The Fate of the Victims of the Massacre (...of the Apes)
posted04/25/2012 11:53 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/23/2006 12:14 PM (UTC)
This is a widely discussed subject: What will happen to the zombified fighters who died due to Sindel's ceremonial massacre in The Temple in the end of MK2011? (Topic also includes Kang and Lao.) They were seen in the sixteenth chapter, being under Quan Chi's control and flavored with scratches, grey tint, evil eyes and patience. Even Cysuze, Cyber Sub-Zero, got a new tint of paint exclusive to the Netherrealmers.

The fact that NeRdS call them zombies is a little strange to me. Since when have zombies followed orders? Not in Resident Evil 2. They don't have sloppy faces either unlike Zombie Liu Kang aka Zolika had in the past time line. My favorite part in this train of irrationality is that Kabal, Jax and Kuai Liang remained in their, in Cyrax-terms, inferior forms with the apparatuses all along. Residual self-image, or maybe more descriptively: the residual outsider-image, is one way to explain this however.

Where goes the line of calling someone a zombie? Is it mostly in autonomy, because Scorpion is not a zombie in MK-terms anymore? Another thing that makes one wonder is that when Shao Kahn sold all the lost souls to the Netherrealm, he also sold the soul of his wife, Sindel, yet Motaro didn't show up in the Netherrealm during Raiden's chapter at all. I always knew that Shao Kahn had skeletons in his closet... The list of our undead heroes and antiheroes goes below (The Quan Ten):
Kung Lao
(Liu Kang)

Liu Kang is still a question mark, but knowing Raiden, he could have ended up in the Netherrealm accidentally. Out of the new zombies, who is your favorite in the zombie form? What are your expectations of Liu Kang in the upcoming game? What about Kung Lao (the Great)? After reading this you are entitled to give out your opinions, views, ideas and comments!
Subject title: Satire to the ridiculously named Rise of The Planet of The Apes
12/22/2011 12:03 PM (UTC)
Good catch on Motaro, I totally forgot about him.

Also, what's up with Shang Tsung? Is he still "inside" Sindel? lol

As for the zombie forms, I've never liked zombies and anything zombie-related in general, so I hope these fallen heroes and villains go back to their "original" physical form. I think there was a tweet from Boon or someone else from NRS saying something along the lines "With Shao Kahn dead, things change" in reply to someone asking about all the killed characters. Sooo, who knows what they'll do with them. I just hope they don't remain zombies and I hope CySZ goes back to his human form.

As for Liu, I don't care what they do with him, I just don't wanna see him around Kitana.

And as for two Kung Laos: I'd like to see the younger one back, he's way too stylish to throw away. The other one, Great Kung Lao, well, I guess I wouldn't mind seeing him as a bonus character or something.
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12/23/2011 01:17 AM (UTC)
I'll be honest, my reaction to that scene a variety of emotions mixed with shock and rage.

But killing off some of the crew makes sense for the next game because there are some characters after MK 3 who didn't get much development. (some good and some bad).

This part just seems like Mortal Kombat's version of Blackest Night.

They're not going to be controlled forever because that would piss off a lot of fans who liked those characters. I think they will come back, just not playable with the exception of Sub Zero.

Sub Zero will be the first, I think Sareena will play a role in the next game. I actually had an idea for the next game inspired by others. Sareena figures it out that the cyborg is the younger brother of the Sub Zero. Since Bi-Han saved her, she will save Sub Zero from being a mindless slave and either through magic or maybe Quan Chi's purification chamber she shoves him in and he comes out human with a familiar scar. Sareena would also defect and give tips on how to defeat the army,

I see the rest taking part as a fighting unit in taking down Outworld and Earthrealm. I think this is where Ermac will use his talents to take them all on like what he did. I think his ending for MK 2011 (without reforming Edenia) with Jerrod taking control would make him emotionally involved seeing as it's his wife and daughter in control of Quan Chi. It would be like his ending in MK Deception just in an earlier time period.

I envisioned a scene in Earth or Outworld where Ermac confronts all of them with the exception of Smoke (who is broken free of mind control by Noob Saibot and becomes his right hand man after seeing him fight). They taunt him with his quote but then he levitates with many souls coming out and then pounding the ground like his intro saying "We are many, you are but a few". It would be a long fight in story mode. During that time, the next chapter you'd play as Scorpion who would find out the truth and eventually fights and kills Quan Chi and with his magic gone, it effectively brings them back to life but Liu Kang might play a role with magic.

Going back to Smoke, Noob Saibot and Sub-zero, I think Noob and Smoke would fight as a team and slaughter the Lin Kuei now run by Sektor leaving only a few left. Sub Zero would come back to fight them (I had him going back through a portal to Outworld where he discovers his heritage earlier). He fights Sektor and wins, but disbands the Lin Kuei and forms his own clan.

With Motaro and Shang Tsung, I think Khan saw no use for them after the MK 1 tournament hence why they're not undead. But who knows...

With Liu Kang, I don't think he died, but is in a coma. Another idea I had was the Elder Gods heal him, but secretly make him a replacement should Rayden go rogue. He would reluctantly fight, but is sent into a trap by Tanya (like her MK 4 ending). But the catch is that Shinnok got his medallion back through Tanya and convinces Liu Kang to form his own path to evil.

Liu Kang would fake his death and obviously Shinnok will be defeated, but he would be the one in the years after the new MK4 to make a Deadly Alliance with Shang Tsung after reviving him. He gets the tattoos after looking at the Dragon King. The good guys will mourn Liu Kang thinking he's really dead.

I don't know if anyone remembered, but in Ermac's Deception ending, Liu Kang's ghost shot beam into the eyes of his controlled comrades breaking free of the spell. The dead seem to have glowing eyes as well in MK 9.

Well, that's just my idea of how they'd come back. But I'm expecting the worst that Shinnok will win.
12/23/2011 07:03 PM (UTC)
in fact liu kang should be ok bc he's commonly associated with the element of fire :P

if he survives: he could give up his good hope for earth-realm and gets controlled by his rage. his inner dragon comes out as never seen before and becomes an temporary evil monk. its been noticed that liu kang as the nice hero of earth realm wasn't a fan's favorite. and NRS seems to make the less favorite characters equal to the favorites. if he dies: johnny cage replaces his place as the hero of earth realm. (i rather see him survive this tho)

i don't know about them being zombies, i think that NeRdS made them zombies so they aren't playable in the next MK. and so can introduce the rest of the MK characters. it seems that they don't want too much playable characters in their next Mk ( which i understand) and give the other characters a chance to shine in the next game.

i just hope they eventually get released from quan chi and become their older selfs again (@least some of them). and that JT joines NRS and contentious the story writing from here as they can't make a complete different story again tongue
12/25/2011 04:15 AM (UTC)
My favorite is Nightwolf. I often wonder where he's been when he's gone missing for more than one game. But the others can all have a rest. Liu will seek revenge on Raiden one day. That's my opinion but i wouldn't leave it like that between the 2.
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12/26/2011 03:57 AM (UTC)
I don't think John Tobias will return, it seems like he moved on from doing MK and doing his own thing. It seems like Vogel will probably write the next one.
12/27/2011 04:11 PM (UTC)
Venkman28 Wrote:
I don't think John Tobias will return, it seems like he moved on from doing MK and doing his own thing. It seems like Vogel will probably write the next one.

Me either, but i would love him 2join NRS. he developed the detailed storylines and designed many of the characters. and in my opinion there is no 1better than the creator itself. john vogel helped but sinds JT has left, the story (and art-design) has been less interesting. not saying JV is less talented than JT, i really respect that guy. i guess his perspective on MK is different or something
12/30/2011 02:05 AM (UTC)
I think most will be absent from the next game. Kitana, Jax, Kung Lao, Kabal, and Stryker will all be absent in my opinion.

Sub-Zero will somehow be back. I'm thinking that Sareena will play a part in freeing him as many others are.

Smoke's demonic form will free him from Quan's grip.

The woman from Jade's ending will reawaken Jade on Earth and warn her to stop the changes.

So Sub-Zero, Smoke, and Jade will all be back. The others will probably take a break as far as next game goes.
12/30/2011 01:32 PM (UTC)
Well, don't think Scorpion has a chance of ever taking a break and i would add Sonya, Raiden and Johnny Cage. They are still alive and well... Their camrades have fallen to battle so they don't have much choice.
01/02/2012 01:50 AM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
Well, don't think Scorpion has a chance of ever taking a break and i would add Sonya, Raiden and Johnny Cage. They are still alive and well... Their camrades have fallen to battle so they don't have much choice.

Yea but I'm talking about the guys who died.

Scorpion, Johnny Cage, Sonya, and Raiden are all shoe-ins for the next game. Because they didn't die.

I'm saying Sub-Zero, Smoke, and Jade will probably be the only dead ones returning for the next game.
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01/02/2012 03:27 AM (UTC)
First off, the "zombie" moniker fits as it's more "voodoo zombie" horror trope than "brain eating savage" night of the living dead.

Secondly, the returning cast issue for MK 10 is two-fold:

1. Canonically, while the reboot story certainly altered some key plot points, all things are in place for a re-imagining of the MK4 plotline. MK4 as we all recall, introduced multiple new characters in the roster in lieu of MK - MK3 familiar faces.

2. MK 9 has established itself as a tournament worthy game at a level that MK fans have been salivating for. It's acceptance as a technically balanced and well executed game means that NRS now has to consider this credibility when establishing the next roster. Completely gutting old "classic characters" could have a backlash in the fighting game community as everyone would have to re-learn new characters.

01/02/2012 02:40 PM (UTC)

Good points, but i always thought MK games in general were pretty easy to relearn no matter how many new characters were introduced. With some effort to keep it as balanced as MK9, giving features like breakers and X-Ray to each character and the old and classic uppercut or pop up moves never being to different from a character to another. I guess they can still allow themselves some drastic changes in terms of returning chars now and then.

I guess the most popular chars (For instance Scorpion, Raiden) will come back but first as mean to sell the game mostly based on the looks, as they became along the years. Not having to relearn them/Having to relearn a new or not exploited char shouldn't be a factor imo. Yes it is guaranteed that some will be returning and their gameplay won't be altered unless we have to wait for the next gen.

That is my opinion but i don't think that the char that will be having a break should be a reason to complain in terms of gameplay. After all, newcomers should know that MK has never been the type of game to get fans used to a completly redundant character roster.
01/02/2012 03:32 PM (UTC)
i really hope kung lao and kitana come back
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01/03/2012 01:46 AM (UTC)
I liked Vogel's writing for MK up until Deception superBnova. It would be cool to have Tobias back, I think he didn't want to be a one trick pony with MK and left. Was it ever really specified why he left? Were he and Boon on bad terms?

To the original topic, I still get those emotions when I first saw that scene as I mentioned in my first post. I watched it on Youtube when someone was critiquing the Story Mode. I still think the only way the people that were killed and brought back as undead will come back to life if Quan Chi dies and his magic leaves as a result (Prefer him to die by Scorpion's hand as afterall he destroyed Scorpion's family and clan and to make Scorpion move on)
01/03/2012 11:44 AM (UTC)
superbn0va Wrote:
i really hope kung lao and kitana come back

Same here. wink
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Khameleon Wins! Credit to whoever made the Jade pic.

01/03/2012 09:11 PM (UTC)
Im hoping that the girl in Jade's ending will bring her back like someone else said.

Im pretty sure subbie will be back since he hasn't really missed a game and has a very high fan base.

If Sub-zero will come back he will some how get smoke back too.

If Shang is inside of Sindel still, I think he will resurect them both but then kill sindel maybe, or use her to stop the "heroes" (Or maybe Quan Chi)

Which leads me to believe that Quan Chi might resurrect Shang+Sindel because of the whole deadly alliance. (Although, Shinnok is teamed with quan right now, so maybe not.)

As much as I love Stryker, I'm sure he'll be gone for a game.

Same with Kabal.

If sindel comes back, and is good, she'll get Kitana back.

If Liu Kang isn't dead, Im sure he will be the "Anti-Hero" and may try to kill Raiden because of all of the fallen heroes.

Kung Lao Will be resurrected by Liu kang somehow.

Jax Will be saved by Sonya.

Nightwolf should be resurrected by the Elder Gods because of his sacrifice, making him an elder god too.

Noob probably is alive.

If none of these, the elder gods will revive all of the heroes anyways

My Favourite of all of the fallen Warriors is Jade/Stryker
01/05/2012 02:57 AM (UTC)
R@IN2011 Wrote:
Im hoping that the girl in Jade's ending will bring her back like someone else said.

Im pretty sure subbie will be back since he hasn't really missed a game and has a very high fan base.

If Sub-zero will come back he will some how get smoke back too.

If Shang is inside of Sindel still, I think he will resurect them both but then kill sindel maybe, or use her to stop the "heroes" (Or maybe Quan Chi)

Which leads me to believe that Quan Chi might resurrect Shang+Sindel because of the whole deadly alliance. (Although, Shinnok is teamed with quan right now, so maybe not.)

As much as I love Stryker, I'm sure he'll be gone for a game.

Same with Kabal.

If sindel comes back, and is good, she'll get Kitana back.

If Liu Kang isn't dead, Im sure he will be the "Anti-Hero" and may try to kill Raiden because of all of the fallen heroes.

Kung Lao Will be resurrected by Liu kang somehow.

Jax Will be saved by Sonya.

Nightwolf should be resurrected by the Elder Gods because of his sacrifice, making him an elder god too.

Noob probably is alive.

If none of these, the elder gods will revive all of the heroes anyways

My Favourite of all of the fallen Warriors is Jade/Stryker

All of that might happen in the next game. However, I seriously doubt that all of those characters will be playable in the next one.

I still feel that Kitana, Jax, Sindel, Kung Lao, Kabal, Stryker, Nightwolf, will all take a break. Along with others like Baraka, Reptile, Shang Tsung, and Sheeva.

I think Smoke, Jade, and Sub-Zero will make it. As will Noob Saibot.

To see why I think that look at my reasons above. However, some feel that Sub-Zero might be replaced by Frost in the next game, and you know what that's fine and dandy, but it will be a game I won't buy.

Frost is not a replacement for Sub-Zero even though some people want to believe she is. I will get hate for this and probably deservedly so, but I'm going to say it anyway. Some characters can be messed with and even left out. Sub-Zero is not one of those characters though. He's a mainstay for EVERY game and if they decide to play with that then I won't play their

I also see part of Sub-Zero's ending playing out as well. I still think Sareena and Sub-Zero should be chapter 1 and 2 in the next game. Sareena helps free Sub-Zero and takes him to Quan's purification chamber. He comes out human and with his memory in tact.

After that someone has to warn Raiden of the coming invasion by Quan and Shinnok and who better to do it than Sub-Zero? Correct me if I'm wrong but Raiden has no idea of Quan's plans right now does he?
01/05/2012 03:02 AM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
superbn0va Wrote:
i really hope kung lao and kitana come back

Same here. wink

I second that notion. I don't care if they aren't in the story (though they should be) as long as they are playable characters then I'm ok.
01/17/2012 02:57 PM (UTC)
One would think that Quan Chi would want to intimidate Raiden by showing that the beast he once killed is now resurrected for Quan Chi's benefit. I suppose NeRdS just wanted to bury him as fast as possible once the compulsory cameos have been made. Good thoughts you have in there, Venkman28. Sareena's involvement with the zombies seems more than likely. As for Liu Kang, I've been thinking of that as well. Perhaps he didn't die, we don't know for granted.

It could even be that Raiden will defibrillate Liu Kang back alive in the beginning of Mortal Kombat 10. The greatest factor of all the deaths is probably indeed the fact that new characters will demand screen time. Quan Chi's death might indeed result in the zombies return to their original forms in Mortal Kombat 11. Bi-Han should play a bigger role in MKX seeing that he's got potential in both good and evil sides now.
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01/22/2012 07:07 PM (UTC)
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the next MK will be like MK's version of Blackest Night. I can see the undead warriors being used to weaken the good team emotionally. I remember in one of the Blackest Night, both Batman and Red Robin had to deal with handling their undead family members.

I could see the undead Jax making Sonya not to hurt him or Kung Lao fighting Liu Kang and taunting them. Mileena might not have a problem with Kitana seeing how she doesn't like her.

Ermac, with Jerrod in control of the souls, in control will be distressed with seeing his wife and child controlled.

Like I mentioned as an idea, have Ermac take all of them down like in his MK Deception ending (with the exception of Sub Zero and Smoke) but it will be a harder fight. I remember in Ermac's Deception ending, 5 mind controlled warriors were no match for Ermac's powers. But given that it's Nightwolf, Stryker, Kabal, Sindel, Kitana, Jade, Jax and Kung Lao, it might be a little harder if they're enhanced by Quan Chi's powers.

With Sub-Zero, I imagine Sareena saves him and he fights Scorpion (who was told that he killed their family) later. Sareena tells him the truth and Scorpion goes on a rampage. He would find Quan Chi, do a chapter fight and kill him (I want to see the revenge storyline end and Scorpion developed) which ends the mind control and the characters return for the good side. Sub Zero after being helped by Sareena goes into a portal to Outworld where he finds the Cryomancer, gets the armor and forges his own path.

With Smoke, I like the idea of the demon rebelling against Quan Chi, but Smoke would lose control and kill a lot. Noob Saibot sees the potential in Smoke and recruits him as he tries to control the Netherealm. One test he would have him is to cut all ties to his past. So both of them go and slaughter the Lin Kuei now controlled by Sektor which is both cyborgs and ninjas. Sub Zero would go back to the Lin Kuei for revenge for converting him and find Noob and Smoke amidst a pile of corpses. Sub Zero would win, but they would retreat.

Sub Zero finds Sektor, defeats him, and with the Dragon Medallion disbands the Lin Kuei and instead find other Cryomancers to build a Cryomancer clan that would protect Outworld and Earthrealm.
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

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01/24/2012 06:01 PM (UTC)
Sorry I slept on this thread kind of.

I have no ideas, but when I read what it was about, I immediately threw some Dragon Points at it.

Bravo Zmoke and I hope you get more recognition here. Just.....lay off the scrolling banners sometimes, huh?
03/19/2012 06:02 PM (UTC)
J-spit Wrote:
Sorry I slept on this thread kind of.
I have no ideas, but when I read what it was about, I immediately threw some Dragon Points at it.
Bravo Zmoke and I hope you get more recognition here. Just.....lay off the scrolling banners sometimes, huh?

Long time no ABC.
No problem, that was a nice deed, Shirley.
Venkman28 Wrote:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the next MK will be like MK's version of Blackest Night. I can see the undead warriors being used to weaken the good team emotionally. I remember in one of the Blackest Night, both Batman and Red Robin had to deal with handling their undead family members.
I could see the undead Jax making Sonya not to hurt him or Kung Lao fighting Liu Kang and taunting them. Mileena might not have a problem with Kitana seeing how she doesn't like her.

Ah, I see. I was unfamiliar with Blackest Night but that could very well be a line for Mortal Kombat 10 seeing that both of them are under the Warner Brothers' mastery. You don't have faith in NeRdS' own creativity, do you?
Venkman28 Wrote:
Ermac, with Jerrod in control of the souls, in control will be distressed with seeing his wife and child controlled.
Like I mentioned as an idea, have Ermac take all of them down like in his MK Deception ending (with the exception of Sub Zero and Smoke) but it will be a harder fight. I remember in Ermac's Deception ending, 5 mind controlled warriors were no match for Ermac's powers. But given that it's Nightwolf, Stryker, Kabal, Sindel, Kitana, Jade, Jax and Kung Lao, it might be a little harder if they're enhanced by Quan Chi's powers.
With Sub-Zero, I imagine Sareena saves him and he fights Scorpion (who was told that he killed their family) later. Sareena tells him the truth and Scorpion goes on a rampage. He would find Quan Chi, do a chapter fight and kill him (I want to see the revenge storyline end and Scorpion developed) which ends the mind control and the characters return for the good side. Sub Zero after being helped by Sareena goes into a portal to Outworld where he finds the Cryomancer, gets the armor and forges his own path.

Do you expect a lot of deja vus from the past games in MK10?
Venkman28 Wrote:
With Smoke, I like the idea of the demon rebelling against Quan Chi, but Smoke would lose control and kill a lot. Noob Saibot sees the potential in Smoke and recruits him as he tries to control the Netherealm. One test he would have him is to cut all ties to his past. So both of them go and slaughter the Lin Kuei now controlled by Sektor which is both cyborgs and ninjas. Sub Zero would go back to the Lin Kuei for revenge for converting him and find Noob and Smoke amidst a pile of corpses. Sub Zero would win, but they would retreat.
Sub Zero finds Sektor, defeats him, and with the Dragon Medallion disbands the Lin Kuei and instead find other Cryomancers to build a Cryomancer clan that would protect Outworld and Earthrealm.

Protecting Earthrealm alone seems like a demanding task, let alone Earthrealm and the huge Outworld. Sub-Zero nor the Lin Kuei members aren't real Cryomancers though but descendants of them and humans. Perhaps there are still a few lost Cryomancers hidden in Outworld.
03/19/2012 10:36 PM (UTC)
My quick insight on how the story of the dead/zombified heroes will end?

Simply...Ermac will be turned to the good side (perhaps by kenshi) and he will free the heroes from the control of Quan Chi.

Just my two meaningless cents.
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
04/05/2012 01:39 AM (UTC)
Zmoke Wrote:
J-spit Wrote:
Sorry I slept on this thread kind of.
I have no ideas, but when I read what it was about, I immediately threw some Dragon Points at it.
Bravo Zmoke and I hope you get more recognition here. Just.....lay off the scrolling banners sometimes, huh?

Long time no ABC.
No problem, that was a nice deed, Shirley.
Venkman28 Wrote:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the next MK will be like MK's version of Blackest Night. I can see the undead warriors being used to weaken the good team emotionally. I remember in one of the Blackest Night, both Batman and Red Robin had to deal with handling their undead family members.
I could see the undead Jax making Sonya not to hurt him or Kung Lao fighting Liu Kang and taunting them. Mileena might not have a problem with Kitana seeing how she doesn't like her.

Ah, I see. I was unfamiliar with Blackest Night but that could very well be a line for Mortal Kombat 10 seeing that both of them are under the Warner Brothers' mastery. Don't you have faith in NeRdS own creativity, do you?

I lost faith in their writing since Shaolin Monks.

Wankman28 Wrote:
Ermac, with Jerrod in control of the souls, in control will be distressed with seeing his wife and child controlled.
Like I mentioned as an idea, have Ermac take all of them down like in his MK Deception ending (with the exception of Sub Zero and Smoke) but it will be a harder fight. I remember in Ermac's Deception ending, 5 mind controlled warriors were no match for Ermac's powers. But given that it's Nightwolf, Stryker, Kabal, Sindel, Kitana, Jade, Jax and Kung Lao, it might be a little harder if they're enhanced by Quan Chi's powers.
With Sub-Zero, I imagine Sareena saves him and he fights Scorpion (who was told that he killed their family) later. Sareena tells him the truth and Scorpion goes on a rampage. He would find Quan Chi, do a chapter fight and kill him (I want to see the revenge storyline end and Scorpion developed) which ends the mind control and the characters return for the good side. Sub Zero after being helped by Sareena goes into a portal to Outworld where he finds the Cryomancer, gets the armor and forges his own path.

Do you expect a lot of deja vus from the past games in MK10?

No, I want it to be different. Really smart with changing my name.

Venkman28 Wrote:
With Smoke, I like the idea of the demon rebelling against Quan Chi, but Smoke would lose control and kill a lot. Noob Saibot sees the potential in Smoke and recruits him as he tries to control the Netherealm. One test he would have him is to cut all ties to his past. So both of them go and slaughter the Lin Kuei now controlled by Sektor which is both cyborgs and ninjas. Sub Zero would go back to the Lin Kuei for revenge for converting him and find Noob and Smoke amidst a pile of corpses. Sub Zero would win, but they would retreat.
Sub Zero finds Sektor, defeats him, and with the Dragon Medallion disbands the Lin Kuei and instead find other Cryomancers to build a Cryomancer clan that would protect Outworld and Earthrealm.

Protecting Earthrealm alone seems like a demanding task, let alone Earthrealm and the huge Outworld. Sub-Zero nor the Lin Kuei members aren't real Cryomancers though but descendants of them and humans. Perhaps there are still a few lost Cryomancers hidden in Outworld.
About Me do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.
04/25/2012 11:09 PM (UTC)
No, tobias wasnt, or atleast isnt, on bad terms with boon or NRS. If you go to his twitter, sometimes he talks about them and recently he got the klassic arcade stick from them after eating lunch with boon and co. But i do wish he would become part of the mk team again and work on story with vogel. It could be very good.
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