The Scorpion spear/tele/hellfire/SubZero Ice Clone spamming.
posted04/23/2015 01:08 AM (UTC)by
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05/30/2011 08:22 AM (UTC)
First off, I don't want to come off as bitching. I'm enjoying the game....except for the Online portion. I know I can just play Offline, just hear me out.

I know stats don't mean much, but I do have a positive win/loss ratio in Ranked and Player matches, so it's not all bad, but the past few days Its been nothing but Scorp/Sub spammers, and it's starting to get annoying.

It's either spear after teleport after Hellfire or Ice Clone after iceball after ice clone, leaving me, someone that's practiced chaining multiple combos with special moves for various situations, and yet I have to resort to spamming Acid Spit or blocking a teleport only to get Hellfired depending on the only two enemies I face. (I know what you're thinking: a Reptile player complaining about spamming?)

Some of you may say the training mode can help, but I have yet to be able to program them like.....well you know.

So do I suck because after all this time of encountering this, or is my plea legitimate?

Any advice on countering this kinda spam?

P.S. Nothing against Sub/Scorp players as a whole. You guys are still hot AND cool.

Sincerely, that one guy....

04/22/2015 01:02 PM (UTC)
The scorpion Teleport/hellfire trap was a major gripe of mine in MK9 and I hate the Sub Zero ice clone spammers also. I use Ninjitsu scorpion so you won't be getting it from me. Against Sub Zero spammers use a character with a decent teleport. It's a shame as Gand master SZ is a decent character!
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-sig by MINION

04/22/2015 01:12 PM (UTC)
Ugh I was playing a spammy Scorpion yesterday and I won but did it being cheap and I hate when I have to do that. In general I'd say its a somewhat valid complaint but if you have to spam to beat a spammer then spam on.
04/22/2015 01:18 PM (UTC)
I actually in an ironic twist, though I personally have yet to fight against an online player using Reptile, feel like he's kinda cheap. I feel weird using him. I have one of three painful choices: play with a cloud that hurts the enemy without actually fighting, lose his cool mask and have pointless invisibility, or cheat and slow down time to juggle the opponent that much easier.
04/22/2015 01:30 PM (UTC)
Thankfully most of the Scorpion players I've fought against were pretty decent. Sub and Cage however... all spammers.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/22/2015 01:34 PM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
cheat and slow down time to juggle the opponent that much easier.

Bingo. That's my weapon of choice. It'd be different if his enhanced invisibility in Deceptive made him invulnerable for a couple seconds like Ermac's disappear, but alas....

Of all of his moves, I'm extremely happy that invisibility is the one they decided to make variation exclusive.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

04/22/2015 01:45 PM (UTC)
Bitching or not, it's frustrating as hell to deal with players who suck at the game and rely on two moves to spam over and over. It's like back in Deception - Daiaroo or whatever the hell that lame ass character's name was. He had a move where he'd fall backwards and launch the enemy into the air no matter the distance. It was unblockable and could be spammed repeatedly - there was only a split second recovery time.

Only scrubs who suck at the game spam moves like that. If you can close distance and stop them they won't even know what to do - they'll quit the match before you can even get them down in one round.
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04/22/2015 01:49 PM (UTC)
There's a simple solution to "spam". Beat them at their own game by spamming your own attacks. What you're calling "spam" is what tournament players call zoning and pressure. Yeah, it may seem cheap but it's actually not. Obviously, we're playing from home and not at the competitive scene but still, it's true. Don't blame the opponent for being able to hit you with their attacks, blame yourself for not knowing how to avoid it.

If someone starts doing pressure against you with Scorpion's teleport, followed by his hellfire, spear or even a three hit combo, the work around is simple - block it and use your EX special the moment attack animation finishes. EX specials have armor and if you time them right, you will land your attack and won't be stunned if they're still trying to hit you. You can even go into practice mode and have your opponent perform a certain attack against you so you can figure out how to punish it when it whiffs.

As for Sub-Zero's Ice Clone, stay away from it. If someone sets up an Ice Clone and stands behind it and starts throwing Ice Balls, then you need to duck. The Ice Ball WILL NOT hit you if you're ducking, just make sure you're not blocking either. The same goes for any other mid projectiles (Kitana's fans, Kung Lao's hat, Liu Kang's fire ball, Raiden's electric ball, Kano's knives, etc.)

When your Sub-Zero opponent see's that you're not blocking low, they're going to try to hit you with the slide, so you will need to block after the Ice Ball passes you. Once they slide and you block it that's your opportunity to punish and hit them with a decent 25%-35% combo of your own.

It's really not that hard. Annoying, yes, but that's how a lot of fighting games are. You have your zoners like Liu Kang that can mix you up and throw high/mid/low fire balls from far screen, your offensive's like Scorpion that do pressure and mix you up with teleports and your defensive's like Sub-Zero that like to set up Ice Clones to keep you back while they attack you from far away.
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04/22/2015 03:20 PM (UTC)
the problem is the lag. sometimes i can't punish shit. i can punish almost everything offline, online is a whole different story. best thing u can do is punish with a combo with a low a startup, if the the combo does low damage however, it just sucks. also idky some special moves doesn't come out online, offline no problem.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/22/2015 03:25 PM (UTC)
Lol someone just tweeted Boon about spammy Subs and how a lot of people are "nonstop crying to nerf Sub-Zero".

At least spammers are predictable.
04/22/2015 03:39 PM (UTC)
Hellfire needs to be able to be low blocked. I'm getting really tired of Scorpion being so fucking overpowered EVERY TIME.

We get it, live vicariously thought this character, but tone it the fuck down. JESUS
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

04/22/2015 03:57 PM (UTC)
The teleport is unsafe. Block it and then hit Scorpion. Find a way that suits your character. I was looking at the ticker and Hellfire Scorpion has more wins than some characters usage overall so better get practicing.

For Sub-Zero just avoid the clone. The best way is to use a telport such as Scorpion, Raiden, Kund Lao and Ermac. Failing that hit Sub-Zero with a projectile when he does the clone animation. You should break it.
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04/22/2015 04:04 PM (UTC)
i thought Inferno scorpion is even more used. his minions do a mixup from far away, if you don't have teleport you are zoned out.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

04/22/2015 04:08 PM (UTC)
i thought Inferno scorpion is even more used. his minions do a mixup from far away, if you don't have teleport you are zoned out.

I looked at the ticker yesterday and Ninjutsu Scorpion is the most popular followed by Hellfire then Inferno. Unlike a lot of other character Scorpion has got a good representation across all variations.
People get pretty angry if you are not using all the moves. I was called a spammer once even though I lost, using Kotal Kahn, during the first week of release. You know, we can't understand all the facets of a character right away. Sometimes you cling to a handful of effective moves. It has been that way since the dawn of competitive fighting games. There is not much you can do about assholes who complain about losing by whatever tactics someone chooses to use. Any good fighting game player knows how to get out of most of it and if it actually is broken we can hope NRS fixes it. Stick to your play style and possibly turn to another character to counter pick some potential problematic match ups. Some people online act like it's a tournament for all the money in the world.
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04/22/2015 04:32 PM (UTC)
LOL at people complaining about losing to spammers, then calling THEM bad.

Plus people who suck at combos have to rely on spam to holding chance sometimes, cus otherwise theyd get crushed

And sometimes its just plain funny to spam
04/22/2015 05:14 PM (UTC)
I love Grandmaster Sub-Zero, but i do not just make a clone from far away and spam ice blast, i use clones to pressure you into a corner, and be aggressive, while still playing safe.

You must just be running into to people who rely only on special moves, and don't know how to combo, or the fundamentals.
04/22/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)
ShingoEX Wrote:
Hellfire needs to be able to be low blocked. I'm getting really tired of Scorpion being so fucking overpowered EVERY TIME.

We get it, live vicariously thought this character, but tone it the fuck down. JESUS

Well Scorpion was pretty fucking horrible in MK9, i'm glad he's a lot better this time around. I do think there are some things that need nerfed though

Also people complaining about Sub's clones - that's literally the way he's meant to be played. Why do you think they gave him the grandmaster variation in the first place?
04/22/2015 08:06 PM (UTC)
It is so hard for me to drop combos with D'Vorah playing against these type of people (it happens quite a bit). I was playing as Ferra/Torr online (big mistake) against Sub-Zero, but I was actually doing good. The last round, I had his health below 25%, mine above 50%, and he started to spam uppercuts. He landed 5/63 of them and I lost. Screw spammers.
04/22/2015 08:38 PM (UTC)
Ugh the spamming thing doesn't even bother me, im just not looking forward to having to get used to the lag and latency. I didn't realize how bad it was until I popped in Injustice a couple weeks ago, I played a few matches offline to kind of get reused to things, then I went online and holy shit its like you have to relearn how to play the game because there is some sort of input delay :/

I assume MKX has this issue as well online?
04/22/2015 08:44 PM (UTC)
Never really encounter sub zero spam as much as I do Liu Kang spam.

Scorpion spam is something I run into fairly often though.
04/22/2015 08:50 PM (UTC)
Meh, this type of thing always happens at launch, online. People do whatever they can to win, and that's fine. Nothing wrong with using what works. I will ball roll you 'til the cows come home with Mileena until you BLOCK LOW. Once you start low blocking too much, you get hit with an overhead. That's the game. Find a way around it, adjust your play, and it will get easier. Most people that are simple spammers/zoners don't block. Get in there and punish 'em!
04/22/2015 08:53 PM (UTC)
I mainly play Reptile online and I use Noxious the most. The invisibility could be good, could fool the opponent on how to block but you can also lose track of yourself.

The slow down time I haven't tried out yet. I feel like I will get teleportpunched asap if the player is good enough to react on my activations.

That's why I stick with Noxious, it does something all the time. It's not much but some. Many matches I even forget to enhance it...
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04/22/2015 09:18 PM (UTC)
red5iver Wrote:
Meh, this type of thing always happens at launch, online. People do whatever they can to win, and that's fine. Nothing wrong with using what works. I will ball roll you 'til the cows come home with Mileena until you BLOCK LOW. Once you start low blocking too much, you get hit with an overhead. That's the game. Find a way around it, adjust your play, and it will get easier. Most people that are simple spammers/zoners don't block. Get in there and punish 'em!

her ball roll is NOT low. i thought this too so i always blocked low, but it hits mid. no 50/50 if u mix it with an overhead.
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-sig by MINION

04/22/2015 09:41 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I assume MKX has this issue as well online?
It's not nearly as bad as Injustice. In fact some matches don't have it at all.
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