The next MK hero
posted12/03/2007 03:52 PM (UTC)by
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07/06/2007 12:58 AM (UTC)
I think Kai should be the next earthrealm hero. I know a lot of people probably disagree with me. But if kang and kung die he would be the only white lotus member left. Fujin should take over as earths main protector and make Kai his #1 earth fighter. Kai is very moldable, and getting rid of the spike club is a must. I think he has great potential.
11/29/2007 01:56 AM (UTC)
I think if any of the current cast becomes the new "main hero," it should be Kung Lao, Sub-Zero or both. They've both developed and "earned" it.

If a new(er) character is to become the new "main hero" he/she should be gradually developed into it. Part of the problem with Shujinko is it felt very rushed and forced. They shouldn't just make a character the main hero, they should have the character grow into the role...which is something Kung Lao and Sub-Zero have done.

I don't really see Kai as the "main hero" because we know pretty much nothing about him. If he is to be the "hero" in the future, it can't happen overnight. He has to be groomed into the role.
11/29/2007 02:01 AM (UTC)
it's hard to see the potential in Kai when we know so little about him.

There's a saying that "your heroes are only as good as your villains," and that's really the problem with Kai as he is; it's not enough to just say he's a mysterious warrior of great skill. I need something a little more solid. What is Kai's motivation for fighting the good fight in a far away world?

Could he be the next hero? Sure, if they ever get around to telling us his story, he could be an awesome character, but not having a background isn't the same as having potential.
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11/29/2007 02:09 AM (UTC)
He is very moldable. And we do need more bio on him.
As for kung, I dont think he should have ever came back. Its not that I dont like his character tho. I just think he is to much like kang. And I think characters should stay dead.
I cant argue on sub-zero tho. He is rightfully deserving.
11/29/2007 03:04 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I think if any of the current cast becomes the new "main hero," it should be Kung Lao, Sub-Zero or both. They've both developed and "earned" it.

If a new(er) character is to become the new "main hero" he/she should be gradually developed into it. Part of the problem with Shujinko is it felt very rushed and forced. They shouldn't just make a character the main hero, they should have the character grow into the role...which is something Kung Lao and Sub-Zero have done.

I don't really see Kai as the "main hero" because we know pretty much nothing about him. If he is to be the "hero" in the future, it can't happen overnight. He has to be groomed into the role.

I pretty much agree with this. The only thing I want to add is perhaps they shouldn't have a single main hero and instead just have the various major protagonists (e.g. Fujin).
11/29/2007 04:58 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I think if any of the current cast becomes the new "main hero," it should be Kung Lao, Sub-Zero or both. They've both developed and "earned" it.

If a new(er) character is to become the new "main hero" he/she should be gradually developed into it. Part of the problem with Shujinko is it felt very rushed and forced. They shouldn't just make a character the main hero, they should have the character grow into the role...which is something Kung Lao and Sub-Zero have done.

I don't really see Kai as the "main hero" because we know pretty much nothing about him. If he is to be the "hero" in the future, it can't happen overnight. He has to be groomed into the role.

I pretty much agree with this. The only thing I want to add is perhaps they shouldn't have a single main hero and instead just have the various major protagonists (e.g. Fujin).

Yeah I kinda agree with all that's been said here. Perhaps it is only my opinion that there should be several protagonists, and several antagonsts going after each other.

But there SHOULD be a single antagonist who kind of leads all the antagonists. Somehow...they seem to get lost without a leader.
11/29/2007 10:50 AM (UTC)
It could either be Taven or they'd just come up with some new guy to 'lead the pack'.

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11/29/2007 11:34 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:

I feel the same way man. I like Kai, even though there's not much to him. To me it looks like "he shapes up right" for the role. Is that kinda where you're at?

It's like, the little stuff we do know about him, gives him the potential. Cuz there's lots of directions to take him. Although, I do agree with XD84 and SZ_7 about him needing to be groomed properly. I really don't wanna see him "thrown" into the role. They already kinda did that with Liu Kang and the childishness that came from him I don't wanna see again.

Too, I won't deny either that for me, it's probably a hint of optimism for the "Black" character, who finally IS NOT any the euphemisms, puns, and stereotypes(no gaudy neckless, no gun, not "the strongest man", and no "rebellion against the man" complex is there(well, besides the braids). He's "pure", and I think that's pretty refreshing. Makes me like him more cuz he's not all weirded out. lol

Oh, and Cyrax don't count right now. hahaha

Most likely either Taven, Kung Lao (If he lives), Fujin or some new fighter that is free of any generic stereotypes brought upon them (Pacifist Tarkatan! Pacifist Tarkatan!).
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11/29/2007 09:14 PM (UTC)
I myself cant see MK without a true leader. The purest earthrealm fighters seem to be sub-zero, and Kai. Sub-zero is and will probably be the main hero in the next game. But it will become his brother that is the ultimate threat. I think that will be the only way he is to become leader of earthrealm.
As for Taven, I like him, but I think the hero needs to be from earthrealm.
As for Kai, we know little but we do know some.
He is a white lotus monk, he fought alongside liu kang, and he was looking for spiratual enlightenment.
Yeah I think he needs grooming, but I dont think he needs much.
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11/29/2007 09:31 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I think if any of the current cast becomes the new "main hero," it should be Kung Lao, Sub-Zero or both. They've both developed and "earned" it.

If a new(er) character is to become the new "main hero" he/she should be gradually developed into it. Part of the problem with Shujinko is it felt very rushed and forced. They shouldn't just make a character the main hero, they should have the character grow into the role...which is something Kung Lao and Sub-Zero have done.

I don't really see Kai as the "main hero" because we know pretty much nothing about him. If he is to be the "hero" in the future, it can't happen overnight. He has to be groomed into the role.

Yes, exactly.
11/29/2007 10:20 PM (UTC)
The predator151

At the risk of being off topic, I actually thought Cyrax was an excellent metaphor for african americans after the civil war. He was mechanized (enslaved) of by power hungry bastards and stripped of everything he was, and despite reclaiming his freedom, he is still far too removed from his past(Africa) to ever go back. He can't even remember his name, so he just keeps using his robot(slave) name. Cyrax life is centered around finding purpose and identity after all his memories(culture) were taken away. You might not see his face that often, but Cyrax represents african americans better than skin colour ever could.

or maybe I'm just a white guy that doesn't know what he's talking about and shouldn't try...whatever.
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11/29/2007 11:42 PM (UTC)
I think as white people, we just dont and never will understand.
Watch the Nig**r Guy episode of South Park. It is all summed up in that one show. But damnit its been over ten years and we need a black guy that really can make an impression in the MK universe.
11/29/2007 11:54 PM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
I think as white people, we just dont and never will understand.
Watch the Nig**r Guy episode of South Park. It is all summed up in that one show.

But damnit its been over ten years and we need a black guy that really can make an impression in the MK universe.

What the hell makes you think everyone here is white?He just wouldn't make a good hero ,he doesn't really have a good bio to make him a hero.This isn't anything racial and you do not need to make it racial.The Main Hero in MK isn't some white guy(that you're complaining about)it was an Asian(Lui Kang).I'd say Kai nor Sub-Zero can fit into the main hero quality type thing.
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11/30/2007 12:05 AM (UTC)
Im not trying to make it racial. Im saying there isnt any african americans in the game that have made a difference. Kai is the most likely to be the character that is stepped up a level and be a true fan favorite in the future. Knowing or not knowing his past, I think he will become one of the better MK characters to come around. Black, white, brown, red, or yellow, I think he will develop into an awesome character to play as.
Although I said its not racial, I think we need a hispanic in the mix.
11/30/2007 12:09 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
Im not trying to make it racial. Im saying there isnt any african americans in the game that have made a difference. Kai is the most likely to be the character that is stepped up a level and be a true fan favorite in the future. Knowing or not knowing his past, I think he will become one of the better MK characters to come around. Black, white, brown, red, or yellow, I think he will develop into an awesome character to play as.
Although I said its not racial, I think we need a hispanic in the mix.

It's better than having no black characters at all.I'm sure that Jax is a fan favorite to some and we just don't know it.

Oh,I always thought Mavado would fall into the Hispanic category,I'm not so sure.
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11/30/2007 12:19 AM (UTC)
Back in the day Jax was liked. After reading most forums I think he spiraled down hill.
I thought movado was a philippino. Which the philippines are the mexico of asia. Well whatever, Ima get some hate mail for that
11/30/2007 01:05 AM (UTC)
we need a Canadian hero.
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11/30/2007 01:11 AM (UTC)
KillerInstinct3 Wrote:
we need a Canadian hero.

French or english version? Nevermind, both would suck. Just playin
11/30/2007 01:18 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
KillerInstinct3 Wrote:
we need a Canadian hero.

French or english version? Nevermind, both would suck. Just playin

lol, canada sucks.
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11/30/2007 01:22 AM (UTC)
Screw the frogs. LOL
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12/02/2007 10:18 PM (UTC)
Brettski Wrote:
The predator151

At the risk of being off topic, I actually thought Cyrax was an excellent metaphor for african americans after the civil war. He was mechanized (enslaved) of by power hungry bastards and stripped of everything he was, and despite reclaiming his freedom, he is still far too removed from his past(Africa) to ever go back. He can't even remember his name, so he just keeps using his robot(slave) name. Cyrax life is centered around finding purpose and identity after all his memories(culture) were taken away. You might not see his face that often, but Cyrax represents african americans better than skin colour ever could.

or maybe I'm just a white guy that doesn't know what he's talking about and shouldn't try...whatever.

Well that's a unique way to look at it, and an excellent point actually. I have no problem just accepting it in that case. lol I was exactly, only talking about how he never shows his face, but that was good.

Cyber_EV1L Wrote:

It's better than having no black characters at all.I'm sure that Jax is a fan favorite to some and we just don't know it.

That's a bias view. Especially considering more of the roster is Caucasian than anything else......Not that I'm "complaining" really. I'm just saying.
12/03/2007 11:20 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I know the south park episode (I thought I was referencing it actually). Although now I wish I never made that joke for all the rediculous speachifying it lead to. I'm glad my thoughts were well received by those it was directed towards.

I really just don't see Kai goin anywhere without some context given to his character. The last thing we want is another bland hero. My pic is Sub-zero because we have very clearly spelled out reasons for why he believes what he believes, and we expect that kind of clarity of vision from our Champion.
12/03/2007 03:52 PM (UTC)
me just kidin i thing scorpion is the one time for him to get his family backfurious
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