04/22/2015 09:46 PM (UTC)
Bllake Wrote:
It is so hard for me to drop combos with D'Vorah playing against these type of people (it happens quite a bit). I was playing as Ferra/Torr online (big mistake) against Sub-Zero, but I was actually doing good. The last round, I had his health below 25%, mine above 50%, and he started to spam uppercuts. He landed 5/63 of them and I lost. Screw spammers.

How the fuck do you spam an uppercut??? lol, christ. You deserved that loss man, if thats all it takes to beat you I'm thinkin MK maybe isn't your game.

And are you guys referring to "spammers" as people who do a certain move more than once and win?? If it works why wouldn't they?

Just wait tell you play the machine gun version of Jaquie, whatever that variation is called. Deathstroke 2.0 in a game with no dash blocking.

But yeah I agree this time around sub and scorp are a lot more difficult to play against. Like for Scorpion you can punish the teleport sure but because the lag is so bad you have a pretty tight window and really have to commit to it, therefore you have to guess if he's gonna cancel the teleport into the fire move, enhance the teleport, or just do a raw punishable one. Its easy to freeze when it comes time to punish since your waiting to see if there's another hit coming. Same type of thing for Sub Zero, if you wanna punish the slide online you really have to be expecting it and your opening move has to hit mid.

And to the OP I feel your pain in the Reptile vs Sub Zero match up, grandmaster is for sure a tough one. It sucks they made Reptiles forceball start up so crazy slow in this game. For Grandmaster tho i save all my meter for meterburn slides to armor thru the clone and out of the corner or as i call it 'Sub Zero jail'. Its kinda hard to not be predictable with it tho since its all he has and it's punishable on block.
04/22/2015 09:50 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I assume MKX has this issue as well online?
It's not nearly as bad as Injustice. In fact some matches don't have it at all.

It is for sure as bad as Injustice. You will have to adjust your timing on all your combos if not learn new ones that deal less damage but are much easier to pull off.
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-sig by MINION

04/22/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
It is for sure as bad as Injustice. You will have to adjust your timing on all your combos if not learn new ones that deal less damage but are much easier to pull off.
Yeah I'm in KOTH right now and its awful lol. But i get lag and button latency a lot less than in MK9 or Injustice.
04/22/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
:/ :/ :/

I guess ill just have to suck it up and get used to it once I start playing online lol

I wish NRS would do whatever Skullgirls and Killer Instinct did for online, I have yet to hear anything bad about the online play in those games.
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Get that ass BANNED

04/22/2015 10:53 PM (UTC)
I just want you to know that Shinnok Imposter against a Quan chi is just fucked up lmao. Use the skill steal, then use Quan Chis hypnosis move, then skill steal, then hypnosis, over and over again. So fucked.
04/22/2015 10:58 PM (UTC)
Lmaoooo never thought of that, maybe they should have him steal a different move from Quan Chi.
04/22/2015 11:50 PM (UTC)
ShingoEX Wrote:
Hellfire needs to be able to be low blocked. I'm getting really tired of Scorpion being so fucking overpowered EVERY TIME.

We get it, Boon...you live vicariously thought this character, but tone it the fuck down. JESUS

I laughed too fucking hard at this.
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Top 5 MK Fighters: Scorpion, Shao Kahn, Raiden, Shinnok, Shang Tsung

04/23/2015 12:31 AM (UTC)
Ultimachu Wrote:
There's a simple solution to "spam". Beat them at their own game by spamming your own attacks. What you're calling "spam" is what tournament players call zoning and pressure. Yeah, it may seem cheap but it's actually not. Obviously, we're playing from home and not at the competitive scene but still, it's true. Don't blame the opponent for being able to hit you with their attacks, blame yourself for not knowing how to avoid it.

If someone starts doing pressure against you with Scorpion's teleport, followed by his hellfire, spear or even a three hit combo, the work around is simple - block it and use your EX special the moment attack animation finishes. EX specials have armor and if you time them right, you will land your attack and won't be stunned if they're still trying to hit you. You can even go into practice mode and have your opponent perform a certain attack against you so you can figure out how to punish it when it whiffs.

As for Sub-Zero's Ice Clone, stay away from it. If someone sets up an Ice Clone and stands behind it and starts throwing Ice Balls, then you need to duck. The Ice Ball WILL NOT hit you if you're ducking, just make sure you're not blocking either. The same goes for any other mid projectiles (Kitana's fans, Kung Lao's hat, Liu Kang's fire ball, Raiden's electric ball, Kano's knives, etc.)

When your Sub-Zero opponent see's that you're not blocking low, they're going to try to hit you with the slide, so you will need to block after the Ice Ball passes you. Once they slide and you block it that's your opportunity to punish and hit them with a decent 25%-35% combo of your own.

It's really not that hard. Annoying, yes, but that's how a lot of fighting games are. You have your zoners like Liu Kang that can mix you up and throw high/mid/low fire balls from far screen, your offensive's like Scorpion that do pressure and mix you up with teleports and your defensive's like Sub-Zero that like to set up Ice Clones to keep you back while they attack you from far away.

04/23/2015 12:38 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
ShingoEX Wrote:
Hellfire needs to be able to be low blocked. I'm getting really tired of Scorpion being so fucking overpowered EVERY TIME.

We get it, Boon...you live vicariously thought this character, but tone it the fuck down. JESUS

Well Scorpion was pretty fucking horrible in MK9, i'm glad he's a lot better this time around. I do think there are some things that need nerfed though

Also people complaining about Sub's clones - that's literally the way he's meant to be played. Why do you think they gave him the grandmaster variation in the first place?

Actually, Scorpion in MK9 is a lockdown character. You only need to use hellfire and teleport to win. Character jumps? teleport punch. If they don't? Hellfire. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO DO TO WIN

Got countless wins just doing that and I stopped because ti was boring and unfair.
04/23/2015 12:43 AM (UTC)
ShingoEX Wrote:
redman Wrote:
ShingoEX Wrote:
Hellfire needs to be able to be low blocked. I'm getting really tired of Scorpion being so fucking overpowered EVERY TIME.

We get it, Boon...you live vicariously thought this character, but tone it the fuck down. JESUS

Well Scorpion was pretty fucking horrible in MK9, i'm glad he's a lot better this time around. I do think there are some things that need nerfed though

Also people complaining about Sub's clones - that's literally the way he's meant to be played. Why do you think they gave him the grandmaster variation in the first place?

Actually, Scorpion in MK9 is a lockdown character. You only need to use hellfire and teleport to win. Character jumps? teleport punch. If they don't? Hellfire. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO DO TO WIN

Got countless wins just doing that and I stopped because ti was boring and unfair.

You got countless wins probably because you were playing scrubs. Anyone with a teleport or full screen special can punish hellfire.
04/23/2015 12:53 AM (UTC)
That's what the block button is for, btw.

Also, Anyone like Kung Lao teleporting eats Scorp's teleport *or just punch into spear, then combo). Full screen specials succumb to both hellfire and teleport. Jax's ground pound? teleport/ Mileen's teleport? block, then she's wide open.
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04/23/2015 01:04 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
ShingoEX Wrote:
redman Wrote:
ShingoEX Wrote:
Hellfire needs to be able to be low blocked. I'm getting really tired of Scorpion being so fucking overpowered EVERY TIME.

We get it, Boon...you live vicariously thought this character, but tone it the fuck down. JESUS

Well Scorpion was pretty fucking horrible in MK9, i'm glad he's a lot better this time around. I do think there are some things that need nerfed though

Also people complaining about Sub's clones - that's literally the way he's meant to be played. Why do you think they gave him the grandmaster variation in the first place?

Actually, Scorpion in MK9 is a lockdown character. You only need to use hellfire and teleport to win. Character jumps? teleport punch. If they don't? Hellfire. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO DO TO WIN

Got countless wins just doing that and I stopped because ti was boring and unfair.

You got countless wins probably because you were playing scrubs. Anyone with a teleport or full screen special can punish hellfire.

indeed, scorpion wasn't even top tier in mk9. thats why there was no scorpion player who won a tournament.
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04/23/2015 01:08 AM (UTC)
ok i finally found out how to counter scorpion Inferno's zoning with erron black outlaw. F+4, if u time it right no minion from above or from the ground will hit you.
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