The dead Sub-Zero situation...
posted03/06/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)by
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12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
So, how do you think Netherrealm Studios is going to fix killing off one of the most popular characters (in cyborg form, I might add)
03/20/2013 01:41 AM (UTC)
He's dead now. Anything could happen. He doesn't really have an earthly body so I would imagine bringing him back as a human wouldn't be a far stretch, although some like to make it a farther stretch than it actually is. Mostly because we for some reason think that the cyber initiative has to be permanent even in death.
03/20/2013 02:18 AM (UTC)
Anything can happen in fiction, no matter how outlandish or unrealistic or way out of character. It all usually comes down to, as the lovely Lucy Lawless once put it, A wizard did it.
03/20/2013 07:51 AM (UTC)
The same way they are gonna fix killing off every other Earth hero. Translation: Raiden will do something about it.

Or Scorpion...but the way they started things in this timeline,I don't think Scorpion gives a fuck what happens to the guy,even if he learns the truth about his family...unless Quan Chi becomes too powerful so Scorpie will need extra help.

I suspect Raiden might tell Scorp the truth about his family and clan's deaths and give him a task of returning Subbie and everyone else back to life. But then again why didn't he do it in MK9 then,when the two fought before Quan Chi arrived? I suspect Scorpion won't believe him,because Raiden is the enemy and tries to destabilize the ranks of Shinnok,so it is a perfect time to introduce Sareena,who hates Quan Chi and being a demon,but she was part of Brotherhood of Shadows,and since it was always them behind the Shirayi Ryu destruction,her proof would be enough I think to turn Scorp against Quan Chi.

"How EXACTLY Scorpion gonna help bring everyone back?" is a question I don't know answer to,because this timeline contradicts and retcons everything every fucking 5 minutes.
03/20/2013 12:22 PM (UTC)
Well Boon once tweeted (in regards to all the dead characters) something along the lines "With Shao Kahn dead, things change", so yeah... Anything is possible and I'd say Subby back as human is much more likely than him being back as cyborg, mainly because a huge majority of his huge fan base wants it that way.

I consider Cyber Subby a one game gimmick.
03/20/2013 02:06 PM (UTC)
They are going to bring him back to life with some bullshit excuse they pull out of their ass. Just like they always do when somebody dies.
03/20/2013 03:23 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi will use the dead as soldiers. This much we already know to be true.

Some of those soldiers will definitely be playable. Some might be transformed into some kind of undead like Scorpion and Noob did when they died. I'm sure it's no difficult matter for Sub-Zero's resurrected form to have flesh and blood rather than metal and neon-blue stuff.

Rescuing these undead warriors from Quan's mind control will almost certainly be possible.

It's not exactly rocket science, they pulled this stupid "kill 'em and bring 'em right back as pawns of the enemy" trick in Deception, remember?
04/08/2013 10:50 PM (UTC)
I think that they may introduce a much younger Sub-Zero in the game. It would be cool if Kuai-Liang had a secret student who takes up the mantle of being the new Sub-Zero to avenge his sensei much like Kuai doing to so to honor Bi-Han. I just don't want it to be Frost because I really didn't like her.
04/10/2013 03:23 AM (UTC)
We have 2 options:

1) They bring back Kuai Liang from the cybernetics back to his humanity. And bring the eye-scar back.


2) Bring out a new Sub-Zero WITH the scar on his eye to honor his fallen teacher (Kuai Liang) and join with the new Forces of Light. I don't want Frost to come back.
04/17/2013 04:54 PM (UTC)
do your think in that situation where`s Scorpion kill Sub-Zero with flame from skeleton head? furious
04/18/2013 05:59 PM (UTC)
i loved sub zero mainly cuz of his storyline. and now his great story line is gone. how can they make a character have so much success and have such a great back story and then just turn him into a robot and eventually kill him? they need to do something ridiculously good in order to make sub zeros background and storyline as great as it was.
05/12/2013 07:59 AM (UTC)
All is crap. They just switched the role between Subby and Smoke. So, why argue?
05/13/2013 11:19 PM (UTC)
Well, this is MK, where nobody REALLY dies. So...

In all seriousness,
he's no longer a robot. That's a composite, solid form of his soul- a zombie. He's not metal. And, ya know, NRS is gonna pull some random excuse.

You wanna see MY theory, look in my game of Fans writing the next MK for it.
05/31/2013 01:10 PM (UTC)
i said this once and ill say it again liu kangs not dead subzero is dead but will be brought back. and your right hes not restrained to tharmor anymore. mabey NRS needs mk 10 to be Mortal Kombat VS Dragon Ball Z lol
06/01/2013 07:19 PM (UTC)
mabey NRS needs mk 10 to be Mortal Kombat VS Dragon Ball Z lol

06/15/2013 01:12 AM (UTC)
They will just find a way to bring him back. I understand why they did what they did with Sub-Zero in the most recent game (novelty), but it did kind of interrupt one of the best stories MK has ever told, didn't it? Ha-ha. Maybe having no Sub-Zero around will allow Frost to become an entirely different character? Perhaps she trains with someone else, develops her ice powers and becomes a major protagonist?

I'm not a big fan of the character, but she's there and having two ice ninjas is a bit redundant a lot of the time.
06/19/2013 11:53 PM (UTC)
Sure, bring back Human Subby from MK3 and not just the skin like in MK 2011. Don't forget to bring back Automated Smoke! He was much better than in human form. I'm looking towards Automated Smokes look in MkD but with updates. They could as bring Smoke in his demonic form.
07/30/2013 05:52 PM (UTC)
Remember Cyrax's human costume from Deadly Alliance and Armageddon? Cyber Sub-Zero went all cyborg in MK9 but there's probably still a head inside that helmet. They can easily adapt his costume to show his head, while still having the cyborg body similar to his ninja attire.

I just don't want them to just bring back human Sub-Zero and destroy what they worked on, just like when they planned to eliminate Liu Kang and Raiden for Deception but brought them back because people moaned.
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08/03/2013 03:05 PM (UTC)
If they put Frost in the next game it could balance this out. However if Sub-Zero gets the lin kuei dragon amulet, finds the cave from deception and unlocks the hidden arts, perhaps he could rebuild his body using this power. He could look pale with armor just like in Deception.
12/28/2013 01:19 AM (UTC)
I think although it would be devastating for fans I think it would be cool to keep him dead in the next MK game because it would make sense since he died in MK9, But I'm sure they'll bring back the ice ninja archetype in MK10 for sure & it will probably be Frost but if not & they want to keep a male ice ninja, Then how about bringing in Hydro, Sub-Zero's friend. Sure he died in the original timeline but not in this one. I think while it may be a big risk on NRS part in the fact that it might not work but . . . then again it could.

I may be crazy but I think a way to make this MK stand out & separate itself from the old MK timeline is while bringing back character from MK4 - MKD is also bring back MK characters from other media properties such as Character who were from Comics, Movies, TV Show, Scrapped Designs, Rumors/Trolled/Joke characters & background characters from past mk games. This way this MK timeline can be it's own MK with it's own unique heroes & villains as well as returning classics.

Sorry if I got off topic a bit lol.
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Damn its hard being this cool

12/30/2013 02:57 PM (UTC)
Honestly the way I SEE IT... He is probably going to come back as a cyber and noob will probably might even make sense to make them both one character "like noob smoke" only you take the role of sub-zero and combine that with noob so sort of like "noob zero" which would make sense to me.. considering the roles have changed..but what I think most people are forgetting is that the time line only changed to a degree.. Some things simply can't be changed because they happened before the events of mk 1..but we will see i guess...
01/13/2014 07:26 PM (UTC)
I was thinking: seeing as Sub-Zero and Frost are both part of a non-human species, that instead of bringing back Kuai Liang and undoing the impact of his death, they could introduce a new Cryomancer. Obviously, that new character wouldn't be exactly like either of the Sub-Zero Brothers or Frost personality-wise, and if possible they could give that character completely different gameplay, but since this is NRS we're talking about here, a different personality would probably be the best we could hope for.

After all, the younger Sub-Zero had all of his older brother's special moves, plus a few of his own that the older brother certainly could have had himself, so if he (the younger one) wasn't rejected as an inferior copy, then what good reason would there be to reject another new Cryomancer with a similar moveset, so long as that Cryomancer had a unique personality? Frost was well received, and sure she had a few special moves of her own, but again, nothing that either of the brothers couldn't logically have had themselves.

They could bring back Frost to replace the younger brother, but I doubt many would be willing to accept a woman as his replacement. I'd personally have no problem with it, a female replacement that is, but if the next game's based on MK4, then canonically bringing back Frost could require some considerable changes in her story, greater changes than Mileena's new birthday. And the chances of a new female Cryomancer are well below zero (okay, not that low, I just had to make that pun).

So the best way to have a Sub-Zero without bringing back the current one might just be a new Cryomancer. Because I have to wonder: Did either Sub-Zeroes' personalities ever matter to most of the fanbase, or just the ninja garb and the ice-based moves? Two things a new male Cryomancer could have (a female one could have the moves, but she'd inevitably look different).

Truth be told, I'd be fine with a complete lack of Cryomancers in the next game, as that could be refreshing.
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Damn its hard being this cool

01/14/2014 12:49 AM (UTC)
So the best way to have a Sub-Zero without bringing back the current one might just be a new Cryomancer. Because I have to wonder: Did either Sub-Zeroes' personalities ever matter to most of the fanbase, or just the ninja garb and the ice-based moves? Two things a new male Cryomancer could have (a female one could have the moves, but she'd inevitably look different).

Truth be told, I'd be fine with a complete lack of Cryomancers in the next game, as that could be refreshing.

Woooo slow your role on that.. Keep in mind Mortal Kombat by all rights has been a series entirely based on Sub-zero's Character.. I say this because he is the one character that has been constant in the series from Mk 1,2,3,UMK3,4,5,6,7,8 and now 9... with 10 coming... to just remove and replace him would be in poor taste..however to have a successor with the same name..would be interesting
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01/17/2014 07:19 PM (UTC)
I love how nobody is even considering Bi-Han's return. I'm not predicting anything, nor do I really care but we need to consider things.

Noob's body looked to be destroyed (ripped apart) from the Soulnado. Scorpion suffered the same fate with one difference. Noob's Soulnado went from Earthream to Outworld. More specifically, right to Shao Kahn. Scorpion's soulnado went from Outworld's Dragon King Palace to the heavens and Elder Gods.

It's a very real possibility that Noob either was delivered right to Kahn (as scorpion was to the EGs) and Kahn either did something with him, or he may not have died at all and is still free.

Considering the nature of the soulnado and "Tearing people apart", it is also a possibility that it ripped the Wraith out of of Bi-Hans body. This would leave him presumably human. I would say this is very, very unlikely. We would have maybe seen it happen to Scorpion. But the two different influences and destinations, leave options.

We have yet to know exactly what Shinnok's moves will be. He may have an influence on Outworld and/or events that have happened. He and Quan clearly have to consider every potential ally and threat. Bi-Han and these two have a HUGE past. Bi-Han was the last person to defeat them (MK:Mythologies) so he is likely among the top of their list to keep in check. An ally in Bi-Han is far more useful than a dead or enemy Bi-Han.

We also have to consider NRS and what they want for the eternal duo of Scorpion vs. Subzero. I think a Bi-Han vs Hanzo will play out very well in comparison to Kuai Liang. Don't get me wrong. I love Kuai Liang but I just feel that the sense of ruthlessness and the past that Bi-Han and Hanzo share, presents a far better chance for great dialogue, plot devices and face-to-face encounters.

And also this. Whichever Subzero NRS decides they want to keep as human. I can bet dollars to donuts that the other will most likely become Noob. Even if that is a terribly-lucked Cyber-Noob in the body of Kuai Liang. VERY unlikely but its still on the table.

They could also bring back the idea thrown around in MK armagedon of a being emerging that is neither Subzero or Noob Saibot. Rather, a hybrid of the two. Very possible.

They could separate the Wraith essence completely and have it become Noob Saibot on it's own. That would leave us with two slots for a human Subzero, though. Perhaps one is only present as a playable character? One will die? Or Kuai Liang, in this situation, could remain a Cyborg. He is dead so I doubt that will be the case. If he comes back, it will likely be after being killed and resurrected as human.

Lastly, NRS could play a Subzero vs Subzero card if they both end up human. I'd really rather not see that. But Having Bi-Han kill Kuai Liang for the soul possession of "Subzero" would be a great way to stir things up. I say this because Kuai Liang cares too much. He couldn't kill Bi-Han. He would be down a Skull/Spine.

We'll see.
01/19/2014 09:29 PM (UTC)
Still going on...geez.
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