The alignments of the new characters
posted06/16/2014 08:48 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
While it's obviously too early to tell which of the new characters are good, evil, or neutral, we can still speculate. What do you think will be each new characters' alignment, and what would you personally want it to be?

D'Vorah: She'll probably be evil, being a humanoid insect and all, though neutral like Nitara is also a possibility. Personally, I'd be fine with her being neutral, but her being good could truly be fascinating. Not that she can't be interesting if she's evil.

Cassie: She seems to have good written all over her, but then again, so did Tanya in MK4. Part of me hopes she's good, since I like her and all, but her turning out to be a villain could make a great twist. Her being neutral seems almost impossible, but we'll see.

Kotal Kahn: Cassie's opposite. He seems to scream "evil", and not just because of his last name. I'll just wait and see. A hero ripping out hearts and drinking their blood sounds hilarious to me. Especially if it's not a biological need like it is for Nitara.

Ferra/Torr: They just strike me as good. But one of them could end up betraying the other.
06/14/2014 03:44 PM (UTC)
D'Vora - evil / neutral

Kotal Kahn - definitely evil

Ferra / Torr - evil

Cassie Cage - good
06/14/2014 03:56 PM (UTC)
Interesting thread. My thoughts:

D'Vorah - Looks evil/neutral. I hope they don't make her Reptile 2.0 with her species being extinct and what not. Really hope there's a deep story behind her.

Kotal Kahn - Evil. Definitely. As you said, a God drinking blood doesn't scream hero to me.

Cassie - Good. I'd love it if they changed things up and made her evil but I doubt it.

Ferra/Torr - I disagree with you. They look evil to me. Well at last Ferra does. Torr might be neutral but too dependent to chose on his own.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/14/2014 04:28 PM (UTC)
D'voure- Neutral but leans on the good side for specific reasons.
Ferra/Torr- Evil
Koto Kahn- Neutral
Cassie CAGE- Good obviously
06/14/2014 04:35 PM (UTC)
Ferra/Torr - neutral
Cassie Cage - evil
D'Vorah - evil
Kortal Kahn - good
06/14/2014 04:40 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
D'voure- Neutral but leans on the good side for specific reasons.
Ferra/Torr- Evil
Koto Kahn- Neutral
Cassie CAGE- Good obviously

Before you saw Tanya's MK4 ending, would you have said that she was obviously good, or obviously evil? We might end up seeing something similar happen with Cassie.
06/14/2014 04:47 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
D'voure- Neutral but leans on the good side for specific reasons.
Ferra/Torr- Evil
Koto Kahn- Neutral
Cassie CAGE- Good obviously

Before you saw Tanya's MK4 ending, would you have said that she was obviously good, or obviously evil? We might end up seeing something similar happen with Cassie.

True stuff, there.

I think it's safe to say everyone thought Tanya was good until we saw her ending. It could be very possible that Cassie Cage is among the evil new characters.
06/14/2014 05:00 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
D'voure- Neutral but leans on the good side for specific reasons.
Ferra/Torr- Evil
Koto Kahn- Neutral
Cassie CAGE- Good obviously

Before you saw Tanya's MK4 ending, would you have said that she was obviously good, or obviously evil? We might end up seeing something similar happen with Cassie.

True stuff, there.

I think it's safe to say everyone thought Tanya was good until we saw her ending. It could be very possible that Cassie Cage is among the evil new characters.

Yeah but this is the child of two Earthrealm defenders, I get the idea of someone you wouldn't expect betraying the good guys but that's not her role. We don't need an Earthrealm Tanya, and even if it does happen that will go to someone else.
06/14/2014 05:19 PM (UTC)
razz2d2 Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
D'voure- Neutral but leans on the good side for specific reasons.
Ferra/Torr- Evil
Koto Kahn- Neutral
Cassie CAGE- Good obviously

Before you saw Tanya's MK4 ending, would you have said that she was obviously good, or obviously evil? We might end up seeing something similar happen with Cassie.

True stuff, there.

I think it's safe to say everyone thought Tanya was good until we saw her ending. It could be very possible that Cassie Cage is among the evil new characters.

Yeah but this is the child of two Earthrealm defenders, I get the idea of someone you wouldn't expect betraying the good guys but that's not her role. We don't need an Earthrealm Tanya, and even if it does happen that will go to someone else.

Just because she's the child of two heroes, doesn't mean she can't end up evil. I do believe some sociopaths are born that way, genetically flawed brain and all. Do you think Tanya's upbringing led to her becoming evil? All we know about her father is that he was an Edenian Ambassador. We know nothing about her mother. So, can her evil be explained as her being the child of a politician? In that case, Kitana should have been evil too, being royalty and all, but she's not. We had no reason to believe Tanya was evil, not even any subtle hints. The same is true of Cassie right now. Though unlike Tanya, if Cassie turns out evil, we'll likely get an explanation as to why in the story mode.

With that said, while Cassie being evil could make an interesting twist, on the other hand, every human women other than Sonya have been evil. Kira, Tasia from MK: Special Forces if you count her, and Frost, even though her kind isn't from Earth but she was born there, so she sort of counts as human. So perhaps she should be good after all, or neutral, which would be even less expected than her being evil.
06/14/2014 05:20 PM (UTC)
Welp, I feel like:

D'Vorah - Neutral, but leans towards the evil side. Or maybe she'd pull a Sareena, and start off evil and turn good.

Kotal Kahn - I heard he was a demigod, and I thought they tend to be good. I don't know. But he definitely looks evil. Maybe he could be uhh. . . neutral and an anti-hero even.

Ferra/Torr - I could see them being evil. Ferra reminds me of Tira from Soul Calibur, maybe it's the voice. The girl is a lunatic. But, anyways, I can't see them being good.

Cassie Cage - Of course I could see her being good; however, I could see her being. . . unwillingly evil. Maybe doing evil things to save perhaps a captured parent in the story.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/14/2014 07:52 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
D'voure- Neutral but leans on the good side for specific reasons.
Ferra/Torr- Evil
Koto Kahn- Neutral
Cassie CAGE- Good obviously

Before you saw Tanya's MK4 ending, would you have said that she was obviously good, or obviously evil? We might end up seeing something similar happen with Cassie.

But Tanya wasn't the daughter of two earthrealmers? Hell all I knew about her was that she was a chick who wore yellow. It's possible Cassie could be evil but the quote "From the page of Cage!" and bubble gum bubbles makes me doubt that. confused
06/14/2014 08:03 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Interesting thread. My thoughts:

D'Vorah - Looks evil/neutral. I hope they don't make her Reptile 2.0 with her species being extinct and what not. Really hope there's a deep story behind her.

Kotal Kahn - Evil. Definitely. As you said, a God drinking blood doesn't scream hero to me.

Cassie - Good. I'd love it if they changed things up and made her evil but I doubt it.

Ferra/Torr - I disagree with you. They look evil to me. Well at last Ferra does. Torr might be neutral but too dependent to chose on his own.

Cassie being evil would be a great twist. Wont happen tho, but would be great.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/14/2014 08:09 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
D'vorra- Neutral but leans on the good side for specific reasons.
Ferra/Torr- Evil
Koto Kahn- Neutral
Cassie CAGE- Good obviously

This. I expect Kahn to lean on the side of evil but to be out solely for himself, not for any overarching evil plot, and not working with either side.

For some reason, I get a reluctant hero vibe from D'Vorra: dont she'll care about Earthrealm per se, but she'll need to fight on the good guys side.

Ferra/Torr are definitely evil and Cassie is clearly good
06/14/2014 08:15 PM (UTC)
When I was watching the e3 footage, I saw that Ferra/Torr's special intro with Kotal Kahn had Ferra say "We KILL god! We be boss now!" So...I suppose that Ferra/Torr is (are?) Kotal's lackey(s). Good guys with lackeys are rather uncommon so I guess all three of these guys are villains...

(shame, I wanted Kotal to be an unlikely hero!)
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/14/2014 08:19 PM (UTC)
TheBigCityToilet Wrote:
When I was watching the e3 footage, I saw that Ferra/Torr's special intro with Kotal Kahn had Ferra say "We KILL god! We be boss now!" So...I suppose that Ferra/Torr is (are?) Kotal's lackeys. Good guys with lackeys are rather uncommon so I guess all three of these guys are villains...

(shame, I wanted Kotal to be an unlikely hero!)

Just because Kotal Kahn has "lackeys" doesn't mean he's automatically evil. He could still be out for his own agenda. I think this will be more complicated than "Oh he/she is good! Oh he/she is evil!"

Nobody is just plain evil or good. There's complexities which makes it interesting.
06/14/2014 08:51 PM (UTC)
D'Vorah = evil
Kotal Kahn = evil
Ferra/Torr = Neutral
Cassie Cage = good
06/14/2014 09:04 PM (UTC)
The idea of Cassie somehow being evil is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
06/14/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
StrykerKombat Wrote:
D'Vorah = evil
Kotal Kahn = evil
Ferra/Torr = Neutral
Cassie Cage = good

That's my guess. I also think that Ferra/Torr can start out as Evil but then join the Good side after being mistreated or threatened by one of the Evil kombatants. I can see Ferra's personality clash with some Evil characters to the point of this happening imo.
06/14/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
"The idea of Cassie somehow being evil is the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

You know why Game Of Thrones had such a huge success? Because character doesn't remain good or evil. The alignment changes. And why should Cassie be good? We know nothing about her Story and nothing about the story mode and her role in it. Everyone thought Tanya is good at the start ;)
06/14/2014 09:46 PM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
"The idea of Cassie somehow being evil is the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

You know why Game Of Thrones had such a huge success? Because character doesn't remain good or evil. The alignment changes. And why should Cassie be good? We know nothing about her Story and nothing about the story mode and her role in it. Everyone thought Tanya is good at the start ;)

You don't just take the only two surviving heroes from the last game, make them have a kid, then have the kid be evil. And why should she be evil? Just because? For her to just be evil would make absolutely no sense. And we do know she's a part of the Special Forces, just from her moveset alone.

Last time I checked the Special Forces aren't evil. Sure she could be a double agent or something, but I doubt it. And Tanya wasn't the offspring of two heroes.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/14/2014 09:47 PM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
"The idea of Cassie somehow being evil is the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

You know why Game Of Thrones had such a huge success? Because character doesn't remain good or evil. The alignment changes. And why should Cassie be good? We know nothing about her Story and nothing about the story mode and her role in it. Everyone thought Tanya is good at the start ;)

You did play story mode in MK9 didn't you? NRS are not GRRM. And if Martin illustrates anything, its that betrayal for the sake of betrayal is pointless, it has no impact. We see Robb and Cat for three long books, we know them, some people loved them and then we, in about 7 pages, see them brutally murdered. Cassie turning around and shooting her Papa in the skull because Shinnok promised her power (or whatever) wouldn't really have any impact besides "wow, what a bitch"

Also, there's no real good and evil in ASOIAF. There's the Starks, the Lannisters, Targaryens and the one true King, Stannis Baratheon. There's even subtle hints that the Others aren't just a malevolent, pointless evil, Martin has hinted that he intends to write them as a separate culture and species with a stated agenda for a purpose, not just widespread murder for the sake of power (e.g. All MK villains) And again, there's only a few major betrayals, the Boltons and the Freys, although GNC theories will tell you otherwise. But this is getting off topic so I'll stop
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06/14/2014 09:59 PM (UTC)
Good, neutral, evil?

I think we have all grown past 12, so I think we can handle thing a lot more complex than that.

I do not want White and Black. i want grey.There is no pure white and black.

You purposefully give money to the poor guy you found at the metro station. Do you think you have done good? Yes? How about endangering thwe guys life when his fellow downtrotten steal or beat him up for his money?

Think about that.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

06/14/2014 10:02 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
The idea of Cassie somehow being evil is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

06/14/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Good, neutral, evil?

I think we have all grown past 12, so I think we can handle thing a lot more complex than that.

I do not want White and Black. i want grey.There is no pure white and black.

You purposefully give money to the poor guy you found at the metro station. Do you think you have done good? Yes? How about endangering thwe guys life when his fellow downtrotten steal or beat him up for his money?

Think about that.

That's very true...for the real world. However, it did say on one of those descriptors from the press release that the game will introduce "new challengers that represent the forces of good and evil." so it's kinda inevitable to predict and figure out a specific alignment for these new characters and see how their placement is in story when it comes to their roles and which side their fighting for.
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06/14/2014 10:27 PM (UTC)
The moment I saw D'Vorah, her character just screamed 'hermit witch living in a swamp' to me. So I'm going to vote for neutral on her alignment.

Cassie will most likely be a good character, with Ferra/Torr and Kotal Kahn being evil.
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