The game has officially been out for a month now
posted05/15/2015 09:10 PM (UTC)by
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

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03/23/2007 01:12 PM (UTC)
So I would like to know a few things from the MK kommunity.

1. Which feature/mode(s) do you enjoy the most?

Haven't got to play online yet because of my lack of PSN plus so for me it's traditional towers. I train with a new fighter before I go in for the kill and then watch the endings when I succeed.

2. Has your main changed at all since you've been playing?

My main is Scorpion and still is. Though I do feel that I'm a little better with certain characters like Raiden and Liu Kang which isn't good. Wanna fix that so I can be the best with my main!

3. What did you find in the game that was a treat for you?

Jason was surprisingly a real treat for me when I finally got to play him. I'm a huge fan of him so my expectations were high and I'm very pleased with him.

4. What are you looking forward to in the future?

More DLC. I'm really looking forward to playing and fighting against Tanya because it will bring back memories of my MK4 days. Really hope they do more stages as well

5. Do you get to play as often as you'd like?

Not really. Between working all of the time and making quality time for my wife, I don't play as much as I would be if I was back in elementary/middle/high school.

If I have any more questions I'll Edit them into this post.

05/14/2015 04:46 PM (UTC)
1. The features I enjoy the most are brutalities. Not anything new since they were in MK Trilogy, but I like to use them

2. Nope my main is still Kitana. I often use Cassie, Mileena from time to time

3. Again, brutalities

4. More DLC characters, stages, costumes, hell maybe some stage fatalities

5. Like you, I work a lot also so don't have time to play MK like I want to. But on my day off, I play it a lot lol
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

05/14/2015 04:55 PM (UTC)
1. Brutalities and Living Towers

2. Ugh. Yes. Wanted Reptile to be my main but Mileena and Raiden took the cake for that one. I'm slowly but surely getting better with Reptile, just not happening the way I planned.

However, I'm completely satisfied with Kotal. And he was the character I predicted I'd enjoy the most out of the new batch. So, hooray for that.

3. Story Mode. I enjoyed it. So much that it managed to wash the bad taste out of my mouth that was MK9's story mode. They did damn good with it considering this is a competitive fighting game.

4. Aside from the next installment (ha), I'll also say DLC. Tanya, Tremor and.....FUJIN, DAMMIT.

5. Yes for the most part. Not too much, not too little.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

05/14/2015 04:56 PM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
1. The features I enjoy the most are brutalities. Not anything new since they were in MK Trilogy, but I like to use them

2. Nope my main is still Kitana. I often use Cassie, Mileena from to to time

3. Again, brutalities

4. More DLC characters, stages, costumes, hell maybe some stage fatalities

5. Like you, I work a lot also so don't have time to play MK like I want to. But on my day off, I play it a lot lol

lol I feel you, good stuff. And I guess by features I mean to say modes, like which mode do you find yourself playing the most? Story over and over? Single? Local? KOTH?

I'll reword it in the OP lol
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

05/14/2015 05:16 PM (UTC)
1 - I enjoy Living Towers and Kustom Kombat the most

2 - I have been maining Cryomancer Sub-Zero. A-List Johnny Cage has been a close second.

3 - Brutalities. Not what I was expecting, and glad to see them in the game. So many ways to finish opponents now, and they're especially rewarding when pulling them off in online mode.

4 - More DLC and stage Brutalities.

5 - No. I have a full-time, high demand job, and my off-time is given priority to my wife and daughter. I have very little time for gaming, maybe an hour or two at the most every night. This is why I took a week off from work when the game launched. I'm otherwise satisfied with the amount of playtime I get.

05/14/2015 05:28 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
1. The features I enjoy the most are brutalities. Not anything new since they were in MK Trilogy, but I like to use them

2. Nope my main is still Kitana. I often use Cassie, Mileena from to to time

3. Again, brutalities

4. More DLC characters, stages, costumes, hell maybe some stage fatalities

5. Like you, I work a lot also so don't have time to play MK like I want to. But on my day off, I play it a lot lol

lol I feel you, good stuff. And I guess by features I mean to say modes, like which mode do you find yourself playing the most? Story over and over? Single? Local? KOTH?

I'll reword it in the OP lol

Faction War count? Lol I enjoy that
05/14/2015 06:00 PM (UTC)
1. Brutalities and Variations.

The revamped brutalities are like the X-rays of MK9. So hopefully, they will be back in the next MK game, looking even better, with cinematic angles, etc.

Variations are great. I like some characters because of ONE their variation.

On another note, the whole Factions thing is weird and useless.

I enjoy the interactables, but I can live without them.

2. Yes. I still love Kitana, especially her Assassin variation, but in this game I'm having revelation experiences with Raiden, Kenshi, and Sub-Zero.

3. I can't believe how beautiful this game looks on PC. Graphics wise it's the best version, but, hey NRS and HVS, I want my 60 fps intros and x-rays!

4. I'm expecting a long list of things:

- DLC ARENAS, including a Pit!
- More alts for the NEW characters. I rarely play as Takeda and Cassie just because I don't like their costumes. Takeda's primary and Cassie's alt are the worst ever.
- Playable Fujin, Li Mei, and Bo Rai Cho.
- Did I mention DLC STAGES? Yes, stageS, like in plural form.

5. Oh, sure, I play it a lot! 176 hours so far. Considering I played MK9 for less than 300 hours (total), I call MKX a huge success.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

05/14/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
1. The features I enjoy the most are brutalities. Not anything new since they were in MK Trilogy, but I like to use them

2. Nope my main is still Kitana. I often use Cassie, Mileena from to to time

3. Again, brutalities

4. More DLC characters, stages, costumes, hell maybe some stage fatalities

5. Like you, I work a lot also so don't have time to play MK like I want to. But on my day off, I play it a lot lol

lol I feel you, good stuff. And I guess by features I mean to say modes, like which mode do you find yourself playing the most? Story over and over? Single? Local? KOTH?

I'll reword it in the OP lol

Faction War count? Lol I enjoy that

Lol yes it does! Those are pretty fun. Hope they add more to it down the line though.
About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
05/14/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)
1. Features? The main gameplay components. I especially love incorporating interactive elements into my combos. The Salt.

Modes? Living Towers is a nice distraction (challenges to meet for koin and leveling), Single Fight for brushing up my skills in actual matchups to learn my basic tactics and all things Online, because I'm catching and giving out some amazing ass whippings when the connection is there. I'm mostly winning. Come see me, Macklin Boi.

2. I jumped into this game expecting to main Sub-Zero, but made an effort to try Ferra/Torr (love them) and since then, I've slowly tried new characters.

I currently main Shinnok (Necromancer).

Others include Ferra/Torr (uh...the one with the grab and stab command throw), Kotal Kahn (Sun God), Raiden (still mastering a variation) and Sub-Zero (Grandmaster). Did you know that the ice explosion move (D, B + 1) is a damn good anti-air?

3. A nifty treat was when they improved the netcode a bit. I hear they're doing more too. And Brutalities. I like to kill the assholes before they can quit. You know who you are.

4. Komplete Edition provided I don't cave and buy all the dlc like I did last time.

5. I have a lot of free time at the moment so I'm capitalizing, but I will soon become swamped.
About Me

Ermac's winpose though

05/14/2015 07:01 PM (UTC)
1. King of the Hill and the premier tower are my favorite modes. I like KOTH because ï get to see how other players fight and learn how to beat them while ï wait. I like premier towers because they give me kards

2. My main is still Ermac.

3. How big and detailed the Krypt was very cool. I loved exploring it for the first time looking for the peices.

4. Im looking foward to Tanya and Tremor and all the DLC costumes

5. I play pretty much everyday. So yes
05/14/2015 07:24 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
1. The features I enjoy the most are brutalities. Not anything new since they were in MK Trilogy, but I like to use them

2. Nope my main is still Kitana. I often use Cassie, Mileena from to to time

3. Again, brutalities

4. More DLC characters, stages, costumes, hell maybe some stage fatalities

5. Like you, I work a lot also so don't have time to play MK like I want to. But on my day off, I play it a lot lol

lol I feel you, good stuff. And I guess by features I mean to say modes, like which mode do you find yourself playing the most? Story over and over? Single? Local? KOTH?

I'll reword it in the OP lol

Faction War count? Lol I enjoy that

Lol yes it does! Those are pretty fun. Hope they add more to it down the line though.
05/14/2015 08:15 PM (UTC)
1. Which feature/mode(s) do you enjoy the most?

Hard to say... I like to play whatever the faction challenges are first. I love going through the traditional towers, checking the living towers to see if there is anything new or that looks fun, playing online has been a blast including KOTH, 1V1 in rooms, faction/team battles.

If I had to pick one, I guess I would go with living towers.

2. Has your main changed at all since you've been playing?

Oh yeah, I really wanted to get good with Johnny Cage, but didn't really enjoy playing as him. Kitana was my best in MK9 so I tried to get comfortable with her next. She was my main for awhile, until I started to dabble into Erron Black. Once I found Forward 1, 3, down back 4 (only works in Outlaw) in practice he was pretty much instantly my main. Erron is definitely still my best.

3. What did you find in the game that was a treat for you?

Well, story mode was surprisingly not disappointing. I really enjoyed the Johnny Cage chapter because I watched one of the streams where it showed his QTE and they hit them all. I wanted to see what happens when you don't hit them, and watching JC get his ass whooped because I purposely hit the wrong button was way too much fun. Also, I think I will probably enjoy it when I do play it the second time around, which I can't say I did for MK9. Part of this is because I never spoiled it for myself although I did hear a lot of hate about the story before the game was even released.

I would say brutalities are a "treat", which I guess they are, but as soon as I saw the first one I was pumped. I never have high expectations for a fighting game story mode, but I found this one above average. Suppose I could skip the chapters I don't like.

4. What are you looking forward to in the future?

Nothing in particular really. I haven't picked up the kombat pack yet, I haven't even had time to really learn all the other characters let alone there variations. I have yet to get the achievement for playing every character and every variation.... I am not sure which ones I am missing so I am just playing through them all.

5. Do you get to play as often as you'd like?

Not even close, but soooooooon! I am still finishing school work (I am way behind on it, and partly because of this game lol) I play a decent amount, but not near as much as I would like to. Even once I am done school, I won't get to play as often as I want to because I will probably be playing a lot of poker.
05/14/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)

1. The living towers keep me busy, and the classic/endless tower also keeps me entertained when I pick up a new character and really want to practice/learn them, so yeah any of the towers are good, they keep me very entertained lol

2. I wouldn't say my main has changed, but I am dabbling with a few other characters at the moment just to have one or two others to use. So Scorpion is still my main, Jason is my 2nd in command, and now I am currently dedicating time to Ms. Blade, really love her so far.

3. Tough to say, this whole game just about seems like one huge treat for me lol the gameplay is an absolute blast, it feels so right for me, so that in in itself seems like a treat, my favorite characters gameplay fitting my play style was a treat, and them absolutely nailing Jason was another treat :0

4. The other DLC charcaters and costumes, im really looking forward to those, and the rumor of some classic stages makes me happy too, so yeah more DLC is something I am excited about (Never thought id say that lol)

5. Lol no, especially not recently. I have been a little busy lately :/
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

05/15/2015 12:13 AM (UTC)
I. Which feature/mode(s) do you enjoy the most?

Brutalities. I love them so far. Try to aim to do one if I can. They were pointless before now they are cool.

II. Has your main changed at all since you've been playing?

Kind of...started out with Ninjutsu Scorpion but the lacl of overhead was stifling. Switched to Inferno Scorpion. A defensive behemoth. Can hit an opponant wherever they are and when they hear "ARISE" it puts fear into them.

III. What did you find in the game that was a treat for you?

The story mode. I thought it was great for what it was. I enjoyed it a lot and the direction the characters were going in.

IV. What are you looking forward to in the future?

More content. Anything really. Stages, new characters, costumes etc etc

V. Do you get to play as often as you'd like?

No unfortnately. I work five days and prioritse spending time with my spouse in my free time since my spouse does not speak English and can not do anything otherwise.
05/15/2015 01:39 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
V. Do you get to play as often as you'd like?

No unfortnately. I work five days and prioritse spending time with my spouse in my free time since my spouse does not speak English and can not do anything otherwise.

Ohhhhh you Italians and your romance! Mamma Mia that's a sweet-a meatball-a! (Sorry tongue)
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

05/15/2015 01:42 AM (UTC)
Just update and port the Pit , Hell, Dead Pool and Subway from MK9 and I'll be happy
05/15/2015 02:21 PM (UTC)
1. Which feature/mode(s) do you enjoy the most?

*shrugs* the one that allows me to fight the most with no problem (so not online)

2. Has your main changed at all since you've been playing?

Not yet.

3. What did you find in the game that was a treat for you?

Shinnok acknowledging events of Armageddon and Kuai Liang and Scorpion ending their feud.

4. What are you looking forward to in the future?

A story that doesn't nonsensically retcon stuff that was previously established. And maybe a more competent writer.

Wait, do you mean in this game? Um, DLC arenas. The Living Forest should be a signature arena. Even if you don't find some nonsensical reason to use it in the story mode (seriously, walks at night? testing out weapons?)

5. Do you get to play as often as you'd like?

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05/15/2015 09:10 PM (UTC)
Shinnok Tremor and Tanya made this game everything I ever wanted. I'm content.
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