02/22/2015 06:01 PM (UTC)
I'm guessing the next few reveals are going to be

Mileena/Goro (next stream)
Jax (early march)
Takeda (late march)
Erron Black (right before release)

Lame LOL!
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02/22/2015 08:20 PM (UTC)
I'm glad we, don't know everything. Leaves some suprise when we actually Play the game. I don't wanna know story, or all X-rays, or Fatalities. If they released the game right know with what little we know I'd buy it. Why? Because it's Mortal kombat.
02/22/2015 08:23 PM (UTC)
Take a trip back to November 2014. Now compare that to January and February reveals and information. Way better than before.
02/23/2015 02:38 AM (UTC)

Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:
How has there been a lack of info...?

We know of 14 characters, and at least one other is being revealed within the next week, and then we'll get others revealed.

We already know that not all the main roster will be known prior to release but "most of it will be".

We have a comic telling us story background.

Info was given about Factions, the Tower mode and what all 3 towers are about.

We know a few story details, including how long the story spans (starting from right after MK9 then moving on bit by bit until it's 25 years later).

We know Brutalities are back, how variations work & that characters have more than one fatality, and that there's also another type of finisher & there's costume alts with 15 more to come in the Kombat Pack.

Also we know the Kombat Pack has 2 guests and at least 2 Klassic Kombatants.

And on top of all of that we keep getting bits of info every day via tweets posted by Shaun Himmerick, Tyler, Derek, Shawn Kittelson & Ed Boon plus others involved in the franchise (comic, web-series, and the game).

That is not a lack of info; and I've not even mentioned the fact that NRS have also been de-confirming characters so that we know who definitely won't be in the game.

Doesn't seem like there's a lack of info; sure there could be a bit more but some more is coming, and there could have also been less info so just be grateful we know as much as we do at this point.

Half of those statements don't even pertain to the game ITSELF. (Daily tweets that amount to nothing other than deconfirmations, DLC but nothing actually ABOUT the dlc,a comic that could have NOTHING to do with the actual story, and that fact the characters have finishers....well duh!).

We don't know:

-More than half the roster
-Anything about the actual story or plot
-Any of the various game modes outside factions and story mode
-One of the -alities

And these are basic things about the base game.....not mentioning any surprises or secrets.
02/23/2015 03:35 AM (UTC)
Nardy15, first off it all pertains to the game because character de-confirmations pertain to who isn't in the game & the comic is canon so that pertains to the game as well.

DLC: It was said, Goro isn't part of the Kombat Pack and Himmerick (@lover_of_tacos), MKX's producer himself tweeted that Goros not DLC. NRS have given info of what can be expected from DLC, 2 guests & at least 2 "klassic kharacters", it's not detailed of who those DLC characters are but it's still info.

NRS employees, Himmerick, Boon and even Kittelsen who writes the comics have said time and again that the comic IS CANON and is set partway 15 years into the MKX story; so read the comic and you'll learn story info.

No need to be snappy and start throwing "Well duh!" at me when I'm simply repeating info that's out there in news articles, interviews, vids & the comic if only people would find it and watch/read rather than complaining on an online forum.

We're not going to know all of the roster; it's already been said by Himmerick that only MOST of the roster will be revealed before release; so we may only know a little over half of it beforehand and we'll just have to accept that- on the bright side though we'll have a fair amount of surprises when we all first see the main roster screen when we play the game.

Story info is in the comic, and it's set mostly 15 years into MKX's story with a few flashbacks & flash-forwards to give us tasters of what to expect in game. Other story info is that the game is set over a 25 year time period; Quan Chi has an army of revenants & is at his most powerful because his schemes & plans have finally become reality, and there are dead characters (like Kitana & Kung Lao) who are back; the game is a passing of the torch for new characters who are descendants/offspring of old characters; it starts right after MK9, there's time jumps to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years later and there's some flashback scenes; there are two wars Netherrealm War and Outworld Civil War & the invasion by Shinnok from MK4 plays a part (and some other MK4 related things); and we see Kotal Kahn's rise to power and then his fall (which is part of the Outworld Civil War and part of the game's plot). I know next to nothing of some other games stories like Batman: Arkham Knight, Until Dawn, Uncharted 4 to name just 3, compared to what I know of the MKX storyline so potentially we could have known less than we do now.

There's no info on other game modes yet except for Factions & Towers and Story Mode, I'll give you that point; but it has been said that the "Test Your..." games are back and include a new one, and that Motor Kombat & Chess Kombat aren't returning in MKX. So yeah you're right, we could and should know more in that area.

We know two finishers; and that's one more than we thought we'd know originally because it was said at E3 that the returning one (Brutalities) would remain a secret.

There's been "actual gameplay" in every stream & vid put out; although we could have seen more and heard more intro's and less of Derek & Tyler and co talking.

Considering we're only going to know "Most of the roster" and every MK game has unlockables and the fact Boon himself said that the Krypt isn't returning but is being replaced by something similar but different, and it's obvious we'll see cameo's in the game & story; we already know there's going to be plenty of secrets & surprises.

Soon we're going to get more reveals, see Brutalities in action, get a story trailer & we'll no doubt get a bit more info about online & other modes; chin up man- more good stuff is coming!
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