The New Poll Question: Which company would you be most happy with to do future MK installments?
posted05/10/2009 04:58 AM (UTC)by
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05/29/2006 11:42 PM (UTC)
See the new poll? See the options?

Here's what I think:

Midway - No...hell no. Their problem is I want them to let the MkTeam go WITH ALL OF Mortal Kombat. They've been given enough chances to give more control to the MkDevelopers, and it seems like they have had a very stubborn time with that. Boon will always say something like "Oh yea, Midway has been great!", but I don't believe it based on the last few games.

The MK team (if they left Midway) - Yes because I'm curious about the difference it would make without Midway overshadowing what they've really been wanting to do with the game. The MkTeam has been "selling" us games (which is irritating to say the least), and I don't believe that aspect of these latest entries is their fault.

I also think they need some new blood on the development roster. Staff with a 21st century vision of MK based on where MK started, and what technology is capable of. I think if we keep some core members of the team, Mortal Kombat will progress with the wisdom of the past, knowledge of the elements that make up MK, and the relationship between the developers and the fans. If that doesn't continue to exist, I think it would be like MkvsDc's T rating throughout even the future M rated games.

Ubisoft - Yes because they have success throughout their games roster. Thing I'm not sure about, is longevity. They're pretty laden with the type of bare minimal output I'd want to see from MK going forward. I feel like MK will not stick out enough over there, because I think that all they'd provide the MkTeam with, is enough to produce the bare minimal "Ubisoft" output.

At the same time, I do respect the company so I'm 50/50 on them.

Rare - No. Even though after looking at their roster of games, it looks like they need something like MK. I don't think they're big enough to appreciate the pot of potential MK has to offer. I think they'd produce one okay game, and then not know what else to do with MK.

Namco - No, because they got at least one successful fighting game already in Soul Calibur. A SC vs MK game sounds interesting at first, but I'm pretty intolerant of those things right now though. Gimme SFvsMK or nothing the way of a vs MK game at all.

Sega - lol, n0 wai d00d. I just don't have the faith in them right now.

Activision-Blizzard - Yes because they seem to have made an art out of some of the things MK is mis-capitalizing on lately. RPGs, Storytelling, Player motivated design capabilities, and a few other things. They establish a definite brand no matter where the a series is in its continuity.

EA -Close, but nah. Basically, they're good at what they do. But, what they're good at is not what I want to see from MK. I really don't want a "product" out of MK and that's what EA seems to be professionals at. I want a good game that reflects patience, attention to detail, and heritage.

EA is clean cut, MK is not. Fight Night Round 4 looks fantastic btw, and does the things for Fight Night, that I'd want to see done for Mortal Kombat.


With all that said, I haven't voted yet, but I do want to see what you all think. So, what do you think and why?
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04/12/2009 03:00 AM (UTC)
What about Rockstar? If you ask me, MK and R* are a perfect fit. If R* owned MK, thay would have a monopoly on video game badassery.

They have an attention to detail and quality bar none. They're not afraid to rock the boat and do it in a mature, intelligent, cutting edge, repectable fashion. They would totally breathe new life into the franchise. Let's see Ed Boon try to pull some silly neck stretch sh*t on the Housers' watch. Not gonna happen.
04/12/2009 03:10 AM (UTC)
I voted on the MK team being on their own just because I want to see what kind of product the can churn out on their own with out the rushed deadlines that Midway has put in place, and what will they do and what kind of content will they add into a MK game when they don't have restrictions.
04/12/2009 03:18 PM (UTC)
I believe in Harvey Dent...


Going through the examples you listed
Midway - No. They've fucked up too many times. They are nearly gone due to managerial incompetence. Shame.

The MK team (if they left Midway) - Yes. The MK Vs DCU engine was a joy after a while and continued development would only improve it. Where would they get the money though?

Ubisoft - Yes. Certain Ubisoft games are beautiful. I would love a Rabbid takeover of MK Universe. It'll be the new Toasty.

Rare/Microsoft - No. Although they will be in the market for a new fighter seeing as the DOA series might be going multiformat again. But Microsoft are downsizing their game development studios now so its unlikely.

Namco Bandai - Yes, but they will never do it.

Sega - Maybe. I'm a Sega tard, but only AM2 and The Yakuza/Super Monkey Ball Team seem to produce the goodness. And only Sega Europe seems to be making money... oh dear

Activision-Blizzard - No. The new evil company. Never really liked the Activision games. Guitar Hero is nice and all but thats about it.
EA - No. The old evil company is still evil. Yes they have been good lately but they will return to the top and crush the remaining life out of everything. Plus they cant do a fighting game to save their life.

To add:
Capcom: No. They dont give a shit about the competition. They barely heard of Mortal Kombat and would be unlikely to buy the franchise. Let alone care about it.

THQ: Maybe. THQ are in downsizing mode really. But they might be able to do a good fighter.

Square Enix/Edios: Maybe. They haven't done any memorable fighters but they would make the most beautiful FMVs ever. Could be interesting.

Koei/Tecmo: No. I like boobs as much as the next guy but the last thing MK needs is boob jokes.

SNK Playmore: Maybe. They make good 2D fighters. And their artstyle isn't wholly anime styled.

Sony: No. Like Microsoft they are in the market for a unique fighting game.But then again with the exception of Street Fighter IV no fighting game franchise has really be super successful lately. They've made money but they aren't as valuable as they once were.

Nintendo: No. They wouldn't be interested in the series and would farm it out to Retro Studios (Metroid Prime) or some other team and they would even make the greatest fighting game ever or fuck it up completely.

WB: Yes. I think people fears about MK becoming a crossover franchise or neutered down are over-exaggerated. WB are now starting to develop their own games. Maybe they will end up owning the MK team themselves?

My vote is for MK Team backed with either WB/Microsoft/Sony money. Its a possible scenario.
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04/12/2009 07:52 PM (UTC)
Where's Warner Bros? They have a video game studio too ya know. Warner Bros. INteractive
04/12/2009 10:00 PM (UTC)
i'd like thq, blizzard, ea, sierra, or even, i'd give mk a try at it.

visuals eather blizzard, or ea. gameplay i'd have to say i'd, sierra, or thq.

these companines i feel have the most money and time to spend on mk to have a great fighting game and not feel like the mk series is being rushed into failures.
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04/14/2009 05:30 AM (UTC)
The poll should have a "none of the above" OR "other" option as I don't really like any of the options on there.

Midway: Nope, for obvious reasons.

MK Team: Might give them a chance but would prefer a fresh team with new ideas.

Ubisoft: They should leave the video game industry and never look back, they only care for quick sales with minimum cost. One of my top 3 hated companies along with Microsoft and EA.

Rare: Looking at their portfolio I don't see any games that are rated higher than a teen. (Also, see Microsoft / Sony / Nintendo).

Namco: Soul Calibur isn't bad, but it's certainly not a Mortal Kombat game, and I can imagine that that SC team would also work on MK, and the games would be too similar.

Sega: Haven't heard much from these in years, but that might just be that I haven't been paying attention to any of their games.

Activition/Blizzard: Nope! Especially not Blizzard - if they got it they would turn it into an MMORPG and we would never get another MK sequel ever again (it happened to Warcraft and it might be happening to one of there other franchises too).

EA: Same as Ubisoft, they would pop out a unit every year with little-to-no change.

Warner Bros.: MKvDC 2 would be inevitable and NO ONE wants that to happen. Who cares if they still make a real MK game they would still make cross overs. If they promise the fans "No crossovers" then I would give them a chance.

Rockstar: are a great company but a lot of their games push the boundaries of too much violence. Imagine them getting their hands on an already violent video game franchise, they would go to the next level and it could get banned. If they could resist the urge to go over-board, I would love to see what they could come up with. Problem is, I don't think they have any interest in making a MK game.

Microsoft / Sony / Nintendo: NO! If any of these get their hands on MK then you can kiss multiplatform goodbye. 2/3 of gamers will miss out on playing MK unless they bought the apropriate console.
04/14/2009 08:40 PM (UTC)
WB, Epic, Rockstar or Bungie.

I don't want ANY foreign company getting MK rights or doing anything MK related...

Interesting topic btw
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04/15/2009 01:59 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
WB, Epic, Rockstar or Bungie.

I don't want ANY foreign company getting MK rights or doing anything MK related...

Interesting topic btw

You do know that Rockstar are a British company, they just happen to have a branch in America. Also, some of the best games companies are British.
04/15/2009 11:50 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
WB, Epic, Rockstar or Bungie.

I don't want ANY foreign company getting MK rights or doing anything MK related...

Interesting topic btw

Lol. I'm pretty sure WB has offices all over the world and as the good person above said: Rockstar is British. And Epic makes the most brown and grey games ever.

Hell Midway has a British branch and I'm pretty sure Ubisoft has an American branch.

This attitude "only America should MK games!" doesn't really work any more. Its the reason why Japanese RPGs aren't as successful as they once were in Japan.
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04/16/2009 03:20 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:

Your view of "only American" is a little extreme man. Even though I agree with you in the sense that I would like to see MK stay American, I'm not closet-bound to the point of inconsideration. You must be able to see the value in other companies as well. Regardless of "where" they're from.

To consistently repeat "only American" to the point that you have, infers that even the personnel on the teams cannot be anything but American born people. Y'can't be so judgmental as to not even see the fact that saaay, Hector and Hans are at least descendants of Asian and Hispanic nationalities, yet are as talented as they come. Let alone the fact that they are the ones that have been, and are still making MK games.

So what I'm saying is, so what if there is a British guy on the team? And to take that further, so what if the company is based in another country? It doesn't matter that much. The furthest that I have taken it has been to the point of principles and ideological construct of the game. I don't like either of those for Mortal Kombat coming from a foreign vendor. However, I do appreciate what those companies put into their games based on their principles and ideological approaches to their games....that's why I also buy their games. See what I mean?

I feel that their approach to Mortal Kombat will not work because of how they approach their games. "They are not American". But that doesn't mean Mortal Kombat can not be developed in Japan somewhere, and turn out correct.

Just...ease up on that point a little bit. It's alright because foreign companies are good too. That's all I'm sayin'.
05/02/2009 10:03 AM (UTC)
My vote goes to namco, just by looking at their track-record.
I would love to see the MK Team backed up by Namco, i might get interesting, still keep the mk feeling but finally have a good fighting system.

I don't care wich hands get MK, as long as their intentions are good
05/02/2009 12:23 PM (UTC)
sell it to capcom
05/02/2009 12:27 PM (UTC)
The blizzard you knew in the old days, YES!
Blizzard today NOOO! Dont want some panda manga childrens book mario fighter.

Relic: They have made RTS games yes, but they are so good at it, so perhabs they will kick ass at doing fighting games.
05/03/2009 12:10 AM (UTC)
i kinda like the rockstar idea because of there history of violent games like gta and manhunt that was a nasty game. but i dont really know all that much about the makers of games other than playing their games so i would have to say rockstar or bungie.
05/10/2009 04:58 AM (UTC)
I think Rockstar would be a good fit for the MK Team. Rockstar not only give their developers a lot of creative freedom, but they actually put a little more emphasis on substance, too. The Grand Theft Auto games, for example, are thick with detail and story.

I'd also like to throw BioWare's name into the hat. Sure, that's a bit of a weird one, given that they've never made a fighter before, but Jade Empire showed an interest in the martial arts genre. I'd just cream myself if they made a Mortal Kombat RPG.
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