The Kamidogu and the Blood Demon *comic spoilers*
posted03/30/2015 03:22 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/21/2015 02:16 AM (UTC)
So in the new timeline they are powerful tools, used for a couple of purposes.

* Collectively a key in order to contain Shinnok in the amulet

* Possibly used by the Elder Gods to restrain the One Being (they have tasted the blood of the One Being and it's essence dwells within)

* Blood Magik, offering blood with the dagger increases strength and after initial power leaves the wielder weakened. Most likely caused by the interaction of the One Being's essence

So they are very multi-purpose it seems.

But I'm lost on the whole possession of the blood demon angle. I've read chapter 13 of the comic but I'm not really understanding what Havik was doing at the end. Is he the "blood demon"? Is it just him, using some sorcery, controlling those who have used the Kamidogu and their enhanced strength for purposes of chaos? Was it intentionally ambiguous or am I just an idiot? tongue

I just think the chapters could be a little longer, help fit in some more information about these situations haha wink
03/30/2015 03:16 AM (UTC)
It was confirmed that Havik is the blood demon. And yeah, he is basically just somehow possessing those who use the daggers. (And somehow possessed Fox before he used the dagger)
03/30/2015 03:16 AM (UTC)
Powertrippin22 Wrote:
So in the new timeline they are powerful tools, used for a couple of purposes.

* Collectively a key in order to contain Shinnok in the amulet

* Possibly used by the Elder Gods to restrain the One Being (they have tasted the blood of the One Being and it's essence dwells within)

* Blood Magik, offering blood with the dagger increases strength and after initial power leaves the wielder weakened. Most likely caused by the interaction of the One Being's essence

So they are very multi-purpose it seems.

But I'm lost on the whole possession of the blood demon angle. I've read chapter 13 of the comic but I'm not really understanding what Havik was doing at the end. Is he the "blood demon"? Is it just him, using some sorcery, controlling those who have used the Kamidogu and their enhanced strength for purposes of chaos? Was it intentionally ambiguous or am I just an idiot? tongue

I just think the chapters could be a little longer, help fit in some more information about these situations haha wink

Typically by the time you finish the whole issue, things make more sense.
03/30/2015 03:22 AM (UTC)
Darkk Wrote:
It was confirmed that Havik is the blood demon. And yeah, he is basically just somehow possessing those who use the daggers. (And somehow possessed Fox before he used the dagger)

Alright, cool. Glad I wasn't missing something. grin
I think that's a great angle to take it, having Havik spread his chaos, promising Reiko the power of the Blood God when in reality it's just Havik using sorcery to posses people. Such a tricky bastard sleep

Keen to see how this all plays out. Another quick question/discussion point: What do we think Havik is doing on Shang Tsung's island? Inviting all these people, having specific (Cassie and Jaqui) people kidnapped and delivered there. Another angle waiting to be revealed
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