The relationship between Scorpion and Sub Zero in the new timeline (spoilers)
posted01/03/2012 11:39 AM (UTC)by
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12/23/2011 01:17 AM (UTC)
I remembered just now in the old timeline, Scorpion vowed to protect the younger Sub Zero at the second tournament after seeing that he wasn't the Sub Zero who murdered him. It was retconned in Deadly Alliance that Scorpion wouldn't harm him. The relationship wasn't really mentioned after that.

In MK (2011), Scorpion seemed to think "Why are you wasting my time?" with Kuai and nothing much after that. There is no protector of Sub Zero and there is no relationship.


Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
something like Human Sub Zero's ending happen in a future adventure game? Whatever happens to Sub Zero, if he should ever encounter Scorpion, they will probably make up and team up. Would Scorpion feel sympathy and help Sareena bring back the younger Sub Zero back to good for killing his brother?

What could happen now? Nothing?
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Sub Zero's ending is kind of a contradiction, why would Rayden tell Sub Zero that the Lin Kuei killed Scorpion's clan when it was really Quan Chi?

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01/03/2012 03:41 AM (UTC)
Venkman28 Wrote:
I remembered just now in the old timeline, Scorpion vowed to protect the younger Sub Zero at the second tournament after seeing that he wasn't the Sub Zero who murdered him. It was retconned in Deadly Alliance that Scorpion wouldn't harm him. The relationship wasn't really mentioned after that.

In MK (2011), Scorpion seemed to think "Why are you wasting my time?" with Kuai and nothing much after that. There is no protector of Sub Zero and there is no relationship.


Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
something like Human Sub Zero's ending happen in a future adventure game? Whatever happens to Sub Zero, if he should ever encounter Scorpion, they will probably make up and team up. Would Scorpion feel sympathy and help Sareena bring back the younger Sub Zero back to good for killing his brother?

What could happen now? Nothing?
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Sub Zero's ending is kind of a contradiction, why would Rayden tell Sub Zero that the Lin Kuei killed Scorpion's clan when it was really Quan Chi?


Scorpion's not sympathetic in the least these days, not like the way he was once painted. While a team-up isn't outside the realm of possibility, I doubt the current way he's written allows for it unless Sub-Zero does something major on his behalf.

2011 pretty much goes in depth in trying to paint the clearest picture of the Shirai Ryu extermination as possible. Prior to this, we didn't have too much to go on apart from "Quan Chi exterminates them in payment for the agreement with the Lin Kuei grandmaster". So right there is the Lin Kuei's hand in the dirty work from the beginning.

Now, as powerful as Quan is, taking on an entire clan of skilled ninja might not be the wisest move. So we have now the image that Quan showed Scorpion in 2011's story mode - the Lin Kuei riding on horseback and killing the Shirai Ryu as well as Scorpion's family. Quan shows Scorpion Sub-Zero (Bi-Han) leading the charge. Bi-Han denies this (" not me").

Quan simply showed Bi-Han doing what he himself had done during the attack, or had actually assumed his physical appearance while it occurred. Either way, Quan led the Lin Kuei in the extermination of the Shirai Ryu.
01/03/2012 04:49 AM (UTC)
Ah yes, a nice, homo-erotic relationship between the two... The man with the spear and the man with the icicle, grinding their blades against one another...

Wait, isn't that what you meant?
01/03/2012 11:39 AM (UTC)
I highly doubt the 2 will ally soon but that is surely not impossible. Scorpion doesn't feel like willing to though. Will probably happen only when a fire and ice adventure game happens.
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