The Status of Online - A Study
posted05/02/2015 11:26 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/23/2003 03:56 AM (UTC)
I've been having loads of fun in Mortal Kombat X.... except for one area: Online.

I don't want to be alarmist and scream "BROKEN!", but... it has been far from ideal for me. I initially chalked it up to my shoddy playing, but over the last two weeks I've begun to change my tune.

So I did a little study and played roughly 50 Ranked matches and tallied up the results. I rounded up and down only slightly for convenience.

Connection Strength:
Zero: 50%
Low: 30%
Moderate: 20%
Good: 0%

Match-ups Against Players:
400+ Wins: 10%
300+ Wins: 20%
200+ Wins: 60%
100+ Wins: 5%
100- Wins: 5%

Win % Chance:
91-100: 0%
81-90: 0%
71-80: 0%
61-70: 0%
0-10 : 100%

Average Wait Time for 1-vs-1 Ranked Match:

I've struggle hard to compensate for input lag and latency issues, but it seems to be to no avail. Nearly every match has felt like playing under water during long stretches. On at least three separate occasions, I was juggled to death before any inputs from my controller reached my character to either block, counter, or wake-up. Blocking on wake-up almost never works and, unlike my opponents, I've been unable to execute ANY of my combos, even the BnB ones, consistently. I'd estimate that roughly half of my special moves fail to execute, instead performing the wrong action and leaving me open to punishment.

Again, it could very easily be that I am just THAT BAD, but this is a different story altogether when I play offline. I can perform all my kombos and special moves flawlessly against even the hardest AI opponents, and I'm performing upwards of 40% kombos with ease in practice. I've never once been unable to execute a simple special move.

I kept giving the online the benefit of the doubt, largely because many OTHER players don't seem to be having the same problems I'm facing. I feel like I'm going crazy and that I'm alone on these issues, but playing online has been severely less enjoyable for me than it was in even MK9 and Injustice since I've had almost NO matches against players with good connection strength or remotely equivalent skill level. Even if I somehow also had the skill level of an opponent with a win/loss ratio of 450/18 (like an opponent I just faced), an inability to properly defend myself or execute the most basic of moves online hobbles any attempt to do so.

I could maybe understand one or two or even ten matches being so poor, but nearly 50? In a row? Is there anyone else out there in the same boat, or is my experience somehow unique?
05/02/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
Very interesting. My experience has been fair, with some great games with good connections, and a lot of laggy, barely playable games. KOTH seems to stutter they most, as usual. Finding games usually takes way too long.

I am enjoying online though...learning to play based on the connection, which is ludicrous, but that's what it comes down to. I primarily play Mileena and there is stuff I don't even try with a bad connection. My record isn't great, but I've won more than lost (35-18 or so). I feel like I've finally figured out a pretty decent game plan with her piercing variation, and beat a few of those 200-20 guys last night (both were Full Auto Jaqui spam....I mean...zoners). Doing a Brutality online is what I live for, and Mileena has at least 3 that are very easy to pull off.

I hear you though. Online should have been handled better. I'm not sure if they can do anything about that, but here's to hoping.
05/02/2015 07:32 PM (UTC)
red5iver Wrote:
Very interesting. My experience has been fair, with some great games with good connections, and a lot of laggy, barely playable games. KOTH seems to stutter they most, as usual. Finding games usually takes way too long.
I am enjoying online though...learning to play based on the connection, which is ludicrous, but that's what it comes down to. I primarily play Mileena and there is stuff I don't even try with a bad connection. My record isn't great, but I've won more than lost (35-18 or so). I feel like I've finally figured out a pretty decent game plan with her piercing variation, and beat a few of those 200-20 guys last night (both were Full Auto Jaqui spam....I mean...zoners). Doing a Brutality online is what I live for, and Mileena has at least 3 that are very easy to pull off.
I hear you though. Online should have been handled better. I'm not sure if they can do anything about that, but here's to hoping.

Actually, my main is Piercing Mileena as well!

And, yes, I have found it nearly impossible to string together good combos with her online. I tend to give it up altogether and go for the shorter ones (if those even connect for me) rather than risk dropping them for some reason.

However, my record is quite awful due to some heinous match-ups and watching Mileena do things like a regular kick when I'm trying to do her ground roll or teleport kick. Those only work about 50% of the time for me online.
05/02/2015 07:41 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:

I am sure you have considered this, but could it actually be your internet connection? What are you playing on, and can you test the speed it is getting?

The heinous matchups are still unexplained. I haven't played much ranked to be honest, I more often go into rooms and look for people who have at least 3 bars and I try not to fight people that I have less than %10 chance of winning. Still do sometimes, no better way to learn than getting your ass kicked tongue.

But my point was I have a 5 mbps DL and 0.5 mbps UL. I have had barely any problems playing online. I get the laggy match here and there, but that is about it. It is normally pretty fluent for me which I was surprised to find out.
05/02/2015 10:34 PM (UTC)
Ughhhhhh. Online matches are shit for me. That netcode....or just lag.
05/02/2015 10:40 PM (UTC)
Yes, I'm in the same boat. I quit online once I met the shitty requirements of unlocking all the costumes. The online is complete garbage. I'll stick to offline only.

I'll go online once all the scrubs are jumping the bandwagon to another popular fighting franchise and we have better players.
05/02/2015 11:26 PM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
I am sure you have considered this, but could it actually be your internet connection? What are you playing on, and can you test the speed it is getting?

I definitely considered it was on my end. However, my internet speed is very solid. In fact, as a test, I played some Injustice and MK9, which are supposed "worse" than MKX's netcode, and I had zero issues. It's truly bizarre.

newt27 Wrote:
But my point was I have a 5 mbps DL and 0.5 mbps UL. I have had barely any problems playing online. I get the laggy match here and there, but that is about it. It is normally pretty fluent for me which I was surprised to find out.

I hope I've just have a very, VERY odd rough streak. I've been playing on and off all day, and I FINALLY got a few matches that played well.

But it's been very bad in other instances. It's impossible to win a match when I can input a special move and it comes out literally one second later, or when I press the block button and my character stands there... and then blocks a second later. Of course I can't block any attacks; the block comes out too late.

Very odd indeed.
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