The roster is great but...
posted03/22/2015 08:12 PM (UTC)by
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

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06/17/2007 06:48 PM (UTC)
It could've used a little bit more variety when it came to the good guys seeing how almost all of them are special forces. I've seen a lot folks talk about it and I just wanted to see everyones thought on this.

And no this isn't a "I HATE DEH WOSTER RAAAHHH BLLLARRRGGHHH" thread either.
03/22/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
I don't think the roster is great at all I think it is very bland and boring I think the idea of using characters like kitana, Kung Lao, Jax, sub zero as bad guys (revenants) then having them turn into good guys is cheap and annoying when you could have had all new characters or some redone 3d characters as bad guys. Also the lack of balance is terrible where are all
Mileenas allies? Why no reiko? Why no rain? And where the hell is my Noob!!!!

So in closing I don't think the roster is good I think the story will be good, the gameplay will be good and the game will be fun but I am
So so so disappointed in the roster
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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03/22/2015 02:25 AM (UTC)
Most of the "good guys" in existence are special forces in the first place asides from kung lao and liu kang.

I agree tho, wish sonya and jax sat this one out.
03/22/2015 02:28 AM (UTC)
*Looks at MKX roster* No Sektor,No Smoke, No Kabal,No Noob, No Havik,No Reiko,No Fujin.

Filled with SF members.

*Predator gets confirmed*
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

03/22/2015 02:31 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
*Looks at MKX roster* No Sektor,No Smoke, No Kabal,No Noob, No Havik,No Reiko,No Fujin.

Filled with SF members.

*Predator gets confirmed*

I was pretty pissy when I found out neither Noob or Smoke were in. But, eh it is what it is. EDIT: By the way since the story progresses through the Netherrealm Wars, I'm hoping we get a cameo from Ashrah.
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And into the eyes of the jackyl I say KAAAAAAAAAAABOOM

03/22/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
I don't mind the roster, but for a game that puts a focus on factions (even though your characters have no impact on the faction you choose), I do feel some are very under represented.

Brotherhood of Shadow? You gotta bring in Noob.

Lin Kuei? So... we have Sub Zero... Sektor, Cyrax, and Smoke can make the presence seem more balanced.

Black Dragon, White Lotus and obviously Special Forces seem pretty well represented.

I don't remember what others there are... but as far as I know we may still have a couple reveals to see, so I hope there are a few more from those groups.

I do hope we don't ever see Bo Rai Cho again though... Seriously... I'd rather Hsu Hao (get rid of that hat and he was fine!).
03/22/2015 02:57 AM (UTC)
I give it a 7/10. I, and I bel many others, would have like to see some MK4 characters return. Also, I f they were going to bring back the characters they shouldn't have killed them, but then again it was a reboot and they didn't know what would happen, so I digress. However, I wish they could have taken Kano and Jax out and put Fujin and Reiko in, I w have loved to see them. Especially Reiko since the MK Comic. Yet, as much I i don't like or play Kano, I am ready to play as him in this new game, I wish they could have chosen more, demand and unutilized, but there isn't a character they I've seen so far that I don't want to play. Simply by puting 3, 2 or even 1 more 3D era character would have made this roster a 8/10. Sareena, Fujin, Reiko, hell, even Jarek or Kai if they changed his story and perfected his capoeira, he'd have some good variations.
But yes, the roster isn't perfect, would have enjoyed more 3D, but that's just me. furioussmile
About Me

And into the eyes of the jackyl I say KAAAAAAAAAAABOOM

03/22/2015 03:01 AM (UTC)
Do we know the full roster now? Some of these posts makes it sound like we have a final roster now.
03/22/2015 03:06 AM (UTC)
dont like the roster much . but i know some people likes it . i hope they make a better one for the next game . but still i guess this game is gonna be great . just wish they had a bit more balance . anyhow just my opinion .
About Me

03/22/2015 03:07 AM (UTC)
steffuz Wrote:
dont like the rooster much . but i know some people likes it . i hope they make a better one for the next game . but still i guess this game is gonna be great . just wish they had a bit more balance . anyhow just my opinion .

What did the rooster ever do to you?
03/22/2015 03:11 AM (UTC)
dibula Wrote:
steffuz Wrote:
dont like the rooster much . but i know some people likes it . i hope they make a better one for the next game . but still i guess this game is gonna be great . just wish they had a bit more balance . anyhow just my opinion .

What did the rooster ever do to you?

03/22/2015 03:13 AM (UTC)
I like it. There a only a few characters I have no interest in (Kung Jin, Kano, Jax, Sonya) but im down with the rest, so im good lol
03/22/2015 03:15 AM (UTC)
farmer jax looks cool . and also good old Jason .
03/22/2015 03:53 AM (UTC)
There are almost too many characters I want to use, and I couldn't say the same for MK9. The amount and selection of new characters is perfect, and yet they still managed to bring back most of the big trilogy favorites. My only gripe is that I would have liked a couple more 3D-era characters.

It's a 9/10.

If they squeeze in Fujin and Havik as post-Kombat Pack DLC, it could be 11/10 best roster imaginable. You listening, NRS?
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/22/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I have no interest in (Jax)


Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
My only gripe is that I would have liked a couple more 3D-era characters.

It's a 9/10.

If they squeeze in Fujin and Havik as post-Kombat Pack DLC, it could be 11/10 best roster imaginable. You listening, NRS?

...and this. +Bo' Rai Cho = utopia.
03/22/2015 04:26 AM (UTC)
the roster sucks ass
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/22/2015 08:00 AM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
I've seen a lot folks talk about it and I just wanted to see everyones thought on this.

If you've seen a lot of folks talk about it, then don't you already know their thoughts? Because this subject has come up in every single roster thread, and I'm pretty sure that everybody knows where everyone stands by now. This topic has outlived its usefulness far more than the characters it condemns for being useless. The word "idioronic" comes to mind again, and in spite of everything I'm grateful for the new opportunity to use it.

In any case, there may be a lot of characters working with the Special Forces, but one is a Shaolin monk, one is a Shirai Ryu, one is Kenshi who is always a wild card even when he's with the SF, and Johnny is the same Johnny as always.

Did anyone really complain when Cyrax joined the SF in Deadly Alliance? Did anyone completely ignore his background and basic concept just because of his allegiance? Did people remember Kenshi as "some redundant new Special Forces guy when we already have three, " or as "the guy who got blinded after being tricked by Shang Tsung?" Why are we ignoring those stories and concepts now, then?

And is it really so bad that Earth is finally wising up and putting together an organized military task force of warriors with diverse backgrounds and skills to protect the planet from otherworldly threats? Isn't that kind of a... good idea? Are we really so disappointed that the powers that be have finally started making smart decisions?

So maybe -- maybe -- we don't have some other classic characters on the main roster. From the sound of it, the game needs more different good guys, right? But weren't we also saying we needed a hell of a lot more bad guys because there were too many good guys already? And if we keep adding everyone's favorite heroes and villains from past games, then don't we need more new guys too so we're not just flooding the game with returnees, which you might remember was the previous roster complaint? How many characters (with full voice work and variations and completely original moves of course) are we expecting these guys to make? Every extra character takes n+1 more work to voice and (n+3)^2 more work to balance. So maybe we should all just tell them to take another year to make the game into something anyone might be happy with?
03/22/2015 08:05 AM (UTC)
Very good points made.

Still won't stop people from whining about "MKX is Special Forces 2", though
03/22/2015 08:08 AM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
And is it really so bad that Earth is finally wising up and putting together an organized military task force of warriors with diverse backgrounds and skills to protect the planet from otherworldly threats? Isn't that kind of a... good idea? Are we really so disappointed that the powers that be have finally started making smart decisions?

THANK YOU. I keep saying this. The reason there are so many SF is because the heroes are finally sensible enough to create a coalition that they all band together under.
About Me
Props to MINION
03/22/2015 08:11 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
umbrascitor Wrote:
And is it really so bad that Earth is finally wising up and putting together an organized military task force of warriors with diverse backgrounds and skills to protect the planet from otherworldly threats? Isn't that kind of a... good idea? Are we really so disappointed that the powers that be have finally started making smart decisions?

THANK YOU. I keep saying this. The reason there are so many SF is because the heroes are finally sensible enough to create a coalition that they all band together under.

exactly SF pretty much just means Earth good guy
03/22/2015 08:35 AM (UTC)
I would give the roster 9/10. I wish Mileena had 1 or 2 more playable supporters, that's about it. Everyone I've seen looks great in both design and move set. We have a wide variety of personalities and abilities. Seriously, for pretty much the first time, there isn't a character who I am not curious about and want to play as.

Also, having 90% of Outworld characters be in Shao Kahn's army is perfectly balanced, but having most the Earthrealm characters unite under a single banner is too much? Takeda is more Shirai Ryu, and Kung Jin is more White Lotus. They both are just apart of Earthrealm's defense force because I'd imagine they would like to defend Earthrealm.
About Me

'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

03/22/2015 08:37 AM (UTC)
i do like the roster, i would love to see a couple more bad guys but im guessing Tanya will be one

i had hoped for Shang tsung or Reiko.. or both. as Reiko looked more likely i really hoped for him the most this time round but im guessing its a no despite the Komic canon tease,

also means im going to need a new main.

i enjoyed playing as Kano at the eurogamer expo last year so may end up being him although Cassie was quite fun.
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/22/2015 09:42 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
Also, having 90% of Outworld characters be in Shao Kahn's army is perfectly balanced, but having most the Earthrealm characters unite under a single banner is too much?

Oh yeah. That's another good point.

I think maybe the good guys are getting a harder time overall because we're in this whole phase nowadays where villains are considered more interesting by default, so even our classic heroes like Superman have to go all Dark Side for anyone to care.
03/22/2015 10:14 AM (UTC)
I'm in a weird spot because I'm extremely, crazily pumped for the game so much that I overlook all the shit that use to bug me. But yeah that said, while I think this game is shaping up to be the absolute best MK of all time I also think it has one of the worst rosters of the series. To me there is just like no threat, its just a big family reunion bro fest with a small handful of evil characters. I think the good characters out number the bad like 3 or 4 to 1 (and I'm counting the neutral characters as good since they all seem to be aligned with the SF).

Its also annoying literally every single descendant is in with their relative. Like i get gameplay wise they'll all play super different and stuff, but story wise they all kinda fit the same 'generic good guy and friend to the hero' mold. Like they didn't replace anything, no new ground was made. Now every hero has their spunky, teenage side kick to say angsty, teenage bullshit to classic characters. There is nothing cool about that. Mortal Kombat family feud is not a cool concept. Its like an idea for a bizarre, corny 90's sitcom that never makes it past the pilot episode. If there's one scene where the Cage family fights a bunch of hench men while riffing famliy time puns together I'm gonna punch my fuckin tv. Cage: "Cassie if you don't finish him your GROUNDED!" Shit like that.

I have yet to play through story mode of course so I could be way off here. I hope I am and the descendant characters get new and interesting story lines, but as of right now this is how it looks to me.
03/22/2015 10:23 AM (UTC)
Special forces do not bother me, except when they all start to look alike with body armor.

I like a lot of of characters, and so far they all are relevant and not some weird throw ins from new realms like order with similar names, no special moves, weird looks etc. A lot of MK games had some awful characters like Deception and DA. You can say they're playing it safe a bit more, but that is not a bad thing.

A lot of returnees which is good and some new who are pretty unique, especially the ones from team Kotal. Some say too many good characters or earth realmers, then what about the very first game, MK2, MK4. The ratio of good / human vs. evil / netherrealm / outworldish characters was awful and we loved those games.

For me, there's only two or three characters I would've liked to see replaced. With Cassie being in, I see no reason for Sonya being in. Letting her be the commander in the background would've been just fine. I actually would've given the Cage's a son so that old ass Johnny could leave. Sonya has her backstory with Kano and a lot more depth. Old ass Johnny is a joke.

With so many family members, I think a Kenshi, Johnny, Jax or Kung Lao should've sat this one out. Just too many old men for my taste. These two I would've replaced with Fujin and Baraka. Both unique and in the story. Those would've made the roster a little more diverse and in my book from good to legendary. If one more needed to be replaced, I'd take Takeda out.

The last character I would then add is Havik, since Shinnok or Liu is unlockable. He's a fan favorite and with so much chaos going on and the obvious potential for his story, it feels weird he's left out. What is more chaotic than the realms merging and war breaking out? Seems like the perfect scenario for Havik to swoop in and take advantage. You could easily make him want to be boss so he can maintain chaos or helping someone who will.

So these 3 added would've made this game perfect, story and roster wise but it is already very good from what we know.
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