01/20/2014 06:08 AM (UTC)
We all know, Sub Zero will be in the announcement trailer, They will make Nobb Saibot free him and bring him back to human form to serve him only to break free.
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
02/17/2014 12:38 AM (UTC)
Speaking of dead characters, I saw the Robocop remake last night and I'm more comfortable with Sub-Zero being a cyborg for now. I'm not even sure if he even has any body parts after he was turned into a walking refrigerator. It would be something he would have to live with.

I mean, I had a conversation with RazorsEdge about bringing back humanity to the cyborgs. It seems like in MK 9's Story Mode, Jax reprogrammed Sub-Zero as he did with Cyrax.

He will probably be resurrected but Quan Chi will have some fun with necromancy and technology so he will be probably be a cyber zombie. But I want to see what NRS will do with him.

I remembered in Cyrax's MK Armageddon ending, he was restored to human form by Blaze's power. If Sub-Zero came back as human, don't do it through a simple retcon, he should fight to get it back. I suggested one idea where he was saved by Sareena and wound in the Cryomancer's temples in Outworld. He sees the armor and then sees the spirits of his ancestors. He must face three challenges before he can be a Cryomancer and fully human again and rid the errors of his life. I thought he should face his past self (MK 9 Sub-Zero), his present self (current broken Cyber-Sub Zero with human and cyborg parts showing) and his future self (if he doesn't change, the demonic Cyber-Sub Zero).

The new human Sub-Zero would look blue similar to Killer Frost from Injustice with various scars (including his familiar eye scar) to remind him of what he once was with the Shredder helmet and outfit. The second look would be his broken resurrected cyborg look ( his eyes show and various parts of the armor are off showing bone).

This expierience would strengthen him to redevleop the Lin Kuei into using instincts, feeling and judgement without resorting to technology which makes his battle with Sektor more important, but Sektor also had the advantage of the Dragon Medaillon, but can it work on something that is Man and Machine?

Just an idea.
02/17/2014 03:01 AM (UTC)
I want shredder sub-zero.
02/17/2014 03:02 AM (UTC)
Venkman28 Wrote:
Speaking of dead characters, I saw the Robocop remake last night and I'm more comfortable with Sub-Zero being a cyborg for now. I'm not even sure if he even has any body parts after he was turned into a walking refrigerator. It would be something he would have to live with.

I mean, I had a conversation with RazorsEdge about bringing back humanity to the cyborgs. It seems like in MK 9's Story Mode, Jax reprogrammed Sub-Zero as he did with Cyrax.

He will probably be resurrected but Quan Chi will have some fun with necromancy and technology so he will be probably be a cyber zombie. But I want to see what NRS will do with him.

I remembered in Cyrax's MK Armageddon ending, he was restored to human form by Blaze's power. If Sub-Zero came back as human, don't do it through a simple retcon, he should fight to get it back. I suggested one idea where he was saved by Sareena and wound in the Cryomancer's temples in Outworld. He sees the armor and then sees the spirits of his ancestors. He must face three challenges before he can be a Cryomancer and fully human again and rid the errors of his life. I thought he should face his past self (MK 9 Sub-Zero), his present self (current broken Cyber-Sub Zero with human and cyborg parts showing) and his future self (if he doesn't change, the demonic Cyber-Sub Zero).

The new human Sub-Zero would look blue similar to Killer Frost from Injustice with various scars (including his familiar eye scar) to remind him of what he once was with the Shredder helmet and outfit. The second look would be his broken resurrected cyborg look ( his eyes show and various parts of the armor are off showing bone).

This experience would strengthen him to redevelop the Lin Kuei into using instincts, feeling and judgement without resorting to technology which makes his battle with Sektor more important, but Sektor also had the advantage of the Dragon Medallion, but can it work on something that is Man and Machine?

Just an idea.

That's a GREAT idea!

Though Sub-Zero should have three costumes like how Mileena has in the last game.

Primary Costume: Masked shredder Sub-Zero
Secondary Costume: Unmasked scarred Sub-Zero
Tertiary Costume: Broken, wounded cyborg Sub-Zero
About Me
I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
02/17/2014 04:20 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Venkman28 Wrote:
Speaking of dead characters, I saw the Robocop remake last night and I'm more comfortable with Sub-Zero being a cyborg for now. I'm not even sure if he even has any body parts after he was turned into a walking refrigerator. It would be something he would have to live with.

I mean, I had a conversation with RazorsEdge about bringing back humanity to the cyborgs. It seems like in MK 9's Story Mode, Jax reprogrammed Sub-Zero as he did with Cyrax.

He will probably be resurrected but Quan Chi will have some fun with necromancy and technology so he will be probably be a cyber zombie. But I want to see what NRS will do with him.

I remembered in Cyrax's MK Armageddon ending, he was restored to human form by Blaze's power. If Sub-Zero came back as human, don't do it through a simple retcon, he should fight to get it back. I suggested one idea where he was saved by Sareena and wound in the Cryomancer's temples in Outworld. He sees the armor and then sees the spirits of his ancestors. He must face three challenges before he can be a Cryomancer and fully human again and rid the errors of his life. I thought he should face his past self (MK 9 Sub-Zero), his present self (current broken Cyber-Sub Zero with human and cyborg parts showing) and his future self (if he doesn't change, the demonic Cyber-Sub Zero).

The new human Sub-Zero would look blue similar to Killer Frost from Injustice with various scars (including his familiar eye scar) to remind him of what he once was with the Shredder helmet and outfit. The second look would be his broken resurrected cyborg look ( his eyes show and various parts of the armor are off showing bone).

This experience would strengthen him to redevelop the Lin Kuei into using instincts, feeling and judgement without resorting to technology which makes his battle with Sektor more important, but Sektor also had the advantage of the Dragon Medallion, but can it work on something that is Man and Machine?

Just an idea.

That's a GREAT idea!

Though Sub-Zero should have three costumes like how Mileena has in the last game.

Primary Costume: Masked shredder Sub-Zero
Secondary Costume: Unmasked scarred Sub-Zero
Tertiary Costume: Broken, wounded cyborg Sub-Zero

Yes, I was inspired by two things when thinking of that: The three tests were inspired from A Christmas Carol when Scrooge faces three ghosts in order to change and from the remake of King's Quest II where King Graham is given three tests in order to obtain an item.
02/19/2014 01:53 PM (UTC)
They will bring him back somehow for sure... Whatever happens to Cyber SZ... I do not care at all.

if anything make him a seperate character without soul... oure Robot or something And keep Bi-Han as Noob
02/20/2014 12:37 AM (UTC)
He will be back some way somehow. Alot of good ideas in this thead it could go many ways, but he will be back for sure next game in human form.
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Look, now Baraka has grown hair and beard! Shit, the time does fly...

03/03/2014 12:20 AM (UTC)
Well, we saw him in the Netherealm alongside undead Sindel, Jade, Kitana, Kung Lao, etc. I guess he'll most probably come back but the question is: under whose allegiance? I think it's safe to hope he won't be serving Shinnok, though, as we already have two evil Cryomancers: Bi Han (I know he is a wraith but he is still, at least at times, recognized as 'the original Sub Zero'), and Frost.

Regarding his form, I don't think he'll return as a cyborg, but his human form is unlikely either. Maybe some Ice Elemental/ ghost thing, like they did with Smoke in MKD.
03/03/2014 12:40 AM (UTC)
shaggysorceror Wrote:
Well, we saw him in the Netherealm alongside undead Sindel, Jade, Kitana, Kung Lao, etc. I guess he'll most probably come back but the question is: under whose allegiance? I think it's safe to hope he won't be serving Shinnok, though, as we already have two evil Cryomancers: Bi Han (I know he is a wraith but he is still, at least at times, recognized as 'the original Sub Zero'), and Frost.

Regarding his form, I don't think he'll return as a cyborg, but his human form is unlikely either. Maybe some Ice Elemental/ ghost thing, like they did with Smoke in MKD.

Like Glacius? I'm feeling that..
Eh... story gone to shit.

I prefer them to bring back Ki Liang - Human Sub-Zero. I would also like Noob Saibot to remain. The idea of him being Bi-Han/Sub-Zero again is pointless. He should have survived Scorpions wraith this time if that was the case.
I think that Noob Saibot could be revived by Havik. He is a CLERIC after all.

But im tired of speculating at this point. Just have to wait and see what Ed Brews up for us this time around.
03/03/2014 06:33 PM (UTC)
Im going with one of two options

1) Sareena plays a part im freeing him somehow. I think it's logical that she would contuse A cyborg to be Bi-Han since you can't tell appearance from a cyborg. Thus she helps Kuai Liang believing him to be Bi-Han the man who helped her years earlier.


2) Kuai Liang was never turned and escaped somehow from the Lin Kuei. Long shot, but we have seen clones from MK before (Shinnok and Kahn both had clones I believe).

Hell I have a story for it.

Sub-Zero fought the Lin Kuei for as long as he could. He vowed not to have his humanity taken away, but they proved too strong. Sektor and Cyrax along with the rest of the Lin Kuei beat Sub-Zero. Believing Sub-Zero to be dead Sektor deemed his body unable to forego the automation process. Sub-Zero had no fight left, while he lay dying he felt a power calling for him from a nearby cave. He scratched and clawed towards the cave and as he approached he felt his lifeforce growing stronger. Arriving at the cave he felt a power overtake him. An armor which spoke with the power of his ancestors called out for Sub-Zero .His life had been spared, but the memory of what the Lin Kuei had done to him would not be forgotten.

So how did Cyber Subz come into existence? Simple they used another Lin Kuei member and copied Kuai's DNA (blood sample?) into the cyborg.
03/03/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
but it did kind of interrupt one of the best stories MK has ever told, didn't it?

His original storyline was not valid anymore since MK9 was a reboot. And there was never guarantee, that his story will repeat itself in the new timeline.

Methuselah6463 Wrote:
Mortal Kombat by all rights has been a series entirely based on Sub-zero's Character

03/04/2014 01:43 AM (UTC)
Bring him back human (not sure how), keep him as a cyborg (make him better) or...bring him back human looking but as full ice figure? Just a thought.
03/04/2014 08:45 PM (UTC)
He will be back as human... No doubt... But dunno what will happen to Cyber Sub.. Maybe they will scrap him completely and we will never see him again
03/04/2014 09:33 PM (UTC)
@ Kishido
We can only hope, I knew this was a bad idea the moment it was revealed. I love how there were people bashing Sub-Zero fans when this happened. Now even non Sub-Zero fans are saying he should come back human. Truth. He should have been a playable character but just as a non-canon add in. Nobody wanted Cyber Sub like that. Some wanted human smoke, but that didnt mean they wanted Cyber Sub.

Cyber Sub has his fans don't get me wrong, but it's obvious that the human counterpart is wanted way more. Im just worried now whether Kuai Liang will come back or not. I mean will they just revive him as human or what? I really don't want Bi-han coming back though. He's better as Noob Saibot.
03/04/2014 10:19 PM (UTC)
shaggysorceror Wrote:
Well, we saw him in the Netherealm alongside undead Sindel, Jade, Kitana, Kung Lao, etc. I guess he'll most probably come back but the question is: under whose allegiance? I think it's safe to hope he won't be serving Shinnok, though, as we already have two evil Cryomancers: Bi Han (I know he is a wraith but he is still, at least at times, recognized as 'the original Sub Zero'), and Frost.

I wouldn't really consider Frost being "evil," she's more so of a delusional brat to say the least. Granted that she went on a small spree in the Lin Kuei because she was after Sub-Zero thinking he wanted her dead and such, but I think it was just more so being delusional to the idea of thinking he wanted her dead instead of just thoroughly thinking smart.

But I don't get why Kuai Liang can't be apart of this allegiance with Shinnok and Quan Chi when as you stated that Noob is a wraith, and we have no idea where Frost is and what she's like this time around.

And, if there has to be some sort of human part of Sub-Zero to come back, I remember I did a random sketch of Sub-Zero coming back like how Raiden is in Metal Gear Solid. How he has all these markings in his skin and such to show how much of a cyborg he was. So have all these random scars and markings on him where the cyborg pieces got taken off? Just a random thought to throw in there.
03/04/2014 10:34 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero will return as human in any case. He is too popular to be ditched or to be (completely) replaced.

However, I am not exclude possibility that it can be a completely new character with the name "Sub-Zero". Also, return of the Bi-Han as Sub is another possibility, yet unlikely.

As for how and why...there are too much probabilities right now, so I prefer to withhold any kind of speculations on my part. NRS can deliver good surprises as well as bad ones.

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03/06/2014 08:13 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Anything can happen in fiction, no matter how outlandish or unrealistic or way out of character. It all usually comes down to, as the lovely Lucy Lawless once put it, A wizard did it.

Love this reference.

Chris444 Wrote:
Then how about bringing in Hydro, Sub-Zero's friend. Sure he died in the original timeline but not in this one. I think while it may be a big risk on NRS part in the fact that it might not work but . . . then again it could.

Hydro isn't canon to the games, just comics and TV. But there's no reason why he COULDN'T be made canon.

ErmaSco Wrote:
We all know, Sub Zero will be in the announcement trailer, They will make Nobb Saibot free him and bring him back to human form to serve him only to break free.

I lol'd.

I personally like Frost, so i want to see her return, so the maximum number of Sub-Zeros i'd want to see is one.
03/06/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero must be in the game, he was Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion 2012.
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