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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/13/2014 04:40 PM (UTC)
J-spit Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
I like stuff to stand on their own merit, so I purposefully disregard how it's not MK.

Though I don't have to do that much, this game's first impressions are genuinely better than MK9's.


This game feels all MKII/MK4 to me.

Bingo! This game 100% feels like MK. I would say that the tone is definitely more on the darker side like MK2 or Deception.
06/13/2014 04:42 PM (UTC)
I think that was NRS plan from the get-go. Theyve revisited the past time and time again and wanted to wipe the slate clean except for a few spots. As diehard of a fan as I am, I'm growing tired of seeing all the same characters all over again. I like the direction this game is going for the most part
06/13/2014 06:52 PM (UTC)
When I first saw D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr I was pretty surprised, not really put off, just not at all what I expected. Seeing them over the course of E3 has really warmed me up to them, and I'm confident they'll fit right in. This game already feels like MK to me, despite so few familiar characters at this point.
06/13/2014 07:20 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
That classic charm is called playing it for the first time.

With any franchise, once the first two or three games go by, the inital feeling is gone. That is to be expected. A video game series is supposed to grow and become greater with each installment. The classic feeling should be left behind and replaced with a feeling of longetivity, known as being a fan.

This feeling is meant to transpire along with the franchise. I, for one, captured this feeling by age four. lol

I don't know. That might be true for other game series but with Mortal Kombat I experienced that nostalgic charm to different degrees from the first game all the way through to Armageddon and MK 2011 (minus vs DC). So that's what 8 games?
06/13/2014 07:44 PM (UTC)
Why do people keep saying this games looks "dark"? All the Outworld stages actually looked too much like Earth-setting. Outworld marketplace: why does it look so much like an Earth African/ Middle-eastern area? Shouldn't the sky look clouded in darkness or burning with a bright, hellish orange colour? I feel like I was watching Soulcalibur, TBH.
06/13/2014 07:58 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I agree with you. Mortal Kombat X seems soo weird. I hope when we nee some old chacraters that i will feel better.
06/13/2014 08:11 PM (UTC)
This is the first MK that has really sparked a lot of intrigue from me. I'm going into this MK more curious than ever.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/13/2014 08:24 PM (UTC)

When people say it's seeming dark they're mostly meaning the tone. The tone and atmosphere seems to be extremely dark, look at the Cove for example. You don't find an arena with a giant skull carven into the side of a mountain and 18 feet dark waves crashing upon the shore and bringing along the rotting corpses of dead people, to be "dark"? You must be hardcore then.

Anyway, as people have stated earlier, we have been in a nostalgia rut for the past ten years. I know I say it all the time, but we've been coexisting in 1995 for the longest and I'm ready to break out of it. Two of the MK staff have already confirmed there will be lots of MK returning characters. Do you really think NRS is stupid enough not to have other returning characters? They already know how their fanbase deal with change, they know how they react when certain characters don't make the cut, and they for dam sure know what riots will happen if a good chunk of the roster if not most are NOT returnees. They're not stupid.

But even if they did clean house and feature all new characters aside from Subby & Scorp and maybe Raiden, guess what? I'd still buy it and enjoy. Would I be irritated? Yes, but hey, a good MK game is a good MK game and in a few years time these new characters who are so foreign to us will become like family and then in 2018 you'll be seeing threads like "D'VOURA'S NOT IN THIS GAME? NOT BUYING!"

Every character was a newbie once.
06/13/2014 08:42 PM (UTC)
Straight to the point, sir.
06/13/2014 08:58 PM (UTC)
I think it looks new and fresh, but it certainly looks like MK and has that "charm" to it. So I'm not sure if it's just different strokes for different folks, because I'm loving what we've seen and it screams Mortal Kombat to me. The stages, the tone, the gameplay, the fatalities, and even the new characters. I'm really not sure why some don't see them as MK-like characters.

They fit right in, imo. They've already made a better impression than Kobra, Jarek, Darrius, Dariou, Taven, and Daegon etc. ever gave. They're far more original and interesting as well. All the previously mentioned ones felt completely bland and uninspired, whereas these new characters really stick out. An insect based female, big brute protector with mouthy girl, Aztec God, and spunky/cocky badass Spec Ops female(not in high heeled boots!)...they all seem right up MK's alley. For the longest time I didn't want new characters, because there were very few ones in MK4-MK:D that I thought were worth ever seeing again. Now I'm completely excited by who else will be introduced, and what role they all play.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/13/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
I think it looks new and fresh, but it certainly looks like MK and has that "charm" to it. So I'm not sure if it's just different strokes for different folks, because I'm loving what we've seen and it screams Mortal Kombat to me. The stages, the tone, the gameplay, the fatalities, and even the new characters. I'm really not sure why some don't see them as MK-like characters.

They fit right in, imo. They've already made a better impression than Kobra, Jarek, Darrius, Dariou, Taven, and Daegon etc. ever gave. They're far more original and interesting as well. All the previously mentioned ones felt completely bland and uninspired, whereas these new characters really stick out. An insect based female, big brute protector with mouthy girl, Aztec God, and spunky/cocky badass Spec Ops female(not in high heeled boots!)...they all seem right up MK's alley. For the longest time I didn't want new characters, because there were very few ones in MK4-MK:D that I thought were worth ever seeing again. Now I'm completely excited by who else will be introduced, and what role they all play.

I think the key to most of the positive reaction to the new characters is that NRS knew they had to create characters that had big personalities as well as their own individual style. People like Jarek & Taven, are generic, boring, and uninspired- of course people aren't going to take to them. But when you have such lively and creative combatants like Ferra/Torr & Kotal Kahn, then you'll have interest. These new characters don't enter a room and say "Um hi...May I come in?"- they burst through the doors and sit down like they've been here since the beginning. That's why I'm loving them so far. It's almost to the point where they don't even feel new because they're such strong individuals that can easily stand up against the likes of Scorp or Sub in battle.

Hopefully the other new characters are just as good.
06/13/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
DrgnLdy Wrote:
Why do people keep saying this games looks "dark"? All the Outworld stages actually looked too much like Earth-setting. Outworld marketplace: why does it look so much like an Earth African/ Middle-eastern area? Shouldn't the sky look clouded in darkness or burning with a bright, hellish orange colour? I feel like I was watching Soulcalibur, TBH.

Remember that the stages in MK are the greatest hints to the story.

It could be likely that Outworld will undergo a period of noble rule.
06/13/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
If you're talking in terms of ambiance, MKX has so far shown to be much better than MK9. MK9 tried to be serious with the story but the overall ambiance of the game came off as more on the cheesy side. MKX is a whole different beast, and it looks more like the kind of game MK9 should have been. Again, it's too early to tell how the final version of the game will turn out, but I do see it being less likely that we'll be getting an idiot plot like MK9's.
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06/13/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
DrgnLdy Wrote:
Why do people keep saying this games looks "dark"? All the Outworld stages actually looked too much like Earth-setting. Outworld marketplace: why does it look so much like an Earth African/ Middle-eastern area? Shouldn't the sky look clouded in darkness or burning with a bright, hellish orange colour? I feel like I was watching Soulcalibur, TBH.

I cannot talk for other, but let me explain.

By dark I do not mean the level of light or illumination. Hell, I couldn't stand MK4 or rather, Sub-Zero mzthologies with it's shop-reject quasi-steampunk, medieval technocratic world which seemed to consist of subdued hues.

Far from it.

By darkness I mean an overall level of NOT APPARENT dread, a certain lingering feel that something's off, impending doom if you will. A definite feel that something terrible has either happened or is happening, or will happen.

I like colorful world, hell MKDA was bright, shiny, and yet: IT OPENS with the MAIN CHARACTER DYING, and the rest of the HEROES WIPED OUT. THAT is the darkness I am looking for in games. Contrast!

The fact that the vibrant/subdued marketplace what is teeming with life can witness Sub-Zero's brutal X-ray... that is the contrast I am looking for.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/14/2014 12:16 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
DrgnLdy Wrote:
Why do people keep saying this games looks "dark"? All the Outworld stages actually looked too much like Earth-setting. Outworld marketplace: why does it look so much like an Earth African/ Middle-eastern area? Shouldn't the sky look clouded in darkness or burning with a bright, hellish orange colour? I feel like I was watching Soulcalibur, TBH.

I cannot talk for other, but let me explain.

By dark I do not mean the level of light or illumination. Hell, I couldn't stand MK4 or rather, Sub-Zero mzthologies with it's shop-reject quasi-steampunk, medieval technocratic world which seemed to consist of subdued hues.

Far from it.

By darkness I mean an overall level of NOT APPARENT dread, a certain lingering feel that something's off, impending doom if you will. A definite feel that something terrible has either happened or is happening, or will happen.

I like colorful world, hell MKDA was bright, shiny, and yet: IT OPENS with the MAIN CHARACTER DYING, and the rest of the HEROES WIPED OUT. THAT is the darkness I am looking for in games. Contrast!

The fact that the vibrant/subdued marketplace what is teeming with life can witness Sub-Zero's brutal X-ray... that is the contrast I am looking for.

Preach. The tone of Deadly Alliance was very dark, but people simply look at the colors and brightness and goes "OMGZ DA WASN'T DARK"...but it indeed was. It had a very deadly and evil feel throughout every inch of that game.
06/14/2014 12:22 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
DrgnLdy Wrote:
Why do people keep saying this games looks "dark"? All the Outworld stages actually looked too much like Earth-setting. Outworld marketplace: why does it look so much like an Earth African/ Middle-eastern area? Shouldn't the sky look clouded in darkness or burning with a bright, hellish orange colour? I feel like I was watching Soulcalibur, TBH.

I cannot talk for other, but let me explain.

By dark I do not mean the level of light or illumination. Hell, I couldn't stand MK4 or rather, Sub-Zero mzthologies with it's shop-reject quasi-steampunk, medieval technocratic world which seemed to consist of subdued hues.

Far from it.

By darkness I mean an overall level of NOT APPARENT dread, a certain lingering feel that something's off, impending doom if you will. A definite feel that something terrible has either happened or is happening, or will happen.

I like colorful world, hell MKDA was bright, shiny, and yet: IT OPENS with the MAIN CHARACTER DYING, and the rest of the HEROES WIPED OUT. THAT is the darkness I am looking for in games. Contrast!

The fact that the vibrant/subdued marketplace what is teeming with life can witness Sub-Zero's brutal X-ray... that is the contrast I am looking for.

Preach. The tone of Deadly Alliance was very dark, but people simply look at the colors and brightness and goes "OMGZ DA WASN'T DARK"...but it indeed was. It had a very deadly and evil feel throughout every inch of that game.

About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

06/14/2014 12:28 AM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:

Those first 3 games have just taken control over people's minds. Since 2005 after MKDA and MKD, we've been revisiting the early games over and over. They come out with Shaolin Monks that brings us back to MK2. Then they come out with Armageddon that brings back all the old characters and the old stages. Then we have MK9 that just redoes the first 3 games over again. So with all that piled on top of years and years of seeing these original characters, seeing TV shows and movies and comics and merchandise of the first 3 games, when something finally NEW comes into MK, it seems out of place and different and that's why it's been so odd to some people. But in reality, I think it's perfectly fitting for MK.

This deserves to be reposted a few more times this weekend.
06/14/2014 01:39 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
I think it looks new and fresh, but it certainly looks like MK and has that "charm" to it. So I'm not sure if it's just different strokes for different folks, because I'm loving what we've seen and it screams Mortal Kombat to me. The stages, the tone, the gameplay, the fatalities, and even the new characters. I'm really not sure why some don't see them as MK-like characters.

They fit right in, imo. They've already made a better impression than Kobra, Jarek, Darrius, Dariou, Taven, and Daegon etc. ever gave. They're far more original and interesting as well. All the previously mentioned ones felt completely bland and uninspired, whereas these new characters really stick out. An insect based female, big brute protector with mouthy girl, Aztec God, and spunky/cocky badass Spec Ops female(not in high heeled boots!)...they all seem right up MK's alley. For the longest time I didn't want new characters, because there were very few ones in MK4-MK:D that I thought were worth ever seeing again. Now I'm completely excited by who else will be introduced, and what role they all play.

I think the key to most of the positive reaction to the new characters is that NRS knew they had to create characters that had big personalities as well as their own individual style. People like Jarek & Taven, are generic, boring, and uninspired- of course people aren't going to take to them. But when you have such lively and creative combatants like Ferra/Torr & Kotal Kahn, then you'll have interest. These new characters don't enter a room and say "Um hi...May I come in?"- they burst through the doors and sit down like they've been here since the beginning. That's why I'm loving them so far. It's almost to the point where they don't even feel new because they're such strong individuals that can easily stand up against the likes of Scorp or Sub in battle.

Hopefully the other new characters are just as good.

You're right. These new character are great. I guess I'm just looking for a very particular vibe that MK usually produces. I'm sure it's getting there as we speak.
06/14/2014 11:53 AM (UTC)
UltimateRyu Wrote:
Granted MKX is early in development but I think it should still be able to invoke that sense of mystery and intrigue that MK is known for. You know, that unnerving sense of adventure that you get in the pit of your stomach. It makes you excited to ponder the story and what secrets the game holds. MK2 especially delivered this awesome feeling. Even MK4, MKDA, and MKD with all their new characters delivered this charm. What is it about MKX that just doesn't seem right? Maybe it's the iffy story tidbits, or the ridiculous character names, or maybe it's just me. I just don't know. How do you guys feel?

MK9 was pretty much all classic MK characters and a re-telling of the story we were familiar with and now we have an unknown story with many new characters, but that's ok, you have to embrace change because without it- nothing can move forward, people will feel more secure when some other MK classics are revealed.
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