I clicked on the Xbox 360 one and it did indeed say in the description that it's a 2D fighting game being developed by Midway.

By the way, I wasn't trying to advertise for their site FYI. I was just trying to clear that up for the poster that couldn't seem to find it.

Anyways, I still don't believe it. Either they got their info from Gamespot or they're just flat out wrong and it wouldn't be the first time for Gamefaqs to do something like that.

Still, it's a bit strange that now two relatively reputable websites are saying the game's in 2D. Is that what Boon means by "shocking?" I personally doubt it, but who knows. They were crazy (or dumb) enough to do a versus game, so maybe they've decided that SF4's success could be repeated?

Again, I'm skeptical as well. Not of the original poster or his source, but of the accuracy of the information itself. I just don't think they have it right, regardless of where they got their info from.

As for things I'd like to see in the next MK Game:

DEEPER STORYLINES: Most of the fans that have stuck by MK since the beginning are adults now. Can we please have storylines that are a bit deeper than "ha! I'm evil! Therefore I will do evil things!"

Let's see some characters with a real range of human emotion. Let's see some plots that go deeper than simple revenge or good vs evil (let's see some gray area characters). If you're going to tell a story (as MK has been traditionally pretty decent at doin)then motivate me to actually care about the characters.

A DIVIDING LINE: In other words, the next MK game HAS to tell us what happened in Armageddon. Not just the few characters that survived, but who didn't and why. There needs to be a dividing line between the past and present (which sets up the future) and that can only be achieved by knowing how it all went down.

If the next game just jumps into a new story with new villains or brings back old villains just for the heck of it, I'll be seriously disappointed.

UNIQUE CHARACTERS: This has always been a point of contention with MK fans but I really think it's time. I know that MK grew out of the 2D era where everyone had mainly the same sets of regular attacks, only being separated by their special moves.

But to me, fighting games have advanced so far beyond those technical limitations (and I really do believe that was the only reason for having characters with the same standard moves back then).

We now have the opportunity to see ninjas that fight like ninjas, kickboxers that fight like kickboxers, sorcerers that fight like sorcerers, judo masters who fight like a judo master would etc. I'm NOT saying that MK should be made into a Tekken clone. FAR FROM IT.

But in terms of making each fighter a more well rounded character, I'd like to see characters that fight in a unique way. If it says that they're a wrestler, then I'd like to see them use wrestling moves. You know, shoot the single leg takedown, go for joint locks etc. Yeah, they'll also have to use punches and kicks, but that won't be their strength.

Same goes for a tae kwon do fighter. Punches might not be too great for them, but they should have a large variety of kicks and some throws at their disposal.

SPECIAL MOVES WITH STANDARD MOVES: So you incorporate unique and FUN standard moves sets that feature more interesting combos and you combine those with the special moves.

This is where, for me, MK's new identity should come from. A game that can fight a little like Tekken or Virtua Fighter in terms of regular moves, but then has the added layer of special moves like a Street Fighter or (obviously) Mortal Kombat has always had.

The key to this is allowing characters to use their special moves in a variety of different ways. Sure you can begin and end combos with special moves, and that's great, but special move combos (ie Kitana's fan lift to square wave punch to fan throw) shouldn't be forgotten either.

Perhaps some special moves could be used during fights. If Baraka is doing a double jump kick, maybe the opponent goes up in the air, Baraka does his blade fury as they fall down and then he ends it with an uppercut or a roundhouse.

In other words: Incorporate the special moves much more into the regular moves to make them all seem like "special moves."


This is unrelated to the last few, but I'd really like to see the abandonment of the blocking system as we know it. Sure, you could have a button that blocks when you press it. But if you want to block, you have to block a punch when a punch is thrown. So no holding block for 2 minutes while someone is repeatedly punching you in the face.

Real fights simply don't work like that!

In addition to a block button that can't be held, I'd add a DODGE/ESCAPE BUTTON. This would allow you to dodge a punch, kick, special move etc, or escape from throws/joint locks etc.

When I watch martial arts movies, I see alot of characters dodging punches, escaping from holds etc. I'd like to see this added to MK, as I really think it would speed up the fighting (while still looking a lot more natural than say a RUN button where characters race toward one another).

REVERSALS/PARRYS: In another effort to help the defensive minded people (but not those that prefer to turtle), I'd want to add reversals for kicking, punching, special moves that aren't projectile based etc.

Now obviously, characters that are more prone to reversals (ie characters who's martial arts style has alot of reversing moves/parrying/using fighters weight against them etc) will be better at this in the spirit of balancing out characters.

But whether a character simply catches a fist and throws it to the side, or catches a leg and punches the opponent in the face, catches a leg and trips the other, or catches the leg and goes into an intricate throw (that can also be escaped from), each character should have reversals and parrys at their disposal and some characters should have a fairly wide variety at that.

It gives you more incentive to play defensively, to strategize and try to anticipate your opponents moves and I think it would simply be more fun. Of course, it would also be fun to slam someone in the face that's reversal happy with a nice fireball, but again, that also comes with territory of strategizing and being methodical when fighting.

To me, all of this sounds like a lot more fun than simply throwing someone when they hold block or fail to sweep someone when they're turtling.

09/24/2009 10:13 PM (UTC)
I like pretty much all what Baraka 407 said. I think there is a lot to improve on and if it is in 2d (Not saying it is or it isn't) I hope its similar to SF4 only a more brutal game. I have a few more things to add to this discussion.

-They should get rid of switching fighting styles and to weapons. Stick with pure combat, and add more moves for the fighters. These last few "3d" games got old quick while playing them. I hope they change the fighting system all together.

- Back to the basics. Each character should have most of the same special moves that they used in the previous games as well as similar fatalities. It'd be cool if each fighter had 3-4 different fatalities. Make a few easy to pull off and 2 harder but more insane.

-Im not a big fan of the mini games. I feel they take up a part of the game where it should be focused on somewhere else (the combat system). I think they should have the classic arcade mode, story mode, tournament mode and online. Something similar to soul calibur.

- Story line needs to improve. I don't know if other people thought the Konquest Story was a tad lame, but I didn't really like it. I don't think its smart to focus a game around 1 out of 60 something fighters. In my opinion they should have focused more on what happened during Armageddon itself.

Honestly I think they need to come out with something new and good or more people will start to get sick of MK. (My Opinion). I've always been a MK fan but I'm getting tired of the same thing over and over again.

About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

09/24/2009 11:51 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
If you don't want to use the link that the guy provided. The website is And that's a Q, not a G. GAMEFAQS.

who said anything about a G??? I looked up "Faq Online" and yes, thats a Q, because he said:

DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
No need to be skeptical, I was looking at a MK@ faq online
09/25/2009 12:24 AM (UTC)
Jironobou Wrote:
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
No need to be skeptical, I was looking at a MK@ faq online

Faq online? I just looked it up, and the only "Faq Online." site i found has nothing to do with MK(or gaming):

Google Search for "Faq Online."

Sorry it wasn't at faq online lol. I was looking at an MK 2 faq at and found Mk9 in the same area so i looked at it. Sorry for confusing eveyrone......
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

09/25/2009 01:03 AM (UTC)
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
Jironobou Wrote:
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
No need to be skeptical, I was looking at a MK@ faq online

Faq online? I just looked it up, and the only "Faq Online." site i found has nothing to do with MK(or gaming):

Google Search for "Faq Online."

Sorry it wasn't at faq online lol. I was looking at an MK 2 faq at and found Mk9 in the same area so i looked at it. Sorry for confusing eveyrone......

oooohhhh, you i get it, you held down Shift when you typed 2, so it was an @...i see
09/25/2009 03:31 AM (UTC)
ya i was probly high at the time lol...
10/02/2009 10:35 PM (UTC)
I just can't wait to see "real" fatalities in next-gen definition.

I just hope they're creative like the ones in MKD. The MK4 and DA fatalities sucked.
10/08/2009 09:15 PM (UTC)
Fatalities should get nastier and more perverted. Like Li Mei's Shish Kabob fatality in MKA or Johnny Cage's groin buster in MKSM. I'd especially want Jade to shove her staff in a guy's butt, through the mouth. wink
10/08/2009 11:40 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Fatalities should get nastier and more perverted. Like Li Mei's Shish Kabob fatality in MKA or Johnny Cage's groin buster in MKSM. I'd especially want Jade to shove her staff in a guy's butt, through the mouth. wink

That would be pretty sadistic if Jade did that..
10/12/2009 01:50 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Fatalities should get nastier and more perverted. Like Li Mei's Shish Kabob fatality in MKA or Johnny Cage's groin buster in MKSM. I'd especially want Jade to shove her staff in a guy's butt, through the mouth. wink

wow that's disturbing, i'm going to go throw up now.....
10/12/2009 07:37 PM (UTC)
lmao ^
10/12/2009 08:39 PM (UTC)
LOL ^ wink
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