The NEW MK:Rebirth thread!
posted03/21/2010 09:17 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/17/2010 07:11 PM (UTC)
With the permission by the previous author, (XiahouDun84) he'd allowed me to continue his treasure, which is a privilege to do such thing. All credits will be given to him (if he wants 50%) of it, I'm fine to do so. Okay let's start off with the basics, *copied and pasted long post awaits*

Part I
"The Legend of Nyx"

"Legend speaks of an ancient sorcerer.
"His name was Nyx. They say he was the greatest sorcerer that had ever lived. That his power rivaled even the gods themselves. They say the only thing that matched his great power was his cruelty. It's said the atrocities Nyx committed put that of even Shao Kahn to shame. To this day no one knows from where he came from nor why. Whether for revenge or power or just to satisfy his own one knows why he devoted himself to darkness.
"Nyx used his great power to create a living weapon that would serve as his engine of destruction. Into this creature, he poured his cruelty and need to bring pain and suffering. A creature created only for death and destruction. He named this weapon Thanatos. Nyx traveled the realms with the Thanatos...leaving only death and suffering in his wake.
"Nyx's reign of terror did not end until he came across a realm that's name has long been forgotten. Here he would finally meet his end. But before he succumbed to death, Nyx transferred all his power...all his knowledge of sorcery...into his personal sword, the Death Dealer, and locked it away in a temple guarded by the Thanatos itself.
"Fearing what could happen should his power be discovered or the Thanatos be awakened, the temple was buried deep underground and all records of its whereabouts hidden. The power of Nyx and his Thanatos has since remained hidden and passed into legend...all but forgotten.
"Until now..."

-the words of Havik

Part II

"It had gone too far.
"The rules of Mortal Kombat had been completely disregarded. Portals between realms were breached. Armies were emerging everywhere...each with it's own ambition for domination. The gates between the living realms and the afterlife were broken. The realms were teetering on the brink of oblivion. War was everywhere.
"Armageddon was upon us.
"Amidst the chaos and destruction, the Elemental Blaze emerged to act as judge, jury, and executioner. His judgment was swift and cruel. All...whether good or evil....were deemed a threat and needed to be exterminated for the good of Reality. His fire would lay waste to all...and the Elder Gods would allow it to happen.
"Many fell. Much was lost and laid to ruin. But thanks to the efforts of a few, Blaze's rampage was stopped before his fire could consume everything and everyone. But the damage had been done and the Elder Gods made their final decision. Some were shown mercy. Some were not. In the end, the Elder Gods sought to ensure the realms would never again come so close to destruction.
"In the passing years since, the realms have existed in relative peace. All that is left now is the survivors to pick up the pieces and try to rebuild. All we can hope for now is that the chaos never again gets as bad. That another Armageddon will never have to happen.
"But I fear the battles shall soon start again..."

-the words of Fujin

Part III
"The New Tournament"

"Let the word spread!
"After countless centuries buried and hidden, the power of the legendary sorcerer Nyx has at last been discovered. Locked away in his temple, guarded by his great weapon the Thanatos, the source of Nyx's vast power is available for the taking. But only one can prove worthy to wield the power of the greatest sorcerer that ever lived. Only one can be worthy to wield the Death Dealer sword and harness Nyx's power.
"So an open invitation is the greatest warriors of all the realms to compete for the right to possess Nyx's power. The one warrior who emerges above all others...the one warrior who can best the sword's guardian, the Thanatos...shall be free to take hold of his power and do with it whatever they wish! Untold power can be yours, if you can prove yourself as the greatest warrior in all the realms!
"Let Mortal Kombat begin!"

-the words of Scarack

Origin- Earth
Alignment- Neutral
"Much of my life as been devoted to my family and my honor. I only joined the Shirai Ryu in order to provide my wife and son with the comfortable life they deserved. And even though as a Shirai Ryu ninja I was little more than a glorified mercenary, I struggled to hold onto some semblance of my honor. But I would eventually lose my family...and later my honor in trying to avenge them.
"I avenged my own up any trace of honor that remained in me. I would then devote myself to avenging the death of my family. Despite my small attempts to regain my honor, I was so consumed in my quest for vengeance, I became something that I am not proud of. A monster. I suppose that is why I agreed to become the Champion of the Elder Gods.
"I fought in Armageddon and I helped prevent the oblivion of Reality. I even helped end the evil of Noob evil I helped create. I suppose I could've been allowed to ascend to the Heavens to join my family as reward...but I didn't even bother to ask. I do not wish my family to see what I have allowed myself to become. I avenged my family's death with the destruction of Quan Chi. Now I wish to regain my honor and become something like the man I was. For this...I remain Champion of the Elder Gods.
"In the years since Armageddon, the realms have enjoyed relative peace. As the enforcer of the Elder Gods, I am only to be summoned when a threat to all the realms emerges. And it seems a new threat is at hand. The one called Scarack has begun his own tournament for the power of the legendary sorcerer Nyx. I shall not allow this power to fall into the wrong hands and pose a threat to Reality itself. However...I sense another danger, somewhere in the shadows. Hidden...but familiar."

Origin- Outworld
Alignment- Neutral
"For as long as I can remember, my life has been consumed with an undying hatred towards my 'sister.' For centuries, I deluded myself into believing if I proved my superiority over her, my father would accept me. Looking back, I realize how foolish I was. During Armageddon, I would find myself drawn into the battle between my sister and my father. Although part of me wished to believe his lies once again, I put aside my hatred for Kitana and helped bring about Shao Kahn's destruction.
"After the battle, I finally realized there was no purpose in hating Kitana. That perhaps she did not deserve my contempt after all. We went our separate ways...she to Edenia while I remained in Outworld...and I've not seen her since. I chose to remain here, in my home realm, and forge a new path for myself. To finally make a life of my own...without Kitana.
"No longer bound to Kitana or Shao Kahn, I feel a kind of freedom I've never known in my entire life. I feel as though a tremendous weight had been lifted from my shoulders. At last my destiny is mine for the choosing and mine alone. In the years since Armageddon, I chose to remain hidden in the shadows. Trying to come to terms with who...and what...I am. I see many paths open before me...yet I am uncertain of which to take.
"One thing is certain though...the Tarkatan in me still thirsts for battle. And it seems this thirst will soon be indulged...however to my surprise, the offer came to me first. The man who calls himself Scarack came to me personally, offering an invitation to participate in this tournament he's holding. More than invited...he insisted I participate. I'm no fool...his strong insistence I fight has left me suspicious of his intentions. But I've never been one to shy away from battle, so I accept his invitation and enter his tournament. I'll soon find out what he wants of me.
"And maybe perhaps...through this tournament...I may also find the purpose I seek."

Origin- Outworld
Alignment- Good
"We were born to serve the Emperor Shao Kahn. For centuries, all we knew was to fight in Shao Kahn's name. However, as time wore on, we became more and more aware of our existence. And as we became more aware, we began to question our loyalty to Shao Kahn more and more. But we were still bound to his service and could do nothing. Thankfully, we found freedom thanks to the swordsman Kenshi and our destiny was at last ours for the choosing.
"We chose to atone for the evil we committed as Shao Kahn's enforcer. First we aligned with the deceased spirit of Liu Kang and soon found ourselves fighting alongside his allies in Armageddon itself. In the aftermath, there was much destruction and Outworld most of all. Earth is defended by numerous warriors, from Liu Kang to Sub-Zero. Edenia found a defender in it's princess Kitana. But for too long Outworld has been without a champion of its own. Too long has it's fate been decided by tyrants and madmen.
"No more. After Armageddon, we swore we would use our power to ensure Outworld never again is threatened or becomes a threat. Without Shao Kahn and Onaga, Outworld has become divided into chaos...cut into numerous territories, each with its own ruler. We fight to maintain some semblance of order and to make sure no one power becomes too great. We now fight only for the sake of Outworld. Never again will it fall under tyranny or darkness as it had under Shao Kahn or the Dragon King's rule.
"We've set ourselves against the evils that linger in the realm. One in particular...the murderer known only as Jackal. We've long pursued him and his ally Havik, who only seeks to cause more chaos. Our pursuit has led us to Scarack's tournament. We enter, not just to find Jackal and Havik...but this Scarack is most suspicious. We sense something darker behind this tournament. We shall discover the truth of this tournament and stop this evil before it gains any strength."

and a new character...
Origin- unknown
Alignment- Good
"I am the last of the Killraven. Long ago, we were a great race of warriors and guardians. For thousands of years, we protected our realm from evil. It was my people who resisted the evil of Nyx and brought about his end. Before his death, he transferred all his power into his Death Dealer blade...perhaps in the event he should return from death. Aware of his power and not wanting to risk awakening the Thanatos, we chose to bury his temple deep underground. My people swore to guard it to ensure the evil of Nyx never again escaped.
"Hundreds of years later, our realm would be attacked by Shao Kahn of Outworld. In spite of the efforts of my people, we lost control of our realm through the Mortal Kombat tournament. Thankfully, the location of Nyx's temple was lost in the Shao Kahn ruled unaware of the terrible power that slept beneath his feet. Although my people failed to resist Shao Kahn, we continued to guard the location of Nyx's temple.
"In the passing centuries, my people have dwindled to extinction. I am now the only one left. I've spent my life watching over the location of the temple. Through chaos...through war...through Armageddon itself...I diligently watched over Nyx's temple. But now my efforts have failed. I was deceived by the trickster Havik and the location of the temple was discovered by the one called Scarack. Now the fool is offering Nyx's power off in some perverted tournament.
"I've no choice now but to enter myself and stop all the other competitors from reaching Nyx's blade. I care not where any of these fools come from nor what they fight for. I will not allow the Thanatos to be awakened. I will not allow Nyx's power to be freed and used for any reason. And I will break all who stand in my way."

Li Mei
Origin- Outworld
Alignment- Good
"I was happy once. I grew up in a peaceful village...just as Shao Kahn was in his decline. I would hear the stories of Liu Kang and his Earthrealm allies and I would dream of being a great fighter myself. My whole life was ahead of me. But it would all come to a crashing halt with the rise of the Deadly Alliance. They killed my people and intended to enslave me. Although I was rescued by Master Bo' Rai Cho, the damage had been done and my soul was tainted. Tainted with something dark and unnatural.
"During Armageddon, I would give in to darkness that had tainted my soul. I felt Onaga's voice in my mind...constantly calling me to him. Seducing me with promises of power beyond anything I could dream. During the battle, I turned on my allies and fought alongside the Dragon King. Blinded by his corruption, I...killed Master Bo' Rai Cho. With Onaga's destruction, I regained control of myself and came to the horrifying realization of what I had done. I had lost everything. My family. My home. My innocence.
"After Armageddon, I swore I would fight the evils of Outworld and see to it never falls under darkness again. I would live up to Master Bo' Rai Cho's teachings. I would not allow what happened to me happen to anyone else. I've found an ally in the warrior Ermac and together we fight to maintain order and perhaps someday bring this realm to true peace. this day, I am haunted by my past actions. By the taint I fear still sleeps within my soul.
"I try not to dwell on the past and instead focus on what is happening now. Word is spreading of some sort of tournament being held by Scarack. I have heard of Scarack...he is a strange man and his intentions are suspicious. I soon find several of my enemies have already entered his tournament, seeking the prize he offers. I chose to enter as well. To eliminate our foes and discover the truth about Scarack.
"However, as I learn more about this prize Scarack offers, I can't help but wonder...could it be possible to wield this Nyx's power...but for good..?"

Origin- Netherealm
Alignment- Neutral
"I am a Demon of the Netherealm. For as long as I can remember, all I ever dreamed was escaping that horrible pit and being free from my master Quan Chi. After much time...and pain...I finally found a way to escape. I would later find an ally in Sub-Zero and I thought I was at last free. Instead, I found myself in the middle of a great conflict and even Armageddon itself.
"I had known Noob Saibot before he became a wraith. He spared my life and I helped him defeat Quan Chi. But that was a long time ago. When I escaped the Netherealm, I found he was no longer the man I knew. In the midst of Armageddon, I found myself forced to choose between him and his brother Sub-Zero. While there was a part of me tempted to join Noob...I remained by Sub-Zero's side. In the end...I suppose I made the right choice.
"In the years since Armageddon, I've remained on Earth with the Lin Kuei. Sub-Zero and Ashrah have helped me learn to control my Demonic instincts. I've become something like a human...but it doesn't change that I still am not. Ashrah told me of her Kriss sword, but it remains in the Netherealm where I can't get to. I don't want to return there anyway. I still want to be human...truly human...but I don't know how I can do this.
"I am grateful to Sub-Zero for what he has done for me. In return, I offer my help in discovering the truth about strange disappearances occurring throughout Earth. People, including members of the Lin Kuei, vanishing without a trace. My search leads me back to Outworld and Scarack's strange tournament. As I hear more and more about this Nyx and his power, I begin to wonder. If this Nyx's power is as great as they say, and the one who wields it can really do with it whatever they wish...perhaps I can use it to become human?
"Maybe this tournament is the chance I've been waiting for..."

Origin- Earth
Alignment- Evil
"I believe in chaos. Only the strong survive in chaos. Through chaos, the strong thrive and the weak perish. That is why it is essential. I learned long ago that civilization is but an illusion. Because of this lesson, I am strong. I am a survivor. It was this lesson that drew me to Kabal and his Black Dragon. Together, we would see to it the world embraced anarchy. However, we would first have to overcome our enemies in the Red Dragon and the Special Forces. During Armageddon itself...our clans would wage a war of our own.
"But none of us counted on the Tekunin. Heartless, emotionless, and ruthless...the endless hordes of machines came down upon us. Enemies put aside their differences. Alliances were made in desperation. Many died...including my mentor, Kabal...and the destruction of our war was only a small part of the chaos that was Armageddon. In the end...when the smoke cleared...I survived.
"There is no more Black Dragon and there is no Red Dragon. Now there is only one. The one united Dragon Clan with me as it's leader. In the aftermath of Armageddon, the civilization of Earth collapsed. Chaos and disorder Kabal would have wanted. Our mission now is to ensure the chaos never ends. That our enemies never restore order.
"Through the passing years, my clan has fought to preserve chaos. However, I grow tired of our idealistic foes who continuously try to return society to what it was. But I soon find a chance to tips the scales when I am invited to participate in Scarack's tournament. If I can take the power of Nyx himself...or even bend his weapon to my will...I can eliminate our enemies once and for all. I can guarantee chaos lasts forever. I shall win this tournament and I shall see to it the anarchy never ends.
"I know this is what Kabal would have wanted."

and another new character...
Origin- Earth
Alignment- Evil
"The Red Dragon clan was a clan built on discipline. It had existed for centuries without anyone knowing. It was our discipline and organization that made us the greatest clan had ever been known. Until the Black Dragon ruined everything. The lesser members of our clan broke off to form their own bastard version of us. Despite this outrage...we maintained our discipline. We slowly and methodically wiped them out, one by one.
"However, despite our efforts, the Black Dragon lingered on like an oder. They drew us out into the open...forcing our hand to crush them in one final stroke. Unfortunately, this drew us into combat with the Special Forces...and later the Tekunin. The ensuing battle crippled us all and left us as a shadow of our former self. And in the end...the clan was taken over...Kira had taken control of the clan and decreed our new purpose was chaos.
"My father was a Red Dragon. Like his father and his father before him. I can only imagine what they must be thinking. Seeing our beloved clan...under the control of some worthless whore. It sickens me what has become of this once great clan. Wasted on some meaningless crusade and being controlled by a lowly slut. I would not allow it. I would not allow this to be the fate of the clan my fathers built.
"I kept my mouth shut. I maintain my discipline and pretend to follow the whore. Just waiting for the right time to gut her and return the clan to its glory. I find my chance when word spreads of this Scarack's tournament in Outworld. Kira enters seeking the prize he offers. I enter to ensure she doesn't make it out alive. Maybe after I'll take this Nyx's power for myself...but most important above all: Kira must die.
"Long live the RED Dragon."

Three New characters:

Amaya Rin
Origin- Earth
Alignment- Good
"I was born shortly after Armageddon had left Earth in ruin. My parents were killed during an attack by the Dragon Clan leaving me without a home and without a family. I spent much of my childhood in wretched, crowded slums packed with other orphans and people without homes. It was at this time, I met Doremo. Like me, he had no family and he took care of me. Becoming much like a brother to me.
"Doremo and I spent years on our own until we were found by the Shaolin monk, Kung Lao. He took us in and would take care of us. He'd tell stories about his friend Liu Kang and their adventures in Outworld and defending Earth from evil. When I was old enough, I wanted to learn how to fight so I could help defend Earth like he did. Kung Lao began training me and I spent years preparing to become a Champion of Earth. Doremo though...had left.
"After years of training, I believe I am ready. I fight alongside Master Kung Lao and his allies, so that we can restore order to Earth. However, as time goes by, Master Kung Lao continues to grow older and he can no longer fight as well as he once could. Although I am still young, I hope I can prove myself as a Champion so I can keep up the fight when he can no longer.
"I may find my chance when word spreads of some sort of tournament being held in Outworld. An open invitation is out to all warriors of any realm to compete. If nothing else, perhaps I can prevent our enemies from winning the tournament prize...but I hope through this tournament I can prove myself as a Champion of Mortal Kombat and defender of Earth. I will make Master Kung Lao proud."

Origin- Earth
Alignment- Neutral
"I learned from a young age how to take care of myself. My family was killed during Armageddon, leaving me to fend for myself. I spent much of my life on my own...until I met Amaya. She was like me...alone, with no where to go. I decided to look after her. It was just the two of us until we were found by Kung Lao. He took us in and when we were old enough, began training us in martial arts.
"I devoted myself to becoming the strongest warrior I could be. Training day and night...focused only on becoming stronger. But Kung Lao...he kept saying he saw something in me. He kept telling me I could be the next defender of Earth. I have no interest in wasting myself and my potential on defending Earth as he and Liu Kang did. I abandoned the White Lotus and set out...traveling the world learning what I could to become a stronger and better warrior.
"In my travels, I met Kagato. He was like me...a warrior for himself. We sparred many times...he is one of the only people I would call my equal. We traveled together for some time before we went our separate ways. Both of us to continue training so when we fought again, we would find who the strongest truly was.
"I've recently heard word of a tournament being held in Outworld. The invitation is to the strongest fighters in all the realms. Wasting no time, I went to Outworld to compete. I have no interest in Scarack's prize or his true intentions...I only wish to prove that I am the strongest warrior. However...I've just learned someone has also entered the tournament. Someone...I was not expecting...

Origin- Earth
Alignment- Neutral
"I always loved to fight. Since I was kid...always loved it. Breaking those that were weaker than me. Showing how no one could touch me. My parents were killed during Armageddon. Most people wallow in self-pity over something like that...but I'm not most people. Not being tied down to anyone...only having to care about myself...for me, it's freedom. I'm strong because I don't waste myself on others. that only distract one from becoming stronger.
"It was my strength that got me noticed by Sub-Zero. I'd heard of him and figured maybe I could learn something from a fighter with his reputation. He said he saw something in me and recruited me to join the Lin Kuei. And I proved him right. No one else compared. I was in a league all my own. Sub-Zero was lucky to have a fighter like me. Hell, I could've even been the next Grandmaster. But he screwed it up.
"He said I was too reckless. I had no discipline. That I cared more about just fighting and showing off than anything else. He kicked me out. Stiff...soft...bastard. What does he know anyway? So I set out...looking to keep learning. Become stronger and prove that I was the greatest. The only fighter to ever really challenge me was Doremo. I swore the next time we met I'd break him like I broke every other opponent I've faced.
"Now word's spreading of a big tournament in Outworld. Place where war and battle is almost a daily event? Sounds like my kind of realm. Most people are wondering what the deal is with this Scarack guy and the prize he, I'm just looking for a chance to test my skills. Even better, Doremo is also entering. Perfect chance to finally prove that I'm the stronger. But...he seems distracted by something.
"Or someone..."
About Me


02/08/2010 12:04 AM (UTC)
I do like this story. And scorpions is the coolest so far.
Adam Ronin
02/08/2010 01:53 AM (UTC)
How about you do this in the Fan Submission thread as this has nothing to do with MK9.
02/08/2010 02:01 AM (UTC)
This is about a FUTURISTIC Mortal Kombat idea game, so i think this is okay? if not then i'll change it.
About Me

02/08/2010 03:32 AM (UTC)
My only complaint is one very minor detail in Ermac's story that you wrote. The Dragon King wasn't really a tyrant. He was there to keep order by instilling fear into people, and killing those who opposed his rule or brought a threat. Shao Kahn, however, was a tyrant and I like you incorporating him in Ermac's story.

All in all though, the stuff I read was pretty good and rather well written. Keep up the good work.
02/08/2010 04:49 AM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
The Dragon King wasn't really a tyrant. He was there to keep order by instilling fear into people, and killing those who opposed his rule or brought a threat.

That is like the textbook definition of tyranny.
About Me

02/08/2010 02:33 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
The Dragon King wasn't really a tyrant. He was there to keep order by instilling fear into people, and killing those who opposed his rule or brought a threat.

That is like the textbook definition of tyranny.

I understand, but the context that he was mentioned in was not exactly accurate. I suppose I should have been more clear on the point I was trying to get across. My mistake.
02/08/2010 09:11 PM (UTC)
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
How about you do this in the Fan Submission thread as this has nothing to do with MK9.

People have posted created storylines in this forum since it was started. I don't see why that should change now.

Besides, the Fan Submission forum is where fan fics go to die.

Anyway, I'm interested in seeing what you do with my storylines.
I'm curious though, are you planning to continue from where I left off or are you taking the same characters and situation and just going in a different direction with it?
02/08/2010 09:37 PM (UTC)
It's great to see Mortal Kombat: Rebirth revived, but I wish that you (XiahouDun84) could finish the rest of Mortal Kombat: Legacy. Then again, I can't really blame you if you don't do more since there isn't that much activity here. Paragon and I still haven't really gotten responses for the previous updates we did for Mortal Kombat: Resurrection, and we are more or less finished with it.
02/08/2010 10:25 PM (UTC)
I like Mileena's.
02/13/2010 12:25 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
How about you do this in the Fan Submission thread as this has nothing to do with MK9.

People have posted created storylines in this forum since it was started. I don't see why that should change now.

Besides, the Fan Submission forum is where fan fics go to die.

Anyway, I'm interested in seeing what you do with my storylines.
I'm curious though, are you planning to continue from where I left off or are you taking the same characters and situation and just going in a different direction with it?

I'm going to do both, nice question by the way too. I like the way you took scorpion's current status and changed. And the "Die off " list was kinda, in my opinon "Ghastly" but it was nice, I'll resurrect Shang tsung back because this "New evil guy" needs a Sorcerer ;) I mean without Shang, where's MK... haha
02/16/2010 01:04 AM (UTC)
Name: Jade
Allignment: Good
First *Non-Canon* Appearance: MKII
"There was a time that i was on the side of the emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn. Being born in the same royal castle as my long time friend Kitana, we knew something was going to occur. When I turned 10, I learned my true father
02/16/2010 05:45 AM (UTC)
WWFrules Wrote:
Name: Jade
Allignment: Good
First *Non-Canon* Appearance: MKII
"There was a time that i was on the side of the emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn. Being born in the same royal castle as my long time friend Kitana, we knew something was going to occur. When I turned 10, I learned my true father

Please finish this bio. Jade is my favorite character.
02/19/2010 12:14 AM (UTC)
OMG Like really I had so many applications on at this time when i made her bio, that I was so confused. I'll finish it ASAP!
03/13/2010 06:24 PM (UTC)
Name: Jade
Allignment: Good
First *Non-Canon* Appearance: MKII
"There was a time that i was on the side of the emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn. Being born in the same royal castle as my long time friend Kitana, we knew something was going to occur. When I turned 10, I learned my true father had died at the hands of the emperor Shao Kahn. I vowed revenge, but I was still young. During my time planning, I found myself not able to prove to him that I was a worthy fighter, so I enlisted the needs of the Martial Artist trainer Bo Rai Cho to help me. He taught me how to do my Blazing Nitro Kick which was useful in the battles to come. And he also taught me how to use my "aura" to being invincible towards Shao kahn's projectiles. And he taught me how to use "teleport" move that'll banish me from Shao Kahn's Ram. As I thanked Bo Rai Cho, he said a few words to me.." You have potential, but be wary just because you trained with me, doesn't automatically mean you can take on the Emperor of Outworld all by yourself. Keep training and then believe within yourself to do it!" As he left on he left his warriors' medallion, which I put across my neck. I was ready for Shao Kahn......... Now 20 Years later, I'm still wearing that same thing, only this Time I face new oppostion. I will defeat this enemy, and return home the winner."

Jade: I took her storyline to a new depth in her style. I had her remember the things in her past and to combine in to her future. So please criticize.... *Sorry for being late busy*
03/20/2010 09:28 PM (UTC)
whichcharacter will be next?
03/21/2010 07:02 PM (UTC)
EDIT We're going to continue with a new character NOT "Mizi"
03/21/2010 09:17 PM (UTC)
Awesome! I would definately accept these støries for the next ML game, I really like the two orphan stories and the nostalgia when Kung Lao tewlled them about his past with Liu Kang.Still, I would like Liu Kang to be alive, he still friend with KL but he abandonned the role of protector of the earthrealm.
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