The Next Female DLC
posted04/20/2015 02:14 AM (UTC)by
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12/02/2014 04:45 AM (UTC)
The last female DLC has to be Li Mei IMO. Her costume is very detailed and She looks great. I dont think Sareena will make it because her costume is a modified version of her Armageddon outfit. I dont think it will be Frost either. Her costume is too similar to Subbys. NRS has always seemed to like Li Mei too. She was chosen over Frost to return in Deception. Ed Boon also called her the sexy character In Deadly Alliance.(Ed Boon's secret waifu?)
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04/19/2015 01:38 AM (UTC)
I don't think we necessarily have to stop at just one more female DLC character. MK9 had one, Injustice had two, maybe MKX will have three?

I do believe we will get at least one more girl, and Li Mei is probably the most likely candidate.

As for Frost, I don't necessarily see her being DLC, since her costume wasn't anything too special. She had a cool cameo, though. But I think we can potentially see her in MK11, with Sub-Zero and Sonya's intro revealing her to be a Lin Kuei Chief now.

I like Sareena, and from what I've seen she definitely has a bit of a following behind her. Not sure how big it is, but it must be big enough if she got a pretty noticeable cameo in story mode. While her costume may not be as revamped, as opposed to Li Mei's completely new look, she actually has a really pretty face, something NRS always struggled with. If they gave her that much time love and care, I don't think we can shrug her off just yet.

Maybe Sindel has a shot? Her outfit just seems to be a heavily modified MK9 look, unlike Rain's completely new costume, you never know, I guess.
04/19/2015 01:58 AM (UTC)
More female DLC?

The only correct answer.

If NRS is looking for inspiration, just do what they did with Raven from Injustice. I've been dying to see Sareena's "demon form" since forever. Just make that outfit her "tournament" outfit and go wild with a new alternate one and she'd be right as rain (who also would be a welcome DLC addition). You could do so much variation with what she's got: Dark magic from her time in the Brotherhood of Shadow, Demonic forms and attacks from her demonic blood, and possibly something more physical like her speedy knife-based attacks from Armageddon....

I wouldn't mind Li Mei coming back either, but I've been rooting for Sareena ever since MK: Mythologies.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

04/19/2015 02:08 AM (UTC)
Tanya has a bland outfit and she is DLC confirmed so looking at a character's outfit is not the best indicator of potential DLC in my opinion. All the characters have got good outfits.

I would like to see Sareena as well. She made a cameo appearence in the previous installment as well. That is just a little too much teasing in my opinion. Make her playable.
04/19/2015 02:17 AM (UTC)
Ideally it would be Sareena but Li Mei seems most likely. I believe she's been hinted at since the very beginning and she's already in in some capacity.
04/19/2015 02:26 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Tanya has a bland outfit and she is DLC confirmed so looking at a character's outfit is not the best indicator of potential DLC in my opinion. All the characters have got good outfits.

It's not about whether you think it's a GOOD outfit, but about how much work they put into the design. Tanya has an entirely new design, while Sareena is basically just rocking her Armageddon look with some pants.

(Personally I think Tanya's new outfit is excellent -- it's the hair and the inexplicably lighter skin tone that I'm not feeling.)
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04/19/2015 04:26 AM (UTC)
Sareena over Li mei everyday.
04/19/2015 04:36 AM (UTC)
I love Sareenas character. I like her a lot, but her moveset is pretty boring. She also looks the same. I wouldnt mind her coming back, but I think Li Mei has better chances.
It's not like Li Mei was exciting in terms of moveset/gameplay either. She had sparkles for fireballs, some dumb kicks (Reiko's and Tanya's to be specific) and the dumbest looking flying move ever. What would you do with her? How do you fix such a lame character lacking any special trait to make her stand out other than "She's a native from Outworld?"

Sareena at least has some potential they can explore being Brotherhood of Shadow and a Demoness.
04/19/2015 05:17 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
It's not like Li Mei was exciting in terms of moveset/gameplay either. She had sparkles for fireballs, some dumb kicks (Reiko's and Tanya's to be specific) and the dumbest looking flying move ever. What would you do with her? How do you fix such a lame character lacking any special trait to make her stand out other than "She's a native from Outworld?"

Sareena at least has some potential they can explore being Brotherhood of Shadow and a Demoness.

Li Mei had an acrobatic style moveset. Her moveset would include spin kicks and flips and she would be all over the place. She has her sparkle move which could be revamped to be like fire works like Jubilee in xmen. She trained with Bo in the last timeline if she did that this time around she could be a female martial artist. Theres lot you can do with her just like Sareena.
04/19/2015 05:22 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
More female DLC?

The only correct answer.

If NRS is looking for inspiration, just do what they did with Raven from Injustice. I've been dying to see Sareena's "demon form" since forever.

Just make that outfit her "tournament" outfit and go wild with a new alternate one and she'd be right as rain (who also would be a welcome DLC addition).

You could do so much variation with what she's got: Dark magic from her time in the Brotherhood of Shadow, Demonic forms and attacks from her demonic blood, and possibly something more physical like her speedy knife-based attacks from Armageddon....

I wouldn't mind Li Mei coming back either, but I've been rooting for Sareena ever since MK: Mythologies.

I missed you Garlador :,)
Sareena all day m8
04/19/2015 05:38 AM (UTC)
Sareena would be the most interesting option, I think, but the work they've put into Li Mei's redesign seems to speak for itself.
04/19/2015 06:08 AM (UTC)
Sareena, definitely

and as Garlador said I would also love to see if any of her demonic nature is being incorporated into her possible fighting style.
04/19/2015 01:37 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Sareena over Li mei everyday.

Denizen Wrote:
Sareena over Li mei everyday.

Sareena over Li Mei and Frost
04/19/2015 02:10 PM (UTC)
I'm probably in the minority of people who would love to see Nitara return
04/19/2015 02:20 PM (UTC)
Well I have always found Sareena to be more interesting... but Li Mei really is the best looking female character in the game.
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04/19/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)
Something I found and posted in another thread. What do you think her variations will be?

04/19/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)

Jataaka? Kia? Tasia? Skarlet? Khameleon?

Mortal Kombat does not have an excess of distaff Kombatants. I don't think they should leave any on the shelf.
04/19/2015 02:43 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
More female DLC?

The only correct answer.

If NRS is looking for inspiration, just do what they did with Raven from Injustice. I've been dying to see Sareena's "demon form" since forever.

Just make that outfit her "tournament" outfit and go wild with a new alternate one and she'd be right as rain (who also would be a welcome DLC addition).

You could do so much variation with what she's got: Dark magic from her time in the Brotherhood of Shadow, Demonic forms and attacks from her demonic blood, and possibly something more physical like her speedy knife-based attacks from Armageddon....

I wouldn't mind Li Mei coming back either, but I've been rooting for Sareena ever since MK: Mythologies.

Garlador, I have to say, I'm happy to see you back man. I missed seeing your enthusiasm throughout the ride up to the release of MKX.
04/19/2015 09:05 PM (UTC)
DiamondDevil Wrote:
I'm probably in the minority of people who would love to see Nitara return

Well Mileena kinda took her spot as a vampiress, so no...
04/19/2015 10:25 PM (UTC)

Li Mei and Frost looked good in story though.
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Props to MINION
04/19/2015 10:36 PM (UTC)
Tasia :p

ok but Sareena over li mei over frost (but i do want all 3 playable if possible)
04/19/2015 10:40 PM (UTC)
Sareena has potential and I hoped for her appearance since she always got screwed out of being in proper games. With the focus on the Netherrealm, she would have been very welcome. At least I am satisfied with her cameo.
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Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

04/19/2015 11:21 PM (UTC)
I've been rooting for Sareena (and Ashrah) since day 1, so if one of them makes it, that'll make me one HAPPY camper since Sareena seems the most viable to be DLC at this point.

Anyways for Variations, here are some for Sareena:

Demon Within- In this Variation, Sareena is more of an agressive in your face character, dealing more damage to her normal specials and attacks.
Variation indicator: Glowing Red Eyes, skin slightly cracking in places.

Sisterhood- Sareena can call on the assistance of Kia and Jataaka for added special moves to counter keep away characters.
Variation indicator: BoS tattoo on her arm

I can't think of another variation atm. Im thinking of something involving magic which heals her or something with her Kama, or 5 star pentagram kick.

Demon Unleashed

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