The One Being
posted09/29/2008 10:13 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/20/2006 03:39 AM (UTC)
I am just wondering if you think the one being will finally be revealed in MK9? I don't want that story line to go forgotten. We got that storyline for 2 games and yet feel we are still not anywhere close to knowing who the one being is
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"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

07/29/2008 09:00 PM (UTC)
it would be cool. it's been a nice cliffhanging plot device. they probably will explore it a little more iin the next game.
07/29/2008 09:09 PM (UTC)
Yes indeed!

The One Being tale is probably the best subplot / legend / myth, in wich MK can expand, and while doing it, doing it good.

The One Being topic is by far the biggest issue or theme to be explored right now. It may be even bigger than some legend about the origin of the Elder Gods, because it is related to reality, to how and why the Realms were formed, and therefore, why does life exist.

This thing can evolve to places unexpected even to Midway, as it can turn MK's story not just a handfull of tales about feuds, rivalries and battles, but about the concept of life itself, why does it exist.. etc plain philosofy. It can drive MK to unexplored stages (at least in fighting games history), and enrich it's already colossal storyline, in a titanical way.

Think about it:

When we're done with MK vs DC, and all the non-canonicall sub plot it will present is put aside, (not because it will certainly suck, as i hope it does not, but simply because as non-canonical, it won't influence the main story), we are still forced to look back at the lousy handfull of Bios that Armageddon left us with, and try really really hard to imagine how can we contorce them and the game's Konquest story, in order to get a plausible continuity.

Well, the One Being subplot can be used, not to right the wrongs at this point, but to be used as some kind of a 'look to the past', and to start re-telling the story of the Universe and of the main realms in MK's world.

This re-teling, can be done explendidly, if put in the right hands!
I'm not talking about a prequel to the whole storyline we already have, i'm talking about a game that is set after Armageddon, but wich's storyline is primarly based around the exploration of the past.

It can be mainly centered around myths and legends, but that can be a bad call, as it can drive the whole game to blandness, or .... if you introduce a good main antagonist, (or expand upon the past of an already exsting one... like Onaga), whose story in deeply chained to those myths, and give him / her a reason to make his / her purpose a realm shaking event.... and you've got it!

Ok, i'm a little lost here... i'm going to have some dinner. Possible edits on this post later. smile
07/29/2008 10:24 PM (UTC)
The One Being can't ever be the boss.
07/29/2008 11:04 PM (UTC)
I hope that when the MK team gets back into the main MK games and the canon story that they start to delve into the One Being and the Elder Gods. There needs to be a real sense of escalation, especially since Armageddon is the last game in the current generation. I hope they can draw strong influence from the likes of Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, etc.

I doubt we'll ever see the One Being, because that would mean game over for both the heroes and the villains. It has to be remembered that the realms are created from the shattered consciousness of the One Being.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/29/2008 11:08 PM (UTC)
The MK team pulled the whole one being plot from their butts. You guys are really eating that crap up like its a magical cure for cancer in the far east.
07/29/2008 11:12 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I'd like to see the One Being as a boss battle someday. Make him huge, like twice the size of Onaga.
07/30/2008 12:16 AM (UTC)
Once again, He Can't Be The Boss.
If he exists, then all the realms don't
07/30/2008 12:26 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I hope that when the MK team gets back into the main MK games and the canon story that they start to delve into the One Being and the Elder Gods. There needs to be a real sense of escalation, especially since Armageddon is the last game in the current generation. I hope they can draw strong influence from the likes of Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, etc.

I doubt we'll ever see the One Being, because that would mean game over for both the heroes and the villains. It has to be remembered that the realms are created from the shattered consciousness of the One Being.

Agreed. The One Being can't be the boss, unless MK had a finale. Besides, how can the One Being be a boss? The One Being doesn't exist physically, unless it acquired a human form. How that would happen, I don't know.

I think the future MK games should really look into the Elder Gods and their origin. How did they come about? Or have they always been? What was it like when the Elder Gods coexisted with the One Being in the timeless void?
About Me

"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

07/30/2008 12:58 AM (UTC)
yeah you're all right. if he does actually show up, it would mean the end of the realms, but it would still be slick. i hope if he is shown, he looks like jesus.
07/30/2008 03:43 AM (UTC)
PapaRoachFan Wrote:
Once again, He Can't Be The Boss.

If he exists, then all the realms don't

Well, not in his complete form, but as a shadow of his former self. More like that.
07/30/2008 09:34 AM (UTC)
I agree with everything Nightcrow, Sub-Zero_7th; RaisnCain said. Thats the exact route they need to take and explore.

Though The One Being can't take form of its true self, It can still manipulate someone with its godly powers, as it did to Blaze. I personally never liked Blaze (as I felt he wasn't boss potential), but if they want The One Being to manipulate again, he could do so to a more atrocious mythical creature.

The elder gods have great potential for a threat before The One Being imo. I'd have them defeated first; then our heroes/villians would have to try and stop The One Being from being formed.
07/30/2008 12:52 PM (UTC)
I have a question:

Do you think the One Being is taking over Raiden's body & mind after his suicide? Because if he is then... Raiden dies to sacrifice himself for his friends?
07/30/2008 01:03 PM (UTC)
HenshinSlayer000 Wrote:
I have a question:

Do you think the One Being is taking over Raiden's body & mind after his suicide? Because if he is then... Raiden dies to sacrifice himself for his friends?

It is a possibility. This is XiahouDun84's theory about Raiden being the One Being. I thought this was a very persuasive theory.

In Deception we have learned of the One Being and how he or she has been subconciously influencing Shao Kahn and Onaga to unite the realms so he or she can reform. Similar to how Trilogy hinted at the coming of Shinnok and DA hinted at the coming of Onaga, it seems somewhere down the line the One Being will be the next threat.

Now, judging from the endings in Deception, and I admit I could be wrong on this, I got the impression that if the One Being is truly reformed then that's it. Game over, everyone's dead. If that's the case then how can the One Being ever become the next boss?

Now, look at Raiden. We see him "sacrifice" himself against Onaga, but he immediatly returns. Which begs the question, why didn't Raiden ever play the "self destruct" card before? When the Deadly Alliance killed the Earth heroes, why didn't Raiden just blow himself up, taking out Shang, Quan Chi and the Undefeatable Army? Perhaps Raiden knew if he blew himself up, he'd come back different? Maybe he knew there was more risk to it than his existence?

Which brings me to my point: after Raiden blew himself up and was reforming on Earth, was he somehow tainted by the influence of the One Being? Perhaps Raiden's newfound anger and frustration is because he's being unknowingly influenced by the One Being? Maybe Raiden frying Shujinko was more than just punishment for endangering Earthrealm? Maybe the One Being was also pissed Shujinko screwed up his shot at reforming?

In the next game, maybe we'll see Raiden's sanity continue to slip as the One Being's hold on him gets tighter, until eventually it takes over and that will be how the One Being will be the next boss. Maybe he'll use Raiden's body as a vessel, like Onaga is using Reptile's body, and try to unite the realms himself? Or maybe Raiden and the One Being's minds will fuse into one and Raiden will truly become the One Being?

Just imagine, this could be the last line in Raiden's MK7 or MK8 ending:
"There is no more Raiden. There is only...the One Being."
07/30/2008 04:34 PM (UTC)
The one being idea was garbage writing from the mk team. They need to focus more on what's already been established, like the elder gods. There story should be explained. If I wrote for MK, I'd make them all puppeteers and the main antagonists of the series. The goal would be to take the elder gods down.
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07/30/2008 09:57 PM (UTC)
insidious_t Wrote:
yeah you're all right. if he does actually show up, it would mean the end of the realms, but it would still be slick. i hope if he is shown, he looks like jesus.

This is the single most blasphemous yet potentially awesome idea that I have heard in a long time.
07/30/2008 10:21 PM (UTC)
personally, i thought Shinnok's run was cut short. He was trying to wage war on the elder gods which was a great story..... stupid Quan Chi. LOL
07/31/2008 07:58 AM (UTC)
robdaman05 Wrote:
I am just wondering if you think the one being will finally be revealed in MK9? I don't want that story line to go forgotten. We got that storyline for 2 games and yet feel we are still not anywhere close to knowing who the one being is

You mean MK8? VS games don't count just like Capcom VS (insert title here). On a side note, do you guys like Seth in SF4?
08/01/2008 06:48 PM (UTC)
If the one being does come back, what will he look like?
- an elder god?
- demon?

Maybe this thing will keep the realms that the elder gods created from his consciousness and create his own realm to find a way to destroy the elder gods and the realms good warriors.

Let me explain: If someone had the power to control time and reverse everything or mess it up to change it and the one being's conscious pieces will appear in every realm possessing someone to regain his form and then it should gather evil souls that were killed by that someone and transform itself into a new being that will destroy every mortal and realm and the elder gods.

Wat do you think? If you don't like that idea then fine.... but that was the very thing it came to my mind and there must be heroes to stop it and end it all!
About Me

"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

08/02/2008 06:14 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
insidious_t Wrote:
yeah you're all right. if he does actually show up, it would mean the end of the realms, but it would still be slick. i hope if he is shown, he looks like jesus.

This is the single most blasphemous yet potentially awesome idea that I have heard in a long time.

totally inspired by that Bible game from
08/06/2008 02:51 PM (UTC)
RaisnCain Wrote:
HenshinSlayer000 Wrote:
I have a question:

Do you think the One Being is taking over Raiden's body & mind after his suicide? Because if he is then... Raiden dies to sacrifice himself for his friends?

It is a possibility. This is XiahouDun84's theory about Raiden being the One Being. I thought this was a very persuasive theory.

In Deception we have learned of the One Being and how he or she has been subconciously influencing Shao Kahn and Onaga to unite the realms so he or she can reform. Similar to how Trilogy hinted at the coming of Shinnok and DA hinted at the coming of Onaga, it seems somewhere down the line the One Being will be the next threat.

Now, judging from the endings in Deception, and I admit I could be wrong on this, I got the impression that if the One Being is truly reformed then that's it. Game over, everyone's dead. If that's the case then how can the One Being ever become the next boss?

Now, look at Raiden. We see him "sacrifice" himself against Onaga, but he immediatly returns. Which begs the question, why didn't Raiden ever play the "self destruct" card before? When the Deadly Alliance killed the Earth heroes, why didn't Raiden just blow himself up, taking out Shang, Quan Chi and the Undefeatable Army? Perhaps Raiden knew if he blew himself up, he'd come back different? Maybe he knew there was more risk to it than his existence?

Which brings me to my point: after Raiden blew himself up and was reforming on Earth, was he somehow tainted by the influence of the One Being? Perhaps Raiden's newfound anger and frustration is because he's being unknowingly influenced by the One Being? Maybe Raiden frying Shujinko was more than just punishment for endangering Earthrealm? Maybe the One Being was also pissed Shujinko screwed up his shot at reforming?

In the next game, maybe we'll see Raiden's sanity continue to slip as the One Being's hold on him gets tighter, until eventually it takes over and that will be how the One Being will be the next boss. Maybe he'll use Raiden's body as a vessel, like Onaga is using Reptile's body, and try to unite the realms himself? Or maybe Raiden and the One Being's minds will fuse into one and Raiden will truly become the One Being?

Just imagine, this could be the last line in Raiden's MK7 or MK8 ending:
"There is no more Raiden. There is only...the One Being."

The One Being controlling Raiden? That isn't impossible. After all, the One Being's reach extended to Shao Kahn, Shinnok, and Onaga, all who thought they were trying to conquer the realms for their own purposes.

So I could see Raiden's darker side being influenced by his own extemist ways AND by the One Being. In fact... that gives me an idea, Cain! Thanks. grin

08/06/2008 04:17 PM (UTC)
Bryon Wrote:
The One Being controlling Raiden? That isn't impossible. After all, the One Being's reach extended to Shao Kahn, Shinnok, and Onaga, all who thought they were trying to conquer the realms for their own purposes.

There's nothing that says Shinnok was influence by the One Being. In fact, Shinnok only wanted to control Earth...not merge the realms. Being a former Elder God, I think Shinnok would know what would happen if the realms merged.
08/06/2008 10:10 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Bryon Wrote:
The One Being controlling Raiden? That isn't impossible. After all, the One Being's reach extended to Shao Kahn, Shinnok, and Onaga, all who thought they were trying to conquer the realms for their own purposes.

There's nothing that says Shinnok was influence by the One Being. In fact, Shinnok only wanted to control Earth...not merge the realms. Being a former Elder God, I think Shinnok would know what would happen if the realms merged.

Yeah. It was early in the morning when I made the post, so I really had a hard time with realizing that. Shinnok DID also want revenge on the Elder Gods for his being cast down into the Netherrealm.

IIRC now, I think that one of the Kamidogu was used by Shinnok when he was an Elder God.

08/07/2008 01:21 PM (UTC)
What about the sorcerers: Quan chi & Shang Tsung? Maybe they've been influenced by the One Being too.
08/09/2008 01:43 AM (UTC)
If the One Being does return, what would people name him?

Names I made up:
- Jaaku (Japanese: evil)
- Daraku (Japanese: corruption)

Any other names you can think of?
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