08/21/2014 08:03 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
The fact we're finally leaving 1995 behind and moving forward with a fresh batch of new characters who may actually stick around.

Good looks Professer!

@chrome mentioned hype over the franchise moving forward too. And I couldnt agree more with the both of you. Exciting times indeed.
08/21/2014 08:05 PM (UTC)
I too am glad the franchise is moving forward... but it shouldn't mean that the already established characters should be left behind. I see no reason for them not to move forward along with the franchise.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/21/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
The detail in Scorpion's costume. You see the threads in the yellow of the costume. It looks awesome.

The flame trail that Scorpion has, especially from the eyes!

Scorpion's EPIC win pose.

Scorpion finally able to throw a fireball.

Scorpion finally being able to command the forces of the Netherrealm.

So hype!!!

Now it makes sense that you are generally responding negatively to my posts...

Most people do, the fact that he likes Scorpion and you don't doesn't inherently mean he's obligated to disagree with you. Its just that most people like Scorpion and most people disagree with you, supposing a correlation between the two would be fallacious

Completely agree on everything except "most people do" as I do not know or felt this.

I will clarify. I do not have any ill will or otherwise towards anyone on this messageboard and I do not hate any poster's posts. I have never indicated my like or dislike for any poster on this forum and never will. I am neutral wth everyone on this forum and my standing with every poster is the same.
08/21/2014 08:15 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
The detail in Scorpion's costume. You see the threads in the yellow of the costume. It looks awesome.

The flame trail that Scorpion has, especially from the eyes!

Scorpion's EPIC win pose.

Scorpion finally able to throw a fireball.

Scorpion finally being able to command the forces of the Netherrealm.

So hype!!!

Now it makes sense that you are generally responding negatively to my posts...

Most people do, the fact that he likes Scorpion and you don't doesn't inherently mean he's obligated to disagree with you. Its just that most people like Scorpion and most people disagree with you, supposing a correlation between the two would be fallacious

Completely agree on everything except "most people do" as I do not know or felt this.

I will clarify. I do not have any ill will or otherwise towards anyone on this messageboard and I do not hate any poster's posts. I have never indicated my like or dislike for any poster on this forum and never will. I am neutral wth everyone on this forum and my standing with every poster is the same.

Well, I'm glad to hear that, because me not liking Scorpion has nothing to do with the people who do like him, so if someone takes my dislike to Scorpion as some kind of personal attack and then starts hating me because of it would just not sit right with me. That would be like if I started hating on people who didn't like my favourite characters, which is just silly.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/21/2014 08:20 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
The fact we're finally leaving 1995 behind and moving forward with a fresh batch of new characters who may actually stick around.

Good looks Professer!

@chrome mentioned hype over the franchise moving forward too. And I could agree more with the both of you. Exciting times indeed.

I remember after MK2011 came out going on a huge rant against the people who were literally wanting MK10 to be an exact replica of MK4. I'm tired of the nostalgia trips and glad their finally pulling a "Deadly Alliance" and making major advancements.

I do agree with Jaded that I don't want all the old characters to be left behind. I still want my Mileena, Reptile, Ermac ect but I'm also loving my new characters. I cannot wait until they finally reveal the rest.
08/21/2014 08:24 PM (UTC)
This brings to mind the cliché, "Don't hate the player; hate the game." Hate on the character, not the supporters.

Some folks have difficulty separating the two.
08/21/2014 08:29 PM (UTC)
I really don't think our favorites will ultimately get left behind for good once we start heading forward after this game. I'm sure they'll continue making appearances, whether it's relevant to the plot or not.
08/21/2014 08:30 PM (UTC)
I'm very excited for any little piece of info that comes out, even if it's just a tiny gif of something I hadn't seen yet, like Scorpion in the jungle stage. But most of all, I'm very curious about the storyline this time, so I am most hyped about finding out stuff like Kotal being the new Emperor of Outworld, or that D'Vorah has some connection to him. I really want to know more about Ferra/Torr and how they fit in with everything.
08/21/2014 08:32 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
This brings to mind the cliché, "Don't hate the player; hate the game." Hate on the character, not the supporters.

Some folks have difficulty separating the two.

Yeah, exactly. Not everyone is going to like the same as you do, but there's no reason to dislike them because of it.

E.g., Kunglaodoesntsuck and I are rarely agreeing on anything Mortal Kombat, though it happens on occasions. But he's a great guy and we've had alot of great chats and discussions. Just because we disagree doesn't mean we are mortal enemies. XD
08/21/2014 08:47 PM (UTC)
Unique character interactions. It just adds so much more depth, love the rivalries in MK.
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08/21/2014 09:25 PM (UTC)
let me posit something here:

I have good friends who grew up with me, we played games, and MK too. One of these friends is now the editor for one of the city newsfeed. Suffice to say that he has an above average understanding on quality pop culture stuff.

I showed him MKX. Keep in mind he has been playing up to MK4 with us when we went off to secondary school, and then to university. His question was:

Is this the best MK has to offer?

I had to admit, that so far, yes.

He was not impressed. He said it's the same old bullshit, and it had no real fangs. And if you think about it, this is the closest MK has ever been on claiming any kind of relevance now. This made me think.

This is potentially the best effort, and also the best chance of MK ever being relevant. Good? it can be good, it might be even excellent. But relevant? So in conclusion, the more we are willing to let go and move out of our fucking confort zone, the better.

P. S.: his other critique was that this takes itself way too seriously. When I told him that yes, it needs to be since the bullshit before, he told me that it has always been goofy and clown like. He seriously called MKX out on being melodramatic.

The little details, I don't feel like listing them since people already have. It's just the little touches that do it for me. Well and because the game looks fucking amazing too.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

08/21/2014 09:55 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
let me posit something here:

I have good friends who grew up with me, we played games, and MK too. One of these friends is now the editor for one of the city newsfeed. Suffice to say that he has an above average understanding on quality pop culture stuff.

I showed him MKX. Keep in mind he has been playing up to MK4 with us when we went off to secondary school, and then to university. His question was:

Is this the best MK has to offer?

I had to admit, that so far, yes.

He was not impressed. He said it's the same old bullshit, and it had no real fangs. And if you think about it, this is the closest MK has ever been on claiming any kind of relevance now. This made me think.

This is potentially the best effort, and also the best chance of MK ever being relevant. Good? it can be good, it might be even excellent. But relevant? So in conclusion, the more we are willing to let go and move out of our fucking confort zone, the better.

P. S.: his other critique was that this takes itself way too seriously. When I told him that yes, it needs to be since the bullshit before, he told me that it has always been goofy and clown like. He seriously called MKX out on being melodramatic.

I wasn't aware your friend was the final arbiter of MK. The opinion of one person is fairly irrelevant, particularly when the FGC in general is extremely jazzed for this game. Look at Maximilian Dood, never been a big MK fan but is seriously hyped for MKX. No offence, but I hesitate to make judgments as to the relevance and melodrama of MK based on "Chrome's mate"

"It;s the same old bullshit" except for the 3 variations, which is as close as you can really get to overhauling everything in a fighting game as it vastly complicates match ups and tiers. MK will generally always be the same bullshit: it's a fighting game, so there will be fighting. We could change it into a Papers Please clone or an FPS, that'd be outside our MK comfort zone but it'd make no fucking sense.

And what standard is relevancy judged on? MKX will be relevant. Its that simple. Will it be relevant in the same way COD, Battlefield or the Sims is? No, but it will be the main next gen fighting game. Tekken has died a death, Capcom have confirmed they wont make a new SF or MVC until 2018/2019 so what's the competition? KI? Great little game, but it wont match an AAA cross platform, cross generational, top tier fighting game release. The only time a game will have been more 'relevant' than MKX in fighting games was Tekken 3 and SF4, and no fighting game will ever match those.

Furthermore, MK9 was quite relevant in the FGC. It got three years main stage at Evo, a fourth in a side tournament, sold millions of copies across platforms and received critical acclaim. What more do you want? It's a fighting game, it operates within the sphere of fighting games. Armageddon was irrelevant. Armageddon was a sideshow, showcasing how far MK had fallen while SF cleaned up everywhere with the best SF in history. MKX is the polar opposite of this, MKX is relevant now and it will be relevant for at least three years in the FGC.

If you want MK to be as relevant as Skyrim or Battlefield, keep hoping. I want Scarlett Johansson, but that ain't gonna happen either.

Bit of a reality check here Chrome, but there's a much much much bigger audience for MK than you and and your mate and the vast majority of that audience is digging MKX. MK is popular like never before, particularly in competitive circles, and its regaining its foothold in the popular consciousness.

As for melodrama, yeah MK is melodramatic. Comes with the territory. May as well "call out" FIFA for featuring Barcelona and Real and United and Bayern. MK's been melodramatic since MK4, MKDA, MKD and MKA, so really its going back to the melodrama. A move which has been quite well received in the FGC

MK was "goofy and clown like" in the 2d era, MK1-MK3, and in MK9 it was goofy because that was a remake of that era. So surely, if we want to get away from our comfort zone, we need to stick with the melodrama of MKDA-MKD right? Or should we move away from our comfort zone in whatever nondescript way you have in mind while remaining in our comfort zone of staying goofy and clownish? Whereupon you can then whine about how MK is still too goofy and clownish?

Most of the people happy some of the time, none of the people happy all of the time and some of the people happy none of the time
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

08/21/2014 09:57 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
This brings to mind the cliché, "Don't hate the player; hate the game." Hate on the character, not the supporters.

Some folks have difficulty separating the two.

Good point. I dislike Tanya fans but she is probably the best female post MK4 character bar Ashrah
About Me

08/21/2014 11:07 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
I wasn't aware your friend was the final arbiter of MK. The opinion of one person is fairly irrelevant, particularly when the FGC in general is extremely jazzed for this game. Look at Maximilian Dood, never been a big MK fan but is seriously hyped for MKX. No offence, but I hesitate to make judgments as to the relevance and melodrama of MK based on "Chrome's mate"

We are not. never did I say we were. I just implemented a little story. I am also hyped for MK.

Charybdis Wrote:"It;s the same old bullshit" except for the 3 variations, which is as close as you can really get to overhauling everything in a fighting game as it vastly complicates match ups and tiers. MK will generally always be the same bullshit: it's a fighting game, so there will be fighting. We could change it into a Papers Please clone or an FPS, that'd be outside our MK comfort zone but it'd make no fucking sense.

Alerady done. MK for Quake 1, quite nice add on package and goofy as hell. By same old shit I do not mean the technical aspect of a fighting game. To most people that does not signify. Only a small percentage of gamers are actually into that level. My friend is not a gamer, he looked at the game and concluded it still looked like old MK. That is all.

keep in mind I am not an active gamer. never beena good Mk player since, half of the games are not available on PC...

Charybdis Wrote:And what standard is relevancy judged on? MKX will be relevant. Its that simple. Will it be relevant in the same way COD, Battlefield or the Sims is? No, but it will be the main next gen fighting game. Tekken has died a death, Capcom have confirmed they wont make a new SF or MVC until 2018/2019 so what's the competition? KI? Great little game, but it wont match an AAA cross platform, cross generational, top tier fighting game release. The only time a game will have been more 'relevant' than MKX in fighting games was Tekken 3 and SF4, and no fighting game will ever match those.

Relevancy of a product is based on perhaps the memetic aspect of it. Fatality, Finish Him etc. basically the footprint it leaves on minds. Can Mk still do that? Because as much as I applaud the last game, it has nothing that hasn't been overtaken. Simply put, MK needs to do something big to be remembered or to become significant in people's perception. Professional players/enthusiasts do not signify as their population is low. I will be content if MKX is good. I will be perhaps happy.

But do not think for a moment that people will embrace the series like before. At least i do not foresee it.

Charybdis Wrote:Furthermore, MK9 was quite relevant in the FGC. It got three years main stage at Evo, a fourth in a side tournament, sold millions of copies across platforms and received critical acclaim. What more do you want? It's a fighting game, it operates within the sphere of fighting games. Armageddon was irrelevant. Armageddon was a sideshow, showcasing how far MK had fallen while SF cleaned up everywhere with the best SF in history. MKX is the polar opposite of this, MKX is relevant now and it will be relevant for at least three years in the FGC.

Again, in it's own little market. Which can only mean short time sustainment due to the ever increasing demand on the series / small base compared to other product theatres. MK is not Mario bros.

I agree that MKX is currently relevant. I might say it will be the most relevant MK for it's (as a particular title) time.

Charybdis Wrote:If you want MK to be as relevant as Skyrim or Battlefield, keep hoping. I want Scarlett Johansson, but that ain't gonna happen either.

Skyrim is... not relevant anymore. On consoles? Perhaps. On PC, not anymore. it's popular to play, but it's not relevant anymore.

Charybdis Wrote:Bit of a reality check here Chrome, but there's a much much much bigger audience for MK than you and and your mate and the vast majority of that audience is digging MKX. MK is popular like never before, particularly in competitive circles, and its regaining its foothold in the popular consciousness.

Again, bnever said we are relevant. We are one of the many. I do not doubt it could be the best MK of all time. I seriously do not doubt that. What i want is for the series to evolve and leave behind a nostalgic baggage and dogmatism some people here are especially fond of. This ties into...

Charybdis Wrote:As for melodrama, yeah MK is melodramatic. Comes with the territory. May as well "call out" FIFA for featuring Barcelona and Real and United and Bayern. MK's been melodramatic since MK4, MKDA, MKD and MKA, so really its going back to the melodrama. A move which has been quite well received in the FGC

On this point I agree. You assumed I took the same position, or rather opinion as my friend without asking. I like a bit of melodrama, hell, MK9 actually pulled it off well, even if the plot bleeds out a few times before it concludes. Style over coherency I guess.

Also however, remember, just because the majority approves of something does not mean it is good, acceptable or art!

Charybdis Wrote:MK was "goofy and clown like" in the 2d era, MK1-MK3, and in MK9 it was goofy because that was a remake of that era. So surely, if we want to get away from our comfort zone, we need to stick with the melodrama of MKDA-MKD right? Or should we move away from our comfort zone in whatever nondescript way you have in mind while remaining in our comfort zone of staying goofy and clownish? Whereupon you can then whine about how MK is still too goofy and clownish?

Most of the people happy some of the time, none of the people happy all of the time and some of the people happy none of the time

What i would want is to put MK on completely new grounds. MKDA and MKD are peculiar cases, the overall tone isn't melodramatic, as since, there aren't really actors behind it. MKD comes off as a very dark, almost budget horror MK what I sorta see behind MKX.

Call it grit if you will. That I can get behind. Also I kinda liked MKDA for it's vibrant colors, despite being dark. it's the contrast, like the proper and happy nuclear family of the 50's USA where the father is gay, the mother had a deformed child they institutionalized, a girl got pregnant outside wedlock and the younger boy is molested by Uncle Phil, but everyone is cheery.

That kind of Fridge horror, that is what I miss. These things would be good from those games, but if we can set it on a totally new paradigm, I will happily lose those things to see THE EFFORT OF MAKING SOMETHING NEW.

Aside historical references and implementation of culture, or totally phantasmic designs, just to please my detractors who cannot think asidwe one linear line and near-literally cannot see the forest from the trees.

TLDR: NRS excerts effort in going out of comfortable territories. Kudos. Allways try something new and different is the key of remaining fresh. That, and Colgate.
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08/21/2014 11:09 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
This brings to mind the cliché, "Don't hate the player; hate the game." Hate on the character, not the supporters.

Some folks have difficulty separating the two.

Good point. I dislike Tanya fans but she is probably the best female post MK4 character bar Ashrah

i dislike Tanya the character, but yes, she can be done better. Actually, she might be one of the characters I would say yes to rewamp. Jarek etc. do not really need to be rewamped.

Of course personal joy and attachment notwithstanding.
08/22/2014 11:28 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
E.g., Kunglaodoesntsuck and I are rarely agreeing on anything Mortal Kombat, though it happens on occasions. But he's a great guy and we've had alot of great chats and discussions. Just because we disagree doesn't mean we are mortal enemies. XD

Thanks Jaded, I appreciate that. You're a cool guy and fun to discuss things with.

Another small detail I've noticed is they have Sub-Zero an ice effect to his dash.
09/13/2014 01:43 PM (UTC)
Here's some things about Sub-Zero I've noticed that are cool. Pun not intended.

- When Sub dashes he slides on ice

- Sub now throws Ice Balls one handed
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/13/2014 02:11 PM (UTC)
NRS pushing the envelope like never before.

The stages thus far are amazing, the kove being my favorite. Seriously, NRS' environment team is second to none.


The burlap sack as a mask for Torr...good stuff.

Sub Zero finally getting an updated face mask.
09/16/2014 09:41 AM (UTC)
I really enjoy the stages they've shown for this game. They're a real treat to behold, especially up close and personal. Also, the soundtrack is nice and ambient.
09/16/2014 01:43 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Here's some things about Sub-Zero I've noticed that are cool. Pun not intended.

- When Sub dashes he slides on ice

- Sub now throws Ice Balls one handed

I hate that Sub throws ice balls one handed now even though I think it is further proof he is a new Sub Zero. (which gets me hyped)

But it just looks funky and strange. The two handed throw looked so badass. It was signature. I realize he also has his two handed throw as well. But still one handed throw: no me gusta.
09/16/2014 01:59 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Here's some things about Sub-Zero I've noticed that are cool. Pun not intended.

- When Sub dashes he slides on ice

- Sub now throws Ice Balls one handed

I hate that Sub throws ice balls one handed now. I think it is further proof he is a new Sub Zero.

But it just looks funky and strange. The two handed throw looked so badass. It was signature. I realize he also has his two handed throw as well. But still one handed throw: no me gusta.

From what I can tell, it is only during one certain Variation he throws the iceball with one hand, while in others he throw it with both hands as he's always had. I might be wrong in that, but I've seen screenshots with him throwing it with both hands.
09/16/2014 02:25 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Here's some things about Sub-Zero I've noticed that are cool. Pun not intended.

- When Sub dashes he slides on ice

- Sub now throws Ice Balls one handed

I hate that Sub throws ice balls one handed now. I think it is further proof he is a new Sub Zero.

But it just looks funky and strange. The two handed throw looked so badass. It was signature. I realize he also has his two handed throw as well. But still one handed throw: no me gusta.

From what I can tell, it is only during one certain Variation he throws the iceball with one hand, while in others he throw it with both hands as he's always had. I might be wrong in that, but I've seen screenshots with him throwing it with both hands.

I have seen it too. I just can't get over the one handed throw. It looks too much like scorpion's one handed fireball throw. It looks like NRS was trying to force the fact that scorp and Sub are equal opposites.

I realize I am being picky about it but it just looks weird to me.
09/16/2014 07:02 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Here's some things about Sub-Zero I've noticed that are cool. Pun not intended.

- When Sub dashes he slides on ice

- Sub now throws Ice Balls one handed

I hate that Sub throws ice balls one handed now even though I think it is further proof he is a new Sub Zero. (which gets me hyped)

But it just looks funky and strange. The two handed throw looked so badass. It was signature. I realize he also has his two handed throw as well. But still one handed throw: no me gusta.

Now see I really like the one handed Iceball throw. I think it looks way more stylish and shows greater mastery of throwing Iceballs.
09/17/2014 01:09 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
From what I can tell, it is only during one certain Variation he throws the iceball with one hand, while in others he throw it with both hands as he's always had. I might be wrong in that, but I've seen screenshots with him throwing it with both hands.

After reading this I had to hunt down videos with Subby fighting to see if it was true. This video shows that Sub throws normal Iceballs one handed, while the Enhanced version is a two handed throw.
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