05/25/2005 08:09 PM (UTC)
What about Having Skarlett Made into a real character.

Skarlett (I like to spell her name like that tho I think there a few variations since she isn't canon or anything) was thought to be a secret character in MK2 much like Ermac was. When there were Errors in the male Ninja's they would appear Red. Well Skarlett was the female version, a Red Kitana.
She could be something if used correctly.

I know it's probably a very longshot, since Im not sure if they would have rights to these characters, but what about some of the girls from the Mortal Kombat Conquest Television Show?

Omegis: An immortal who was romantically involved with Shang Tsung. She could be introduced easily.

Vorpax: the first born daughter of a ruler named Kreeya who's homeworld was named kreeya after their ruler. She had Kung Lao, Taja and Siro beat up Kreeya, then Vorpax finished her off, gaining all her powers and ability to breed/make hives. She helped Shang Tsung out of necessity, in order to Survive life in the Cobalt Mines. She hated him however, but managed to play him rather well, and mated with him to produce an army of Kreeyans with the powers of sorcery. Her story could also be introduced very easily.

Taja. Well, she was around at the same time as the original Kung Lao so a long shot but I alway liked her.

i know that at the end of MKC all the characters were seemingly killed off, though we know this didnt happen. Kitana, Shang Tsung and Reptile were among those thought to be killed off so even if it was following the Mk stryline (which it wasn't really) we know those characters didnt die so the others could be back too.
05/26/2005 01:31 AM (UTC)
My best to least favorite (returning) female characters where all should be included in MK7 are:

1. Kitana (Is a must for sure).

2. Li Mei (Wow, never thought she'd be that great in MK:D, so I want her back in MK7).

3. Jade (Though she has powerful long to short attacks she should return with better and more combos variations cus they r very limited in MK:D).

4. Mileena (Kitana's fake twin sister and main enemy will give/add a special flavor to the game. Also, she should have an ending where we can see her unmasked/ugly face/teeth, like in MK2).

5. Sheeva (Where the hell is she? She'd look very cool with 3rd animations, the only female monster and belongs to Goro's race).

6. Frost (A nice add to the future MK game, she represented very well a female Sub-Zero in MK:DA).

The last new female recommendation would be a female Scorpion like Frost being a female Sub-Zero and of course more (new) females to come in MK7.

05/26/2005 03:31 PM (UTC)
MKKitana Wrote:

Origin: The Heavens
Status: Goddess of Nature
Alignment: Good
Allies: Fujin, The Elder Gods
Foes: Shinnok, Shao Khan, Those Who Threaten Earth

As Mother Nature, Peiran has become increasingly worried of the damage which has been sustained to her world. She was called upon by the Elder Gods after they were made aware of the actions of Rayden, and the needless death of two of Earths warriors. Although Rayden’s anger at the warriors of Earth is understandable, such needless killing cannot be allowed to continue. While Fujin concentrates on recruiting new warriors to fight in the continuing struggle with the forces of evil, Peiran has been ordered to watch the actions of The Thunder God closely, and if need be, strip the enraged deity of his power. Never before has Peiran seen Rayden fuelled with such immense anger. Peiran worries that she may have no choice but to intervene if the Thunder Gods anger towards the beings he has protected for so long continues.

Origin: Earthrealm
Status: Follower of Fujin
Alignment: Good
Allies: Fujin, Khameleon, Kung Lao
Foes: Nitara
Fujin had been appointed by the Elder Gods to recruit new fighters in the continuing struggle against evil. While he scanned the Earth from the heavens, he received mental images of the massacre of many people by a gang of vampires. As he searched, he located the area of the massacre.....a small farming community on mainland Europe. He travelled there to be met by a small group of survivors. One of their recruits was a woman named Roxie. She greeted Fujin, and told him what she knew of the gang who ambushed her village, and that it was she who drove off their leader. As she described the events, Fujin came to realise that the images in his mind matches that of hers. Fujin asked Roxie if she would join him in the fight against evil. Roxie’s telepathy would prove invaluable to Fujin and the Earth’s warriors. With the ability to read minds, Roxie could be the link to defeating evil that Earthrealm had been looking for. With the Vampire people adding to the threat to Earth, Fujin ordered Roxie to follow the gang along with Kung Lao and his new Ally, Khameleon, and gain knowledge on the Vampire gang’s leader, Nitara.

Peiran sounds cool. It'd be interesting to see a goddess. As the goddess of nature, she'd probably have have some cool powers and moves. I also like that you're not rushing Raiden's turning evil. Most seem to have him immediatly trying to take over Earth right away.

Roxie sounds cool. She seems like she'd be a nice addition to the good guys. Telepathy's a interesting power that we haven't seen in MK yet. Could be some cool possibilities. Only thing I'd change is the name. I know it's kind of a cliche that every character has to have some obscure sounding name, but it doesn't sound very Mortal Kombat-ish, IMO.
05/26/2005 03:46 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:

Peiran sounds cool. It'd be interesting to see a goddess. As the goddess of nature, she'd probably have have some cool powers and moves. I also like that you're not rushing Raiden's turning evil. Most seem to have him immediatly trying to take over Earth right away.

Roxie sounds cool. She seems like she'd be a nice addition to the good guys. Telepathy's a interesting power that we haven't seen in MK yet. Could be some cool possibilities. Only thing I'd change is the name. I know it's kind of a cliche that every character has to have some obscure sounding name, but it doesn't sound very Mortal Kombat-ish, IMO.

Thanks for the feedback!! smilesmile

Lol yeah, I'm not 100% sure whether I want Rayden to become evil. I'm not a fan of Rayden, and I think having him turn evil would completely ruin him. making him more Dark however, opens more possibilities. he isn't evil, as it were, just kinda taking a new look on his position.

And yeah I know what u mean about Roxie's name. Someone else said to me it didn't quite sound right for MK. And yeah, telepathy hasn't really been explored in the MK universe, thats why I choose it. Mileena was supposedly able to read Kitana's mind I believe, but it never came to anything. I been trying to think of new names for her. I'll maybe give her a surname and she could be known by that.

I'm currently working on another female, called Lorelei. She is a sorceress. I planned on having her from either Chaos or Order, but it's hard as so little known about those realms, and only two or three characters form there have been introduced.
About Me

In the words of the almighty Bender: Bite my shiney metal a$$!

05/29/2005 04:52 PM (UTC)
wow, Peiran and Roxie sound awesome! I love the story lines, MKKitana, you're the first person I've seen who was able to come up a return for Nitara that makes any sense!

As for my opinion on the main question, I think MK definately needs more females. I also think that when they create them, they need to actually think them through before firmly establishing them in the game.

I would love to see Khameleon return for real, as a main character. And the idea to make Skarlett a real person would be cool!

I was so disappointed with Kira. She looks to me like the result of a rough night in a cheap motel between a very drunk Sonya and Kano.
I thought Li Mei was much better in MKD than MKDA because she started out as a rip off of the Mileena concept, with the purple theme and sais.
I was actually very impressed with the idea of Ashrah, I just think that they should have given her her own special moves instead of Raiden and Kung Lao's.
Girls I love and want to see return:
Nitara-especially with MKKitana's storyline idea!
Tanya- Love to hate her!

Girls I wouldn't mind seeing back

Girls that need to go away for a while
Li Mei

Hope I don't bore or offend!grin
05/29/2005 06:35 PM (UTC)
SmokeandAshes Wrote:
wow, Peiran and Roxie sound awesome! I love the story lines, MKKitana, you're the first person I've seen who was able to come up a return for Nitara that makes any sense!

As for my opinion on the main question, I think MK definately needs more females. I also think that when they create them, they need to actually think them through before firmly establishing them in the game.

I would love to see Khameleon return for real, as a main character. And the idea to make Skarlett a real person would be cool!

I was so disappointed with Kira. She looks to me like the result of a rough night in a cheap motel between a very drunk Sonya and Kano.
I thought Li Mei was much better in MKD than MKDA because she started out as a rip off of the Mileena concept, with the purple theme and sais.
I was actually very impressed with the idea of Ashrah, I just think that they should have given her her own special moves instead of Raiden and Kung Lao's.
Girls I love and want to see return:
Nitara-especially with MKKitana's storyline idea!
Tanya- Love to hate her!

Girls I wouldn't mind seeing back

Girls that need to go away for a while
Li Mei

Hope I don't bore or offend!grin

Thanks SmokeandAshes. I dunno if you seen the thread I made with the actual story for Nitara, not just that part coming from Roxie. Basically, I had her free her realm...which I name Kikillia....from Outworld. But Her leader was happy, but a bit mad too since they lost valuable feeding ground. So Nitara tells him of Earth and Edenia, so he sends out two set of troops, on led by nitara to Earthrealm, and another group lead by a male Vampire called Angelus sent to Edenia to gain knowledge on the people living there and their leaders etc.
About Me

In the words of the almighty Bender: Bite my shiney metal a$$!

05/29/2005 07:37 PM (UTC)
05/30/2005 12:09 AM (UTC)
I would want females in MK to look more like those in DOA because with the exception of kittana al of the females in deception and deadly aliance
look like lesbians on steriods. girls in games don't have to look tough to be tough

About Me
art by fear-sAs
05/30/2005 02:30 AM (UTC)
Let's see....
Favorites would have to be

Second Favorites would be

Apathatic towards:

I would like to see some more females in MK of course, but let's put some thoughts behind them. Hell, with the Epic/Midway thing, if UC can have Raiden as a character, then I think MK can have Selkhet or Lauren

Name: Jessabelle
Origin: Auroune (Sister realm of Nitara's)
Alliance: Nuatral
Race: Forsaken (Succubus)
Allies: Unknown
Foes: Nitara

Eons ago, there lived a master race of beings. They possesed great power and feared nothing. However, when the realms were seperated, so was the race. The one race became split in two and for the next thousand years the two races lived in isolation from each other, eventually forgetting each others existance through the winds of time. The race was called the Nousferatu, the Vampire. Among the Nousferatu their were two sisters that were fierce rivals, one was Nitara, Supreme Commander of the vampiric hordes. The other was High Counsler Jessabelle who held the highest position in their domain short of ruler. The two sisters, although rivals carred for each other very deeply. They used each other's success to drive them further. When the cataclysm hit thier home realm in the form of a cloud of nothingness, which appeared to destroy everything it touched the two sisters tried to escape. However, as they where about to reach sanctuary in the form of an alpha realm, Jessabelle was swallowed by the nothingness. Nitara was heartbroken, but firmly believed that her sister was gone forever. When the cloud resceded, the realm was decimated. In reality however, all of those trapped in the cloud of nothingness became the seeds of a new race in a new realm, a shadow world of thier former realm, it's inhabitants had to adapt or die from stravation due to the sparse pickings in thier new enviroment. The ones who did survive, including Jessabelle abandoned their thirst for blood in place of a darker urning, the actual life force of thier opponent. They evolved past their sister race and adapted to the rays of the sun. The pigment in their skin shifted from the standard chalk white to an azure color. Their eyes burned like fire as a result of thier new source of nurishment. Although they have evolved they always held a deep hatred for their bretheren who, as they saw it abandoned them, Jessabelle was no exception. When Nitara finally succeded in seperating her realm from Outworld, she also tied her realm with Auroune, opening a doorway between both realms. The succubi saw it as their chance for revenge and began a crusade against their former sister race. The crusade was led by Jessabelle who was deamed the high priestess of their race. Within an everlasting but misplaced hatred for her sister Jessabelle vows to take her sister's life force her self or until Nitara takes hers.
06/01/2005 01:51 PM (UTC)
Ok, here's the third new female I would introduce to MK7. In my MK7 rosterI have 30 characters. 5 of these are new characters: 3 females; Roxie, Peiran and Lorelei; and 2 males, Angelus who is a vampire, and a Warrior from Edenia. His name is currently Yharr, but like Roxie, his name is not certain. I'm currently working on their stories, and will post them with the others in a new thread or revive my old one if thats allowed, though its been a while since anyone posted in it, and I had my finals so wasn't working on my stories much.


Origin: Chaosrealm
Status: Sorceress
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Onaga, Havik, Kitana
Foes: Blaze, Shao Kahn

After Shao Kahn betrayed Onaga in order to take control of Outworld, Onaga’s head sorceress, Lorelei, feared death and went into hiding. She returned to her homeworld- The land where chaos ruled. She hid here for centuries, recluse until news reached her of the return of her former master in Outworld. Intrigued, Lorelei chose to end her seclusion, and set out to Outworld. Whilst travelling, Lorelei was ambushed by a pair of cloaked fighters. They were no match for Lorelei’s sorcery; however it had been many years since Lorelei had battled, and as she focussed on one, the other warrior managed to escape. As she questioned the fallen warrior, a blast of magma knocked Lorelei off her feet. A firey figure stood before her, and leaned over the body of her attacker. Weakened by his blast, and unwilling to risk her demise, Lorelei escaped and again set out for Outworld, where she hoped to find Onaga, and the man who’s crest was on the cloaks of her attacker- Shao Kahn.

For Lorelei's look, I was thinking of a dark orange cloak which fastens with one buckle across her chest/clavicle. Her clothing would be kinda of old an dowdy, and be of orange and yellow tones. She would wear a top which had two bucklesaround the midriff, and 'bum-bag' like belt where she would keep her mystical stones and stuff. haven't decided on her lower half yet.
06/01/2005 06:46 PM (UTC)
My favorite Mortal Kombat females are as follows

Mileena (In MK 2 Only)

These Fighters are o.k but not my favorites


An I just hate these fighters

Li Mie

I want to see these in a game as real characters

About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
06/01/2005 09:36 PM (UTC)
I'm a fan of nearly every female in MK. I think they'€™re great and use them so much in game! This is an awesome thread and after reading through it, a lot of people have made some valid points, most of which I agree with.

My faves femmes are:

Li Mei

Sareena is a middle ground character for me as I only like her story. She needs to be in a mainstream game!

And the only two femmes I hate are Sheeva and Khameleon! They are the worst!

Iâ€'m liking the character ideas everyone has been posting. They're all great!I posted a female concept some time ago. Her name is Ryoko-Hikari. Her concept can be found here. Please do not reply to that thread if you do check it out. I don't want it closing.

If she were in MK7, I'€™d like her to keep the same background she has in the bio Iâ'™d written, though I would have her story revolve around Raiden and the Kamidogou. I think as goddess of light she'€™d be able to help Raiden back to his normal self and her assassin skills would help aid the Earth warriors in recovering the Kamidogou. Ryoko would at this point in time be reluctant to do such a task as she enjoys her freedom. Though I believe she would go about this task as Raiden is an old friend of hers and she cannot understand why he’s acting the way he is. She sees him as a threat to the realms also. Plus, all help will be needed in order to prevent the realms from being merged and stopping Onaga, if he hasn't been stopped already. I wouldn't want this to be her sole mission as she obviously needs something in there to evolve her character.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
06/01/2005 09:49 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
I'm a fan of nearly every female in MK. I think they'€™re great and use them so much in game! This is an awesome thread and after reading through it, a lot of people have made some valid points, most of which I agree with.

My faves femmes are:

Li Mei

Sareena is a middle ground character for me as I only like her story. She needs to be in a mainstream game!

And the only two femmes I hate are Sheeva and Khameleon! They are the worst!

Iâ€'m liking the character ideas everyone has been posting. They're all great!I posted a female concept some time ago. Her name is Ryoko-Hikari. Her concept can be found here. Please do not reply to that thread if you do check it out. I don't want it closing.

If she were in MK7, I'€™d like her to keep the same background she has in the bio Iâ'™d written, though I would have her story revolve around Raiden and the Kamidogou. I think as goddess of light she'€™d be able to help Raiden back to his normal self and her assassin skills would help aid the Earth warriors in recovering the Kamidogou. Ryoko would at this point in time be reluctant to do such a task as she enjoys her freedom. Though I believe she would go about this task as Raiden is an old friend of hers and she cannot understand why he’s acting the way he is. She sees him as a threat to the realms also. Plus, all help will be needed in order to prevent the realms from being merged and stopping Onaga, if he hasn't been stopped already. I wouldn't want this to be her sole mission as she obviously needs something in there to evolve her character.

Let the shameless self plugging begin lol..
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
06/01/2005 09:58 PM (UTC)
LOL! It's not like that at all! tongue
06/02/2005 02:17 AM (UTC)
Well, I'd like to share my ideas too... but with this full time job now and still maintaining the forums as well as I did before having the job... it's a bit difficult. I have to work very hard here to still do as much as I was doing before; I don't think anyone has noticed so far, so I seem to be doing well.

Anyhow, I can tell you the female that I have created a deep plot for is... Skarlet. I've always been a fan of her due to the fact Kitana and Mileena (Mileeena moreso, as I said on the first page...) did not turn out quite the way I would have liked, and this allows me to make Skarlet into what I have always wanted in a female MK character.
06/03/2005 02:44 AM (UTC)
My ever changing tastes in characters has forced me to alter my list a bit...

1) Khameleon
2) Frost
3) Nitara
4) Kitana
5) Sareena
6) Ashrah
7) Li Mei
8) Jade
9) Sonya
10) Sindel
11) Mileena
12) Kira
13) Sheeva
14) Tanya


The only things I've done is switch Sareena and Kitana as well as Jade and Sonya. I really think Sonya's time is growing short... Jade does still have possibilities, though I personally am dry thinking of any... but Sonya would need a MAJOR rework for me to ever like her, even just a little. Her entire plot is based upon the Special Forces... five games of nothing but special forces related storyline is a bit choking.

As for Kitana and Sareena... a very interesting thing happened today. A storyline idea for Kitana actually hit me... (yes, I was very surprised too). Anyway, the more I think about the general idea I had the more doors open... perhaps this will actually make me a semi-Kitana fan... (no pun intended)...

I'd share more about the storyline idea I had, but I doubt most of her fans will like it... mainly because it deals with the death of certain other characters... but, I will share it once I have actually compiled it.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
06/03/2005 03:58 AM (UTC)
I still would like to see a female cyborg from the Tekunin... I actually worked one a character like that but gave up on it. Who knows, maybe I'll dust her off and see what I can do. She did make an appearance in the second K-A-K tournament though. (Yes I know that was a self plug, but I don't care)
06/03/2005 11:11 AM (UTC)
~Crow~ Wrote:
My ever changing tastes in characters has forced me to alter my list a bit...

1) Khameleon
2) Frost
3) Nitara
4) Kitana
5) Sareena
6) Ashrah
7) Li Mei
8) Jade
9) Sonya
10) Sindel
11) Mileena
12) Kira
13) Sheeva
14) Tanya


The only things I've done is switch Sareena and Kitana as well as Jade and Sonya. I really think Sonya's time is growing short... Jade does still have possibilities, though I personally am dry thinking of any... but Sonya would need a MAJOR rework for me to ever like her, even just a little. Her entire plot is based upon the Special Forces... five games of nothing but special forces related storyline is a bit choking.

As for Kitana and Sareena... a very interesting thing happened today. A storyline idea for Kitana actually hit me... (yes, I was very surprised too). Anyway, the more I think about the general idea I had the more doors open... perhaps this will actually make me a semi-Kitana fan... (no pun intended)...

I'd share more about the storyline idea I had, but I doubt most of her fans will like it... mainly because it deals with the death of certain other characters... but, I will share it once I have actually compiled it.

Ha! Sounds intruiging.

I came up with a story w while back about Kitana, when I posted a possible deception storyline.........the one which had her not knowing what she was doing under Onaga's contorl.......kinda like she went into a trance when he commanded her to do something. I had her kill Sindel while under his control, since Sindel couldn't bring herself to Kill Kitana. Wasn't really sure where to take it after that tho. I also had Onaga be defeated, but the evil already within Kitana had been Re-awoken, and she was struggling to fight it. I was also gonna send her to the Netherrealm (as part of a mission against Noob perhaps)......where that Evil might take grip if she wasn't careful.

Man, I really need to get a scanner. Ive drew some designs for Kitana, Sareena, Roxie and Khameleon (my favourite one) and I really wanna post them to see what people think. I took some photos with a digital cam, but u can't see the detail, for example the skin of Khameleon (the little skin u can see....face and shoulders only) looks normal. U cant see the pattern and stuff. Anyhoo.

I also see what you mean about Sonya. Her storyline is dull, old and repetitive. Thats what lead to me disliking her. i wasn't ever a fan really, but I didnt mind her, and shew as actually quite good in MK3 IMO. In my MK7, I dont have Sonya or Johnny Cage return. I was gonna have either Kitana (whilst under Onaga's control) or Sareena (Sonya would find out she's evil) kill her, but I wasn't sure on how I wanted either storyline to fan out. Instead, I have Fujin make them open some sort of training Academy in America, where they train new recruits for Earths Forces, The Special Forces, The Army etc etc. Keeps them alive and out of the way and i suppose open to being called back for new storylines.
06/12/2005 03:40 PM (UTC)
Kitana is definately the best female ever but there are some other good ones. I'm going to rank them.

4.Khameleon (But she needs to be more developed)
6.Sareena (Needs to be more developed)
7.Nitara (More devoloped)
8.Frost (More developed)

12.Lie Mei

Need To DIE:
15.SONYA (I HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!)

I may not have put some of the girls on my list but that's just because I don't have an opinion about them.
I don't care if there are more girls or not.
06/14/2005 01:57 AM (UTC)
1st things 1st, guys, there isnt anything wrong with Mileena's hatred for Kitana, she is an ugly outworld mutant, and Kitana is the beautiful edenian princess owning a powerful army. now, tell me, what if your brother, or sister was the most rich, powerful, famous and loved person in America, and you we nothing but an unattractive, worthless person who lives in a country with a dictator? there you go. answer me that. anyway...

1.Sindel... love em both the same!
5. Nitara
6. Khameleon


2.Li Mei

And my favorite other character... 1.Susan Saibot
About Me
art by fear-sAs
06/14/2005 08:31 PM (UTC)
Previous Name: Mai Kusanagi
Name: Mirage
Project Name: Lithium Flower
Age(s): Human-21, Cyborg-3 years old
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: Former College Student turned Tekunin Soldier.
Hair color: Changes color due to nanites, used to be brown, shoulder length
Eye Color: Hazel/Green
Skin Tone: Mocha
Measurements: 36B-30W-34H
Cyborg Classification: TK-00003129, Reconnaissance, Saboteur, Assassin unit.
Allegiance: Tekunin Clan
Fighting Styles: Storm Dragon, Capoeira
Abilities-Full Camouflage. (Optical, Radar, Heat Sensor.) Energy manipulation

Storm Dragon: Storm Dragon is a variation of the standard Dragon style in Kung Fu. However the Tekunin have adapted it to fit Mirage’s unique power. The Storm Dragon style focuses on quick hits to the ribs, knees, sides, and chest, along with grapples and pressure points. This style is further enhanced by Mirage’s ability to harness extremely painful or even fatal amounts of electricity into each strike.

Capoeira: (Brazil) a beautiful and dramatic Brazilian martial discipline founded by African slaves more than 300 years ago in Angola and practiced as a religious dance before being brought to Brazil where it was transformed into a self-defense system. The system uses gymnastic type back flips, cart wheels, sweeping movements and high kicks for evasion rather than blocks to avoid attack. Many counter kicks are done from a hand stand-position, and most offensive techniques employ the feet.

Power Blades
State of the art weapons that use super heated plasma suspended in a magnetic field as their blades. The blades are curved downward protecting the fingers. The blades are 7 inches in length from the top of the handle down to the point. With Mai’s power to charge up electricity, she can augment the blades for stronger damage by feeding her power into them. The blades can also attach to her arms via a magnetic pulse allowing for an upgrade known as the “Dagger Tail”.
Sub Mode: Dagger Tail:
In this mode the handles of the blades straighten making them into a typical shaped dagger. The daggers are then charged with enough energy to make them into a stream of plasma, contained in a magnetic field. The plasma feeds into the handle of the daggers from her wrists. This makes a link from her blades to herself, which lets them to be swung around without an actual cable in the way.

Design: Mai’s bottom part of the face, from the nose down is covered in a metal face guard, making identification impossible. Her hair drapes over her eyes, anime style. Since she is mostly a reconnaissance droid, there is no need for heavy armor. However, that's far from saying that she's defenseless. Her neck, shoulders, arms, and legs are all covered with triple re-enforced liquid titanium. Her torso and inner thighs are flesh. She wears a one piece white bikini to cover her self. Around her waist she carries a small utility belt . Her spine sticks out her back and is also made of metal. When she enters battle mode, her spine extends her frontal armor in segments, completely covering her front side with the same type of armor that's on her arms and legs. The armor is simplistic in design. It has a platinum type polish, as well, as circuit lines running in between some of her plates which can be identified by their neon glow. She looks very sleek, and stylish, the best way to describe her is thinking of Vanessa from P.N.03 for the Game Cube.

Special Moves:

Stealth Mode: Mirage uses her masking ability to camouflage herself with the surrounding environment, rendering her completely invisible.

Power Surge:- A ball of high voltage energy is formed between Mirage's palms and shot like a fireball at the opponent, filling them with 1,000 kilowatts of energy for a split second, bringing them to the brink of death, while also stunning them. This move is usually used to take out large amounts of electronic hardware from an outside source; usually a normal socket does the job.

Tesla Generator: When escape is not an option to Mirage and combat is necessary her Tesla Generator comes in handy. It has two special effects. 1) Tesla Shield: Surrounds Mirage with a high voltage E.M.P. shield, electrocuting anything it touches, and instantly shutting down any electrical device. 2) Nova: The Tesla Generator begins to generate a large amount of energy while confining it into a small space. As the build up increases the charge gets stronger, damaging Mirage in the processes from the build up. When the power level has reached critical mass, it is released in a huge blast of energy, like a small super nova, completely destroying, or severely damaging anything by the feedback.

Energy Cycle: Mirage spins her Power Blades from side to side at breakneck speed. As the blades pass through the air around them, they super heat that as well, which makes the blades grow larger because of the extra plasma. Then in one burst, the plasma chain extends and the front of the weapon is shot at the opponent, spinning like a buzz saw. If contact is made, the opponent is filled with plasma, an untapped source of energy not yet controllable by man. The attack is almost like getting hit with a super powerful laser. After the initial contact, the blade power down and retracts back to Mirage, and into its Power Blade form. The drawback is that this move is telegraphed from the start, so the opponent can see it clearly, and can avoid it. But if it connects, it does an enormous amount of damage.

Time Flux:
Basically, all it is, is a burst of hyper sonic speed, delivered by the nano bots in her body. She moves so fast that it looks like time itself fluctuates and everything slows down. Her only visible trail is a neon green burst of light every couple of seconds which is a silhouette of her body.


Warp Slash:
Mai uses her Time Flux ability with her Power Blades to finish her opponent. She powers up her blades, causing them to glow a bright neon green as they surge with energy. Then she instantly vanishes. Suddenly, seven flashes are shown on screen, each showing her silhouette next to the opponent at different angles. On the seventh slash, Mai comes back into the frame, her armor is covered in blood. Behind her, the opponent, erupts in a cloud of blood as they fall apart into seven pieces on the floor.

Energy Convergence:
Mai powers up her fists with 10,000 kilowatts of pure energy. She unleashes it all in a 30 hit combo to all the opponents’ vitals. The opponent still remains on their feet, as they begin to smoke while energy surges through them. Finally Mai pulls back and punches straight through the opponents’ chest. The energy in the screaming opponent converges in that one spot and begins to react violently. Then as it pulses, Mai tightens her fist and the energy erupts like a bomb, blowing the opponent apart around her fist, covering her with blood, and some gore as her fist remains stretched out, pulsing with energy.

Mai Kusanagi was a college student in Osaka Japan. However, one day during her commute through the Shinjuku Bus terminal in Tokyo, the entire place fell under attack by the Tekunin clan, a clan of terrorist cyborgs led by Sektor. The cyborgs were quick to act and completely incinerated the entire terminal while bringing down the buildings with their ballistics. The entire terminal was completely decimated within the span of 5 minutes. Mai Kusanagi was one of the survivors, but her arms and legs, as well as her spine where completely shattered from the debris. Seeing as how his clan needed to grow, Sektor took all of the survivors to the Tekunin base for automation. A background check on Mai indicated that she was a well versed student in the art of Kung Fu. Seeing as she was the most youthful and useful candidate out of the survivors, Sektor order for her to undergo a new, experimental automation procedure. Instead of having her entire body replaced with machines, she would first have her memory wiped and then fitted with a new endo-exoskeleton. A state of the art nano port would replace her broken spine, and new appendages were crafted to link up with. The automation was a success and she became the state of the art recruit for the Tekunin. Her sleek frame and electro manipulation properties made her the top reconnaissance soldier. However, every now and then she would have strange memory lapses rush through her head, crippling her entire body. Sektor knew that this was the side-effect of the memory wipe she received. As such she would go through constant battle training and psycho-therapy to keep her in check. Mai Kusanagi died in Shinjuku, now only the unit known as Mirage remains.
Mirage was recently sent to the recent Mortal Kombat tournament to originally scout for more candidates to be taken in as soldiers for the Tekunin. In the process she ran across Unit LK-7D7 a.k.a. Smoke. However before she could take him, the wraith known as Noob Saibot got to him first and reprogrammed him as his new companion. After reporting her find to Sektor, she was given orders to tail the two fighters and in due time subdue both and bring them to the Tekunin still functional. If the situation became critical she was to terminate them on sight. Mirage would end up following Noob and Smoke to the Netherealm, and witness Noob’s defeat by Ashrahs’ Kriss blade. Although she has acquired her target, she has now become stranded in the Netherealm. Mirage now searches for a way back home to complete her mission, all the while trying to suppress her forgotten memories.
06/15/2005 07:47 PM (UTC)
Name- Oleen Realm- Outworld Alignment- Good Clan- Tarkatans Sex- Female Allies- Mileena, Jade, Kitana Enemies- Baraka Story- Oleen was a Outworld mutant forced by Baraka to fight for Shao Kahn. Oleen had no choice but to accept. Her best friend Mileena saw her in her time of struggle, as much as she detested Edenia, she secretly sent her through the portal to Edenia, where she would become pure, but before she left, Mileena forced her to promise that she would return to Outworld, to avoid suspicion from Baraka. Oleen made her promised and left for the portal. Alternate Story- once Oleen stepped upon Edenian soil, she became pure and holy, but she still remained looking like a gruesome tarkatan creature, Jade found her, she intened on killing her, but she sensed good in her heart. She took her to Kitana, who casted a spell of beauty upon her. Oleen then stayed in Edenia for many seasons, fighting as a freedom fighter along with Jade and the princess, and slowly forgot about her promise. Ending- Baraka and his hoards had traveled to Edenia to capture Oleen and make her pay for her treachery. but before that Oleen found herself in the middle of her longtime friend Mileena, and her new ones, Jade and Kitana. She had to choose between living in an idle paradise, or being forced to kill innocent people. Mileena found herself being attacked by the three Edenians. Oleen chose to stay with her new allies, and fight off the Outworld mutants. As Baraka found Mileena on the ground, moments from death, his vile savages attacked the Edenian forces. The Edenian freedom fighters easily beat the tarkatans, because the Outworlders were outnumbered. Oleen stood over Baraka, and slowly ripped him apart, for ever forcing her to fight by his side. Hair- Black, goes down to center of back Eyes- Brown Costume- Similar to Jade's alternate, but white. Head band, hair down. Fighting Styles- Fan Zi, Ba Gua (taught to by Jade, and Kitana) Weapon- foot long tarkatan like blades sticking out of the 2nd bend of her fingers (10) (put a ruler on that part and see what it's like)
~Crow~ Wrote:
Let's see some future character ideas, people. I have one or two female characters I'm working on myself... well, one more than the other. Though I really don't agree with the majority of people who posted in this thread (character tastes, anyway), I'd still like to hear some ideas...

Crow, I sent you my character concept for Leah. The story isn't great, but at least she's female. lol. I don't feel like hunting it down and posting it here at the moment.

Well, there has been at least one new female character in every MK so far, so I don't see why they shouldn't have more new females in MK:7.

MK 1 - Sonya (Sonya should come back with a new enemy and new allies.)
MK 2 - Jade, Kitana, Mileena (Jade and Kitana should come back since Kitana was freed by Jade and Sindel supposedly. Mileena and Baraka have outstayed their welcome in MK. They're starting to get boring.)
MK 3 Series - Khameleon, Sheeva, Sindel (Sindel should come back and fight alongside Kitana and Jade again. I think the game will be just fine without Khameleon unless she has some storyline with Reptile.)
MK M - Jataaka, Kia, Sareena, Tasia (Sareena and maybe another should come back with Quan Chi. The other two, we could do without.)
MK 4 - Tanya (Tanya should come back because I just like her smile )
MK DA - Frost, Li Mei, Nitara (Li Mei continues to switch from good to evil. She needs to come back and make up her mind. Nitara could come back as a mysterious fighter against evil. Frost, though she was pretty cool, shouldn't come back in my opinion.)
MK D - Ashrah, Kira (Ashrah really has no purpose now since she's out of the Netherrealm now. Kira should come back with Kabal.)

Did I leave any out? Anyway, MK 7 should at least have one new female.
06/19/2005 11:04 PM (UTC)
1- Sonya & Mileena (sorry couldn't decide, I love the ass kicking chosen Earth female fighter and the complex and psycho clone)
3- Sindel (This has to be the hottest queen in video games)
4- Tanya (Loving the rivalry with Jade and loving her backstabbing story)
5- Jade (Love her Amazonian feel and look)
6- Ashrah (I like her style, her actions and from her bio in MKD the way she thinks and feels)
7- Nitara (She's a vampire and I love her gothic skull & chains dark charm)
8- Li Mei (I like the way the evilness from the DKs warrior is pulling her toward evil
9-Frost (Although at first I hated her I've grown to like her, shes a pretty cool character with a nice thirst for power which she may never recieve)
10- Kira ( I also hated her at first but I like her look, traditional thug mixed with club girl mixed with club whore , nice)
11- Sheeva (She desperatley needs to return, people feel shes just Goro with a chest but how else are they supposed to make a female shokan? I liked her.
12-Khameleon- I liked Khameleons story but not her look, I would like her like reptile is now kind of only more human than reptile
14- Sareena Never really appealled to me. Anything to do with Sub-Zero, older Sub-Zero and Quan Chi I just zone out. But she could be a good character if she actually made it into a game people will play
15- Kitana- My least favourite character because shes been there a decade and no character development! She's just been there to keep fans happy. I used to like her in MKII but after that I felt her getting boring and useless. I want her to fight Mileena to spice things up but because Mileena's story has become so interesting right now I want Mileena to win. But you Mileena's a bitch so she wouldn't just kill her, just lock her up for a while like Kitana did to her.
06/19/2005 11:32 PM (UTC)
Li Mei is my all time favorite. I hope she returns in the future. I also hope maybe she completely turned evil. Maybe if the Dragon King is alive or the Dragon King gave her his left over power, she could be the Dragon Queen. You know: with dragon wings, dragon eyes and a tail. OR maybe she turned into a dragon herself. Wouldnt that be interesting. She could even be a sub-boss or a boss if you use your imagination grin.
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